Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1844: Child...

Han Bailing is really the most powerful Yuan Ying in the 12th ancient sacred, or he is an outsider, so he can stand on a higher level to analyze the whole thing, sing a few words, and smash it, even before and after After the scattered fragments, all are like a series of crystal clear pearls.

Although it can't be said that it is inseparable and flawless, it is also reasonable and can be said to be self-explanatory.

Li Yao thought for a moment and shook his head: "No, if it is not the destruction of our city in Baihua City, and the smashing of the door of the sky in time, the white boss alone, his surprise attack is gorgeous, it is not helpful. However, no matter how unreasonable the gold slaughter is, it is impossible to count that we will suddenly appear?"

"Yes, so the gold slaughter is also betting, or he has no choice but to gamble on the emergence of a miracle."

Han Bingling Road, "Make things happen in people, things are in the sky, even in the ancient holy world, on a small planet, if you want to fight for the world, who can guarantee that you have a destiny, can you unify the country? Not all of them have motivated their wisdom, will, and timidity to the limit, and to fight for one-tenth of a million hopes?

"For Jin Tuo, he has already done what he can do in that situation. He has burnt his entire life without a trace. He has released the deepest part of the soul, the most gorgeous, the toughest, The most powerful force, then the only thing that can be done next is to pray... Is there a miracle in this universe?"

Han Daling smiled very hard and looked at Li Yaodao. "I remember this is what you said, in many versions of "Liang Yao Chuan", and this time, you did give the gold to the other, give white Boss brings a new miracle to everyone in the Starry Federation."

Li Yao coughed up loudly.

He may not be really a low-key and humble person, but he is also quite a bit of a "retro return" and "miracle appearance".

but now……

First, the white boss, and then the golden slaughter, these two seniors told him with practical actions, what exactly is called "miracle"!

"The miracle is not prayed, but the gold predecessors created it themselves."

Li Yao said seriously, "I didn't bring him a miracle, but the golden slaughter brought me to my daughter, Jin Xinyue, to the whole federal, and also to himself, the biggest miracle!"


Han Bingling nodded. "I believe that when the news of victory came, when the black whirlpool was sunk, the door of the empire's starry sky was also destroyed. More importantly, when the extraterrestrial demons were discovered and defeated, The Golden Slaughter must also be ecstatic.

"He may be the person who knows the most about the cause and effect in the whole country. He knows the people who are terrible outside the realm. It is also the most difficult and incredible person who knows the victory of this war. How can such a victory not make him feel uncomfortable? What about Yang Tianxiao?"

Jin Xinyue couldn’t help but say: "But he"

"Yes, he chose to die, because he knows that the war is not over yet. He has to pour out the boundless anger to the despicable extraterrestrial genius, and make a final break!"

Han Bailing picked up his fingers and gently tapped his own temple. "I believe that in the years of fighting with the devils in the outer world, the brains of the golden gods and the brains of the broken spirits and the sly brains must be worse and more damaged." Seriously, it has already reached the level of total collapse, and it is only supported by the most tenacious willpower.

"More importantly, although all the extraterrestrial demon in the Baihua City and the Black Wind Fleet have been killed, it is still possible, there is still a little 'hidden danger', just in the depths of the brain of Jin Tuo.

"With the sinister blackmail of the extraterrestrial demon, when implanting a brain with a golden slaughter, it is normal to implant a small tail into it."

"That may not be a real extraterrestrial demon. It is more likely to be something like a 'seed'. Let's call it a 'magic species'. Maybe when the magical species senses that other demons are destroyed, Will be automatically bred and continue to be a disaster.

"But no one has ever thought of the extraterrestrial demon. The will of the golden slaughter can be tenacious to this extent. They really chose the wrong 'host' this time.

"Witnesses are not saying that they saw a black flame in the brain of the golden slaughter. There seems to be a small figure in the flame dancing, madly struggling, and finally the smoke is gone, maybe it is the gold butcher The last life, dragged the 'magic species' into the deepest part of the nine secluded times.

"According to my deduction, the whole thing is roughly the same. There must be many discrepancies in the details. There are still many questions that we have not yet solved, and we may never be able to solve it.

"But I believe that the core of the whole thing is this. Jin Tuo is the one who hides behind the scenes and controls the whole situation, giving the real-world heroes a fatal blow!"


