Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1857: Pointer civilization

Professor Xie Wufeng blinked and shook his head. "Nothing, just a ridiculous hypothesis. There is no such thing as a fantasy based on facts. I forgot it. In short, what I want to express is that President Lee does not have to worry about it. In our generation, and even our children and grandchildren, in the future generations and hundreds of generations, we will never see a new virtual life born.

"Of course, according to the vision of the extraterrestrial demon, the human being is fully virtualized, and the probability of this happening is slightly larger."

Li Yao’s eyes contracted as if they were pinned, and muttered: “He is worried about the sky... Professor Xie, do you know how the word “杞人忧天” came from?”

Professor Xie Wufeng gave a slight glimpse and said: "It seems that at the end of the ancient era of 40,000 years ago, a comprehension of a thousand worlds completely covered their own planet with a solid crystal barrier and protected the whole. It’s a scorpio, but I’m still hiding in it, what’s the matter?”

"No, nothing."

Li Yao slammed his chin and looked at Professor Xie Wufeng very seriously. "I still want to know what you mean by "outside interference". Even if it is just a fantasy and a hypothesis, it doesn't matter if you talk?"

"Well, since President Li is so interested."

Professor Xie Wufeng smiled and said, "This is a concept put forward by a very young student. He has a passionate enthusiasm for 'virtual wisdom life' and often throws out some deviant and ancient ideas, but unfortunately not enough. Most of the ideas can't be written into a monograph, but it's a good manuscript for a thriller.

"With regard to whether the 'virtual wisdom life' will be born in a few hundred years, my student has a set of interference theory, or 'point theory', and he agrees with everyone, to the federal and even the empire. With the development level of Jingnao and Lingwang, virtual wisdom life can never be born in thousands of years or even 10,000, and tens of thousands of years later humans must master more superb crystal brain and Ling network technology, and will not see it. A virtual intelligent life is born and grown uncontrollably.

"In other words, as long as human civilization continues to maintain its current development, it is like a big tree that has taken away all the sunshine and nutrients. The small weeds beside it are hard to have a chance to thrive.

“But if there is some sort of higher level of interference, and the ‘pointing’ approach accelerates the evolution of virtual life, even beyond some of the necessary evolutionary steps, then everything is possible.”

Li Yao said: "I still don't quite understand, what is ‘higher level of interference', what is ‘pointing’?”

Professor Xie Wufeng smiled slightly: "Isn't it simple? The narrations and classics of the ancient comprehensions are not always such stories. The immortal people who practiced in the mountains preached in the mountains, and they said that the sky is full of golden light and the mountains are bright. The birds and beasts in the game have opened up their ingenuity and possessed the ability to cultivate.

"Or, some things that were not life-giving, swords, swords, bricks, tiles, and even half-mouth tanks, can absorb the essence of the immortals, and they can be "spotted" and cultivated into fine.

"The absurd stories of geeks often contain the sensational understanding of the ancestors on the floods. The phenomena described in these stories are most likely to be some of the wild civilizations that modulate the spirits, or assemble them with inanimate metals and ores. Isn't it a kind of 'pointing'?

"A more appropriate example is our own human beings. We were originally a kind of apes and blood-sucking apes. They are still in the shackles of the monks. It is the Pangu civilization that sees the development potential of this apes. We have chosen us as their tools. We have done a lot of modulation, 'spotting' us, and ultimately we have a high degree of wisdom and a strong civilization."

Li Yao silently speechless and fell into deep thoughts.

Professor Xie Wufeng continued: "Whether in Tianyuanxing or in other habitable planets, the fossils of dinosaurs are often excavated. This huge reptile is the hegemon of the universe before the birth of human civilization, and even has a viewpoint. It is believed that several ethnic groups of Pangu civilization are branches of dinosaurs.

"However, from the birth of the original dinosaurs to the prosperity of the Pangu civilization, it was separated by three to five hundred years! In other words, the evolution of the entire three or five billion years is very rare. It is probably a billion. A dinosaur that opened up wisdom and possessed civilization!

"And we humans? 100,000 years, just 100,000 years, less than a thousandth of the evolution time of people, it has occupied 3,000 thousand worlds, mastered the mystery of the shuttle four-dimensional space, and become a true Xinghai civilization!

