Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1849: Destiny between staggered

That afternoon, there was a patter of light rain, and the splash of rain covered the Federal Square in a ripple of rain and rain.

Even within the War Museum at the bottom of the square, within the Great Hall of the Spirit, you can hear the sound of "Shasha Shasha" coming from all directions.

The sound of the rain made people think of the grass that broke through the ground. Although it was tender, it was unstoppable.

Around the black stone wall of the entire war museum, tens of millions of heroes are engraved with dark gold ink.

At the end of the high wall, Li Yao had just carved it up. There was still a place where the ink aroma was left in the air. He found the name and found a family of three who were paying homage to the spirit and entering information into the information bank.

A face is thin, dressed in a simple, with a little bit of a woman who is almost unfamiliar to the old-fashioned taste; another man who is equally unremarkable, slightly fatter, and who does not support his wife's shoulders all the time.

There is also a little boy with a tiger head and a tiger's head, his eyes flashing with agile light, his head widening his head, and the number of his names on the wall of the spirits from top to bottom.

On the Yingling wall in front of a family of three, eight words are simply engraved:

"Federal Major, He Lianlie."

When Li Yao found them, the woman just looked back at him, her expression did not change, her eyes flashed abruptly.

Although the two sides had passed the ditch in advance, Li Yao felt a little embarrassed, and coughed and went forward.

The man knows his identity, and he seems to be both helpless and faint; the little boy does not know who he is, and he has a similarly big eye with Herlian, and looks at him curiously; the woman is generous, and her husband After confessing a few words, he took a picture of his son’s head, and he did not humble and asked Li Yao to speak.

"You are Shen Wenyin, Ms. Shen?"

Li Yaodao, "The outstanding contribution of Major Zeng He Lianlie in the battle of Xinghai a month ago has been confirmed by many aspects. His heroic and fearless charge made it possible for the EFF's wormhole bomb to detonate, and the delay was crucial. For two hours, we finally destroyed the starry sky of the empire.

"Ling Zun is the key to this war. It is also the model and pride of thousands of EFF. For his meritorious evaluation and posthumous posthumousness, there are also beneficiary treatments, etc., and there will soon be results.

"I and Ling Zun... are also old acquaintances. Since I know that he still has blood and inheritance, I really want to tell you about it personally."

Shen Wenyin heard this silently, first deeply bowed, and looked at Li Yao very seriously. The voice was a little hoarse: "Thank you, President Li, I thought you could not find me."

Li Yao smiled and said: "It is really difficult to find. There is no information in the army. It seems that the Zun and the Lingtang will soon be separated. You have passed the mother's surname. We have spent a lot of effort to inform you. ""

"I... I didn't want to come."

Shen Wenyin looked at the families of the victims who had paid homage to their loved ones. The fingers subconsciously fiddled with cigarettes that did not exist. They hesitated for a while, only surrounded by arms and whispered. "Herlian is not a good husband. Not a good father, I hate him, my mom and I both hate him, just want to escape from him, never see him again, even, in this form."


Li Yaofei blinked his eyes.

Although there are some accidents, it is not surprising to combine the evaluation of the "mad dog" He Lianlie in the military in the past month.

Shen Wenying stared at Li Yao in a complicated way: "President Li wants to know about my family's affairs. What about He Lianlie? Actually, there is nothing special about it. It is nothing but a scarred, lonely and crazy man, and a man who has seen more romance. The novel, full of innocent fantasy, thinks that you can 'save' the stupid woman of this man, the story that is commonplace.

"Just, the silly woman in the story can often solve the men who have been hurt, the deepest heart in the heart, and live happily together since then, but the real world..."

She smiled and touched the chapped lips, as if she had put a cigarette that did not exist on her lips.

Li Yao was silent for a moment, whispered: "I have heard from my colleagues and psychologists in the army that Major Helenlie seems to be plagued by severe mental illness, both the factors of battlefield syndrome, but also the early intense stimulation. Why? Sorry."

Shen Wenyin gave a slight glimpse and dumbfounded: "President Li, what do you have to say to me, I am sorry, it is his own mind that is too narrow-minded, has been drawn in the corner of the horn, and has something to do with others?"

