Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1854: Sudden spiritual world


Professor Xie Wufeng said, "Although from the experimental journal of Professor Mo Xuan, there are also oracle and spiritual network experts who are detained in the spiritual world, these two codes are the superscripts of '17th and '18' The body is the product of experimental failure, its core database has already collapsed, and the running logic is quite confusing, so that Professor Mo Xuan will discard them and seal them into the virtual world.

"However, you have also seen that the super-spirit is a terrible artificial intelligence. A ‘moonlight messenger’ in the district has the ability to seriously interfere with and even completely control the entire federal transportation hub.

"Even if the '17th' and '18th' are left with some fragmented digital and spiritual fragments, if they fall into the hands of other ulterior motives, there may still be endless troubles.

"So, you must find them out and wipe them out!"

Li Yao nodded very cautiously: "Yes, but Professor Xie, I don't quite understand anything. From their code name, '17th' and '18' should be the later super-spirits. Sixteen super-spirits have been successful before them, including the complex and powerful super-spirit of the 'Moonlight Messenger'.

"Accordingly, at that time, Professor Mo Xuan has accumulated a wealth of experience in super-spirit modulation, coupled with the blessing of extraterrestrial demon, it is unlikely to go wrong, why did it fail twice in succession?

"This question is not mentioned too much in Professor Mo Xuan's experimental journal. Occasionally, when he mentioned the 17th and 18th, he was also unclear. It seems that even he himself is very strange and puzzling. You have thoroughly analyzed all the crystal brains of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital these days, and asked so many 'spirits', have you found some clues?"

"There is one point. From the confession of relevant experts, Professor Mo Xuan’s ambition is too great. After the success of the first six super-spirits, his self-confidence is inflated and he wants to modulate the ratio. Super Spirit's more powerful ultimate version."

Professor Xie Wufeng said, "Even if Mo Xuan's strange ‘Xingling’ life form and the ability of the extraterrestrial demon, the magical power they want to give to the ultimate super-spirit is far beyond the limit.

"They seem to have tried tens of thousands of radical algorithms and unique logics on the '17th' and '18th'. In short, they are all cutting-edge virtual technologies, but the so-called human beings are sometimes poor and extraterrestrial. It is also omnipotent, and the untested and up-to-date technology is over-stacked, and failure is inevitable.

"After two consecutive failures, they themselves realized this, so the 19th super spirit, and honestly using conventional algorithms and running logic to modulate, '17th and '18" are unique. of.

"Mr. Mo Xuan sealed them to the 'virtual world' instead of destroying them completely. I am afraid that there are also considerations in this regard. He should want to gather all the federal experts and resources after the complete seizure of power, and continue to carry out these two. The ultimate super-spirit research work?"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and couldn't help but ask: "What kind of mission has been given to the 17th and the 18th, even if it is complicated to the magical power that cannot be realized by the demon outside the domain, can it be supported?"

"Civilization" game."

Professor Xie Wufeng took a deep breath and said, "The mission of Super Spirit '17' and '18" is to instantly control every platform of the "Civilization" game, each piece of information and every game in progress. people.

"If successful, they will be able to let all the players who are immersed in the game cabin at that time, immersed in the "civilization" world, forever sealed in the game world, never return to them without the permission of them or the extraterrestrial monsters. In the real world."

Li Yao was shocked and his scalp was numb.

"Civilization" is the largest game platform in the whole country. It is wrong. In fact, it has already surpassed the scope of "games". It is a virtual communication platform that covers the whole country. No matter the operation of games, social, work and even government departments, all aspects are away. Do not open this platform.

According to statistics, the number of people who are online at the same time every minute exceeds 10 billion. More than 90% of the people log on to the various sub-platforms derived from this platform every day. Almost 100% of them will definitely log in to Civilization within one week. "once!

If the extraterrestrial demon really relies on the "17th" and "18th" to control the "civilization" game, it is equivalent to controlling the entire federation!


"How can it be?"

Li Yao indulged in a moment, shaking his head again and again, not taking it for granted. "The amount of calculation is too big, and it involves the mysteries of the deepest parts of human spirits. It is harder than knowing the stars in the sky!"

"It is indeed impossible, so there are two consecutive failures. After that, even Professor Mo Xuan, who is attached to the Tianqu Demon, understands that this is a waste of time and resources, and it has been put on hold for a while."

Professor Xie Wufeng said, "From the experimental data we collected, on the 17th and 18th after the collapse, there are at most 1% of the virtual fragments left. However, they still have to find them. On the one hand, they cannot Let them fall into the hands of the ambitions. On the other hand, those core spirits and the underlying logic of operation may help us to analyze other super-spirits."

