Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1845: Who protects who?

Ding Ling couldn’t help but sighed on Li Yao’s shoulder: “He scared you, cold sweats came out, as if who forced you to have children, there will be two bear children jumping tomorrow. It’s the same around you!”

She also sat down next to Li Yao, her legs crossed, her hands holding the gang, and continued. "Don't be a small person, your wife is also in the ascendant period of the career. No accident, the next highest federal." The speaker, there is no longer a second person to choose. In the next five to ten years, I am more busy than you. Even the martial arts practice may not have time, and there is still time to take care of the children!"

She paused, biting her lip, her eyes and the artificial moonlight blended together, as if there were a few cute and abominable little people jumping in the depths of their eyes. I didn’t know what I thought, I couldn’t help but laugh. "Now, I may not be a qualified mother. My temper is so stinky, and I have no patience. If it is a very naughty bear child, it is so irritating, three sentences are not obedient, maybe I will I patted the pink buttocks, oh, it’s terrible to think about it, or do you want it first?”

Li Yao couldn't help but smile: "You are not ready to have a baby?"


Ding Ling squinted at him. "A few days ago, I didn't even know which corner you were hiding in the Xinghai. How could you think about this inexplicable thing?"

Li Yao hesitated: "Do you really... will become the federal speaker?"

The fate of this stuff, sometimes really ridiculous, until now he still remembers the "Federation's forever flagship" Liaoyuan, the first time to see the scene of Ding Ling.

At that time, he was absolutely, absolutely, and absolutely unexpected. This woman with developed limbs and awkwardness would one day become the highest speaker of the Xingyao Federation. I wouldn’t even think that I would become, oh, naturally, it’s not called “Mrs. Speaker,” Come, "President's spouse"?

"Of course."

Ding Ling snorted and his eyes became very firm. "I may not be the most suitable candidate, but since the sinful mistake has made such a mission fall on my shoulder, I will never escape!" Years ago, when Lu drunk handed the 'Patriot Organization' to me, I swore that I would become the 'sword-going man' of the Starry Federation, guarding the federation, and opening up all the darkness that plagued the front of the federation. This is my heart, no one can stop it, and there is no power to make it change!"

Li Yao sighed and said: "But in this way, you will not be able to concentrate on the martial arts for several years. The way of cultivation, such as sailing against the water, and retreating without entering, you are originally a pure combat-type comprehension, and upgraded to Yuan Ying. Fengfeng, close to the 'half-step god' series, was originally a critical moment for hitting higher realms. Will the delays in the past few years cause many problems for future promotion?"

Ding Ling smacked and smiled indifferently: "Cultivating to a higher level, or fighting for the federation, I am now choosing another different way, what is the relationship?

"Not to mention, on the battlefield, so many Dan, Yuan Ying and even the gods have paid a lot for the Federation, even their precious lives. Compared with them, I just paid a little time, and what a big deal. ?

"What kind of character is your wife? You should be the most clear. You can go to today step by step. It is based on the word 'yong'. If such responsibility lies in front of me, but I am retreating, I am afraid. It will become a myth that is plagued by the depths of the soul. That is the real possibility of severing the impact of a higher realm. It will even go into flames and regret for life!

"In short, you can rest assured that your wife is a martial genius. The qualification is better than you. Even if you wait for someone else for five to ten years, I will definitely become the first advanced **** of the Xingyao Federation... 'Combat type comprehension!'

Ding Lingwei waved his fist and said with pride.

However, the "pure" word is to exclude Li Yao, a compound comprehension, and obviously does not want to compete with this monster to upgrade speed.

"As for the children..."

Ding Lingwei thought very seriously for a long time, and after reading Li Yao for a while, he finally made up his mind. "It’s still early to talk about these things. It’s not too late to think about it in a decade or two. What do you think?”


Li Yao was busy nodding.

With the development of medical technology and the flesh and blood of the self-cultivator itself, the concept of growth and longevity is getting longer and longer. The general practitioners in their 20s and 30s are just “sweet and not dry”, few people are so Born early.

Comprehensers bear more responsibilities, often spend more time to cultivate, and inevitably encounter many dangers. Usually, the 30s and 50s are the golden stages of cultivation. Everyone is full of cultivation. The impact of higher realm, the so-called "scraping career", generally until the age of seventy or eighty, only gradually entered a stable period.

