Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1882: Arsonist Alliance

Di Fei was stunned and didn't know how to refute it for a long time.

The logic of his dilemma has always been unfavorable. Unexpectedly, he was dragged by Li Yao’s awkward joke!

He fixed his mind and sorted out the chaotic thoughts. He said: "Leave a green hill, no firewood, survival is the most important thing! In any case, survive first, even if it becomes unrecognizable, even a 'devil 'How about it? If there is hope of a comeback, the gentleman will not be revenge for ten years. He will be ruthless, lurking, and humiliating. He will one day kill the tiger, and then change back, will it be fine?"

"No, many mistakes can never be made up once they are committed; once many things change, they will never return. Even if the 'ghosts' can kill the tiger, they can only become the second big tiger. Can't change back."

Li Yao looked at the red flag of the mountain as a painting, whispered, "Is there something more important than survival? Or just the example, if you drag the woman to migrate in the wild, encounter a lion and tiger monster, this time you There are two options.

"Either, you are blocking the claws in front of the tiger, yelling, attracting the attention of the tiger, and even rushing to fight the tiger bravely, try to get the time to let the children run first - but they are too small, doomed to run Off, after you are eaten by the tiger, they will be eaten one by one by the tiger.

"In other words, everything you do is useless, and at best let the family die more dignified."

"The second choice, you abandon your wife and children, and you will run first, even picking up a pair of children and throwing them away from the tiger's blood. You are an adult, faster, and the tiger slowly enjoys your children's fine skin and tender meat. At the time, you still have a 1% chance to survive for the rest of your life.

"According to the so-called 'rational' of your cultivators, the second choice of nature can ensure the maximum benefit of the entire migration team. Anyway, everyone is going to die, let the children make a small contribution, help you to stay in the green hills. In ', very reasonable!

"But, you ask yourself, if you make a second choice, send your children to the tiger's mouth to delay the time, can you really change back?

"Even after you have survived the rest of the tiger's mouth, you discovered the remains of the ruins, practiced the ancient gods, killed all the tens of thousands of tigers in the wild, and found more than one hundred beautiful women to give birth to hundreds of children. - Is it changed back, can it be the same as in the past?"

This time, it was Dickin’s turn to be silent.

Li Yao smiled and said: "Not to mention, the probability of the rest of the tiger's mouth is not as high as 1%. You also said that the universe is an endless dark forest, the lion and tiger monsters, snakes and monsters wandering inside. There are countless beasts and all kinds of violent and violent beasts. Even if you use this despicable means to escape the attack of a big tiger, it has a 99% chance of encountering another more ferocious and horrible monster, right?

“Simple thoughts will tell that the entire universe is close to infinity, both in terms of time and space, relative to the short history of mankind and the three thousand worlds we explore.

"Infinite time and space, there will be countless births that are far more powerful than us. We can't resist or even imagine the powerful existence. It is not a god, but a demon who creates gods and devils. Demon!

"For any civilization, the ultimate destruction is a great probability event, and the hope of 'eternal life' is incomparably awkward, similar to zero.

"So, you are humble and ugly, change yourself, and turn yourself into a sinister, beast, ape, and locust. What is the use, so that you can escape the dark forest, you can never die?

"No, in the face of the vast universe, it is like the ordinary people on the wilderness of the lion and tiger monsters. The battle is death, the escape is also dead, and the scorpion is smashed to death. , scared to the bottom of the urine flow and even to the bones of the meat to send or die, since life has no death since ancient times, why not die with dignity?

"I said that you really human empire, under the guidance of Xiuxian Avenue, how to make yourself so ugly, how is it useful? After playing for a thousand years, even a small covenant alliance has not been resolved, the national movement is in jeopardy!

"Even if you really defeated the Covenant League, you may have to face the double invasion of the Pangu civilization and the extraterritorial demon. Even if you turn yourself into a completely unrecognizable one, transform it into a 'steel 蟑螂' that is completely different from the human beings of the past. Civilization and extraterrestrial demon are defeated by you, then?

"The universe is infinite, and the more powerful forces and existences are endless. There will always be a god-devil civilization that cannot be solved by the 'Steel Donkeys'. In the understatement, you will be completely obliterated!"

