Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1850: Home, just ahead! (The fifth volume is over)

Li Yao did not expect that there were so many stories in Herlian’s daughter, and these stories even had no good connection with their old choices.

He also remembered the speech of Ding Lingxi in the morning. Most of the speeches were of course processed and polished by others. There is only one sentence that Ding Ling insisted on:

“No one is an island of self-sufficiency, the fate of all... is connected in some wonderful way.”

Shen Wenyin’s gaze was originally indifferent. At this time, it was like the icy lake was wrinkled by the spring breeze, and it became soft and warm. Her face glowed with happiness, whispered: “When I first saw it. When the sun shone on the little furry head, I settled with my own destiny.

"I still hate He Lianlie, but I no longer hate other people, no longer hate myself, hate my mother, hate you.

"At the age of sixteen or seven, I used to think about seeing you one day. At that time, I swear to swear at your face to show my disdain and resistance to 'vulture Li Yao', but now I have not wanted to marry Li Yaoshi, especially in the face of such a situation, which is totally different from the imagination.

"I have so many precious things to love, to enjoy, to guard, and where is the time and energy to continue to hate?"

When Li Yao heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, as if a heavy stone fell in his heart.

Shen Wenyin smiled: "President Li, is there anything else? If not, we have to go home with the last class of floating ships. Thank you again for your notice. This is also good. Awesome things, do a break!"

Li Yao’s heart moved and said: “The reason why Major Hellinger’s heroic sacrifice, perhaps there are also some factors is to protect you, your hatred for him, will not cut a few points?”

Shen Wenyin shook his head. "I understand him. I can guarantee that at the last moment of his life, even if he thinks of you, he may not think of me and my mother.

"I hate him, always hate, just as his hatred for you will never be erased.

"However, I remember that every time he was a child, he practiced too much, and he was close to the fire. When he was like a wild beast, he would say that he would one day do a great event, let me and my mother look at each other. Let the entire federation be proud of him.

"At that time, the madness of this loser made me hate the extreme, trembled, and nausea.

"I didn't expect him to succeed. He really fulfilled his promises. Really... reversed his fate.

"I still hate him, but I have to admit that I have misread him. He is not a loser. At least at the last moment of his life, he is a real hero. I am here today to make apologize to him, perhaps a long time ago. When no one believes in him, as his daughter, I should believe him more and more, believe him once."

After saying this, Shen Wenyin went deep into Li Yao and turned to walk to his husband and son.

"Miss Shen."

Li Yao thought about it and raised his voice. "This is my contact method. I heard that Ling Lang's cultivation talent is good. If there is any place to help, don't be polite, even if you look directly at me."

Shen Wenyin’s footsteps did not look back, and did not want Li Yao’s contact information. He waved his hand: “Thank you for your kindness, but forget it. Although my son and I are not surnamed 'Herlian’, we are all in our body. With the blood of the Helian family, the people of Helian’s family can live very well without the help of 'vulture Li Yao’.”

A family of three, supporting each other, gradually drifting away, disappeared into the misty rain at the door of the War Museum.


In the middle of the night, on a floating ship across the mainland, most of the passengers had already fallen asleep.

Shen Wenyin is still stroking an unclear three-dimensional photo of He Lianli's uniform, even the face has been carefully decorated, can not see too many scars and crazy traces, is a big one around him The two women who look very similar, that is the beginning of fate, women and girls are very bright, like a moment of solidification in happiness.

Shen Wenyin looked at it in obscurity, and two pieces of crystal were gradually gathered in the eye socket.

At this moment, still not asleep, the son who was secretly watching the video, touched her gently: "Mom, look, it seems like the uncle during the day!"

Shen Wenyin gave a slight glimpse and found that his son’s brain was playing a late-night talk show that was popular throughout the federal arena. He was known for his style, bluntness, real-time interaction and frequent invitations to big-name guests. The heads of the 500 sects, even the federal speaker, appeared in the interviews to show the other side of the top leaders to all the audience.

At the moment, sitting on the opposite side of the silver, the witty and wise host, is Li Yao.

He wore an iron-gray robes, neither high-spirited and arrogant, but not too casual, so that everyone feels very relaxed, as if he is a member of the ordinary.

When Shen Wenyin saw it, the host did not know what question he had asked. Li Yao leaned forward and looked sincere and talked:

"...maybe everyone has pinned too many unrealistic fantasies and too good personalities on me, treating me as a kind of high-spirited, shining symbol, a hope that will never be destroyed.

