Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1853: Moonlight messenger

It is no secret that Professor Mo Xuan is doing research in the field of artificial intelligence. For example, Li Yao’s educational artificial intelligence “grandfather” who plays with many children in the fire base is completely open.

In addition to Professor Mo Xuan, there are many experts in the Federation who are doing artificial intelligence research, including the "Civilization" game R&D center led by Professor Xie Wufeng. They are also designing more and more complex and huge new pieces of information. The artificial intelligence that is vivid and lifelike, serves the players.

The game assistants "Xiao Ming" and "Wen Wen" are their masterpieces, but that is far from the limit. The "waiter" in the latest generation of games has been able to fully simulate human behavior patterns and languages ​​within a certain range by relying on unique algorithms. Logic, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, but this is still within the scope of the law.

However, having a database that is 10,000 times larger than ordinary artificial intelligence, using a new algorithm provided by the extraterrestrial demon and the running logic of the leading federal centuries, and thus having a highly targeted and destructive super artificial intelligence super-spirit, is completely different. It is.

Professor Mo Xuan refining a total of 19 super-spirits. In addition to the two failed experimental bodies, the remaining 17 were used to invade the important nodes of the Da Yi Ling network, and the most critical master crystal brains were added. Interference and infection are the key to the entire conspiracy.

Although the conspiracy of the extraterrestrial demon is bankrupt, whether it is the ordinary artificial intelligence "heterogeneous", or these evolutionary versions of the super artificial intelligence "super-spirit", and even the crystal brain laboratory that produces these super-spirit, must not leave Find out all the places.

In this respect, Professor Mo Xuan repented before his death and helped Li Yao's experimental data.

Relying on extremely detailed experimental logs and even various control secret lines, the investigation team stalked and found that the super-crystal brain that originally gave birth to the "super-spirit" finally locked the core data characteristics of all "super-spirits" in three months. And master the way to control them.

Today, it is the last "one", or the core database of the last "segment" super-spirit is extracted, and its underlying running logic is reset, and its unique information modifier is reset, from Mo Xuan The professor was re-established as an investigation team.

"This is the No. 14 super-spirit, codenamed 'Moonlight Messenger.'"

Professor Xie Wufeng has connected his micro-crystal brain and the super crystal brain that carries the super-spirit, and can remotely retrieve some of the permissions and interactive interfaces. He quickly knocked on the micro-crystal brain, a bunch of secluded The blue light immediately above his wrist formed a look of a woman with a look of indifference and a veil.

“In order to report to the ambassador of the parliament, we reset its interactive interface so that it can understand most of the substandard orders and respond in a way that no one else can understand, such as this.”

Professor Xie Wufeng paused and said, "Moonlight messenger, what was your last mission?"

The woman wearing a gauze did not hesitate. She said: "My mission is to invade the master crystal brain of the Xinghai Jump Command and Dispatching Center of Baihuacheng, and control all the Xinghai jumping waterways around Baihuacheng. A large number of starships that transited from Baihuacheng and jumped to Tianyuanjie, all accepted my guidance and jumped to a coordinate that did not exist."

As she said, the gauze on her body suddenly turned into a layer of mist, and the data, calculations and runes that appeared in the mist from the mist were all concrete methods of invading and controlling the crystal brain.

The line-by-line calculations slid down at a speed of five hundred lines per second. Rao’s dynamic visual ability is a dizzying rise, and he is amazed: “Controlling the transportation hub of the whole federation, making a large number of starships Can you really follow the dispatch of it?"

“According to the preliminary analysis of our experts, it is possible to do it.”

Professor Xie Wufeng said, "This extraterrestrial demon in the body of Professor Mo Xuan is very likely to be born in the Xinghai Empire era 10,000 years ago. You also know that the Xinghai Empire is a peak of human civilization development, a large number of Xinghai Empire. The technology is directly from the legendary 'Feng Shen Bang', is the real wild technology!

"The technology that has been exposed to this technology, or the extraterrestrial demon that was born to destroy this technology, has a deeper understanding than humans in areas such as artificial intelligence, brain damage and control, penetration and defense.

"The seventeen super-spirits, each with a vast database, exquisite architecture and arrogant algorithms, tell the truth, the strength of all our experts, for three months, still can not be completely Learn through the mystery.

"However, once we can fully grasp their mysteries, we will be able to upgrade the level of the Federation's Crystal Brain and Spiritual Network for hundreds of years. I firmly believe this."


After studying the large number of experimental logs left by Professor Mo Xuan, Li Yao was deeply touched by this point and did not dare to underestimate the terribleness of the extraterrestrial demon.

