Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1843: Such a trap, such a father!

Listening to Han Daling’s story, Jin Xinyue suddenly slammed his mouth and trembled: “The dean of Lei Yuqin of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital said that my father’s brain is extremely unstable and still suffers from 'learning of the brain'. And the double invasion of 'hibernation sequelae', must inject a special potion every day, and let her remotely monitor and treat through the spiritual network, and return to the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital every three months for a comprehensive examination. The synthetic brain tissue refined by the 'molecular layer-by-layer printing' technique replaces the necrotic or diseased part! This is not the case"

Everyone has a glimpse of it.

If you do not know the true identity of Lei Yuqin and the secrets of Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, these measures are just normal medical means.

However, since Lei Yuqin is attached to the Tianmu Demon, the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital is their biggest lair, and the purpose behind this series of measures is obvious.

Han Bingling coldly said: "That is, through the daily 'remote monitoring and treatment', the extraterrestrial demon can master most of the ideas, and what he saw, heard and said, especially The little bit of your communication, that is the most critical, even the half-second memory picture will not be let go of the extraterrestrial magic.

"A comprehensive inspection every three months may be to check whether the 'ban" set in the depths of the Zun brain is firm and see if he is still in 100% control.

"Or, it is to inject a new 'virus' into his brain.

"Control and communication are two-way. The extraterrestrial demon can control the deity, and the deity must know that he is controlled by some kind of secretive and evil power.

"But he can't tell you that even the tip of the tip size can be discovered by the extraterrestrial demon, so that he can further deepen his brainwashing, sealing and control, even as you just worried, completely obliterate his consciousness. Instead, use a complete set of intricate and vast databases to create an artificial intelligence that is like your father, a super-spiritual super-spirit!

"In this desperate situation where there is no way to go to the ground, there is no way to resist. But since he is the planner and implementer of the former 'Red Tide Plan', he has used his own power to heal the tens of thousands of years of rift between the Terran and the Yaozu. The person, he will certainly resist, in his own way, let those who control his extraterrestrial demon, pay a heavy price!

"You can imagine that if you are a gold singer, how can you resist in this situation?"

Everyone fell into meditation and put themselves into the perspective of the golden slaughter. All of them felt the chilling fear.

Li Yao swallowed a hard time.

If he is a gold singer, he is facing such a destiny.

Because of the gradual freezing of the brain, and gradually lost the clear thinking and strong will, the soul slowly fell into a dark swamp, spent decades in the hustle and bustle.

One day, once again, I was a little awake, but I found that my limbs and body were gone, leaving only a highly degraded, half-dead brain.

Even this brain has fallen into the hands of the extraterrestrial demon, and it has been repaired by the "molecular layer-by-layer printing" technology. It has implanted unknown bans, seals and viruses, almost every brain cell. It is highly controlled.

He knows that there is a conspiracy in the extraterrestrial demon. This conspiracy will ruin his life's efforts, destroy the common hopes of the Terran and the Yaozu, and even... destroy his daughter!

But he can't say that he can't even think about it, because the extraterrestrial demon will conduct a comprehensive examination of his brain and spirit every once in a while. He can't let the extraterrestrial monsters discover it. He has a trace of rebellion and resistance, otherwise The resilience of this silk will also become a dream bubble like a soap bubble in the sun.

Then, regardless of everything, telling the truth to the daughter, and persuading her daughter to give up the "Haoyue Plan" immediately, can't it?

This is also not working.

First of all, the massive invasion of the Black Wind Fleet is unavoidable. Once it can't defeat the main force of the Black Wind Fleet in the Star Wars, the Star Alliance will be dragged into the endless war, even if it is not hacked. The destruction of the wind fleet will also be destroyed by the second and third expeditionary forces of the real human empire in a few decades.

It’s not the end of what Kim Jong-won wants to see.

Secondly, the extraterrestrial scorpion speculation, shadowless and invisible, even if this conspiracy is exposed, as long as it does not hurt and its roots, it will continue to linger for decades, and then come out to make waves when the federation is about to be destroyed.

In the face of the double invasion of the real human empire and the extraterrestrial demon, let alone a "three-zone supreme, vulture Li Yao", even if one hundred, I am afraid that they are unable to return to heaven.

and so……

"Difficult, difficult, it is too difficult!"

Li Yao felt that the rear molars were chilly. He found that the golden slaughter at that time was like being cut off from the limbs, and it was closed in a copper-cast iron casting, dark day without a place. There was no way to do it. Escape, no survival, no death!

No, the real situation of the Golden Slaughter is a hundred times more difficult than this, entangled thousands of times and pains thousands of times.

If you just cut off your limbs and close the black prison, you will only suffer from it.

