Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1832: Come to the center of Xinghai, I am waiting for you!

Three escape cabins, like three shells, were forcibly launched.

The airtight gate was slowly closed, and it was like a sharp sickle, which broke the last trace of the white star sword and the starry constellation.

The corner of his mouth evoked a long-awaited smile, and he did not return, and strode toward the bridge.

The old man, who is best at the black and black senior star thief, Xiao Baishui’s chief of staff, Xiao Lishui, appears beside him. His look is completely different from that of a day ago. His gaze to Bai Xingjian has become both awe and kind, and he respectfully said: The report was commanded, everything was arranged, the progress was very smooth, and the Xinghai Jump could be launched at any time.

"And, according to the coordinates given by the commander, we found a twisted world of debris, and found a military warehouse in the Xinghai Empire era. Although most of the magic weapons and materials were destroyed, the remaining resources. A starship in the armed area is more than enough.

"And, we have also found a lot of traces of secret development in this fragmented world. It should be the remains of the blood demon quest team that was left more than a hundred years ago. All the secret lines that have been banned are related to the commander’s ability to tell us. It provides us with great convenience in collecting resources.

"We have carried out a large number of crystal brains, jade slips and various magic weapons units carried out from the 'Black Whirlpool'. The analysis and deciphering work has also been carried out in an all-round way. It will soon be able to resolve the coordinates of a large number of real human core worlds, albeit huge. The fleet could not make a large-scale jump, but it was only our starship that we were sure to jump over.

"Yes, the ultra-long-distance communication magic weapon of the real human empire has also been debugged. We have not left the Tianyuan world. If we upgrade to the limit power, we should be able to contact Tianyuanxing. I have already communicated the communication interface and command of the communication magic weapon. The portable crystal brain is connected together, you can now contact Tianyuanxing.

"Okay, give me five minutes."

The white star sword that walked to the door of the captain's lounge was faint. "After five minutes, let all the brothers open the communication channel. I have something to say to everyone."


The white-haired old star, the thief, has been injected with a new life, and the waist has never been so straight, but it is a rather weird military gift to the white star sword.

That is not the standard military service of the EFF, but... After the improvement of the former "Star Thief to Supreme Heart Sword", the star thief of the spider nest star is more chic and arrogant.

In the captain’s lounge.

Bai Xingjian looked at his own appearance in the mirror and issued the first communication request. There was no picture, only sound.

"Dead old ghost..."

Hearing the sound of the other person's slightly scented taste, Bai Xing's eyes were deeply stunned, quite a bit of a bite of teeth. "Do you **** dare to yin me? I carefully reinvented the whole situation and found you. From the beginning to the end, it was a big lie!

"What ‘As long as I make a fatal blow, I can seal the victory in one fell swoop’, and the ghost is nonsense!

"If there is no Li Yao, the monster will return to Tianyuan with 12 giant soldiers at the last moment, we will not be able to defeat the Black Wind Fleet, and my old brothers who have worked so hard to gather together have only one dead end.

"But the appearance of Li Yao is definitely an accident, and it is impossible to be in your calculations.

"So, you are just betting, betting on the full power of the Big White Fleet and my little life, to gamble on the emergence of a 'miracle', right? And my mother is really bet you!"

I don't know what the metal sound at the other end of the communication channel actually said. The expression of the white star sword is more like a costume. He snorted and continued: "Oh, let's come out as a star thief. Everything is commonplace. Since you have been tricked into chaos, you can only blame me for being stupid.

"I am not angry, just very curious. How do you know all this? Since you know in advance why you don't tell your daughter, you have to tell me that a second-rate character outside the core layer, you are How do you know... my identity?

"I don't want to say it, it's not reluctant. It's also that everyone has their own secrets. Many things are too clear, but they are not interesting, haha.

"Thank you for the information you sent me, and the vast amount of supplies in the world of debris. The amount of supplies is much more unexpected than I expected, and it is much more than the conditions we talked about in advance.

"Reassure, since the ending is still perfect, I won't say anything, even if I really break with the Xingyao Federation, there is no more point, but look at the face of your dead old ghost, when your daughter is in trouble. I will still do my best to help her once, once!

"At last……"

The sound of Bai Xingjian suddenly became very embarrassing. "Do you know, dead old ghosts, I think the most regrettable thing is that we didn't meet when our two physical strengths, spirits and wisdom reached their peak, so I fought hard. A pity, it is a pity that I and Li Yao are like monsters, maybe there is a tit-for-tat day, and you, but there is never a chance.

"The stars are vast, and the guys who are enough to become friends or enemies are few and far between. It’s really helpless. It’s really embarrassing.

