Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1835: Big 仗

Located in the center of the near-Earth orbit defense line "Tianyuan Iron Wall", the No. 9 Star Wars Fortress, which was transformed from the entire resource planet, is the last and largest space fortress in the entire defense line.

Among them, the "Five Star Harbor" can accommodate more than ten starships and hundreds of traffic boats landing at the same time. Every second, there are countless ray of light sweeping over it.

The Xingyao Federation implements a dual-track military system in which the EFF and the sectarian sects go hand in hand. The folks also have many strong and even elite sects.

After the war began, these strong men gathered in accordance with the instructions of the to assemble themselves in various Star Wars battles, and then listened to the unified command and rushed to the battlefield.

At this moment, there are a lot of strong people still stranded in the fifth star port, waiting to set off to chase the empire's collapsed fleet, many of whom are well-informed and fascinated.

And a lot of war correspondents are gathered here, and there is a one-on-one interview with the ordinary strong, while waiting for the battlefield to be slightly stable, after getting approval from the EFF, you can go to a more advanced place and start a real interview. .

Therefore, when the models were strange and painted, the ship’s first battle of the dragon and the phoenix dance, the mighty starship slowly landed, dozens of super-premium masters and influential figures from various industries, slowly entering When Star Harbor, many strong people and reporters recognized their identity.

A few of them stood out from the crowd, and they provoked a burst of exclamation and discussion.

"Then, that is the son of one of the most powerful people in the Federation, 'The sword of Peng Hai', the 'Magic sword Peng Lie'? It is really domineering, it is unstoppable, it is like a cold sword, even a starship can A sword is cut off! No wonder you can become the commander of the EFF's most elite special force 'Dragon'!"

"Who is standing next to him, even without being affected by Peng Lie's momentum, the light that erupted from the bottom of the eye is even stronger than Peng Lie! What, he is Wu Ma Xuan? Wu Mayan and Xie An'an Son, the true disciple of 'Eclipse eclipse Jiang Shaoyang', is the most powerful master in the younger generation of the Federation. When he was young, he refines the super-crystal scorpion and won the title of "Witcher"?

"The guy who has the hair raised on his butt, wearing a pair of big sunglasses, and laughing very badly... Wow, that, then, isn't that night sand? Now it's all over the federation of thousands of boys and girls, hot to the extreme. Big star!"

"It’s just that the big stars are so simple. The old man is the blood demon kingdom and even the leading federal powerhouse 'fire ant king.' The performance is just his hobby. He is a 'medierist' with strong spiritual combat power. When you sing and dance, you can raise your hands and smile, and you can spur the power of the infinitely powerful spirit, and the tyrannical to the extreme!"

"This, so many strong people, have gathered here at the same time, why?"

"And do you feel it? The leaders of the younger generations of the new federation have long been used to the big winds. Even if they are surrounded by 10,000 reporters, they will not wrinkle their brows. Today it seems a bit odd. ”

"Nervous! Yes, they look quite nervous!"

"How, how is it possible, with their family and status, and their own arrogant strength, what can make them nervous like this? Even the night sand that is usually used to show up in the spotlight is nervous. Going straight to the eyelids, deliberately wearing sunglasses to cover up, too exaggerated!"

The reporters looked at each other and were very keenly aware that a big news that was earth-shattering might be hidden somewhere behind them!

Not waiting for the reporter to be surrounded by the tide, dozens of strong men such as the magic sword Peng Lie, Wu Ma Xuan, night Liusha, etc. quickly rushed into several military shuttles and hurried away.

The reporters were annoyed, and they were more curious. They were so hurried, like a tentative decision, and they were so nervous that they couldn’t even cover up. What are they going to do or who to see? ?

On the military shuttle bus, Wu Ma Xuan, the night sand and the magic sword Peng Lie nodded to each other.

Although they have long been familiar with each other, after the new federal development, they are scattered all over the Xinghai, and they have become brilliant in their respective fields. They have become the important figures of the day and the world, but they have not gathered together for so much time.

When I saw it today, the three people couldn’t help but come together. It’s not because of the past friendship, but because of the person they are going to meet.

tension! The reporters in the Fifth Star Harbor guessed that they were all right. The three stars collapsed before they did not change color. The best young people in the new generation of the Federation are really nervous and cold, and they are cold and sweaty, such as needles and felts.

"I didn't expect that we could see his mythical character one day!"

The commander of the squadron's elite special brigade "Dragon Scorpion", the magic sword Peng Lie laughed, "I was a child, but he was regarded as the most admired idol, in order to become the highest goal of him, but put his Brother, the old man in my family is very angry."

"Who said no?"