Li Yaodao: "The words are like this, but I always have a very strange feeling. I can’t talk about guilt. But I never thought about it before. People like He Lianlie will form a family and have their own. The joys and sorrows and the ideal pursuits will all be like this...

Shen Wenyin raised an eyebrow and looked at Li Yao’s eyes more surprised and confused. He couldn’t help but say: “President Li, you and the book’s vulture, Li Yao’s in the book, in the news, in various propaganda and entertainment works. It’s not like children. If you have just come to a lot of Secrets Bureau or someone in the special service department, I have been talking to me for a long time, and I have repeatedly checked the items I carry with me for dozens of times. I have to doubt whether you are fake. It is."

Li Yao also laughed and scratched his nose. "Since my identity has been exposed, it seems that everyone who saw me said so, everyone said it, even I thought I was a counterfeit."

Shen Wenyin smiled and vomited a long sigh, saying: "In fact, I also have a very strange feeling. I have thought about things for decades, but they are so illusory, like dreams, how? Not like it is true.

"Do you know, President Li, I have hated you for a while, and I hate you very much. That is, He Lianli’s excessive cultivation, nervousness, and crying, vomiting while vomiting, rushing me and me. Mom yelled and yelled like a beast.

"I was five or six years old at the time, six or seven years old. I barely knew something. I also touched the original legend of 'vulture Li Yao' from all sides. I also know how my father played in that legend. Disgraceful character.

"Of course I can't say what you did wrong. Everything is for him. You are absolutely right and a victim.

"But, when He Lianlie tortured himself and us all, and everyone could barely go down, I, a little girl of six or seven years old, always felt in a cranky way, if there was no such person, never There is no 'vulture Li Yao' exists. He Lianlie did not suffer such lessons and changes. His fate, my mother’s fate and my destiny, will it be completely different? Can I live like other children? A little more ordinary, a little easier?

"At least, there will be no other children playing ‘hiccup games’, playing my father over and over again, playing vomiting, chasing my ass, learning my father’s vomiting voice!

"That kind of children learn the sound of my father's vomiting together. I have been entangled in me for a long time. I, I can even endure everything that He Lianli has done to me and my mother, but I can't stand it. The vomiting that was deliberately put out, at the most extreme time, I thought of death, a total of ninety-seven times."

Li Yao blushes and said: "I'm sorry, I don't think it was wrong at the time, but if I give me another chance, I might choose another, more... controllable approach."

Shen Wenyin laughed again, his face was light and dark, just like telling another person's story: "Li, you must not change your mind, otherwise it will be bad.

"I have cursed myself many times, cursing you, cursing He Lianlie, and even cursing my mother. I cursed the fate of **** why I had to make such a big joke with me.

"But one day, when the best things in the world happened to me, when I met another big man, and then... with a little man, I suddenly felt that something happened to me in the past. Drops, even all the good or bad things that happen in the world before birth, have their meaning.

"The whole meaning of these things is that when I walked to the middle of the road in the early morning of the ice and snow, I slipped a slap, and I fell a little on the side of my body. I couldn’t climb for a long time, and then all the past things came to my mind. It made me completely collapse, crying like a child, and fainting.

"Because I was so crying, I am standing on your right hand side, and the stupid big man who is looking at us will notice it and stumble and run over to help me.

"Until now, I still remember that I pushed him away, crying and saying something stupid, I said, 'Go away, my father is He Lianlie', he was pushed by me and sat on the ground. I touched my head for a long time, and my mouth was white and asked, "Who is He Lianlie?"

"Oh, I have imagined 10,000 times, what would happen to the world without you, but if 'vulture Li Yao' never hurts He Lianlie, his fate is completely changed, and he will not meet my mother, even if When I met, I couldn’t possibly be born with my mother’s identity as a prince, so I would never be born.

"Even if I was born and raised in another mysterious way, I couldn't walk through the icy streets of that planet in the early hours of that winter. Even if I really walked, and I didn't luck, I also slipped. I also I won’t cry, it’s like a fool.

"Then, I won't know him, I won't have him. They, our family of three together are like soap bubbles every day. '啪' disappeared without a trace. When I think of it, I will I am afraid of dying.

"So, President Li, fate is such a wonderful thing. If it wasn’t for the conflict between you and He Lianlie, I would not have appeared in this world. Even the tiger’s brain and the little guy crawling around would not Born!" (To be continued...)

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