"In any case, there will be no future... Gold Surprise!"

Bai Xingjian cut off the communication, and sighed quite a bit, and slammed his face in the mirror. He took out a slightly sardonic smile and brewed it for a long time. This made a second trembling. Road communication request.

This time, there was a light curtain that was covered with snowflakes and severely distorted. It appeared in front of the mirror, and the picture was a bridge that was a mess.

The staff of the Suiyuan Fleet was very happy, and he looked at him like a ghost.

"you you!"

White is happy to dance, I don’t know whether it’s exciting or ecstatic or out of anger. “You... didn’t die, where are you, your signal is actually from the edge of the Tianyuan galaxies, what are you doing, don’t do it. Stupid thing!"


Bai Xing Jian Zi carefully stared at every place on the white happy face, just like to count every single hair, but the mouth said, "We haven’t said anything for so many years, now I am leaving. Can you tell me about these boring things?"

"You have to go? Where are you going!"

White was a little confused, and there was anger in the panic. He punched a punch on the console. "White Star Sword, you won't want to - defect?"

"All said, let you not ask these boring things."

Bai Xingjian took a deep breath and sucked the sourness in the depths of the nose back into his stomach. He said, "You don't have any more important things to ask? Finally, give you a chance, ask."

"You and I……"

Bai Happy was blushing. The senior commander of the EFF corps fleet in his 100s was awkward in front of a "senior". He stumbled for a long time and finally took the courage and bite his teeth. "I want to know forty. Years ago, when you were hitting the realm of Yuan Ying, the truth of the fire!

"Since you entered the original fleet, you have always hated me and even wanted to kill me, right?

"But there is no reason for this disgust and killing. At that time, I didn't know you. I didn't have a bit of hatred. I had some differences in command and training style, but I can't stand what you did. Even if you are really dissatisfied with me, it will never rise to the point of killing me!

"But you just want to kill me, I can clearly feel that the white star sword, or something in your body wants to kill me!

"This kind of killing has reached its limit on the day you hit the Yuan Ying realm. When I appear in front of you, you really can't help but start."

"But why did you completely kill this killing at the last minute, even if you don't hesitate to spur the soul, give up all the life and even the whole life, you must completely smash this killing?

"Don't lie to me, Bai Xingjian, don't lie to me!

"I have spent decades trying to figure out what happened that day. Every detail has been repeated countless times. The truth is like this. There is a force in your body that wants to kill me, but it is hurt by another force." The price has been crushed, suppressed, and annihilated!

"What is going on here, who are you, you, you are... the person I think?"

The white happy voice trembled.

Bai Xingjian was silent for a long time, sighed and said: "So far, there are some things that really don't need to be concealed again. White is happy, knowing why I met you from the first day, I was in a hurry with you, deliberately looking for trouble. Why are you not willing to obey your command, and you will be greatly reprimanded, and your command can be said to be like a shit, stinking?"

"Yes, why?"

White happy holding the back of the chair, straight and gasping, almost standing still unstable.

"only because……"

The ugly face of Bai Xingjian is shining, and the expression has never been so serious. "Because of your commanding ability, the mother is a shit. Would you like me to praise it as a flower?"

White happy: "Ah?"

Bai Xingjian: "Oh, don't think that you have become a great chief of staff of the Suiyuan Fleet. Compared with the really powerful fleet of Xinghai Central, the Suiyuan Fleet has nothing to do, a bunch of chickens and dogs! Go back and practice for a hundred and eighty years, then come to the old man to blow the air!"

White happy: "You -"


The eyes of Bai Xingjian suddenly became very soft, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but smile. "You were in the final battle of yesterday, with five giant soldiers in the starship destroying the inside of the starship, still able to firmly control The Hsiaoyuan speeding forward, there is still a little bit of a little bit of little potential, maybe one day, can you really grow a flower in the shit?"

White is completely confused, stunned, and can't speak for a long time.

"In short, after I left, no one will wipe your butt, and stinky boy, everything depends on himself, so do it yourself!"

Bai Xing Kendo said, "I have left something in your house. It is such a small care that has been commanding the fleet for so many years. How many things can be found, you can see it yourself!

"By the way, your son... is very handsome and looks smarter than you."

"Have you been to my house? How is it possible? You are not always doing deep space exercises outside?"

Bai Happy is going to jump up: "Hey, don't cut off the communication, make it clear, Bai Xingjian, are you really him, whether it is me or not?"

"Want to know the answer?"

Bai Xingjian smiled and said, "Then become the real superfleet commander, then come to the center of Xinghai, I am waiting for you there!"

He licked his finger for a long time and finally pressed it down and cut off the video call!

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