Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2122: Mechanical heart

Li Yao is away from the crowd and secretly talks with the boxing champion. .

Li Yao is quite contradictory about the concept of "self-learning artificial intelligence".

Li Yao originally thought that after experiencing the "Lingwang Tianmoo Chao" of the Xingyao Federation, after facing the big accident that artificial intelligence was almost out of control and fully invading the Lingwang, he would have something like "virtual life, artificial intelligence". Deeply taboo, holding a high level of alertness and a strong sense of disgust.

But I don't know why, in the face of the "self-learning artificial intelligence" of the boxing champion, he has no such feeling at all, but there is a kind of unclear and unclear... friendly?

Perhaps he once realized the deeper secrets of artificial intelligence and virtual life in the collapsed virtual world “virtual world”, and the phrase “virtual virus in the high-dimensional universe” is still in the ear.

Or, the ugliness and evil of some of the human beings are enough for him to hate, and there are too many enemies in the vast sea of ​​stars. The Pangu, the extraterrestrial demon, the Xinghai aliens... all have the potential to destroy human civilization. .

He really has no extra strength, and then hates an artificial intelligence that has not yet revealed signs of "life."

In any case, the boxing champion faithfully fulfilled the promises of each other and helped him to keep the two little guys, Hante and Liuli.

Li Yao also did not want to violate his promise even if he faced a cold machine.


Li Yao lost a Qiang Kun ring and sent it to the boxing brain of the boxing king to open the secret lines.

The boxing champion copied it and spread his palm for a moment, saying: "What is this?"

"We have not promised between us. As long as you help me protect the two little guys, will I spare no effort to help you become stronger?"

Li Yao smiled. "Until this moment, you have done a good job. In such a difficult and dangerous environment, the two little guys are unscathed, but I have a headache here. I am still in the siege of the four sides. It is impossible to find a stable refining room and resources to help you strengthen the upgrade.

"So, give you some good things first, let alone be interest.

"This is the storage chip that I stole from the lab of the Sky City, Manzhu Shahua's laboratory and the control room. It should contain the cutting-edge magic weapons of this earthen laboratory for hundreds of years. All the data of the test, I think, the test data of these cutting-edge magic weapons must be of great use to you."

The boxing eye of the boxing champion instantly brightened a series, the tone was still cold, but the speed of speech increased slightly: "Yes, I can be regarded as a special cutting-edge magic weapon, if the test data of all the cutting-edge magic weapons for hundreds of years. All of them are here, all of them can be integrated into my main database, which will definitely make me more rich and change, and the combat power is more powerful!"

After a meal, it adjusted the light of the crystal eye and lowered the voice. "Thank you."

Li Yao smiled: "You will also say ‘thank you’.”

"Not very likely."

Boxing, "No matter what the real me is, the actor "Zhang Zong Lei Zonglie" does not need to say ‘thank you’, but I am studying.”

Looking at it now has two weird appearances of heads, Li Yao does not know whether his decision is right or wrong, indulge in a long time, or said: "The transaction between us... is it effective?"

Boxing Road: "What do you mean?"

"You have to escape from the earth, but the stars are vast and dangerous. The outside world may be more dangerous than here. I am still not sure that the two little guys and the Stars organize these resistance fighters. They are too weak."

Li Yao said seriously, "But you are different, you have got the master of the global sword net combat system control center, and have the research and development data of the cutting-edge magic weapon of the earthenware laboratory for hundreds of years, it will not take long, your Fighting power will surely rush into the sky, stepping into the real super-powerful ranks?

"If you can continue to guard these two little guys, and this small team of comprehensions, I think they will have a greater chance of surviving."

Boxing said: "You, your strength is obviously ten times stronger than me."

Li Yao shook his head and said: "I can't be with you for the time being. On the one hand, I have to go to the spiritualist who can repair the immortals, and I can tear you apart. On the other hand, I have a bigger secret to explore. Perhaps a big secret related to the empire's center."

What Li Yao said is naturally a relationship between Li Jialing, Li Lingfeng and Li Lingfeng.

If this matter is thoroughly dissected, it may be easier to achieve the goal of "diplomatic, balanced, and destructive" by following the line of Li Lingling with Li Lingling and directly sneaking in the heart of the empire. ?

Therefore, Li Yao must go to Li Jialing, there is no way to break through with Hante and Liuli.