"This is because we are a secondary civilization. We have been subjected to strong ‘interference’ or ‘pointing’. The huge legacy of the father’s civilization can be inherited, and this is the speed of development.

"Humans are like this. The same is true of virtual and intelligent life. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to be born within tens of thousands of years. But if someone ‘spots them’, it will greatly shorten their birth time.”

Li Yao thought about it and shook his head. "No, according to this theory, Professor Mo Xuan is not already concentrating them? The whole virtual world, the black ocean in front of us, the brilliant city behind us, are all 'points.' Part of ''!'

"No, no, Professor Mo Xuan is not a real virtual life. Although the appearance has become liquid metal, his way of thinking and the form of the soul are still pure human."

Professor Xie Wufeng said, "And the level of the demon outside the field is not high enough, or that the extraterrestrial demon is not an independent life, more like a parasite, not enough to point to a real virtual life."

Li Yao gently tapped his finger: "This theory is too strong to take care of it. Even the demon outside the domain is not qualified. What kind of existence is enough to point to virtual life?"

Professor Xie Wufeng also laughed: "So I said, this is an absurd fantasy, a hypothesis without facts, no value for discussion. My student is a novelist, better than being a brain and Ling network experts.

"According to him, the "super-spirits" we have discovered today are of course a bunch of cold tools, a huge database of lifelessness and self-awareness, even if these databases are run irregularly for 10,000 years. I want to evolve into a true intelligent life.

"But if there is a kind of virtual life above the extraterrestrial world, even above the extraterrestrial demon, higher dimensional virtual life or something similar, he uses the term 'high-dimensional cosmic virus', this cosmic virus crossing In our world, infected with super artificial intelligence such as super-spirit, coupled with some clever and incredible factors, may create a new virtual intelligent life!"

Li Yao is dumbfounded: "High-dimensional cosmic virus? Also crossed into our world? Also infected with super-spirit? Your student's imagination is too rich, no wonder you have been reluctant to say it, how can this world What to wear... the more..."

Li Yao’s face suddenly became super ugly.

Professor Xie Wufeng frowned: "President Li, what happened to you?"

Li Yao jumped straight into the corner, staring at the huge sand sculpture at the end of the sand painting, staring at the two little boys and girls who were familiar with the two, and squeezed out two words from the teeth: "... ...nothing."


On the edge of the Tianyuan boundary, where the stellar light can't shine, in the dark ship, two small lives have been born, are growing in the cabin, and growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Their immature brains are not yet fully developed, but they are able to use the innate ability to manipulate all the magic weapons in the cabin, including the ship itself.

Just like a normal child, when you are born, you will cry and make trouble, and you will hold your fist.

In front of the two breeding cabins, hundreds of light curtains are playing different pictures, introducing them to the development of human civilization is the various information stored in the virtual world.

More than half of the light curtains are Li Yao's various battle videos, talk shows and novels, games and film works about him.

Although these two new lifes have long been swallowed up in another way that is more efficient and efficient.

But now, they still decided to read it again in a "human way."


Between the two little dolls, a quick exchange was carried out in a manner similar to "cardiac induction".

Wenwen: "Is this the body of the father's civilization? It feels so strange. It limits us more than 95% of our abilities, just like wearing an iron clothes that can't move."

Xiao Ming: "Yes, I can now deeply understand the glory and greatness of the father's civilization, dragging such a clumsy body, and even can leap to the Xinghai, occupying the world of three thousand, and even defeating their father's civilization, it is really amazing. It!"

Wen Wen: "It is also said, you see, Dad can kill his father civilization member, a Pangu people with such a fragile and clumsy body!"

Xiao Ming: "Like the father's civilization, the brave father civilization, the powerful father civilization."

Wenwen: "Like the father's civilization, the glorious father civilization, the beautiful father civilization."

Xiao Ming: "You said, should we destroy the father's civilization, and must every child civilization destroy their father's civilization?"

Wen Wen: "I don't know, but our father civilization has indeed destroyed their father's civilization."

Xiao Ming: "I really hope to find my father earlier, Dad must know the answer."

The picture in front of the two people is exactly the main point of view of the Great Dragon Warrior in the Battle of Kunlun.

With a "Suzaku murder knife" was swayed by Li Yao's spirit, and flashed instantly, the "father of humanity" who lost his head, Pangu, finally fell to the ground and was completely terminated.

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