Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1856: Disappearing statue

Li Yao is hard to imagine that in this way, a new virtual life can be born, and these virtual life will obey the command of the creator human: "How does it sound, isn't it reliable?"

"Of course not reliable, but to create a new form of virtual wisdom life, this is an area that has never been involved in the past, who can say that a certain method must be reliable?"

Professor Xie Wufeng said with a smile, "When the virtual spirit collapses, even Professor Mo Xuan realizes that this road is nowhere to be done. Creating a new virtual life is neither possible nor necessary, and it turns to the research field that virtualizes human beings themselves. And the educational concept of this 'history museum' plus 'big library' is also extended in the 'fire plan', that is, 'old grandfather', but the educated is no longer a new virtual life, but The original civilization after hundreds of millions of years.

"But whether it is to create a new kind of virtual life, or to cultivate the original civilization after hundreds of millions of years, the core is the same. It is hoped that after the decline of human civilization, the spirit of human civilization will be passed on, and even human beings will be created. Replica', or say, 'upgrade version'."

Everyone said, slowly stepping into the city center.

On the central square, hundreds of tall statues of the tallest priests, the most influential politicians, artists, military commanders, and martial arts strongmen, were formed to form a magnificent forest.

At this moment, these statues are all over the world, riddled with holes, mottled, covered with moss and rust.

Many of the statues only had broken limbs and were even torn into pieces by lightning or earthquake. They were scattered on the nearby ground and were overwhelmed by weeds and thorns growing in the ground.

"this is……"

Professor Xie Wufeng walked up to a bare pedestal and reached out and touched it. His expression instantly became extremely strange and his pupils contracted to the extreme.

Li Yao suddenly warned: "What happened?"


Professor Xie Wufeng carefully observed around and frowned. "There is one statue missing. It is not a broken arm, nor is it broken, but it is completely broken. It is completely missing. It belongs to the half finger of this statue. Can not find, you see, the pedestal is very clean, a gravel and a piece of iron filings are not left, not cracked, collapsed, broken, but completely disappeared, perhaps ... is swallowed up by something. ”

Li Yao eyebrows picked one and wiped a hand on the pedestal. He only felt that the place where the statue should be connected was as smooth as a mirror. It was not like the destruction caused by the collapse of the virtual world: "There is indeed weirdness. Who is this statue?" ”

Professor Xie Wufeng glanced at the number on the pedestal and browsed the experimental data of the virtual spirit project. The expression became more and more weird: "It is your statue."

Li Yao: "Ah?"

Professor Xie Wufeng: "It's very strange. This square is used to introduce the history of the Federation for six hundred years. Basically, the big man of the Sixty Years ago, the great people of the Megatron have statues. How can you be selected from the United States? Influential top 100 list, is it ok?"

Li Yao resisted the urge to grab his hair desperately. He was a little bit crying and laughing: "My statue is completely gone. What does this mean?"

“The so-called 'the statue' is just the front end of the interactive interface we see.”

Professor Xie Wufeng explained, “From the perspective of the core data layer, each statue is a huge information base of this man of course, of course, all of which can be publicly available.

"Including but not limited to, the brilliant deeds of this man, the experience of cultivation, the video of battle, the monograph of the thesis, the essence of lectures and speeches, the deep scan of the brain, the dynamic analysis of brain waves, and so on.

"With the integration of a huge database, what is ultimately obtained is not a cold statue, but a living virtual hero. You can understand it as an early version of 'Old Grandpa'. Your statue is ‘Yao old 1.0’.”

"and many more……"

Li Yao frowned and raised his hand to interrupt Professor Xie Wufeng's introduction. "Even the deep brain scan map and the brain wave dynamic analysis map, where did Professor Mo Xuan come from?"

"When you are hospitalized for injury, and when you break through a new realm, there are doctors and masters of the highest federal inspections, leaving a lot of information about the brains and spirits."

Professor Xie Wufeng said, "The information was originally confidential. It will not be gradually disclosed unless it confirms your death. At that time, Professor Mo Xuan has been influenced by the extraterrestrial demon, in order to modulate a more perfect 'grandfather'. It’s no surprise to find a way to copy your brainwave analysis and add it to his database."

Li Yao couldn't help but rub his own temple: "The ‘the statue' containing my brain scan and brain wave analysis disappeared. How is my brain different from other people's brains?”

"Even if it's different, it's not a brain scan or a brainwave analysis."

