Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1848: Under the monument

Under the flames and ripples of the starship, first appeared in the public's field of vision, slowly stepping past the front of the Bundestag, is a peculiar team of countless soldiers wearing a uniform, walking neatly, the expression is dignified And the pain, holding a small metal box covered with the flag of the nine-star Shenglong.

Those who burned the spirits in the battle of Xinghai a month ago, overdrafted their lives, and gave everything to the Starry Federation, they quietly slept in it, accompanied by a low and generous march "The Motherland Will Not Forget", silently Go forward.

The streets and every square are silent. Only people breathe heavily. Many people’s tears have dried up in the past month. They are no longer crying, but they are holding hands and staring at it. A red and red metal box, accompanied by the tune of "The Motherland Will Not Forget," sang silently.

After the deceased, it was a disabled military camp.

Not many of them have just recovered from the hospital's medical cabin. Everyone has lost part or more of their limbs and organs. They have been replaced by cold and shiny limbs, or they have simply replaced their bodies. Lingyi body.

They are not accustomed to the new limbs, and have no time to practice the formations repeatedly, naturally not as uniform as the original guard of honor.

But a month ago, the strong **** suffocation in the Xinghai battle, still wrapped around their bodies, penetrated into their muscles, blood vessels, nerves and bones, making them show that they are completely different from the honor guards.

The murderousness that rises from the sky will completely shred the slightly heavy atmosphere, turning into an invincible domineering battle. A pair of unruly eyes seem to say: "Look, even the central part of the Xinghai, the elite expedition of the real human empire. The military is not our opponent. We are the most powerful human army in the world of three thousand!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Immediately behind the disabled military camp, it is a steel army composed of tens of thousands of crystals. It has not yet appeared in people's field of vision. First, there was a thunderous footstep, not only the entire long street. Even every glass window on the high-rise buildings on both sides of the road was shaken by them.

From the perspective of the suspended view in the midair, the children's perspective is a shiny steel dragon, not a disease, step by step, striding forward.


The children finally closed their mouths, and once again they were big, like being able to stuff a big duck egg or even a small watermelon.

Many children who are half-hearted can make a difficult decision.

They have just made up their minds, and when they grow up, they should be a cosmic warfare driver who is eager to take the opportunity to fly.

After seeing the mighty majesty of the starship, he changed his mind to become part of this steel behemoth.

After the emergence of the Crystal Warrior army, it was deeply attracted by the charm and handsomeness of the "King of the Magic".

The universe battle, starship, crystal sho... What exactly should you choose?

The children looked at each other and licked a few fingers, so they couldn’t make up their minds.

However, when the scenes that they thought were high-rise buildings slowly moved over, like the mountains dumped towards them, so that they could see the full picture of the mighty, the universe, the starship and the crystal scorpion were all Throwing into the clouds, all the children were all stunned and shocked to the extreme.

In particular, when these twenty-th or three-meter-high steel giants passed by, because they took the suspended viewing platform, the giant’s head and giant crystal eyes were just parallel to them, and there were several steel giants and even Turning his head, the crystal eyes burst into a soft light and gave them a look.

"Giant, giant soldiers!"

"So big? It's so big! So big and big, so big!"

"That is what the teacher said, the most powerful giant soldier "Nine secluded mysterious bones", I heard that in the Xinghai battle, the door of the starry sky of the imperial people was destroyed in one breath, and the horse was smashed into the army of millions and directly empire. The commander of the people has been smashed, and it’s so good, it’s so powerful, it’s good!”

"This should be the real super hero Li Yao, not the uncle who came to our kindergarten last time, stupid?"

"Determined, after growing up, I will also control the giant soldiers like Li Yao! The giant gods and giants and soldiers!"

The children jumped up and down and yelled.

If there is no blockage of the interception network, a few daring little hairy children will simply jump from the suspended viewing platform to the shoulders of the giant soldiers.

Until Li Yao led the overweight army of 20 giant soldiers to walk slowly through the Federal Parliament building, the children looked at the mountains like a drooling, eyes full of embarrassing stars.

The heroes, the disabled soldiers, the squadrons, and the giant squadrons, which were covered by the national flag, passed through the federal parliament building and gathered on the Federation Square.

Here is the one hundred years ago, the director of the secret sword, Lu Zeng, who was the assassin of the then Jiang Hailiu speaker.

After a hundred years of expansion and transformation, the scale of the ground has been expanded by three times, and the underground has been turned into a large-scale war museum, recording the ups and downs of the Starry Federation from the birth to the rise, a full six hundred years of ups and downs.

Today, in the middle of the square, a new statue has been erected.

The giant statue of up to 50 meters, the main part is a highly abstract, rich and peaceful planet, with countless mountains and rivers and winding coastline, you can think of it as a star or as a star. A habitable planet.

This gleaming planet is on the shoulders of a giant, powerful and powerful man with a list of knees.

Judging from the muscle lines of the blue ribs, the tough expression of clinging to the teeth and the knees deep into the ground, the weight of the planet is far beyond the burden of the giant.

But he was supported by an invisible force that slammed the heavy planet.

If you look closely, you will find that the vivid and lifelike giants are covered with cracks everywhere.