Therefore, although there are self-cultivators who have children in their 30s and 50s, if they cultivated to the realm of Jie Dan, Jin Dan and Yuan Ying, the age of one hundred years old is still just entering the prime of life, then consider the issues of future generations and families. It is not surprising.

What's more, Li Yao and Ding Lingxi are only nominally in their early 100s. In fact, both of them have a lot of time to spend in hibernation. According to the standard of Yuan Ying and Lao Ge, the two of them are really young. Hair pointing.

There are still infinite possibilities in the future. They all have Xinghai to fight, the emperor wants to smash, the devil wants to fight, Pangu wants to destroy, the bear child or something... From the long-term discussion!

"in fact"

Li Yao has been indulging for a long time, and he sighed with distress. "Sometimes I really don't know, rushing to bring a descendant to this universe. Is it good or bad for him or her?"

"This universe is too vast, too cold, too dark. Even today we have won the empire's counterattack, and it is only the remnant of an empire.

"The real human empire, the covenant alliance, the Pangu civilization, the extraterrestrial demon, and all kinds of strange, speculative stars and interracial... In front of so many powerful enemies, the Xingyao Federation can really wear a bright trench and fight all the way. To the end?

"Although I have always been so convinced, in the face of innocent stars, sometimes I can't help but have a slight concern. If I really have a descendant, I can protect him forever, let him not be affected by any darkness, live in a In the perfect new world?"

This problem caused Ding Ling to blink again and again, and finally picked up his mouth and spread his hands: "You think too much, don't think that you are a 'three-zone supreme, vulture Li Yao', you will take all your responsibilities to yourself. On the shoulders, who is rare for your 'forever protection', maybe one day, but your offspring, the bear children who once caused you a headache, to protect you from this 'bad old man'?"

Li Yao squinted and scratched his jaw and said: "Is it?"


Ding Lingyi nodded hard and looked at the bright moon in the distance. He smiled like a flower and was full of confidence. "A generation is stronger than a generation. Is this world not the case?"


At the moment, the edge of the vast expanse of the heavenly world.

Among the chaotic gravel belts, one seems to have been scrapped for decades, riddled with holes and rust, and will be shattered into a pile of wrecked ships at any time.

Since the discovery of the seven great worlds by the Xingyao Federation, thousands of starships have been shuttled between the seven worlds every minute. Because of the upgrade or the starburst, all kinds of broken starships are not counted. The number, like the interstellar dust, can be seen everywhere, unremarkable.

However, if someone accidentally discovers the abandoned transport ship and riskes being crushed by gravel vortex, it will find that at its core, there is a complete and inconsistency that is incomparably advanced. Automated laboratory, or... incubation room.

“Zizi, nourish and nourish!”

The abandoned transport ship is empty, but the core layer has a large array of defenses comparable to warships.

A weak ripple interference is released between the crystal brain and the psionic energy pipeline, and a pair of spiritual arms are dexterously flipped up and down.

Two incubation cabins have been prepared, filled with liquids that are as warm as amniotic fluid. Two perfectly integrated life seeds are ready, and then the most crucial step, or a very thrilling jump. Non-space and space jumps are not jumps of time and time, but jumps between different life forms.

Inside the cell of the incubation room, the astronomical digital information flow made two unique flaws, dancing happily, just like the final warm-up.

Xiao Ming: "Great, everything is ready, we can finally go to find Mom and Dad!"

Xiaowen: "Be patient, although the incubation cabin can accelerate growth, but we have not calculated it accurately, we must grow to at least the age of seven-year-old children, the brain is enough to carry us more than 30% of the computing power, and the flesh and blood It also allows us to make some more complicated actions, which will take a long time."

Xiao Ming: "I know that the outside world is very dangerous, and our life form is so different. We must have enough self-protection ability to find our father.

"Let's hurry up, hurry up, and adjust the growth rate faster. I can't wait to find Mom and Dad and ask them what we really think. Can it be called ‘humans?'”

Xiaowen: "Mom doesn't necessarily know the answer. She is too different from us, but Dad gave us real life. He must know who we are, where do we come from, and where do we go..."

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