Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1873: Bundle of interests

Difeiwen’s proposal can be described as unprecedented, at least the Starry Federation has never encountered such a ridiculous surrender condition.

Of course, the Starry Federation has never competed with such a powerful cosmic power, and has defeated the opponent to some extent, albeit only partially and temporarily.

In response to this wonderful "surrender condition", Li Yao himself and the federal strategy, law and even sociology experts have launched.

The first question that experts face is this matter. Is it legally acceptable?

Like most political entities that are solitary and drifting around the stars, the Xingyao Federation does not prohibit dual citizenship. Or, the Federation has never seriously considered it before searching for other Xinghai countries and forming an "international community." Possible.

Even the "international community" does not exist, and naturally there is no problem of dual nationality.

In other words, Li Yao’s “empire citizenship” status is at least not illegal. In the Xingyao Federation, there are still prisoners of war who were captured ten years ago. They may not be willing to give up the status of imperial subjects and citizens. They make a choice.

Of course, if you are a public official of the Starry Federation and then go to the public office of the enemy, there is indeed a suspicion of treason.

However, after repeated research by experts, the conclusion is that Li Yao did not hold any public office in the federal government. The so-called "three-zone supreme" is nothing but a propaganda slogan. He is only the president of several private foundations.

However, Li Yao can contact a large number of federal secrets, or a member of the "first family", even if it is theoretically a subject of the enemy emperor, it will always have a great impact.

However, the research progressed to this step. Even in the legal sense, the word "enemy country" became very suspicious. Experts seem to find out at this moment that even if the Xinghai battles were so fierce six months ago, the two sides sent a total of large and small. Nearly 10,000 starships, even the giant gods have used fifty or sixty, but unexpectedly, they have not declared war!

For the Black Wind Fleet, under the universal sky, it is the kingdom of the earth. The three thousand worlds are all territories of the empire. They are just barbarians who come to attack the stars and smash the sea. They do not treat the federation as an opponent of the same rank as the empire. Naturally, there is no need to declare war.

In order to guarantee the hidden nature of the "Haoyue Plan", the federal side must pretend that the illusion of being attacked by the United States will not declare war on the empire.

As for the Battle of Xinghai, the Federation can't wait for the Empire to know their existence and continue to sneak up and develop for decades. How can it declare war on the Empire with great fanfare?

At this time, a message from the Central Committee of the Xinghai accelerated the judgment of the Federation and Li Yao.

Difeiwen's brown dwarf fleet has always had a super long-distance communication base, and it has kept a minimum contact with the Empire.

The latest report they received was that the "strategic counter-attack" that the real human empire had accumulated for hundreds of years of power has already begun. The war can be described as "the situation is like a broken bamboo, and it is destroyed." In just six months, it has been at least twice called " The strategic victory of Dajie has regained six or seven thousand worlds and more than twenty resource planets.

In short, the situation is very good. It can not only recapture all the land that has been encroached by the Holy League for hundreds of years, but even have the opportunity to spurt into the core territory of the sacred alliance for thousands of years, to seize many heavy industry bases and resource planets of the sacred alliance, and to reverse both sides. The comprehensive national strength comparison.

The emperor’s triumphal style was not known to have been held several times. Many people have already regarded this strategic counterattack as a symbol of the imperial resurgence. Some people even shot the **** of the “black star emperor rebirth”, the empire’s The loyalty of the military, morale and power to His Majesty the Emperor has reached the peak of the last five hundred years.

The good news of the empire is the bad news of the federation.

According to the grand strategy of a hundred years of planning, the Xingyao Federation, as a key chess piece, can only play its full role if the real human empire and the covenant alliance maintain a balance of power.

Whether the empire is completely overwhelming the sacred alliance, or the sacred alliance completely engulfs the empire, it is not a good thing for the Starry Federation, which has just entered a period of rapid development.

Now, some people in the real human empire have known the existence of the Starry Federation. It is only under the circumstance of the dark nights and others. It is not known that the Starry Federation is such a highly modernized and even faster than the Empire. Emerging regional hegemony, thinking that they are just barbarians struggling in the ridiculous land.

This is not a long time.

If the empire has successfully completed this strategic counterattack, achieved decisive results, and completely laid out the strategic pattern of "Xinghai Dominance", the next step will definitely cast its attention on the Federation.

After winning a series of wins, strength and prestige have swelled to the incompetent emperor, who may not care about the barbarians of the Star Beach, but certainly will not let the Black Wind Fleet these arrogant soldiers will continue to leave his control.

The empire of the empire, drawn from the frontal battlefield, can definitely sweep all the enemies with the attitude of sweeping the leaves in the autumn wind.

If the emperors, nobles, and warlords of the empire are aware of the truth of the star-studded sea, know that the Black Wind Fleet has been defeated by a small country with a nameless name, and this small country is likely to become an affair of the empire in just a hundred years. Do they have any chance of not stifling the threat?