He turned out to be the metal fragments of the size of the numerous fingernails. More specifically, it was the wreckage of the Federal Army, the Starship, the Space Wars and even the Giants in the Xinghai Battle.

The above-mentioned "Star", which is shining and slowly rotating, is also inside.

Inside the "Star" is an unprecedentedly large information base. Each of the needle-sized spots that make up the surface of the planet is a symbol of the name of a victim.

The federal government and the families of the victims will continue to add his personal information, including three-dimensional photos, videos and various text messages.

Gradually, this "Federal Martyrs Monument" will contain the lives of thousands of victims.

They are not just the cold names on the monuments, not just the "heroes" or "martyrs" in the abstract sense, but also the fathers, sons, brothers and husbands who are flesh and blood and who can laugh.

The monument will be open to the whole federation. People can go to the War Museum to randomly pick up their information. They can also use the spiritual network to comfort the martyrs and pay homage to the spirits.

Today, the first national public sacrifice ceremony for the Xinghai Battle was presided over by President Wan Guqing.

After an hour of solemn and fierce public sacrifice ceremony, slowly walked to the front of the Federal Martyrs Monument, but wearing a white slim suit, slanting the nine-star Thang Long pattern ribbon, hair dyed black, high disk Ding bells above the head.

On her left and right sides, there is a copy of the "Singapore Federal Constitution" and a "Basic Law of Comprehension". The fundamentals of the two countries are all imprinted with the satin of the nine-star Thanglong war emblem in dark gold. She will With his hands on the two codes, he stared at the millions of people in the whole federation and began his inaugural speech.

With a highly developed spiritual network, her figure and voice span tens of light years in an instant, and are seen and heard by tens of billions of people on dozens of planets in the seven worlds.

"Thank you, the former Speaker of the National Assembly, the members of the Federal Parliament, the citizens of the Starry Federation, the compatriots of the Seven Worlds, the friends from the Firefly and the Ancient Holy Land, thank you all.

"I don't think there is any place. It is better to set the most solemn oath under the double gaze of thousands of heroes and billions of compatriots under the Federal Martyrs Monument."

There are countless alive and dead, sound and disabled in the Federation Square, and they are firmly protected by reinforced iron and bones, and the soldiers who stand up like a pine with a **** blood are all listening quietly.

"...more than a month or more than a hundred years ago, our young country, which was just established by the Star Beach, has experienced unprecedented crises and challenges.

"If you are not lying quietly behind me, and the people standing silently in front of me, the destruction of the eternal destruction is almost inevitable, and our homes, our loved ones and our future will be destroyed."

Not only the city, but also every big and small city in Tianyuanxing, and even the sparsely populated villages and the inaccessible forests, there are huge three-dimensional light curtains and phonograph arrays, which will light and sound the sound of Ding Ling. Spread across the ocean, mountains and the earth.

"...the crisis has passed, but peace, happiness and a beautiful future are far from coming. In the middle of the Xinghai, countless ordinary people are suffering and suffering, losing their lives in slave mines, monster jungles and icy stars; countless talents When you are not awakened, you are killed. Countless hopes are extinguished without igniting; countless beautiful emotions are exploited, deprived, trampled, and distorted.

This is a massacre against all mankind, and such a massacre must stop immediately!

"Whether the central Xinghai or the border, we are all compatriots shining brightly by the same civilization. The Xinghai is vast and innocent, but no one can become an island of self-sufficiency. We are connected and share history, culture, destiny and glory. Their suffering is Our suffering, their dreams are our dreams, their success is our success, their oppression, and our oppression!"

In the sea of ​​trees, deep in the jungle, the tattoos were broken, and the beasts in the skin of the beasts were on the branches, listening quietly to Ding Ling’s speech.

"...I know that many compatriots are tired of war, and they don't know how much killing and suffering they have to face on the journey to the center of the Xinghai. If there is a slight possibility, no one wants to get involved in never ending. War.

"But I want to tell you that we are not only carrying a sacred mission, but also a cold reality.

"The behemoths in the central part of the Xinghai are still in the middle of the horses, and they are sharpening their swords. If we can't pre-empt people, but we can't extricate ourselves in the illusory peace, one day, the tragic and desperate fate of the central compatriots in the Xinghai will come to us. on.

"If at this moment, we will not fight for them, and when the final destruction comes, no one will fight for us!"

In the Netherland, the flesh and blood of normal human beings, the lavender poisonous fog that can't be adapted to it, countless ghosts have connected the crystal line together, and quietly perceive the shock of Ding Ling's soul.

In the narrow circle of countless starships, the soldiers leaned against the cold bulkheads, but the blood was hot enough to make steam.

The blood demon world, the former demon warriors, and today's federal citizens, also listened without a word.

There are deserts in the crystal world, the stars in the stars, the resource planets in the harsh environment, the bottom of the deep and deep mines... Countless people hold their breath and listen to the solemn promise:

"... So, here I swear allegiance to the Starry Federation, loyal to the Supreme Council, loyal to all the people of the Union, and with this loyalty, beg all compatriots to courage, clench their weapons, help each other, fight to the end.

"I swear, I will lead the Starry Federation, and the Starry Federation will lead the entire human civilization, striding forward in the dark and innocent sea of ​​stars, creating a land of nowhere, light and hope!"

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