“It’s perfect...”

Li Yao looked at the looming "moonlight messenger", and he couldn't help himself. "Professor Xie is an expert in virtual life. In your opinion, such a powerful 'super spirit' can be regarded as a kind of virtual What about life?"

"That's still a long way off."

Professor Xie Wufeng said, "Yes, its computational analysis and logical deduction ability are far beyond the ordinary people's level, but the difference between human and non-human is not here. It is just 'super artificial intelligence' at best, not real virtual. Life, the difference, I asked it a few very simple questions, you will know.

"Moonlight messenger, tell me all the channel information about the channel near Tianyuanxing, it is everything."

There is still no hesitation. Almost at the moment when Professor Xie Wufeng’s last word is spoken, the moonlight’s magical fog has turned into a new flow of information, and it has once again flashed at a super high speed.

Professor Xie Wufeng did not look at it. He even asked her about the characteristics of several planets, the setting of the best route and the energy consumption of the starship. It was the kind of experience that the relevant experts should also indulge for a moment. The moonlight messengers are all in the electric light. Between the stone fires, a perfect response was made.


Professor Xie Wufeng was very satisfied and nodded. "Now, tell me the name of your favorite singer."

Just after the flow of water, wind and rain, the information flow, instantly solidified.

The moonlight messenger stared blankly at Professor Xie Wufeng, and the lifeless eyes looked even more rigid. They stuck in the shell for a long time, and a lot of data came out again and glittered.

It was the highest number of singers and singles downloaded and listened to in the last ten, fifty and one hundred years. It also used a variety of subtle algorithms to calculate the different regions, occupations and age groups. Listening to the crowd, the "favorite" singer, with a very detailed introduction of singers and the best comments on the song, and so on, is a sea of ​​data.

"No, no."

Professor Xie Wufeng said, "I am not asking who is the most popular singer of the 'federal'. I am asking 'your' favorite singer, don't give me so much information, just give me a simple name. Yes, a name!"

The data flow in front of the moonlight messenger has frozen again, and it seems to have fallen into an infinite loop, long time no words.

Professor Xie Wufeng continued: "If you don't like to listen to songs, it doesn't matter. Just tell me, ‘you don’t like music, don’t like any singer, that’s an answer.”

The moonlight messenger looked at him, the data was still frozen, and there was no answer.


Professor Xie Wufeng turned his head to Li Yao and Long Yangjun. "It is possible to tell the best way to jump between seven planets, but you can't name a favorite singer. It's not human, it doesn't have 'self. 'The concept, let alone the 'like', 'love' and 'hate' extended from the 'self'.

"It is only a very clever tool at best. It does not have the ability to evolve into a 'virtual wisdom life'. Cells can evolve into adults. Stones are absolutely evolutionary and not adult. Stones that are bigger and harder will not work."

Looking at the moonlight messenger, Li Yao’s heart showed an inexplicable emotion. I don’t know if it’s a relief or a faint regret. I’m relieved: “It seems that we have created a real virtual life for a long time. Already?"

"It’s been a long time, it’s just a long way to go."

Professor Xie Wufeng smiled bitterly. "At least, we now know that even the extraterrestrial demons who are parasitic on Professor Mo Xuan and Lu Xiaochen have no ability to create real virtual life, let alone us?"

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse: "What is this?"

Professor Xie Wufeng said: "This is not a very simple truth. If the "virtual life" you refer to has a definition similar to ours, then it is also a soul, a feeling of emotion, and emotional fluctuations?"

Li Yao frowned, whether the wisdom of life must have the spirit of the soul and the seven emotions, this is a big problem.

However, in terms of human standards, if human beings want to create a virtual life as a "sub-civilization", should there be such things?

"The extraterrestrial demon is fed by the fluctuations of the soul and emotions."

Professor Xie Wufeng explained, “If the extraterrestrial demon can create a virtual life with soul and emotion, why bother to find human troubles? It creates a virtual life by itself, hiding in a virtual space. Virtual life is food, self-sufficiency, not solving all problems, and fighting with Pangu civilization and human civilization?"

Li Yaofei blinked his eyes as if it was such a truth.

Professor Xie Wufeng said with a smile: "Forget it, this illusory question can't be said for decades. I want you to come over today, not only for the 14th super-spiritual 'moonlight messenger', but also Two..."

Li Yao’s eyes flashed in the eye: “Professor Xie said that in addition to the seventeen “completed bodies”, after the other two failures, the “experimental body” in the virtual world was lost?”

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