The comprehensists certainly have their own principles, but adherence to the principle does not mean dogmatism. It does not mean blindly advancing. With seven or eight sides of the world, the strength of the world is hard to compete with the hundreds of core worlds of the empire. This kind of courageous In addition to completely destroying the future of hundreds of millions of people, the move is not useful.

There is no choice for the federation. It must be sinister with the empire, and even a big strategic fraud. It allows the empire to believe that everything in the starry sea is under the control of the Black Wind Fleet, and the Black Wind Fleet maintains a high degree of loyalty to the Empire.

It is best to fight for decades of development time, so that the Federation will digest and absorb the technologies contained in the Black Wind Fleet and the Ancient Saints Women's Warships, and make a leap-forward development, and then... watch it again!

To do this, you must get the Black Wind Fleet remnants, at least the brown dwarf fleet that masters the ultra-long-distance communication base, which is the full cooperation of Di Feiwen.

The development of the situation is so subtle, the empire has achieved great success, and it may not be a good thing for the Black Wind Fleet, because it marks that the Black Wind Fleet is of no use to the Empire, but it is a big trouble.

Even if their hometown was "recovered" by the empire, it would fall into the hands of other princes and warlords, and even be directly under the command of the emperor.

With their current defeat, they want to let the emperors and warlords spit out the five pieces of fat in their mouths, and there are no doors!

To some extent, the interests of the Blackwind Fleet and the interests of the Starry Federation are being slowly tied together.

Then, in order to get the full cooperation of the Black Wind Fleet and Di Feiwen, there is really only a little bit of "begging".

All the information was listed in front of Li Yao, and the most detailed analysis was carried out. Even considering that Di Feiwen was lying, the empire did not actually achieve great success.

But Difeiwen has no reason to lie on such a big news. It is easy to be debunked. The Black Wind Fleet will stay in the federal territory for a long time, and even be reorganized and re-edited. It is a "man-made knife." , I am a fish," I want to be slaughtered by the federal government.

If he dares to lie such a big lie and completely smash the trust of both sides, there is no good advantage to the future of the Black Wind Fleet and all the cultivators.

Li Yao scratched his hair for a long time, turned over and over for a long time, and finally a sentence of **** demons, helped him make up his mind.

"Don't we go to the center of Xinghai to find the earth? I think, even in the middle of the Xinghai, such news can't be just a cat and a dog can know?

"If you want to uncover the truth of the earth, you must become a big man in the middle of the Xinghai. At least you must be able to reach out to the big men. Then the identity of the king of the black wind is a very suitable entry point.

"As for your concern that Difeiwen will not be ruined, you don't have to worry about it. On the one hand, you can leave him in the federation, and the Spring Breeze, Jin Xinyue and others will closely monitor it, and then the Black Wind Fleet will be dismantled. Brainwashing, all the civilians are sent to the federal schools for the education of the cultivating avenues. Is it possible to turn the sky over? On the other hand, even if you go to the empire, there is no need to expose your identity in a big way. You have grown so frustrated. White dragon fish suit, low-key sneak, who can guess that you are the legendary 'King of the Black Wind'? There will be no trouble!"

A word to wake up the dream, although Li Yao has a very good opinion on the phrase "You are so frustrated", but still coughed twice, resolutely ran to the temporary flagship "Black Death Light" of the Black Wind Fleet. On, accepted the title of "King of the Black Wind".

Eight months after the end of the magnificent and majestic Xinghai battle, the Imperial Expeditionary General Cruiser "Black Death Light" was held in a large auditorium with a huge repair shop. Ceremony.

Although the ceremony is simple, the five major worlds of the world, such as the black wind, the meteorite, the purple fire, the fire spider and the wild wolf, all survived in the two consecutive defeats, all of them gathered together.

Black military uniforms, bright boots, solemn expressions, meticulous cultivation of immortals, to the man on the stage with a hen's head, as if he had not woken up, he lowered his proud head, kneeling on one knee, and whispering in unison:

"We are doing this sacred oath in front of hundreds of millions of stars: I will unconditionally obey the overlord of the Stars, the Demon Slayer, the Destroyer of the Stars, and the guardian of the Tianyuan Seven Realms, Li Yao, for the black wind, the meteorite Five new world rulers, such as the Wild Wolf, the Purple Fire and the Fire Spider, the new leader of the Black Wind Fleet, and the supreme ruler of ours!

"For the immortal glory of human civilization, we will always obey the command of the leader, and willing to give life to this oath whenever and wherever, even if death destroys our flesh and spirits, it will not obliterate us at this moment. Oath!

"Long live the leader, Long live the Black Wind Fleet, Long live the human civilization!" (To be continued...)

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