When I heard this, Jin Xinyue had already burst into tears and curled up in the chair. His shoulders shrugged as if he had returned to his deity more than a hundred years ago. The demon saint saw the father’s true appearance for the first time and heard his father’s own feelings. The day of hope and expectation.

"The red tide plan is successful."

She burst into tears and couldn't help but mutter. "You have worked hard for a hundred years, and you have really saved our civilization, and perhaps the whole world!"


The moonlight is like water, and it is full of thousands of miles, shrouded in a small courtyard.

The space of the No. 9 Star Wars Fortress is very tense. Even with the identity of Li Yao and Ding Lingwei and the current situation, it can only be assigned to a lounge that is slightly more luxurious than a senior officer. This is a small fantasy environment that simulates the natural environment. The hospital is their only enjoyment.

In the small courtyard, Li Yaozhen looked at the bright moon created by the virtual technology.

His expression was fickle, sometimes gnashing his teeth, sometimes squinting, sometimes horrified, and sometimes angered, and eventually fell into black despair.

Ding Ling walked up from behind and gently pressed his shoulder: "What are you thinking, I feel very nervous, and the spirit is quite disordered."

"I have put myself into the perspective of the White Boss and Kim Kakuto, and I am pondering their mentality when they face a desperate situation."

Li Yao didn't look back, but he held down his hand on his shoulder and felt his wife's hands extremely warm and soft. "I really can't imagine how they won their wars, whether it's the white boss against the sword, or the golden slaughter. Against the extraterrestrial demon, the latter's power should be far above them. Anyway, it is my words, absolutely can't do them.

"What kind of power is supporting them to persist in the desperate situation and defeat the invincible strong enemy of Yan Xinjian and the extraterrestrial demon? I seem to... can't find such power!"

Ding Ling smiled: "Isn't it simple? They have children, but you don't. You can say that you are a compatriot, a concept, a country, a civilization... these are the things that are grand and righteous. And war, but all of this together, how is it more important than a real, fleshy child?

"No matter how powerful the enemy is, they must win this war, because once they lose, they are destroyed except themselves, their children, Bai Xing and Jin Xinyue."

Li Yao said a little, muttering: "So, is ‘children’ more important than compatriots, ideas, countries and civilizations?”

"That's not it."

Ding Lingzhen thought very seriously, and involuntarily touched his stomach and bit his lip. "I think so, only when a person has a child, seeing his own blood in such a wonderful form." Can you personally touch the mass of meat, tender and tender, and feel the infinite happiness and troubles that he brings, can this person better understand compatriots, countries, civilizations and many ideas?

"Fighting for the compatriots, fighting for the country, fighting for civilization, but what is the 'compatriot, country and civilization'? Perhaps not so complicated, that is, thousands of masses of meat, pink and tender, delicate Just things, these things are behind you, their future is boundless, but now only you can defend their ideas, can it bring more powerful power?"

Li Yao indulged in a moment, widened his eyes, and said with amazement: "A hundred years have not seen, my wife's realm is getting higher and higher, and I can say such a philosophical word!"


Ding Ling narrowed his eyes and pinched Li Yao’s shoulders and increased his hand. “So, I used to talk, I’m not philosophical?”

"No, of course not!"

Li Yaoyi did not pay attention to entangle himself, hurriedly pleading for mercy and desperately shifting the topic. "I mean, oh, in fact, I have always hated children very much, especially those who are rolling around and messing up. Call, casually destroy the bear child.

"However, after this incident, I felt the power of the white boss and the golden slaughter, and after listening to you, I suddenly felt that it might not be so difficult to accept the birth of two little babies."

Ding Ling stopped his movements and his lips bite deeper: "So, do you want children?"

Li Yao felt that he was getting deeper and deeper. He tried to scratch his hair and his mind completely turned into a pot of hot porridge: "I didn't really think about this problem before. After all, we are still very happy. And with great ambition and great ideals, are we not going to make the emperor of the real human empire into a pig's head, hahahaha!

"As for now, I can't talk about rejecting children. I really don't want to reject it. But it's better for us to study it carefully. This is a problem that must be prudent, be safe, and study and think deeply. It’s a long-term plan. After all, it’s not a kitten or a puppy. Maybe it’s a terrible and terrible bear child. Once you are born, you must be educated and be very responsible, right?” (To be continued...)

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