Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1842: Yuxiong’s counterattack!

"I didn't know the flaws of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital. It was almost my only choice."

Jin Xinyue said with tears and tears, "On technology, it is the leading federal hospital in the whole country, especially in repairing damaged brains and awakening vegetative people. It has the strength to be superior to ordinary hospitals; Besides, this is a private hospital that will be absolutely confidential for large clients. Of course, I don't want this thing to leak out, it will become a scandal; the most important point is that Professor Mo Xuan introduced me to this hospital.

"You are my master, Professor Mo Xuan is your teacher, and I have had contact with him.

"He knows the truth about my father being sent to the war court. I know that my father is actually inclined to peace. The war of the year was stopped by me, my father and you, and the surrender of the blood demon world was also facilitated by my father. My father is not a genuine war criminal, so he is very sympathetic to my father.

"Moreover, Professor Mo Xuan has always appeared in the image of 'loyalty and gentleman'. He is keen on technology and the distant 'fire plan' and does not participate in any power struggle. Of course, I am naturally convinced of his character.

"You said, when he introduced me to the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, when I promised to do my best to help me, do I have a second choice?"

Li Yao was completely paralyzed, and he quickly said with a sigh of relief: "It’s too bad, it’s too bad. Since the brain of the golden slaughter is processed by the dark blue super brain hospital, the devil's nest is made up of thunder and thunder. And what did Mo Xuan’s hands and feet send and return to your side, isn’t it all about you, know everything about the “Yueyue Plan”? You, you should tell the details of the plan to Kim’s details. What?"


Jin Xinyue nodded. "He is my father. In the past, he has been working on the reconciliation between the Terran and the Yaozu. The Haoyue plan itself is an extension of the Red Tide plan, and he has to tell him."

"No wonder the extraterrestrial demon knows your entire plan well, and according to your plan, you have arranged a series of conspiracy and the role of the golden hand to kill, the whole thing makes sense."

Li Yao squinted his head for a moment and shook his head. "Is it wrong, if the extraterrestrial demon really puts such a 'super spy' around you, how can their conspiracy fail? And, the white boss is leaving. Before the Confederacy, apart from the son, is it linked to the Golden Snake?

"There are two veteran singers who are talking about each other. Can you talk about everything in advance, will you have the merits of gold and sorrow? And, you said that Kim is different from him..."

"He has left forever."

Jin Xinyue is secluded. "In recent days, as the war is approaching, his retardation and dementia have become more and more serious, as if he was once again plagued by 'learning with the brain.'

"He is not seeing light, but it has become like this. I naturally will not take him to participate in the 'Yuyue Plan'. I will put him in an absolutely safe underground battle fort, and prepare to send him after the war. Go to the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital to nurse.

"Who knows, he somehow ran out of the underground battle, and ran to an artificial lake to feed the birds.

"We have a close relationship with the birds and the birds. Before he was busy with his work, the only hobby was to grab a golden rice, feed the birds of the blood demon world, and listen to the birds singing freely.

"When he was discovered, he was already dead. It is said to be a very strange way of death. A violent flame emerged from the depths of his brain, burning the brain, the soul and the soul. Net, the death is very decisive, and even half of the thoughts are not left.

"And time should be that he didn't have long after talking to the white boss, that is, he knows that we have made a decisive victory."

Li Yao frowned: "Is it suicide?"

“Looks like suicide.”

Jin Xinyue said, "But maybe, his brain is seriously damaged, and it has gradually frozen. How can he inspire such a powerful force to burn his own soul? How strong is this? The power and... will!"

Li Yao, Ding Ling and Bai Xin were silent.


Jin Xinyue has a tearful way. "The death of my father is not beyond my expectation. After all, he should have died a hundred years ago. He can spend the last few years with his father and daughter. Years, I am very, very satisfied.

"But I just want to figure out what is going on here. Is he really being eroded by the extraterrestrial demon? How did he finally die?"

"Even, even I want to know, in the last few years, accompanying me, is it gold, or something else, like what you said about artificial intelligence, ‘heterogeneous?’,

This problem is more difficult to answer than the "White Star Sword Puzzle" that Bai Happy just thrown out.

Li Yao only felt as big as a fight, and his heart was chaotic. He pointed all the facts one by one with his fingers: "It’s a bit messy, come and come, let’s sort out. First of all, Kim Soo is still alive, and has passed the dark blue super brain. The hospital's processing, in all likelihood, was implanted with something like a virus in the brain?"

The people nodded together.

