Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1862: Shock the door of God!

Li Yao thought for a long time: "How does he want to fight?"

Night Green Road: "The location can be designated by the federal side. For example, an unknown star field away from the Tianyuan world. The arena can be an abandoned starship. It is also prepared by the original fleet. They will enter at the last minute. The arena ensures that they are unlikely to move a little.

"The two sides used the scorpion to fight against each other, and they did not use the giant squadrons, because the giant squadrons on the side of General Di Feiwen were all in the air, and there were very few tens of thousands of soldiers. They could not withstand repeated losses, and the battle with the giant gods was too Control, it will inevitably lead to a situation of both losses.

"In the three brown dwarf fleets, the most powerful cultivators of the single-winged squad will wear the crystal scorpion into the federation ready for the federation. The number of crystal scorpions per person is not limited. After all, the 'air change' is also very important. The door is superficial, but the federation can first check all the squadrons they carry with them to ensure that they do not carry explosives that are too dangerous and do not belong to individual ranks.

"In the form of two wins and three wins, as long as Mr. Li can defeat the two strongest immortals in the brown dwarf fleet, they are willing to surrender to the federal. Naturally, the stronger you are in the fight, Di Fei The more general Wen’s generals have to convince those unruly cultivators to make surrender and adaptation go smoothly.

"General Di Feiwen said that Teacher Li and the Xingyao Federation are far-fetched. If you really want to enter the Xinghai Central, the Black Wind Fleet will have a lot of use, and it will become the 'important asset' of the Federation. Only the invincible strong will be shown. In order to let all the immortals feel convinced."

Li Yao snorted: "He is playing the wishful thinking. How do I know if this is a trap?"

"General Di Feiwen is willing to take part in the high-rise of the Brown Dwarf Fleet. He will take a starship that has removed all the turrets and has no attacking power, jumps to the vicinity of the arena, and then minimizes his own psionic shield. Ask the federal side to lock them firmly and send people to board the starship to verify their identity."

Dark Night Land Road, "Ensure that General Di Feiwen has completely fallen into the federal firepower lock, and then ask Teacher Li to show up. If this is the case, Teacher Li is still not assured, then he has no choice. Everyone rekindled the war and fought. Let's go to one soldier!"

Li Yao sighed in his heart, and the cultivator could establish a huge empire that ruled the central part of the Xinghai. It was true that there were some real things. I didn’t expect that after the death of the night, even a deputy commander of the expeditionary army had such timidity and wisdom. .

It seems that if the non-territorial demons are spoiled, the battle between the Starry Federation and the Black Wind Fleet may become even more difficult.

In the heart, the "General Di Feiwen" secretly gave a thumbs up, but his face was still quiet, still cold and cold: "He is daring, but I am not afraid that I will not show up at all, directly tearing his star ship. Is it fragmented?"

Dark Night Lan honestly said: "General Di Feiwen said that Teacher Li is a superb person who has not seen his life and is second to none. You are a big hero who aims at the entire Xinghai Sea, and he does not bother to play tricks on these details. So he is completely convinced of your commitment, as long as you agree to his conditions, he is willing to put yourself on the cutting board, let you come and go.

"What's more, if the negotiations break down, their next strategy is to turn into a zero, from the regular army to the looting and looting, the evil thief, to do the most terrible things in the universe.

"These harassment, destruction and slaughtering activities do not require his deputy commander to dictate."

Li Yao suddenly stopped and stared deeply at the dark night orchid.

The dark night orchids felt that their legs were frozen, and the chilly chill had been invaded by the celestial body. The whole vertebrae became a cold snake.

Too, it’s terrible. The other side is getting stronger every day. Now the vulture, Li Yao, has made a breakthrough in progress compared to half a year ago.

Night Blue even feels that from some perspectives, Li Yao, now even more powerful than her father, is terrible!

"Please tell General Di Feiwen, it is reasonable to say that I can never promise him such a ridiculous request."

Li Yao stared at the dark night for a long time, and finally slowed down. "But he was lucky, just caught up with me in the new realm of impact, and urgently needed a group of masters to try.

"I have just cultivated a new supernatural power, and I still don't control my own strength. If he is not afraid of the three powerful people who are dying of Huang Quan, then...because come!"

Li Yao did not lie.

Regardless of the huge database that Professor Mo Xuan left for him, or the extraterrestrial celestial beings were buried in the depths of his brain, the vastness of the sea was not so easy to digest and absorb.

In the past six months, Li Yao has been spared no effort to purify these "noble".

But after all, it is extremely unstable, quite violent energy form, contaminated with too many negative emotions, and ordinary people may touch the madness if they touch it a little.

Even with the help of the **** demons, and a little bit of devouring every day, Li Yao is also unwilling to be upset, often into extreme emotions.

