Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1836: It’s good to go home.

The swords are made into mountains, the swords and guns are like forests, and thousands of foundations, knots, and even Yuan Ying masters are crying from the heart, gathering together into a wave of rolling, spreading in all directions.

The entire space fortress felt the power of shock. Even on the starship flying on the back of the planet, people suddenly opened their eyes and did not understand what happened.

Li Yao was not used to this kind of cheering scene. When he was physically and mentally a little empty, he snorted and whispered to Ding Ling: "Not a very simple welcome ceremony, just like a big guy. Do you know, how come there are so many people?"

"It's already very simple, or do you think?"

Ding Ling also lowered his voice. "Shuangyuhui, Yaoshi Group and Tianhuo Organization, you are the founders. You are gorgeous, and their core layer is going to come to see you in love. Now they are all horizontal. Crossing the behemoths of the seven worlds, coughing gently, you can easily get together three or five million people. They reduced the number of people and reduced them, and eventually compressed to more than a thousand. It is already the limit!"


Li Yaoqiang resisted the urge to scratch his hair.

He may not be a very low-key person, but he still can't help himself to accept thousands of masters. In this form of commemoration, they are extremely revered and even have some "fear" eyes, so that Li Yao is both awkward and awkward, and the goose bumps are getting faster. It is.

After all, he still does not belong to such a scene, not the "Three Realms" that they are looking forward to!

Fortunately, the name "Li Huichang" sounds pretty barely.

Regarding how people should call him, Li Yao also discussed with Ding Ling for a long time, mainly because his situation is quite special, and the whole federal government could not find a second similar example.

In my heart, he never looked at himself as an unattainable big man. Except for his disciples and younger generations, he can directly call him "Lee Yao" or "Yao Ge".

This is naturally impossible.

In the federation, there is great military power and fame like him, but there is no strong government in the government, and there is no strong sectarian position. Usually, the word "old" can be added after the surname to show respect.

However, the title of "Li Lao" is really strange. It sounds like there is no "Lie Lao Mo" to be comfortable, and will be laughed at by Long Yangjun.

"Li's predecessor" is too tacky, "Li Zhenren" is too old, his hometown is Fu Gecheng, according to unwritten rules, he can also call him "Li Fu Ge", but after all, it feels weird.

In the end, Li Yao discovered that in his name, Ding Ling took out some of the assets he had left in the past to create a foundation to help the war.

For the position of the president of the foundation, Li Yao did not reject it very much. It was not too exaggerating to call him "Li, the president."

"Tough it."

Ding Ling took hold of his arm. "I was not used to it when I returned to the Confederacy from the Netherland and the Tianhuan. But after all, it was such an occasion, and I could not do too much."

"Now it's still a small scene. In the past two days, I really became the highest speaker of the federation. You are the spouse of the speaker. I want to attend the big scene together and be stared at by one hundred billion eyes. What should I do?"

"Is there still such a thing?"

Li Yaofei blinked quickly. "I thought that after the main force of the Black Wind Fleet was defeated, your mission has been completed and you can retreat to the mountains!"

"How can it be?"

Ding Ling said, "The war is far from over. Do you think that the remnants of the Black Wind Fleet will surrender so easily? The next step is to chase and ruin the battle and annihilate the war. Besides, how can the election of the Federal Speaker be such a big event? It’s changed, I want to change, the Patriots behind me can’t make me change! Forget it, don’t say so much, everyone is watching you, let’s say a few words!”


The water is leaking, and it is a military base of people, but it is a very strange silence.

Everyone held their breath and stared at Li Yao in the air. It was not much taller than them.

Then, that is the legendary "Three Realms, Vultures Li Yao", super invincible, big hero, what exactly will he say?

Li Yao’s face is a bit hot.

I didn't expect to come to so many people. The drafts I just made were not suitable.

The scene in front reminds him of the scene that was crowded by the masses in Baihua City not long ago. He remembered the moment when everyone resonated and sang the federal national anthem in unison.

It was a big surprise for everyone. He turned his legs together, but he bowed deeply to everyone, as if he was paying tribute to everyone.

"Thank you all for coming here for miles and washing the dust for me."

Li Yaodao, "I am very sorry about something. Maybe everyone has misunderstood me. When you have been in contact for a long time, you will know that I am not a propaganda album or the "Three Realms, Vultures Li Yao" in various movies and games. Yes, how to say it, and a person who is completely opposite to the propaganda.