However, Kim Tae-ming knew the existence of the conspiracy, but he still had to watch his daughter step into the trap, and even became a part of the "trap" if he could not control it.

When Jin Xinyue elaborated on the "Haoyue Plan" in front of him, he was very proud to talk to him about his ideals and future. When he saw the double rise of the Yaozu and the Federation, this knowing daughter must be defeated and undoubtedly dead, before death. He will also be defeated by his father, who is stupid and stinking for a long time... His deep soul, how strong waves should be flooding, and what powerful willpower he is, can hardly suppress this stormy wave and prevent the outer heavens from perceiving A trace of it!

Li Yao rubbed his hands with his hands, and for a while he tried to feel the big horror that could not break free. He burned himself.

This is the real hell.

Just thinking about it makes his heart freeze and he can't breathe.

Yu Guang looked at both sides and found that Ding Ling, Bai Xin and Long Yang Jun were also thoughtful, one by one showing a rather fearful, extremely shocking expression.

Jin Xinyue was even after being sluggish for a long time, slipping two lines of tears from the red eye socket, and smashed the delicate makeup.

Han Bingling sighed with sighs and said: "If you don't see these materials and evidence with your own eyes, Han is really hard to imagine. There are still such sinister traps in the world, and there are such iron-clad and far-sighted heroes!

"And God finally did not live up to this hero's struggle and resistance in the boundless darkness, sent him the best gift, a best 'comrade-in-arms' to regain his soul, to regain his life, and swallowed up. In the past 500 years, the star of the sea has become the strongest of the 'Spirit of the Heart', and the king of the Star Thief has been promoted to the strong realm, the White Boss!

"Manpower is sometimes poor. If only the golden slaughter is alone, his will will be strong, his wisdom will be far-reaching, and his heart will be tough. It will be useless. At most, he will fight for the death of the net, and the plot of the extraterrestrial demon will be postponed for decades. .

"But at this time, he found the strangeness of the white boss.

"In nominal terms, Bai Boda is the confidant of the Jin Xinyue system. The Dabai Fleet was formed and expanded under the support of the Golden Heart System. Whether it is the identity of Jin Xinyue’s father or the 'out of the world 'The identity, he is definitely concerned about the white boss and the big white fleet.

"Ordinary people may not be able to see through the disguise of the white boss, but he is planning the ‘the red tide plan’, and more or less can see some flaws.

"I think that the monitoring of the gold and the slaughter by the extraterrestrial demon can't be that it can't be done at all times, but every minute of monitoring, it's very easy to be seen by Jin Xinyue, that I have abandoned all my efforts.

"There is still a possibility that the monitoring of the extraterrestrial demon is indeed rigorous, but the golden slaughter uses some kind of secret method to subtly escape the monitoring for a short period of time. For example, every day he gives himself "fighting" to five to ten. Minutes of free time.

"He can't use this time to communicate with her daughter, because her daughter is also in a multi-angle, all-round monitoring, and it is impossible for him to have only his own 'nail'.

"So, having a whole fleet, the mysterious origins of the mysterious, powerful tyrannical white boss, is it his best contact person?

"The details of how the two communicated, what they said, and what agreements were reached, we naturally don't know.

"But from the final result, there must be some kind of transaction between the two people. Jin Tudu persuaded the white boss to convince the latter to control the existence of the evil forces of the spiritual network. More importantly, he believed the white boss. As long as the white boss suddenly smashes, it is very likely to defeat this power!

"Right, you said, the white boss jumped to the center of Xinghai?

"Although I don't know much about Xinghai jumping technology, I know that it needs to consume a lot of psionic energy and fuel. The starship must carry various supplies, and also know the navigation channel information and destination coordinates in the central Xinghai. Isn't it?

"Only by the white boss alone, in the case of just completing a fierce battle, people are sleepy, it is difficult to complete all the preparations for the Xinghai jump.

"But add a gold summons?

"Golden slaughter is not only the commander of the former Wanxie Allied Forces, but also the project leader of the blood demon world to explore the stars for decades. One hundred years ago, the strongest super-transmission array of the blood demon world, the Eye of the Blood Demon, is Jin Tuo is responsible for research and development, right? The vast majority of the world of debris around the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world are also found under the command of the Golden Slaughter, right?

"In this process, Kim Soo has accumulated a lot of Xinghai jumping experience, and secretly left one or two unknown worlds of debris, becoming his last card, not too much?

"Please envisage such a scene. When Jin Tudi was in a very secret way, he suddenly contacted the white boss, broke the other person's true identity, and said that the existence of the demon outside the domain, and also came up with several treasures. With a fragmented world of rich resources, as a gift and a bargaining chip, will White Boss believe him?"

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