Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1834: Pediatric

When the reborn king of the Star Thieves rushed to the stars in the midst of a wolverine, the capital of the Starry Federation was also welcoming a new dawn.

Although the first rays of the torn clouds have appeared in the horizon, there are some golden and red flames on the horizon, but most of the sky is still covered by darkness. The temperature is close to zero, like freezing the night. I don't know how long it will take for the true light to come.

For all the middle school students in Tiancheng, especially the students living in the city, this is an unforgettable night.

The large evacuation for young people has started since yesterday, and the children who are evacuated in turn are kindergarten children, primary school students and some junior high school students.

But before the junior high school students were completely evacuated to the underground battle fortune, the evacuation operation was somehow temporarily interrupted. Only a few EFF troops were stationed in the various middle schools to let these **** and restless boys and girls, in the long guns and short guns. In the forest of swords, I spent a sleepless night.

Everyone knows that the battle for the fate of the Federation is going on in the sky, but the news of the starry battlefield is still blocked. The federal government’s announcement is also an old-fashioned turnaround. The citizens should stay at home or school as much as possible, and listen to the EFF and the police. Command, maintain the basic social order, and require all veterans and self-cultivators who have awakened Linggen to report to the nearest military station, or else register on the Internet, access the "National Battle Network", and wait for the next task assignment. .

As for the outcome of the decisive battle, no child knows yet.

"Fat, fast, fast!"

"Big head, you are a little whispered, clumsy, knowing that you will not bring you, no one can run out of trouble!"

"Jump, you are jumping fast, all three of us are following you. If you dare not jump, what are you going to do with us?"

In the remote corner of Tiancheng No. 29 High School, an unremarkable high wall has jumped three high school students, three men and one woman.

When the girl jumped down, she seemed to have smashed her foot and gave a soft "Oh," and was complained by three boys.

Subsequently, the fat man supported the girl, and the four men crept and sneaked into the city.

The four high school students are the most energetic and aggressive ages. Their parents are members of the EFF. They grew up listening to the battle stories of the EFF and the self-cultivators, and they have no doubt that one day, perhaps today, they themselves. Will take over the banner of the father, become a new story, the new protagonist.

The boy’s lips had just grown thin fluff, and the girl’s chest was just as bulging as the squirting ball last summer, but they felt that they had grown up, qualified and able to go to work. No matter what you do, you can do it.

The students were stunned in the dormitory for a night, like a group of sly chickens being locked in a tight paper box, and they were so breathless that the four of them volunteered to go outside to find some latest news. .

"We are going to the 'Federal Square' in the city center, which is very close to the 'Federal News Center'. No matter what the latest news will be on the big light curtain of the Federation Square, the first time will be released."

The four high school students pretended to be very sophisticated, and explained to the students, "Moreover, even if there is no news on the Federal Square, look at the movements and momentum of the EFF on the street, you can guess it."

In this way, the four high school students came out and swaggered, marching from the dark night to the dawn.

With the hope of the whole class, there is a sense of violating the school rules and breaking the taboos. Two very different feelings turn into a fresh and exciting force, like pressing eight springs under their feet. Let them run all the way.

The city at the moment is very different from the street scene they saw in the daytime.

Traffic control was implemented in the sky, and there was no endless stream of shuttles, but occasionally some steel warhawk-like military battles passed by.

Temporary fortifications were built on the street, many spar chariots were parked, and the building materials and psionics of large bags and small bags were on standby, and they could be upgraded to semi-permanent fortifications at any time. Flattened to the ground, it will never be left to the posture of the immortal.

In the past, the high-rise buildings, the glass windows were all covered by layers of armored steel plates, like rows of tombstones without words, quietly telling the determination of the federal people to fight to the end.

"Look at it!"

The girl suddenly pointed at the distance and sent a horror.

The boys looked down at her fingers and saw that between the tall buildings in the city center, hundreds of taller and thicker beams of light were raised than the skyscrapers.

The milky white light beam rises like a gun barrel perpendicular to the ground, piercing the dark clouds all the way and piercing into the sky.

Even the strong dark clouds can not withstand the power of the light column, and they have spread a large wave around them. It seems that the next second will be completely shredded to reveal the blue sky.

"Is that a cannon?"

The girl’s voice was a little trembling, and she was deeply shocked by this magnificent scene.

"No, it is the highest level of defense in Tiancheng."

The shortest of the four, the boy with round glasses, "I heard my dad say that this defensive array can open a giant psionic shield with a diameter of more than three hundred kilometers, enough to withstand Living indiscriminately from outside the atmosphere... at least twenty-four hours."

The teenagers are silent.

Also remembered the rumors of various people's hearts last night.

It is said that once the real human empire expeditionary army wins the battle of the Xinghai, it will sway and appear in the sky above the stars.