Coupled with the mysterious sand paintings found in the virtual world, the "statue" containing information about the brain domain is inexplicably missing, and Professor Xie Wufeng said that the absurd theory such as "cosmic virus" is buried in Li Yaoxin. There are a lot of suspicious seeds.

In short, after consuming a lot of solitude, his cultivation was mad and rushed into the edge of the god.

But the "mind" used to control the cultivation has not yet been refined to a new level.

It is like a warrior who can only dance eight hundred pounds of big knife. It is newly made into a weapon of two hundred kilograms of heavy weapons. When it is driven, it will inevitably wobble and be top-heavy. If you don't pay attention, you will hurt yourself.

In the long run, even if you can successfully "reform God", the estimated estimate is also a "devil" or a "pseudo-god".

Perceived that his mentality is unstable, Li Yao did not dare to stay in Tianyuan or Baihuacheng to practice, but it was deep into the starry battlefield. In those who resisted the immortal, they vented new power and killing.

However, most of the cultivators are shrimps and crabs, and there are many more to kill. It is not enough to raise too much realm.

The most distressing thing to do is to find a suitable opponent.

If you are a master, you will only win between the winners and the losers. If you are in the peak of the Yuan Ying period, once you let go of your hands and feet, you will be unscrupulous, and if you are not careful, you will most likely be the situation of both losses and the same.

However, if you don’t let go, if you have reservations, you will not be able to cultivate.

Li Yao did not dare to practice with the super-class masters such as Ding Ling and Yan Li, because in the battle, both sides could not control themselves.

If Yan is to show his "killing a hundred thousand miles", and Li Yao is using the strongest magical attack he has just realized, one of them must die.

He also worked with Long Yangjun, and he also struggled with his feet and battles.

Now that the strongest of the three cultivators are coming to the door, it is natural that it is no better, he can finally unscrupulously push the strongest magical skills of this half-year practice to the limit.

Li Yao has a hunch.

As long as you defeated the strongest cultivators in the three brown dwarf fleets... the door to the gods is in sight!


After a week, away from the Tianyuan world, there are empty spaces around, and there is no depleted star in the resources.

A fragmented abandoned space station was towed here three days ago. After some reinforcement, dozens of gravity control units were installed, creating a faint gravity and becoming a simple “Arena”.

At the coordinates of five light seconds from the arena, there are twenty arsenal ships stationed in the Suiyuan Fleet. All firepower is firmly locked around the arena.

There are also ten giant warriors ready to go, and the super-class masters such as Long Yangjun, Yan Liren, Meng Chixin, Wu Suiyun, Yao Peng Penghai and Fire Ant King are mastered.

The starry sky is covered with cosmic mines, in case the other party will suddenly jump over a large force to carry out a surprise attack.

The arena is covered with crystal eyes, capturing every detail in three hundred and sixty degrees.

Outside the arena, there is also a super-remote communication magic weapon like a satellite. The sound and pictures are sent to the Suiyuan Fleet's flagship and defense council's highest command center in Tianyuanjie.

Including the Federal Speaker Ding Lingwei, countless federal executives are paying attention to this heavyweight competition.

Although the proposal of the deputy commander of the Black Wind Fleet, General Di Feiwen, is ridiculous, the Confederacy is still far from the "great victory". The Empire and the Holy Alliance are like two mountains on the head of the Federation. Was completely removed.

The Blackwind Fleet, especially this well-maintained "Brown Dwarf Fleet", is too important for the Stars Federation, and any possibility of getting this fleet intact is worth trying.

On the other side of the arena, the space began to distort, but the scale was very small and could be clearly scanned. Only a starship was jumped.

"The immortal is here!"

In the arena converted from the abandoned space station, Li Yao wore a set of ordinary "the mysterious warfare enhanced type", sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and keeping the gods, a pair of unmoved, unsuccessful gestures.

In the communication channel, his voice continued to come.

Li Yao: "The other party really came to a starship, removed all the turrets, and did not open the psionic shield, right?"

Long Yangjun: "Yeah, haven't we analyzed more than one hundred times before, the probability of the other party's 97% or more, it is impossible to set a trap for you, because even if you kill you, it will not hinder the Star Alliance. The rapid development and rise will cause the Black Wind Fleet to fall into a state of annihilation. There is only one dead road. The deputy commander of the other party is a very rational person who will not do such stupid things!"

Li Yao: "I am not afraid of 10,000. I am afraid that if you are in the wrong place, if you are eating the wrong medicine, you will be dragged to me."

Long Yangjun: "Really, if you are so timid, don't promise others at the time!"

Li Yao: "How is that going? I am so good, 'Three Realms, Vulture Li Yao', the federal speaker, her husband is coming, everyone has put me on this part, even such a small black wind fleet remnants I am afraid, how can I go to the central part of Xinghai for a few days? Do you come out to cultivate the truth and tell a face? Right, your ten friends must pay attention to it, and there are a lot of wind and grass, and the ten giant soldiers will hurry up!"

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