Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1872: Commercial prince

Li Yao stared deeply at Di Feiwen, and at this moment, he finally looked at some of the most secret things from the seemingly clear and candid eyes of the other.

Li Yao smiled and laughed at the big teeth.

"I finally understand your true purpose."

Li Yao re-examined Di Feiwen seriously, and there was a voice in his mouth. "I didn't expect the No. 2 character of the Black Wind Fleet to be more terrible than the No. 1 character. Your appetite is far greater than the night, and the night is just a star to conquer. The glory of the Federation, what you want to capture is the entire universe including the Federation and the Empire!"


Di Feiwen did not say anything, "What did President Li say?"

"Tell me, what you want to create is really just the next ‘the king of the black wind’?”

Li Yao stared at his opponent, not letting go of every ripple in his deepest eyes. "Or, the next ‘Black Star Emperor’?”

The ripples in the eyes of Di Feiwen were distorted and immediately returned to normal, but it added a bit of admiration: "Li’s long-eyed eyes are like a torch. It’s really a little bit of a trace in the heart of the heart. I can’t escape the eyes of President Li. !"

Li Yao snorted softly. "You don't have to wear a high hat for me. I feel more and more unfathomable. Are you really just a member of the Black Wind Fleet? Is it a 'normal' cultivator? What other identity, what forces are standing behind it?"

“I introduced myself at the beginning, and the subordinate is a businessman.”

Di Fei Wendao said, "Since it is a businessman, it is naturally difficult to be a pure cultivator."


Li Yao did not understand, "What is this?"

"The identity of merchants and cultivators is incompatible. Naturally there are frictions and contradictions. A pure cultivator must firmly believe that the purity and nobleness of 'real people' divide humans into two different classes and even ethnic groups of 5% and 95%. Only 5% of real people and quasi-real people are important, and the remaining 95% are low-lying, dirty, dirty, and worthless rubbish."

Di Feiwen sighed, "But we are businessmen and servants of capital. The only purpose of our existence in this world is to constantly open up the market, plunder more profits, expand capital, expand, expand and expand!"

"As long as there is enough profit, we are even willing to sell the most advanced weapons to the eight tentacles of the aliens and the wicked extraterrestrial demon. How can we care about the difference between 'real people' and 'original people'? Jinyuan, it is worth a dollar, whether it is from the purse of the 'real person', the dragon is embroidered, or it is taken from the hands of the original person, it is the same, it does not damage its value.

"According to the most classic theory of cultivation of immortals, it is believed that the 'original people' who account for more than 95% of the total population are all inferior garbage, only with slaves crushed and plundered, which is equivalent to losing 95% of the market in vain. After all, It is difficult for you to sell high-value, high-margin goods to a slave, right?

"In addition to those who have inextricably linked with the royal family, the nobility, and the peerless powers, and occupying the official business of various monopoly industries, there is no one trader, even a businessman who believes in Xiuxian Avenue, willing to endure this situation forever, endure this. The species only spins in the 5% snail shell, but there are other stupid things that are not accessible to the 95% blue ocean.

"Unfortunately, we are all small business hawkers who have no power to bind their hands. In the face of emperors, princes, warlords and peerless powers, we are all insignificant dust. What are the forces that are enough to change the land? At most, there are only a few displacements. The struggling traders, connected with each other, warmed up, and built a simple chamber of commerce.

"Nature, nature, relative to the glory of the princes on the pilgrimage, the strongmen who have been practicing for three or five years, or the generals who are smug, the merchants, especially the traders who traveled between the worlds for many years, It’s often a very well-informed guy. If one day President Li and the Xingyao Federation really want to enter the Xinghai Central, maybe our dealers can really help you a little? After all, the cockerel and the thief have him. The value!"

Looking at the other side of the thief's mung bean eye, Li Yao really can't tell whether he is telling the truth or a false statement. Shen Shen said: "This is the contradiction that you call "the contradiction between the central and local, more secret but more deadly" What should be said, the contradiction between capital and the immortal, or the contradiction between capital and empire? Capital is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, and will never be willing to endure any emperor, or any strong The **** of the people?"

Difeiwen’s eyes sparkled and he was very happy. “Capital is born to be the most powerful force in the universe. Will it not be willing to endure the **** of any emperor and strongman? President Li’s words really say It’s so good, you can understand our position and believe that everyone’s next cooperation will be much more enjoyable.”

He has erased the word "one".

Li Yao coldly said: "Whether you have a second-degree identity and any hidden purpose, you have chosen the wrong person, regardless of the second 'King of the Black Wind' or the second 'Black Star'. The emperor's worth it, I have neither ability nor interest, you please please Gaoming!"

"The destiny of human beings is incomparable and unpredictable. Wu Yingqi, who was once kidnapped into the active volcano by Wuhua Da, once thought that after a few years, he would be the "Black Star Emperor" and the universe?"