"I didn't do anything to do anything like 'Millennial, turn the tide.' On the contrary, it is not so much that I saved the Federation, it is not that the thousands of federal people who formed the Star Alliance, saved themselves and saved. I.

"If not so many ghosts trapped in the virtual world are awakened at the same time, and given me endless power, the extraterrestrial demon of Baihuacheng will not be so easily defeated, and maybe even I will become its embarrassment.

"If it weren't for the Tianyuan Fleet, the Suiyuan Fleet, the Great White Fleet, and you, the **** battle that was forgotten in Tianyuanjie would not last until the moment we arrived, and it would not create a perfect opportunity for us to successfully smash. The gate of the empire's starry sky.

"More importantly, if not everyone has been sweating, quietly devoting, and doing everything they can to burn themselves in the past 100 years, building the Starry Federation into such a strong country, it can not attract any friends, and it can not resist. Any enemy.

"Really, thank you for all your efforts and sacrifices, which will allow me to return to such a wonderful hometown after a hundred years of sleep.

"Go home feeling good!"

After Li Yao finished, he was deeply embarrassed to everyone, revealing the gratitude from the heart.

No matter what he is facing, it is a nominal subordinate, a younger generation or a student. If there is a real "gratefulness", it is accompanied by a powerful and energetic energy, which is instantly transmitted to everyone, so that everyone can give birth to a "spring breeze". The subtle feeling of "face".

The entire military base continues to be immersed in silence.

Everyone opened his mouth slightly, his face was shocked and surprised.

What makes them feel shocked is naturally Li Yao’s control over psionic power. It is so powerful that it is not high or low, but it is comfortable to appear in everyone’s ears, as if Li Yao stood on them. One meter in front of them, expressing gratitude to them “face to face”, no matter the front row or the last party, the people who are hundreds of meters apart, the sounds heard by everyone are the same level and clarity!

Surprisingly, it is naturally the content of Li Yao’s remarks. They originally thought that Li Yao would not say anything about the bureaucracy, at least he should say something high-rise and full of pride!

Unexpectedly, it was such a simple vernacular, such a "three-zone supreme", but it is too different from their imagination.

Wu Ma Xuan, the night Liusha and the magic sword Peng Lie face each other, they thought they were not listening to anything.

Wu Mayan has a dry cough, but he has long known that Master is a virtue, but he has never said this in front of the juniors, especially in front of his son. He has always been a master of the wise and arrogant, and he feels full of his son. The eyes of the question mark swept him from behind, and he was a little embarrassed.

Ding Ling is happy: "Just like this?"

Li Yao blinked: "No?"

Ding Ling said: "I thought you would play the singularity of the "Three Realms" and pretend to be a model!"

"Forget it, it’s all from the family, and what kind of equipment is installed by the family. Naturally, what is said?"

Li Yao grinned. "Even if you really want to install it, you will have the opportunity to go to the center of Xinghai in the future, to install it in front of the imperials and the sacred people, and to play the prestige in the Pangu and the extraterrestrial demons. That is fun!"


Ding Ling is arrogant, "If you are not entangled in the 'Candidate for the Federal Parliament', I really want to go to the Central Xinghai now, find a few emperors, sacred leaders, Pangu, extraterrestrial, and so on, practice well. !"

"I can't wait"

Li Yao muttered, "I want to see that wonderful picture."


Dealing with the reverence of thousands of members of the Double Skull Club, Yao Shi Group and Tianhuo Organization, Li Yao was somewhat restless and confused.

In the real private banquet in the evening, the "senior" people’s big-banging visits made him even more eager to eat.

It’s not that there is anything wrong with the names of “Uncle Shi, Master, Li Shushu, Li’s predecessor”. The key point is that many of these “senior people” are 40 or 50 or even 80 or 80 years old. The age is bigger than him.

Let a middle-aged man who is in a high position, calm and calm, and keeps the five willows respectfully call himself "Predecessor Lee". He also said that he grew up listening to his heroic deeds and has been established since a long time ago. The lofty goal of learning from myself is to Li Yao. This kind of thing sounds a bit creepy.

"It's a bit unaccustomed."

Li Yao licked the goose bumps and muttered to two true disciples, Wu Mayan and Xie An. "In my feeling, the last time I left the Federation was only three or five years ago. You are still in the early 20s. Young and young.

"But when I was stunned, I didn't change much. You all turned into a middle-aged man in his 100s. Even your children are bigger than you when I left."

"This feeling is really weird, as if I have lost a hundred years in vain, and you live in different time dimensions."

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