Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1861: Only surrender to you

"Our cultivators believe in the principles of defeating the king, defeating the flesh and eating, infinitely evolving, and standing on the top of evolution, naturally qualified to dominate the weak and realize the rapid evolution of the entire civilization."

Night Night explained, "If we want to surrender or surrender, we are of course only willing to surrender the strongest, surrender to the strongest!

"Looking at the Starry Federation, the so-called "the strongest", in addition to Teacher Li, who else deserves this title?"

The relationship between Black Night Lan and Li Yao is very subtle, both in terms of cooperation and subordinate subordinates.

Li Yao does not have the intention of accepting the fourth true disciple. He does not think that Night Lan can be compared with Jin Xinyue and others. However, he did teach the night ceremonies of some ancient times. "Teacher" is just right.

"is it?"

Li Yao snorted. "How do I feel that the people who are stronger than me are catching a lot? I am just a peak of Yuan Ying. I don’t want to say that there are a few evils, even if Ding Ling’s fighting power, Or Yan is the strongest killer of a man who has a sword and a hundred thousand miles. If you are against them, I will not have the confidence to win."

"The empire advocates actual combat, the strength of the weak, does not look at the realm, and pays more attention to the merits."

Nightingale looked at Li Yao with a very adoring look. "Mr. Li first defeated the extraterrestrial demon of Baihuacheng in the midst of a thousand miles, then fell from the sky, ruined the door of the black wind fleet, and my father, black. The highest commander of the Wind Fleet, in the eyes of most black wind monks, is also in your hands.

"Not to mention that you were originally the spiritual symbol of the Starry Federation, a power-stricken figure, and the so-called federal speaker or the top sects of the top sects are just yours."

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Li Yao hurriedly waved his hand. "What is this, what is called 'one hand to cover the sky', what is 'my 傀儡', the federal speaker just happens to be my wife, the top sect of the federal rankings, and happens to have a little share of me. The leader of several secret agencies in the Federation, just happened to be a little related to me!

"You know, I am very indifferent to fame and fortune, and what kind of ‘Three Realms are supreme’, but I am also very distressed by the fame that is imposed on my head!”

"Yes, it is, Mr. Li's approachable, low-key and introverted, that is well-known in the area around the Star Beach. As long as you spend a few days with Teacher Li, naturally know how noble your personality is, how great it is, how great it is. Depending on the money, like the dung, the power is like a cloud of smoke. As for you, you become the leading power of the Xingyao Federation without knowing it. This is just a 'coincidence', and it is not your intentional manipulation."

The night of the night, Lu Bigong said with respect, "It is a pity that the world is ignorant and ignorant. It is best at the heart of a villain. It is difficult to understand the heart and mind of Li, and most of the people in the Black Wind Fleet have no chance and Teacher Li is in-depth communication, seeing problems flowing on the surface, and relying on their past style of behavior, to their own words, how can they believe that all this is a coincidence?

"Hey, it seems that there is such a saying in the Black Wind Fleet remnants that the oriole is behind, but the oriole is still not the last winner, and it is inevitable that it will be lost in the hands of hunters.

"The federation is awkward, the black wind fleet is awkward, the extraterrestrial demon is the oriole, and the teacher Li is the hunter. In fact, everything is in your calculations, it is a trap that you set, regardless of the glory of the Federation, black The Wind Fleet is still an extraterrestrial demon, and you are all playing with your applause!"

Li Yao’s eyes jumped straight: “What a joke!”

"No kidding, it is true."

Dark Night Lan seriously said, "The gorgeous return of your battle in Xinghai is too shocking. It is too coincidental. All the black wind remnants will regard you as an unscrupulous strategy. The true helm of the Xingyao Federation is similar to the old one. The role of ancestors, big devils, etc., I don’t know how much I admire you!"

Li Yao stunned: "No, it's so eager to admire me? We are the endless enemies!"

Dark Night Lan shook his head and said: "We have a fight, but there is no hate of 'no death'. After all, no matter who is a comprehension or a cultivator, they are all people standing on the peak of evolution. They are all human compatriots. In the face of Pangu civilization, extraterrestrial demon and starry aliens, the small contradiction between us is naturally nothing.

"There is a highly competitive state within the real human empire. The friction between the various worlds is also commonplace. But as long as the outcome is decided, the weak will obey the strong, wholeheartedly loyal and learn from the strong, become the strong. In part, this is our survival and development.

"After all, the purpose of competition is to evolve, not to be the same, and our imperial people are not stupid!"

Li Yaoyi thought, it seems to be also.

Black Night Lan continued: "In order to dispel the morale of the Black Wind Remnants, urge them to surrender as soon as possible, as if we have several versions of the "persuasion book" also adopted this statement, your adventures for the past 100 years, and the last moment The gorgeous return, all the oil and vinegar, the big 肆 肆 , , , , , , , , , , 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆 肆

Li Yao: "...this is a trouble!"

"Our cultivators are extremely proud of their own strength. Before Teacher Li did not appear, we were pressing the Federal Fleet. If it wasn't for Teacher Li, with 12 giant soldiers, it would come with a thunderous look. Just smashed the most elite squadron of the Federation!