Li Yao continued: "His mission should have been to monitor Ding Ling and to understand the entire contents of the 'Yueyue Plan'. It is more likely to interfere with the 'Haoyue Plan' through the identity of his father. Is the plan more consistent with the idea of ​​the extraterrestrial demon?"

It’s true that everyone looks at each other.

"But he did a very strange thing, and he got in touch with another super-powerful man, "Big Boss," and eventually made Bai Dazhong a key figure in winning the war."

Li Yaoton paused, and said again, "And once he talked to White Boss again, after learning that we have made a decisive victory, we used a very decisive approach to self-destruction and ensure that there is no remnant. Stay?"


Jin Xinyue erased the tears of crystal clear eyes and asked with expectation. "Master, you used to talk with my father all night. It is one of the newest people in the new federation. You can analyze the cause and effect of the whole thing. ?"

"Very complicated."

Li Yao tried to scratch his hair. Some of them were too strange. "The whole thing is really weird. Although I have some vague ideas, it is really difficult to connect them in a moment. But I don’t know if you would mind. This incident tells others that I have two of the most suitable candidates to help the staff, and one of them should be above me."

Jin Xinyue and Bai Xin glanced at each other. After they thought about it, they nodded at the same time.

"It’s a big thing, it’s absolutely impossible to pass, no matter whether it’s a gold **** or a white boss, we are two children, and then we have to write countless reports to the military and the parliament to let them thoroughly understand the ins and outs.

"Since it is a candidate recommended by the teacher, I must know that the weight and the size of the person will not cause more trouble. Then please ask these two high-ranking people to jointly unveil the problem of interlocking and confusing!"


An hour later, there were countless key pieces of information and two "old people" in the secret room.

Long Yangjun and Han Daling.

"Han Daoyou"

Li Yaodao, "These are the evidences we have collected so far about all the connections between Bai Xingjian and Jin Tuqi, and the background information of the two of them. Just now you also listened to Bai Xinxin and Jin Xinyue describing the whole thing from different angles. Excuse me, can you draw any conclusions?"

"The conclusion is of course there."

Han Bailing frowned. "But I don't understand why I am looking for me to deduct this?"

Li Yaodao: "Of course, because you have incomparably strong analytical and reasoning skills, you can't be enemies!"

Han Bailing’s slight glimpse: “Is it?”


Li Yao and Long Yangjun nodded at the same time and said in unison.

"No one can rival... but I dare not say it."

Thousands of wears and wears, and the flattering is not worn, especially the "three realms of the Li Lao Mo", the Rao is a superb figure such as Han Daling, and it is not a good face, just coughing, not endless, "However, you are all deeply involved in the bureau, being emotionally influenced, and eagerly intertwined, naturally analyzing the truth.

"But in my opinion of outsiders, when so much evidence and information are in front of me, the only truth has already come to the fore.

"The brain of the golden slaughter in the deep blue super brain hospital must have been processed by the extraterrestrial demon. This is not necessary.

"Jin Xinyue's 'Yuyue Plan' is the most crucial part of the extraterrestrial conspiracy. They will definitely try to infiltrate Jin Xinyue and plant a nail. Since Jin Xinyue has invested in the net, how can they Let go of the godsend opportunity to modulate a 'super spy'?

"Using the Golden Slaughter to monitor and influence Jin Xinyue, and to control the direction of the 'Haoyue Plan' in the hands of the extraterrestrial demon, this is the key to their confidence to sit on the mountain!

"But, the extraterrestrial demon is certainly playing a good calculation, and the golden slaughter of this generation is the best, and will it be completely arbitrary?

"Even if the brain is seriously damaged, it is slowly freezing; even if it is implanted with various viruses, various prohibitions and countless seals by the extraterrestrial genius; even if the whole brain is completely unrecognizable, it has been completely remodeled... It’s a thousand years and a thousand years to decide the golden summons between the stars and the sea!”

Jin Xinyue couldn't help but exclaim: "You, you said, my father can still resist the extraterrestrial demon, so why don't he tell me the plan of the extraterrestrial demon?"

Han Bailing shook his head: "The extraterrestrial demon must have a very deep degree of control over him. The ban, seals and viruses that erode his brain must be very strange. He can firmly monitor every minute of your stay together and make him I can't tell you this in any way. Even the idea of ​​'telling you the truth' can't easily be born, and must be curbed with supreme willpower.

"Otherwise, once the demon outside the domain perceives his strangeness, then the work has been abandoned."

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