The boxing champion is the team of this small self-cultivator, the best bodyguard.

The boxing eye of the boxing champion flickered for a while, cold and cold: "But I just want to become stronger."

"You have become stronger than in the past!"

Li Yao smiled and looked at the memory chip in the hands of the boxing champion. "Believe me, continue along this road, you will be able to become stronger and stronger, and even become the strongest star in the Xinghai." The fall of the city, Manzhushahua, is the best proof?"

The boxing champion fell into deep thoughts.

Even if there are two super-performance crystal brain cores together, its metal body is still shaking.

"You are really strong."

Boxing, "No matter how I calculate it, I can't count the possibility of shooting down the city of Sky, Manzhushahua."

"That's not my credit."

Li Yaodao, "I just appeared in the right place at the right time, and I did just the right thing. It should be said that everyone in the heavens and the earth is united, fighting blood and fighting, and finally leading to such a result. .

"If there is no starlight organization, if you don't send intelligence and cover, even if I am ten times stronger, I won't be able to smash this star battle."

The boxing champion said again: "What you have just mastered is the legendary Xinghai ultimate weapon giant warrior?"


Li Yaodao, "If you are still willing to trade with me, continue to protect these two little guys in the next few years and keep this small team of self-cultivators. Maybe one day, I can help you get some of the components and units of the giant soldiers. For you to comprehensively strengthen, even transform you into a giant soldier."

Li Yao did not blow the air.

He found so many giant soldiers in the depths of the ancient sacred warrior battleship, with the financial power and power of his name "Yao Shi Group", even if he could not get a sturdy giant soldier, he would buy some money. When the wreckage of the giant soldiers came back, they could still do it.

In fact, the Yao Shi Group itself is one of the most sophisticated magic research and development platforms of the Xingyao Federation. Now it has the components and units of countless giant soldiers, conducting research and counterfeiting work.

What's more, Li Yao believes that he will definitely have a fierce battle with more imperial giants in the future. It is not surprising to capture one or two giant soldiers.

If the boxing champion is really willing to join the camp of the comprehension and become "our" artificial intelligence, then the magic weapon unit of several giant soldiers will be strengthened for the boxing champion. Li Yao thinks that this is a very worthy bargaining chip.

Sure enough, the boxing eye of the boxing is bright and hot again.

It gently rubs the armor of the heart.

There is no heart in it, only the golden quince seeds given to it by the glass.

"Well, your price is very high. According to my calculations and deductions, this transaction has a strong positive effect on improving my combat effectiveness."

Boxing, but it seems to be explaining his own logical thinking. "Before the empire or other forces can afford a higher price, I will always guard the two little guys, Hante and Liuli."

Li Yao smiled: "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, thank you for being meaningless to me, you just need to remember your commitment as you are today."

The boxing champion once again confirmed to himself, "You know my true face, I don't have to treat me as a human being. I am just a sophisticated weapon, a cold, awkward, one... mechanical."


Gao Dakang and his crew came.

They have completed the comprehensive overhaul of the "Dashan".

Fortunately, this ancient mining ship with hundreds of years of history was designed to be used in the crisis, the dangerous gravel belt and the asteroid belt mining, especially considering the problems of the star storm and the asteroid impact. Both the hull and the internal structure have been refining to the point of being extremely strong, stupid and black, and able to fly with a degree of damage of 50%, and the survivability is extremely strong.

As long as the shell is simply repaired, a temporary patch is applied, and enough fuel is injected, the mining vessel can vacate, get rid of the gravitational pull of the planet, and even take the Xinghai jump in the four-dimensional space. Of course, there is no small risk.

Under the introduction of these "daoyou" in the branch of the starlight organization, I saw the huge crater left after the "Dashan" was pulled out of the ground. Gao Dakang and others finally know how they were rescued. It’s gone.

Li Yao is wearing a crystal scorpion and even a giant sacred soldier. The picture of Xing Xinghai and his invincible eyes is what they saw with their own eyes. Many people’s hearts are almost blasted by Li Yao’s gorgeous performance.

And just relying on the "space-in-the-air" supernatural powers, the large-scale armed mining ship was pulled out of the ground. This kind of magical means made them even more shocking.

Undoubtedly, Li Yao’s aura of “the lost self-cultivator of the millennium” is dead and dead on his head, and he can’t pick it up.

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