Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1580: After selection

Seeing the new settlements begin to take shape, Li Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, do not know whether there is a "national transport" in the dark, guiding them to find the best road.

If a few months ago he refused Dwork's proposal, even the commander of the Brown Dwarf Fleet would not be a "businessman" who would compromise and trade like Di Feiwen, but another night, an undead "military." "The words of the current Federal and Black Wind Fleet are another look."

In front of these immigrant ships, as well as all the civilians carried on the immigrant ships and the knowledge and technology in their minds to transform the new world, they will surely turn into dust in the war, and the black wind fleet will be wiped out, the pace of development of the federation. It will also be delayed for decades, unable to withstand the invasion of the second and third empire, and the Black Wind Fleet will fall into the abyss of destruction.

Now, even if the Empire natives already know their existence, there is at least a glimmer of hope!

Next, while integrating the Blackwind Fleet and the Firefly, the Federation will focus on the ancient sacred world.

More specifically, it is the depths of the ancient sacred world, the intact scorpion, the intact scorpion battleship, and the Pangu base that was suppressed by the female scorpion warship.

The female Yi and Pangu techniques discovered from there will effectively complement the lost techniques in the Kunlun ruins, analyze and piece together each other, and finally develop the local war capability above the empire, in the Empire and the sacred In front of the frenzy, keep the federal independence.

The ancient sacred world is also at the end of the dynasty's cycle law. The poor land can't raise so many people, and it produces a large number of refugees and rebels, causing countless killings and tragedies.

The Federation will not sit idly by. Soon, a large number of people will be migrated to the Scorpio Dragon Star after a little transformation to start a new life.

In Li Yao’s vision, the Dragon Bone Star will become a “model transformation special zone”.

After all, the federation is too small, and the empire is too big. The federation can neither conquer the world in the center of the Xinghai, nor kill all the cultivators.

It is one thing to be technically possible, and it is difficult to make such a choice in terms of position.

The cultivator has two sides. On the one hand, it is a ruthless ruler and a brutal and violent oppressor. However, in the face of the more sacred covenant alliance and the extraterrestrial demon, they are the unshakable defenders of human civilization.

According to what Li Yao learned in the past six months, in the war with the sacred alliance, they often never surrendered to the ranks of soldiers and soldiers.

If the empire's cultivators are killed in the front line and the sacred blood, it is really difficult for the federal comprehensions to make a knife behind them.

How do comprehensions and cultivators should get along with each other, how should the immortals be educated and transformed, and how can the “original people” who are only fascinating and arrogant become modern citizens with ideals, ambitions, and self-willing consciousness and ability... All kinds of forest problems will be tested in this "Special Zone" to find out the answer.

Li Yao stood on top of a fold with a height of several kilometers and watched the scene of the crowds and the enthusiasm of the building, and thought about it with great interest.

In places where the folds are slightly lower, Di Feiwen, the leader of the immortal, is negotiating with the chairman of the government of the exile in the Xinghai Republic, Cui Lingfeng, referring to the paintings and spits.

For a long time to come, these two incompetent forces have to live on the same planet, work hand in hand, work together, and fight the harsh world, build a common home, and set an old saying, to stir the horse in a pot. Spoon", at this moment, the two leaders naturally have a belly, or a belly swearing, to talk to each other.

Looking at the two veteran bosses, the face was a little white at this moment, Li Yao could not help but want to laugh.

He found these two people really like.

Di Feiwen is a self-proclaimed "one district trader", claiming to be "not very pious to cultivate the immortals"; Cui Lingfeng has nothing to do with the survival of the fireflies, claiming to be "bad repairers."

What is the difference between "not really devout cultivators" and "bad cultivators"?

For a moment, the two ended the argument and climbed up to the heights one after the other.

Di Feiwen was the first to climb the mountain. His eyes were on Li Yao’s red vest, especially the red vest’s frontal curved red star volunteer service team stayed for a long time, deep and deep. I took a deep breath and didn't know how to evaluate Li Yao's style.

"How, General Di, and the conversation with President Cui is very pleasant. If there is any small dispute, it doesn't matter. Later, when you go to communicate with Jin Xinyue, she is very good at talking. I have been tricked. If there are any problems, I will try my best to help you solve them."

Li Yao grinned and pointed to the under construction scene. "In any case, the Black Wind Fleet has finally stepped out of the first step of reborn and regained a new life. I prefer the black wind fleet I saw earlier, not The one that dances in the Xinghai.

"I didn't know it yet, but when I saw this picture in front of me, I suddenly had a strong confidence. The immortal can really become a self-cultivator. What do you say?"

Di Feiwen stared at the bottom and said faintly: "I don't want to say that if you disappoint, if you break the adult's interest, don't you say it?"


Li Yaoqi said, "What disappoints, but it does not matter."

“This picture is very happy and harmonious, but it is based on an extremely rich material foundation.”

Di Feiwen said, "Because there is the entire Star Alliance, the countless resources of the seven worlds are behind the scenes, with a certain propaganda significance. This landing and expansion can be so easy and unprofessional.