They don't have to hit the ground at all. It is very likely that they will drag a large number of giant meteorites, install the cheapest power unit on the rocky buttocks, and then use a large piece of meteorite to accurately bombard the Tiandu and major industrial cities without any street fighting. Can completely kill the will of the federal people.

"In any case... we will win."

The fat man waved his arm and bit his teeth. "In case the starry sky can't keep it, we will retreat to the mountains to fight guerrillas. Ten, twenty, fifty, and ten years, we will recapture the federation one day!"


The teenager with a particularly big head is serious. "Think about it, the old Terran used it for 30,000 years to regain the Xinghai. What has been counted for decades? We will win!"

The chilly chill entered the collar and cuffs, causing the four teenagers to shudder deeply.

But they did not retreat to this point, but instead of the cold wind, continue to move forward.

When they didn't go far, when they passed by an artificial lake, they accidentally found an old man by the lake.

The old man was wrapped in metal all over his body, and his face was just a cold mask. It should be a ghost repair that accidentally lost his body.

The reason why he said that he is "the old man", because his movements are very stiff, just like the rust on his body, he will fall apart at any time.

When they saw the old man, the old man was doing a common thing at the lakeside, but it was quite unusual to feed the birds.

There are many birds on the artificial lakeside, and people are often used to feed birds.

But no one like this ghostly old man, can attract so many birds, not only appearing beside him, but even falling on him, like he has a natural closeness with him, not at all Fear of this cold mechanical body.

"It's amazing, how can he do it?"

"When the soldiers are in disorder, how can someone feed the birds here? Who is he?"

"I seem to have seen this old grandfather, yes, it is him. I often come here to feed the birds. I like to go back to the artificial lake in the early morning to recite the ancient runes. I have seen him several times. He seems to be next to the library. Know the archivist of the archives.

"But in the past, his movements have to be a lot more clumsy. Once he fell for a long time, he couldn't climb up, or I helped him up, and there wouldn't be so many birds falling on him..."

The young people talked a lot and their curiosity rose.

I want to let the girl who knows this grandfather come forward and ask, "唿啦啦", all the birds in the archivist have all flew up, with a faint flash of light, smashed and rushed Clouds.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

In the metal chest of the archivist, a thunderous laughter was heard, and the four teenagers were shocked.

The old man was no one, unscrupulous, and smiled sullenly, and the whole world was filled with his own laughter. Even the dark clouds that covered the sky, they smashed a gap in the laughter and burst into a golden light. !

Laughing and laughing, the voice and breath of the old man are gradually weakening.

He used to lie on the ground to teasing the birds. At this moment, he couldn't support the heavy body. He sat down on the ground, and the huge head fell down by an inch.

"Old grandfather!"

The girl was in a hurry, the first one rushed up, the three boys followed, and went to help the old man, but the old archivist waved his hand at the children, indicating that they would not come over.


The file manager said very clearly.

Then, in his metal skull, there was a burst of black flames.

The black flames are screaming and struggling, and there is a kind of unwilling and hateful power that is being burned and annihilated!

With the annihilation of this force, the archivist's last life disappeared, as if a burning golden match became gray and white.

When the girl finally lifted the old man up, he only had time to hear him with a vague voice, and finally said something strange, and in the light metal chest, he couldn’t make any more noise.

The boys shouted and shouted on the street. Three minutes later, they finally called the police and the EFF. After a while, the ambulance arrived in time.

This was originally a very common death of the elderly, and it was not surprising that it happened to the ghosts of the old man.

However, when the doctors uncovered the old metal cover of the old man and found traces of brain cells left in it, things became strange.

When the police inquired about the number on the righteous body of the old man and found that it was an illegally registered body that was not officially registered, the difficulty level of the case was increased by several levels.

"You said that before he died, he said something strange, what is it?"

The police frowned deeply and stared at the four boys and girls who were uneasy and overwhelmed.

The teenagers looked at each other. It was a very awkward and awkward words. They couldn’t figure out what it meant for a while.

"Don't worry, let's think slowly, even if we don't understand the meaning, we can repeat the syllables, which is very important to confirm the identity of the deceased."

I changed a policewoman and said very calmly and very firmly.

The teenagers scratched their heads, but they still couldn’t think of it.

Just then, a flash of roaring sounded on the horizon, and the sun finally broke away from the shackles of darkness after a fierce battle, and leaped high.

In the direction of the city center, there was a burst of joy and noisy, like what a great news, turned into a boiling storm, is about to sweep the entire city, the entire planet, the entire federation.

The girl rounded her eyes and she finally understood what the last sentence of the old man muttered.

"I, I know, the old man's last words seem to be"

She whipped up the gang, learned the old archivist, looked at the vastness of the distant and distant places, relieved, and was very pleased: "Children, breaking thieves..." (to be continued...)

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