Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1881: When facing the tiger

In the face of Di Feiwen's questioning, Li Yao was silent for a long time, still grinning: "Similar questions, in fact, the old Su Changfa and many of the immortals who were captured by us have been thrown out. I found out that you have accepted the immortals. The same brainwashing process, most like to use this extreme dilemma to confuse people?

"I certainly thought about these problems, and even got into a dilemma. I think the theory of the immortals is quite reasonable, but when you think about it, when this dilemma happens, how to choose is wrong, it will fall into you. What can be said about the logic of sophistry?

"So, I think the point is not how to choose in this dilemma, but to find ways to prevent such things from happening.

"For example, you just said that when the crisis comes, the mob will inevitably appear, and it will be crazy to the extreme. Why not because you cultivate the immortals usually look down on ordinary people, cruelly crush ordinary people, neither believe ordinary people The power does not promote the real 'education', let ordinary people awaken the consciousness of 'human civilization defenders', but instead instill the 'weak meat and strong food, the winner is king'.

"You usually plant cruel and selfish seeds in the depths of ordinary people and treat them as 'beasts'. How can you expect the crisis to come, they will obey or even sacrifice themselves?

"And, you guys who are self-proclaimed as 'elites' are selfish and arrogant. I believe that when the crisis comes, you will be self-sacrificing like the "Blood Gun" Zhou Tailong. It is also very rare. Most of the immortals will still rush to escape. They will even say, 'I am stronger, my life is worth more, so I am more qualified to live.'

"The upper beam is not right under the beam. Your sect is like this. The ordinary people below use you as an example. How can you learn to become a ‘mob?’

"But, is there such a possibility that in an ideal society, all people receive comprehensive civic education from an early age, and deeply realize that whether they can awaken the roots, the power of mastery is strong and weak, everyone is human. The masters and defenders of civilization shoulder unshirkable responsibilities, with 'guardian' and 'sacrifice' as the highest values, and such values ​​are deeply imprinted in their subconscious.

“At the same time, we always maintain a sense of crisis. Even if the crisis has not yet arrived, we will carry out a large number of 'emergency plans' training in a combination of ‘too illusory territory’ and ‘real combat exercises’.

"When the real crisis comes, under the leadership of the self-cultivator, countless people will come forward and sacrifice themselves to stop the enemy. The rest of the people have received a lot of training, can maintain the most basic order, and systematically evacuate and retreat. To maximize the number of people who will eventually retreat.

"This ideal society is what I and the Star Alliance want to pursue!"

Di Feiwen stared straight at Li Yao: "According to the adults, the average moral level of this ideal society is high, isn't everyone going to be a sage?"

"The progress of civilization, of course, means that the moral standards are getting higher and higher, not the opposite!"

Li Yao said seriously. "Of course, this is just our ideal or dream. It is hard to achieve a realm of sages. It is harder than destroying a world. However, we still have technology. I believe in technological progress. Can make up for some moral backwardness, let us avoid this dilemma as much as possible.

"For example, the second dilemma that you throw, the rescue power matrix expert is still a problem to save the little girl.

"At first glance, this is indeed a very cruel choice. It doesn't seem to be right whether you save one.

"But think about it. In order to make this choice so cruel, you deliberately set a lot of premise, such as the starship's power cabin is out of order, the space and resources on the starship can only save one person, time is tight, time is too late Prepare the second starship, and so on.

"If these problems don't exist?

"If the technology advances, can we refine the starship with more space and more efficient resource recycling, taking all two people away?

“If our power cabin can be stabilized a bit, have advanced self-testing and maintenance methods?

"If there is a mysterious and mysterious ‘wisdom inheritance’ technology, can the dynamic matrix experts transmit all his wisdom to the little girl?

"If the 'Human Virtualization' technology is popular, when the dynamic array expert really can't physically withdraw, he will take his own spirit out and drill into a ring on the little girl's finger to the 'old grandfather'. Forms go together, can't you?

"In short, one of the essential differences between humans and beasts is tools and technology. I am a refiner. I believe in technology. Of course, technology is not a panacea. But advances in technology can solve many problems, let us avoid Numerous cold and painful choices have made the whole world more civilized and beautiful.

"This is my answer."

Li Yao’s eyes are clear, but he is unwavering.

Di Feiwen's eyes revealed a trace of pity, dumbfounded, and shook his head: "Ethics? Technology? Is this the answer of the adults? Really... too wishful thinking."