"If there is no support from the Xingyao Federation, we will have to carefully calculate everything based on the resources we carry. We must use each person as a screw and a brick in strict accordance with each operation procedure. If necessary, use iron bars and electricity. The whip and even the bullets can maximize the chances of survival.

"You can say that the system that separates the family and makes useless people continue to hibernate for decades or even abandon it is extinct, but why isn't it the greatest humanity?

"Cangjie knows the etiquette, the food and drink knows the honor and disgrace. In the final analysis, there is no difference between the comprehension and the immortal. It is only the optimal choice made by the strong in different circumstances.

"As long as the resources are sufficient and they are not forced to the road, the cultivators will of course become self-cultivators and know ‘courtesy’ and ‘honor and shame’.

"Unfortunately, no matter from the space or time level, 'sufficient resources' is a special case. Everything you see now, even if it is more flowers and fires, it is a dream bubble, rain dew photoelectric, Can't last.

"In rare cases, the immortal will become a self-cultivator, but at more times and places, the comprehension becomes a cultivator, which is the normal state of civilization."

Li Yao sneaked a little, and laughed awkwardly: "I also said that you are 'not very devout cultivator', how do I feel that you are quite dead!"

Di Feiwen smiled and shook his head. "I am a businessman. I don't like Xiuxian Avenue. This is the truth, but 99% of the things and laws in the universe are not transferred by my preference."

"What do adults think of how to cultivate the immortals? Is it in our eyes that we are born with no human emotions? Do we hate the so-called 'goodness', 'sympathy', 'benevolentness' and all good things when we are born? Are we all monsters, can we get great satisfaction from torture and killing?

"No, maybe there is a small psychopathic cultivator, but most people are not."

Li Yao’s expression was serious: “I want to hear it.”

Di Feiwen pointed out the following: "Just take this picture in front of you as an example. Suppose there is a strong person with good heart, high morality, and defending everyone. Now it is below, working hard with all ordinary people. A beautiful home, it took decades to build a desolate and barren dragon star into a rich and prosperous place. At this time, he is naturally a self-cultivator, right?

"But at this time, the invincible enemy is attacking. It may be the second wave of the expeditionary army of the real human empire, or even the extermination of the human sacred army, or the extraterrestrial demon with all kinds of strange stars and stars. The beast descended from the sky.

"The fragile defensive circle of the skeleton is not supported for a long time. They must evacuate immediately, but the starship used to evacuate is limited and can only take one-tenth of the people.

"At this time, the dragon bones of the bones must be in a mess. Before the enemy has not invaded the atmosphere, they will lose all order. Under the drive of survival, everyone is madly going to the starship. This is a strong commander. Who should choose one-tenth of the people who can continue to survive?"

Li Yao is silent.

Di Feiwen smiled and continued: "Maybe you will say that you should not choose according to your ability and identity. Everyone is destined to choose one-tenth, or the closest to Xinggang, the easiest to be carried. That one tenth person.

"So, how do you stop the remaining nine out of ten people from forcibly boarding the ship?

"You know, all the people are crazy at this time. For even one in ten thousand of the boarding opportunities, they will use whatever means, do whatever they want, and do everything in their power. When they lose hope of boarding the ship, they will even Fire at the slowly rising starship, in an attempt to let everyone stay and die together.

"You must not think that I am alarmist. I am talking about what happened in the history of the Black Wind Fleet. The escape of the starship has already taken off, and all of them have been hit by the chaotic mobs on their own side.

"Many times, time is tight and the scene is extremely chaotic. In order to let as many people as possible survive, the strong have to use force to suppress, even execute a large number of mobs in advance, in order to protect the safety of the escape spacecraft, the only result of the woman's benevolence. That is, everyone will die together!

"On the other hand, people should not be divided into three or six, etc., all of them are equal, but suppose the strong man faces such a situation, he has a starship, and the space and food on the starship can be re-supply. The last civilian escaped, but the starship's power system went wrong, and it was good and bad.

"At this time, he found a dynamic character expert, and a seven-year-old, very cute and very poor little girl.

"Excuse me, he should rescue the power of the array of experts, or a pair of watery eyes, very cute and very poor little girl?

"Oh, the intensity of the war in the central part of the Xinghai Sea is a few higher than that of the Star Beach. This cruel choice is not once or twice, but ten times and eight times. It happens from time to time. All the immortals are more or less faced. Over.

"If this kind of hearty, morally motivated, compassionate and strong, in ten difficult choices, 'have to be forced to' choose to kill those crazy mobs, rescue the dynamic array experts... then, ten times later, Guess what he will become, is it a self-cultivator, or a cultivator?"

The old cow just uploaded the cover image of the first episode of the simplified version of "Comprehension 40,000 Years" on Weibo. It feels very good. It is the artistic conception of the old cow. You can go and see if you have time.

Just on Sina Weibo, pay attention to "Wo Niu real people deity", that is the old cow, and there will be news in the future, it will be sent to Weibo in the first time! (To be continued...)

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