Li Yao thought for a moment: "That is to enter the virtual world?"

Professor Xie Wufeng said: "For those super crystal brains that were originally engaged in the 'virtual world project', experts have various ways to solve the mystery of the depths. However, it is true to send people to the virtual world of collapse. It is the most time-saving and most intuitive way."

Li Yao frowned: "Is it very dangerous?"

At the beginning, Professor Mo Xuan, Lu Qingchen and even Su Changfa were all involved in the virtual whirlpool of the frenzy when the virtual spirit collapsed. The soul was severely damaged, and the dead died and was eroded by erosion.

Li Yao does not want this tragedy to repeat itself.

Wei Qingqing smiled and said: "Reassuringly, although the virtual world is now a mess and fragmentation, it is still quite stable for the time being. As long as we do not make large-scale data revisions, we should not have a second collapse."

"Danger is of course there."

Professor Xie Wufeng said, "This is also the reason why we hope that you and Longdaoyou will lead us into the virtual world. The two of you are super masters who are close to the gods. In the battle with the gods outside the domain, It shows a very powerful spirit of the soul. If you are there, even if you are trapped in the virtual world, you will not be at a loss. Should there be a way to break the illusion and return to reality?"

Li Yao thought for a moment, he was also very curious about the virtual world used to breed virtual life. Besides, this is a virtual world that has been abandoned for decades. The danger coefficient is higher and it will not be directly controlled by the extraterrestrial demon. Are those spiritual worlds still high?

Li Yao looked at Long Yangjun and asked him what he meant.

"Don't look at me, I have already promised Professor Xie."

Long Yangjun spread his hand and looked serious. "In theory, there should be no danger in entering the virtual world, but there is a very fatal factor, but it is impossible to prevent."

Li Yao sneaked in his heart and hurriedly asked: "What factors?"


Long Yangjun glanced at him. "There was no simple investigation of the risk factor. Once you have Li Laomo joined, the risk factor is simply '咻', and it is soaring a hundred times. I can hear the depths of my mind. The bell is over!"

Li Yao: "..."


Baihuacheng, No.1 Space Station, Super Crystal Brain Control Center, Li Yao, Long Yangjun, Professor Xie Wufeng and several other crystal brain experts were all immersed in warm nerve interaction fluid.

Wei Qingqing and other ghosts or spiritual people have also passed through the crystal line and connected to the huge super crystal brain.

This is a planned and detailed investigation. Naturally, there are countless doctors, masters and brain brain experts who closely monitor their physical and brain conditions and minimize the risk factor.

"When are you ready, the virtual world will investigate the action, the countdown begins, ten...9...eight..."

Professor Xie Wufeng's voice penetrated the viscous nerve interaction fluid, like a vague wave.

When the transparent hatch is slowly closed, it seems that the outside light is also cut off. Li Yao only feels that the darkness has not passed the top of his head.

Suddenly it became cold and I was struggling to get up, only to find myself sitting up, but my head didn't have a hatch.

The hatch of the immersive virtual cabin has disappeared, or the real world has disappeared.

Now, he is sitting in the depths of the broken virtual spirits, on a dead beach, his legs are still washed by the almost black waves.

This is a world that is dying.

Extremely far-sighted, the end of the sea level is a huge star, almost occupying the entire horizon of Li Yao, giving a very strange shock, as if it is not a sphere, but a large mouth that is recessed inward It is so huge to completely swallow the planet he is in.

Although it is so large that it can't be added, the star doesn't have any glare. It burns slowly, and occasionally emits one or two rays that are better than nothing. It can only bring a bleak red to the beach, but it can't bring a little warmth. .

It is not so much a star, but rather a smudged red pigment on the scorpio, nothing more.

The same is true of the black ocean.

At first, Li Yao thought that this ocean was frozen. All the waves and the waves were still. After careful observation, it was discovered for a long time that the sea was surging, but the surging speed was very slow and seemed to be more realistic. The choppy waves of the world are a hundred times slower, and this way of reminding him of the woods is a deadly spiritual world.

First of all, I wish you all the best for New Year’s Eve and happy New Year!

I will report to you about the recent update arrangements. During the Spring Festival, the old cows can still guarantee two times a day. It is necessary to look at the situation. On the one hand, the new volume has just begun, and it is necessary to plan the story behind. On the other hand, it is busy. After a year, I have to go to the family and friends, spend more time with my family, and find old students to play a little mahjong. Hahahaha, I hope all friends can understand, yes, understand Long live!

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