"Just like the host just asked me, what is the feeling of turning the tide in the midst of a thousand miles?

"But the truth is not like this. I don't have any special feelings, because it is not me who is turning the tide when I am in the midst of a thousand years.

"If you have any feelings, it is that I once again realize that war is not something that one can win. Civilization is not something that one can build.

"The ‘Three Realms, Vultures Li Yao’ that has formed a stereotype in everyone’s mind does not exist. I am another person who is completely different and has different propaganda.

"But the hopes, beliefs, and strengths represented by the 'Three Realms, Vultures, Li Yao' are real, not only for me, but also for all EFF and comprehensions; for all homes and relatives , dare to face the fate of the people; on all of you, in the deepest part of your soul.

"So, I am willing to go to this show today to show you the power of this power.

“It’s not enough to rely on a program for only half an hour. So in the next stage, we’ll publish a brand new biography, and I’m willing to talk to everyone’s heart and talk about the real Li Yao. , and what is the world in Li Yao’s eyes, this is also an advertisement I made in advance.

"However, compared to my own story, I would like to tell you some other stories, some fight against the fate of my own, the real hero legend.

"I want to tell you the story of the real golden slaughter. He used to be a notorious war criminal.

"I want to tell you about the story of the white boss. He is the king of the star thief of the former spider nest star.

"I want to tell you that the story of thousands of EFF soldiers, like Major Hellie Lie...

"These stories may not be as thrilling, twisty and bizarre as the stories you have heard in the past. There are still a lot of gray and even black, which is unacceptable and will tarnish the glorious image of the Stars.

"But I still want to say them all at one or five, just because they are all true.

"I think that the real rise of a country or civilization may not lie in how many wins it wins, how many fleets and powerhouses it has, how many worlds it has conquered, but whether its government has enough confidence and courage. To open up all the truth, and does its people have enough courage and reason to accept it?

"After a hundred years, the Stars Federation has risen and I firmly believe this!"

Shen Wenyin saw here, the tears in the corner of his eyes could not help but flow quietly.

But the little boy immediately found her strange, put down the crystal brain, and swayed her arm anxiously: "Mom, what happened to you? Dad!"

"Nothing, don't wake your father, he's tired for a day."

Shen Wenyin snorted and touched his son's hot head. He said softly, "Xiaohui, do you want to know the story of your grandfather?"

The little boy gave a slight glimpse and showed a happy look. He nodded hard: "Think, think, ask the mother in the war museum during the day, why don't the mother say it, I certainly want to know!"

"Right, even the big heroes like 'vulture Li Yao' come to the mother during the day. Is he coming for his grandfather? Is he and his grandfather a good friend?

"I understand that my grandfather must be his old comrade-in-arms. The two men have fought side by side, together with demon slayers, defending the federation, right?"

Shen Wenyin smiled, leaning on the back of the chair, gently closing his eyes and muttering: "It is a long, long, long time story, but it doesn't matter, mom has a lot, a lot, a lot of time, can slowly say to listen."


The little man with a tiger head and his brain squatted on his mother's legs. He took a piece of paper and wiped his eyes on his mother. He said seriously: "The mother should not cry, although the grandfather is gone, but there are me and my father, no matter What happened, my father and I will protect my mother!"

Shen Wenyin’s nose was sour that he couldn’t help but open his eyes again, but his eyes were attracted by the reflections of the stars outside the window. They were slowly passing over a big city with bright lights.


The little boy's eyes widened. "Are you at home?"

"not yet."

Shen Wenyin took a son and smiled from the heart. "But not far away, the family... is ahead."

[The fifth volume of the rise of the article]

The sixth volume, the Empire article, is about to debut!

Next volume notice:

White Boss: "The empire is in front, the treasure is in front, the inheritance is in front, the big white star steals the group, attack!"

Li Yao: "I want to go to the empire, all the secrets are there!"

Long Yangjun: "Imperial... It’s fun."

Ding Lingwei: "Li Yao, wait for me, I will go to the empire and blow the head of the emperor!"

Wenwen, Xiaoming: "It’s not afraid of falling rain, it’s not afraid of snow, we have to go to the empire to find Dad!"

The federal powerhouse, the ancient holy strongman, the sacred alliance, the devil... the strongest: "empire! Empire!"

The real human empire: "Khan, suddenly feels the pressure is great..."

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