Di Feiwen looked straight and thought for a long time, taking a deep breath: "I thought that adults don't understand the darkness of the universe. It's a big mistake. I didn't expect adults to be more pessimistic than our cultivators. It can penetrate the darkness of the universe.

"Our cultivators still have a bit of extravagant hope, thinking that if they struggle, struggle, and follow the laws of the universe to change themselves, they can survive in this cruel world.

"I didn't expect the adults to completely deprive this hopeful hope, and lost all the survival, just thinking about how to die more vigorously. The subordinates are words."

"You are wrong again."

Li Yao smiled and revealed his white teeth. "Our comprehension can of course see the darkness of the universe, but it can see the faint light hidden in the darkness. Although ultimate destruction is a great probability event, we follow our path. Maybe it will last longer than your Xiuxian Avenue!"


Di Feiwen’s eyes flashed, “Where does the light come from?”

Li Yaodao: "In the past, I also fell into the dead of the so-called 'dark forest'. I feel that this game is extremely difficult to crack. The 'ordinary people' like us want to sway on this wilderness covered with lions and tigers. It is really difficult to get to the sky.

"However, when I think of this joke that says 'death is more dignified', there is a faint feeling of 'enlightenment'.

"Who said that we are alone in the dark forest, who said that we only have ‘lion tigers and monsters’ around us, no, the universe is big, but we are not alone!”

Di Feiwen narrowed his eyes: "I don't understand..."

“It’s very simple. The so-called “Lion and Tiger Wicked Beast” here refers to the alien civilization that is stronger and more malicious than our human civilization. We must destroy the alien civilization that we have eliminated, right?”

Li Yao said with excitement, "But who stipulates that these alien civilizations must be full of malice, must we eliminate the wolves, tigers, leopards, demons and ghosts?

"Yes, according to the law of the dark forest, the rule of the weak and the strong, the winner is king. These alien civilizations should destroy or enslave us and kill one hundred millionth of the threat."

"But if they also want to 'death more dignified'?"

"You see, since it is far more powerful and advanced than ours, our logical thinking ability must be far better than us. Then, even I can think of it. "No matter how you struggle, you can’t escape, you might as well keep it. And the most precious things, body-faced, vigorous death", how can these civilizations not think of it?

"If a highly developed alien civilization chooses 'death more dignified', it may extend an olive branch of friendship and communication in all directions to educate, help and guard those weaker civilizations, then it is no longer a lion. The class of monsters has become a teacher and comrade-in-arms who are worthy of our trust and can fight side by side.

"Xinghai is innocent, and thousands of civilizations are everywhere. If only one or two civilizations decide that 'death is more dignified', nature will soon be swallowed up by the surrounding darkness, but if ten, one hundred, one thousand civilizations are all Choosing 'death is more dignified', choose to communicate with each other, help each other, rather than swindle and devour each other, maybe everyone will not die, but it will completely dispel the darkness and make the universe become brighter?"

Di Feiwen looked at Li Yao with a look of "care for children with intellectual disabilities."

Li Yao ignored him, and the more he said, the more he said: "The human civilization is still too weak. It is difficult to completely burn the whole piece of 'dark forest' with one's own strength, but I don't believe that we are fighting alone, not even believe. We are the only civilization in the universe that sees 'dignity' as more important than 'survival', or, in my definition, the so-called 'civilization' is to protect something more important than survival!

"Perhaps, in places we can't see, the dark forests have already burned, and what we have to do is to join the ranks of 'arsoners' to ignite the most critical Mars, so that the fire is completely unstoppable. The degree - who said, must not be like this?

"But, if there is such a 'Fireman Alliance' composed of the Xinghai civilization that wants to die more dignified, it is necessary to join the alliance. At least I don't feel like you are a cultivator. Evolving in the direction of 'steel shackles, armed locusts' will qualify as a member of this alliance.

"This is what I want to say. No matter what eyes you look at, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I will go down my own path and carry through the road of comprehension until I rush out of the Xinghai and rush out of the little three thousand of human civilization. The world, go to the more vast and innocent universe, look for those 'arsonists', tell them the dignity and pride of human civilization, tell them that even though our strength and technology are far worse than them, we have the same powerful and noble as them. The soul, when the ultimate destruction comes, we can also give up all courage, wisdom and will, guard our most precious things, and fight in the righteous and vigorous manner!"

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