Wu Ma Xuan also said with emotion, "Even my master ‘ Eclipse Jiang Shaoyang’ is so proud and arrogant, no one is in the eye, the only thing that is deeply taboo is his old man.

"I did not agree with it. I think that his former means are so superb. After all, it is more than a hundred years ago. The world is developing. He has been hibernating for a hundred years. Where can he be stronger and stronger?"

"Unexpectedly, he only made a slight adjustment on the refining crystal shovel, which made me in vain for a day and night. It was terrible and terrible!"

"In the past, I don’t have to say anything, I will say this time."

The night sands combed a messy long hair, and smiled bitterly. "Single-handedly solved the crisis of Baihuacheng, and led the eleven Yuan Yingfeng and even the gods, and drove the twelve giant soldiers from the sky. We didn't shoot the film." Out of such an exaggerated story!"

"You said, 'What kind of person is the Three Realms and Vultures?"

"Is it really so wise in the book, steadfast, calm, and upright, and take the world as your duty?"

"That may not be the case. There is too much water in this kind of propaganda. It is not bad to have a half sentence in ten sentences. However, the wise **** is not necessarily, but it must be a special domineering, especially prestige, maybe even very strict. The most powerful old monster of the era!"

The three people talked a lot, and the more they talked, the more they talked, and even let the night sands give some psychological hints to each other. Later, they saw the vultures of Li Yao, the old man, and never be shocked by the boundless domineering of the other peers. What is wrong with the move.

If you lose ugly in front of many elders and strong people, it will not turn over for half a lifetime.

In a short while, the four shuttles stopped at the edge of a secret base with a high level of defense.

They arrived at the latest, condescending, looking forward to seeing hundreds of strong people and more crystals gathered inside and outside the base, like a silent steel jungle.

The strong psionic waves slammed together, and it was like a violent ocean, rolling up huge waves.


Many juniors just got off the shuttle bus, Wu Ma Xuan saw his father Wu Mayan, although he had already confirmed the injury in the Linghe biography book, this time it is still inevitable to step forward, urgently, "You are fine. What?"

"Small injury, not in the way."

Wu Mayan smiled slightly, patted his son's shoulder, and nodded to the "Magic sword Peng Lie".

Li Yao and the father of "Magic Peng Lie" are the brothers and sisters. Peng Hai is the first guide for Li Yao on the road of comprehension. Li Yao values ​​this relationship very much.

Wu Ma Yan is the chief disciple of Li Yao, and the "Magic Sword Peng Lie" is naturally a peer, and can not be treated like a junior.

"Slightly safe."

Wu Mayan glanced at the thoughts of the three people. "Master has just cultivated for 12 hours in the 'Shard World'. The physical and spiritual consumption is too high. It is recovering in the medical cabin and it immediately came out. ""

"So crazy?"

Wu Ma Xuanyuan’s eyes widened and he exclaimed, “Have his old man not only had a lot of battles with the immortals and the extraterrestrial demons yesterday, but also the scars and excessive overdraft, how have they started such high-intensity cultivation today? , for 12 hours?"

"The way of cultivation, such as sailing against the water, if you don't advance, then you can retreat. There is no one second to relax."

The magic sword Peng Lidao said, "Perhaps, it is such a crazy and persistent cultivation attitude that it has created the unique "vulture Li Yao" in the whole country!"


Wu Mayan nodded, and he said, "My master is an uncompromising cultivation madman. As early as more than one hundred years ago, his cultivation method has been so crazy. Yesterday his injury has just improved, he can't wait. I went into the world of debris with my teacher, saying that I have to compare it and see how many new supernaturals I have mastered in a hundred years, and to what extent both of them have been seriously injured, but they are Vultures and 'Red Flame Dragon King', how can we stop these few disciples?

"I thought they were just a simple discussion, but they didn't expect to practice for so long. The two men spelled out the real fire, and the whole world of debris was beaten by them!"

"The world of debris is being blown up?"

Wu Ma Xuan, the night sand and the magic sword Peng Lie stunned, it is impossible to imagine what a spectacular sight. "Too, too exaggerated, too crazy!"

"If you are not crazy, how can you count it as 'vulture Li Yao' and 'Red Flame Dragon King Ding Bell'?"

Wu Mayan paused, suddenly suddenly, "They are coming!"

The three men of Wu Ma Xuan have not seen the two figures floating slowly from above the cultivation room, and there is a tidal roar in the ear.

Thousands of top-ranking masters from the Yao Shi Group, the Double Skull Club, the Tianhuo Organization, the Patriot Front, the Secret Swords Bureau and the Haoyue Foundation... many super-powers, honoured and respectfully shouted: "Welcome home , President Li!"

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