The night blue bite his lips. "You said, it is possible for the Black Wind Fleet to surrender to the 'fighting defeat' of the original fleet. Only Teacher Li is the key to defeating the Black Wind Fleet and surrender to you to make all the black winds The fleet members are convinced."


Li Yao reluctantly accepted the statement of Dark Night Lan, but the details of the negotiations made him frown again.

The remnants of the Black Wind Fleet, commanded by General Deverly, are willing to negotiate with the Xingyao Federation and surrender completely even when the conditions are right.

But the so-called negotiations, there is a precondition that they not only ask to negotiate with Li Yao, but also to let Li Yaoxian and the three strong men of the Black Wind Fleet fight before the negotiations!

What does this mean for his mother?

Li Yao is certainly not a pacifist, but it is not a barbarian general in the Middle Ages.

Although the two armies played against each other, he did not object to riding a thousand, killing the enemy, completely dispelling the morale of the enemy, but all of them hit this part, the black wind fleet remnants have no way, and they have to decide with individual Wu Yong. The future of a fleet?

It’s ridiculous!

"Is there a problem with General Defoe’s brain?"

Li Yao sneered coldly. "He thought that he still had a whole black wind fleet in his hand. Can you bargain with us? Now that our army has such a big advantage, it will consume him. I have to run inexplicably. Looking for a fight in the Black Wind Fleet?"

"Mr. Li is not safe."

Dark Night Lan explained: "General Dickinson means that he is only the deputy commander of the Black Wind Fleet. He does not have the absolute power and prestige of my father, and that the Black Wind Fleet is now divided and the mountains are everywhere. The order may not be unobstructed on every starship.

"He is really sincere and the federal negotiations and even surrender, but other captains and sub-fleet commanders may not think so. To convince all officers, they must let the brown dwarf fleet that did not participate in the last battle see the strength of the federation. .

"The two sides can certainly fight and fight one more, but in doing so, the casualties of the grassroots soldiers are too big. Regardless of the federal or empire, there are a large number of ordinary soldiers on the starship, since the Starry Federation is protecting the ordinary. Man-made purposes, there is no need to let so many ordinary people's blood flow, the strong showdown, seemingly old and stupid, but can minimize the sacrifice, isn't it?"

Li Yao’s eyes are not stunned: “If I refuse, the negotiations need chips, and I’ll listen to them. What are the chips in the hands of Di Feiwen?”


The night owl sensed the anger of Li Yao gradually rising. Every cell shuddered and forced to calm down. "General Di Feiwen said that if Li refused his negotiation request, he would order the brown dwarf fleet to be Zero, jumping to the rest of the world in addition to the Tianyuan world, especially the backward world like 'Crystal, Nether and Shuhai'.

"Without the guidance of the door of the stars, they naturally cannot maintain a large-scale fleet, but they do not need to maintain any system at all, because they will become the most ferocious star thieves, fleeing in the vast and innocent Xinghai Middle East, just to For the purpose of harassment and destruction, without three or five years, the EFF can never completely annihilate them.

"Three or five years, enough for them to kill these backward worlds, greatly delay the pace of development of the Union and create more cracks between the worlds."

Li Yao squinted and his eyes were released.

"and also……"

The night blue couldn’t help but take a nap and struggled to swallow and continued. "Now he is firmly in control of the ultra-long-range communication system that can communicate with the Empire, but he has not yet told the emperor, about the federal and the war. The truth is that all the news is deducted and cited.

"If Teacher Li refuses, then he will report everything that happened here to the Empire. He will try his best to render the richness of the Union, the mystery of the remains of Kunlun, and the threat of the Union to the Empire.

"You know, Star Road, many times the news of the stars and the sea, all rely on the mouth of the expeditionary commander or the explorer, it is unlikely to be verified by many parties.

"He will even jump back to the empire's homeland, even if he becomes a minion under the fence, he must do his best to promote the Empire's second expedition to the Union.

"When the second expedition, they will certainly learn the lesson of this time, and will never let the Federation have a 1% victory. This is the oath of his cultivator Di Feiwen!"

Li Yao’s teeth rubbed gently and wiped out three rhythmic syllables: “Di... fly... text?”

The night blue is going to breathe, or Li Yao has slightly converged on the gas field, she can breathe and continue to say: "Third, now the 'Brown Dwarf Fleet' is generally intact, with the most advanced comprehensive supply ship of the Empire, etc. All types of starships are an incalculable asset for the Star Alliance."

"If Teacher Li is willing to negotiate, General Di Feiwen can guarantee that all these starships will fall into the hands of the federal government intact, and even a screw or an original soldier will not destroy his original words."

Li Yao said one word: "Is this a threat?"

Night Blue has gone back three steps in a row, biting his teeth: "General Di Feiwen is more willing to regard this as the sincerity of negotiation. As you said, the game requires chips. Now he spreads all his chips to you. Look, if you want to go to the table, the decision is all in your hands."

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