"When I came to the Star Beach for so long, I gradually understood the way you lived and the idea of ​​sticking to one's heart. Sometimes you really feel that you are a self-cultivator, like a ignorant, innocent child, lying in a temporary warm and safe place. In the nest, I don’t know the darkness of the outside world and the sinister heart, but I think that your little 'persistence' and 'power' can solve all problems.

"When we are such a cultivator, kindly and kindly tell you the cruelty of the outside world and the rules of survival in the cruel world, you always cover your ears, 'I don't listen to me, don't listen,' thinking that as long as they are stupid The dark world will vanish, and the cruel law will be reversed.

"In the face of reality, both morality and technology have limits, but the cold and cruelty of the dark universe has no limits. There are always problems that you cannot solve. You must always make extremely painful and cruel choices!

"Innocent children always grow up, develop a pair of steel bars and cold heart, learn how to survive in the universe of people eating people!

"You are still in the lair, and you can talk about some useless things in the relatively stable and safe Star Beach. But believe me, when you go to the center of Xinghai and experience some cruel choices that morality and technology can never solve. Maybe you will become the next black star emperor Wu Yingqi, and the Xingyao Federation will become the next real human empire.

"If there is any difference between the Starry Federation at that time and the current real human empire, it will only be colder, more cruel, and more arrogant! If not, it will not replace the real human empire and continue in the astronomical abattoir. Stroke in the middle!"

Looking at the performance of Di Feiwen's face twisted and screaming, Li Yao suddenly "snapped" and laughed.

His eyes diverged and he was somewhat distracted.

Di Feiwen gave a slight glimpse, and it was very rare to be annoyed. Shen Shen said: "Why do adults laugh?"

"Nothing is nothing. I suddenly thought of a long, long time ago, a joke that was not so funny."

Li Yao’s shoulders shrugged. “Don’t ignore me, you continue.”

"a joke……"

Di Feiwen frowned. "Is it related to the things we are discussing?"

"Oh, maybe it doesn't matter, just suddenly think of it, I can't help myself, I am really embarrassed."

Li Yao simply squatted on the ground and licked his neck. "This joke is about the solution when encountering the lion-tiger monster."

"In other words, most of the lion and tiger monsters like to attack from behind the person, biting the aorta behind the neck, a blow can be fatal!

"So, if an ordinary person accidentally encounters a lion-and-tiger monster in the wild, don't panic, turn and run away; of course, you can't soften your legs and beg for mercy; don't hold your heart for the tiger, think that It is inexplicable in front of him, turning himself into a minion and a slave, and escaping all these are useless.

"The correct way is to face the lion-and-tiger monsters, open their eyes, open their teeth, and scream loudly. If there are wooden sticks around them, they will pick up and greet the lion and tiger monsters, even 狠狠Poke towards it.

"Poke on one side, but also scream with the greatest strength of life, say some rhetoric, for example, ‘fuck your mother’s stinky tiger, there is a kind to eat Laozi ah’, and so on, free to play anyway.”

Di Feiwen inexplicably smashed his eyes for a long time, and the brows became wrinkled more and more tightly: "Wait, the adult just said that the 'ordinary person' who has the power of a hand-free chicken encounters the lion-dog monster in the 'wild'. right?"

Li Yao nodded: "Yes!"

Di Feiwen was puzzled: "Then, can you escape from the tiger's mouth by doing this, relying on branches and...splitting women and street?"


Li Yaodao, "But at least, this way you can die more dignified!"

Di Feiwen: "..."

Li Yao: "Hey, is it a bit cold, I said it is a joke that is not so funny."

Di Feiwen: "The adults are a little bit safe, and the subordinates are carefully trying to figure out the smiles."

Li Yao: "In fact, there is nothing to laugh at. I just suddenly thought that if this dark universe, and all its powerful existence, whether it is Pangu civilization or the extraterrestrial demon or other strange strange aliens, it is one, no, yes. A group of lion and tiger monsters, and our human civilization is unfortunately encountered in the wild.

"Then, what you think of the cultivators is more about how to live in front of them, to use whatever means, to abandon everything, to distort everything, even to give up the most essential things of mankind, to change from the inside to the outside, to 'ghosts' and 'claws' 'The form is alive.

"And what our comprehensions think more is how to die more dignified."

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