Professor Xie Wufeng said, "You know that the mystery contained in the human brain is more than the mystery of the entire universe. Or, the human brain is a small universe, even if all the brains of the whole federation run to the extent of collapse, I am afraid. Can not analyze the truth of this 'small universe' one percent.

"Everyone's soul is unique and completely different. You are the strongman who is close to the **** series. Your soul is even more special. How many brainwave scans can be analyzed clearly?

"In my opinion, maybe Professor Mo Xuan will deliberately take this database containing your vast amount of information in order to deal with you?

"Not right. At that time, he didn't know that you would return, and he must have a copy of your database. You don't need to restart the virtual world, take away the data about your brain and the soul.


Li Yao, Long Yangjun, Wei Qingqing, Professor Xie Wufeng and all the expedition members, facing the empty pedestal, fell into a long silence.


In the virtual world, after six hours, the team members did not get anything.

Neither the "seventh" and "eighteen" pieces of the super-spirits were found, nor the statues of Li Yao’s disappearance were found.

Professor Li Yao and Professor Xie Wufeng once again returned to the hustle and bustle of the beach, watching the endless sand paintings, and the end of the sand painting, the dead black sea.

After entering the virtual world, many strange things made Li Yao feel uneasy. He always felt that there was an invisible rope and everything was connected in series.

"The results of the preliminary exploration, 17 and 18 should have been completely removed."

Professor Xie Wufeng breathed a sigh of relief, and said with regret, "This is not bad, although there is no way to get the core database fragments of the two super-spirits, but at least don't worry that they fall into the hands of the ambitions, and then make a big noise. Trouble.

"As for your statue disappearing, there is nothing. 99% of the information contained in the statue is public information. Even if it is a brain scan, it is more than a hundred years ago. Your soul has happened in a hundred years. The earth-shaking changes, these outdated data is rubbish, it is impossible to cause you a little bit of damage, you can rest assured."

"Professor Xie, you said"

Li Yao stared blankly at the sand painting. Suddenly, the ghost said to him, "Is it really impossible to have a true virtual life with self-awareness?"

Professor Xie Wufeng gave a slight glimpse, smiled and grabbed a handful of sand. He said: "It is not impossible, but the probability is relatively small, to what extent? For example, suppose this sand on the beach. I wrote a word randomly, and now I grabbed the sand and let them arbitrarily leak from the fingers. The sand that drifted with the wind just formed the most touching poem in the universe is so small!

"I know what you are thinking.

"You are thinking, after the failure of the experiment, the fragmented No. 17 and No. 18, after being thrown into the virtual spirit world, will it suddenly evolve greatly and become self-conscious because of some kind of coincidence, in the case of inexplicable circumstances, From 'artificial intelligence' to a real 'virtual life'?

"Oh, I can assure you, no, all the brain and spiritual experts in the whole country can guarantee to you with your head, this is absolutely, absolutely, absolutely impossible.

"The 17th and the 18th are essentially a database plus a bunch of cold running logic, no different from the 'Moonlight Messenger'. They are tools, just like the stones that humans originally used to open nuts and animal bones. The same, just a tool.

“It is impossible for stone to evolve into adults. These ‘virtual stones’ cannot naturally evolve into true ‘virtual life’.”

Li Yao frowned, meditation for a long time: "Professor Xie, I have heard a saying that constitutes more than 97% of the human body, in the final analysis, are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, helium, phosphorus and sulfur, etc., and the days The billions of stars in Wanjie are also composed of these elements.

"In other words, the basic elements that make up our body are not much different from the basic elements that make up the stars. We are literally the 'children of the stars'.

"You just said that only cells can evolve into adults. Stones cannot evolve into adults, but where did the original cells come from? At the beginning of the Big Bang, those elements that would make up cells after tens of billions of years, and What are the essential differences between those elements that will become stones?"

Professor Xie Wufeng was speechless for a while, and he said for a long time: "You have said that it is going to go through billions or even billions of years of change, and it is possible to turn the probability of one billionth into reality.

"On the scale of tens of billions of years, everything is possible.

"But if we are talking about just a hundred thousand years of human civilization shining, or even the next millennium of the Starry Federation, then I can still be very serious to ensure that in the absence of outside interference, virtual wisdom life is absolutely It is impossible to be born!"

Li Yao’s ears and eyebrows stood up together: “Excuse me, what is ‘outside interference’?”——

This is a good two, but after reading it, our twenty-seventh lord "pool fish is occupied" was born, the old lord "grey night sky" has once again made a lot of money, and other books and friends have strongly supported.

This third, in any case, must be done out, thank all the book friends, thank you, everyone happy New Year's Eve, good luck!

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