Di Feiwen laughed. "In the shopping mall, there is no 100% profitable business, but as long as there is more than 300% of the profits, it is worthwhile to make a living and go to the head, not to mention the Black Wind Fleet. The situation, not desperate, when will it be?"

Li Yao was silent, pondered for a long time, and slowly said: "Your plot, I can outline it. Maybe you think that I will take the position of 'King of the Winds', so that all the immortals will surrender to me, and then Use your theory to erode me, I will be eager to sing, self-expansion, under the subtle influence, become a cultivator, and then as your interest spokesperson, go to the real human empire intrigue, fight for power, and even subvert the entire empire, Create a new system designed by you.

"In this way, it seems that the Black Wind Fleet has failed, and even the position of the leader has been handed over. In fact, you have become the ultimate beneficiary, and I have become another form of embarrassment."

Di Feiwen blinked: "Maybe, then is President Li willing to take this responsibility and become the new "King of the Wind"?"

Li Yao stared at him: "I am really curious. Where do you come from, confident that I will be like a puppet, and you will be at the mercy of you? Even if I become the king of the black wind, I will never I will believe in the theory of the "weak meat and strong food, the winner is the king". The first thing I have to do is to send all the high-level fleets of the Black Wind Fleet to the prison camp, and use the Xiuzhen Avenue to transform you. The brainwashing does not matter; the second thing is to abolish all slavery and master-servant relations within the Black Wind Fleet, so that all civilians can be restored to freedom. I will let them see a new way of life and civilization, and tell them What is human dignity and pride, they can also be powerful fighters defending civilization, not just... some 'fuels'!"

"The weak meat is strong, the winner is the king. This is not a 'theory', but an irrefutable ‘fact.’

Di Feiwen said without hesitation, "Just take the situation at hand, because the Starry Federation is stronger than the Black Wind Fleet, the victory is yours, you are qualified to triumph, and it is also you who brainwash the losers.

"The victory of the Federation is irrelevant to all factors such as justice, kindness, kindness, and just because you are stronger.

"The strong person like President Li is qualified to do whatever he wants. We have long been aware of the fate after surrender. Although I personally do not agree with the naive theory of the comprehension, if you ask us to accept brainwashing, then we I will definitely be serious and spare no effort to clean myself."

He put on a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water and even jumped into the boiling bucket. He really made Li Yao have no temper. After a long time, he frowned. "Since you think the theory of the comprehension is wrong. What is the explanation for the victory of the Federation, is it not the theory of the self-cultivator that makes the Union so powerful?"

"There is no right or wrong in theory, only problems that are not suitable."

Di Feiwen said with a blank face, "The road to comprehension is more suitable for the simple, stable, not too much change and internal and external environment of the Xinghai, so it has been a temporary success; but the problems, variables and enemies in the central Xinghai must be Much more, it is a place where there is not much kindness and generosity. In many cases, it is a last resort that must be ruled by a dictatorial monarchy to solve all problems.

"You don't have to work hard to explain to us how evil, ugly and wrong the Xiuxian Avenue is. We have long been aware of these things. I am a businessman. I don't like emperors very much, but we choose emperor and insist on cultivation. Avenue, not because of how good the emperor and Xiuxian Avenue, how brilliant, just because other options are even worse.

"Perhaps in your eyes, the collision between the Avenue of Comprehension and the Avenue of Xiuxian is a contest between justice and evil. It is the relationship between saving 10,000 people and slaughtering 10,000 people; but in reality, it is likely to be 'evil' and 'more evil'. The contest is the option of slaughtering 10,000 people and killing 100,000 people. The option of saving 10,000 people does not exist at all.

"Of course you will not believe it at the moment, I will feel that I am alarmist, but please remember that the former Xinghai Republic is the country of the self-cultivator. As a result, you have seen it. About the various periods in the late Xinghai Republic, Fallen and dark, the Firefly does not know how many secret files are stored, you can take it out.

"Of course, after thousands of years of development and transformation, the current real human empire is slowly decaying, and repeating the mistakes of the former Xinghai Republic, perhaps it is time to inject a whole new power into it, so that the ancient empire revives... ..."

"Oh, forget it, there is no need to tell you these nonsense, let the **** reality of Xinghai Central to educate you, let time make the final ruling, at least for now, you are a well-deserved strong, strong is justice, Everything you say is truth. We are your humblest minions and servants. We are willing to give up all our lives and carry your powerful and unrivalled power and will into the universe!"

In the face of Diffany's fiery eyes, Li Yao couldn't help but coldly hit a beggar.

There is one thing that is more terrible than Defei's lies and conspiracy.

That is, Di Feiwen has neither a lie nor a conspiracy. Everything he said, including the vows of enthusiasm at the moment, is serious. (To be continued...)

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