Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2123: New way out!


Gao Dakang and Zuo Jingyun and other starlight organizations resisted the same voice and bowed to Li Yaona.

The kind of eyes that are both cautious, awe-inspiring, and hot and full of worship and even faith, made Li Yao a goosebump.

"Don't call the predecessor, call ‘daoyou’!”

Li Yao is most afraid of dealing with this embarrassing scene, but so many of the star-studded comprehensions are watching him with a squint. It doesn't seem to be good to say a few words. For a moment, he shouted, "High Captain, and Dear friends, the whole process of the whole thing, you should have heard the friends of the underground branch just now? Now the situation is still a hundred thousand urgency, we still have a race to fight against the blood, no time to pull the East, then open the door!

"I am not a 'lost millennial comprehension', this may always be a very good legend, no matter what you think in your heart, but the fact is that even if I deceive you now, say something ambiguous, one day will come When it was dismantled, when everyone was stunned, it would be better to say it clearly now."


Zuo Jingyun and Gao Dakang looked at each other and listened to Li Yao’s denial of such a slap in the face.

"I understand that weak resistance organizations like 'Starlight Organization' have to struggle in desperation. Many times they have to rely on some illusory hope to inspire themselves. Perhaps this is the legend of the 'lost millennium comprehension', originally born. Why?"

Regardless of the disappointment of the people, Li Yao continued to earnestly say, "But by the illusory legend, it is impossible to defeat the true human empire and save your loved ones and homes!"

"What's more, although I am not a 'lost millennium comprehension', it is definitely a real, ordinary comprehension person. My strength, you all clearly see it, and the 'big **** soldier' The ultimate weapon, even more than a single gun can be refining, maintenance and use!

"You should understand that the meaning of a giant soldier who belongs to the comprehension is in the starry sea?"

After all, Gao Dakang is an old resistance fighter who has been in the Xinghai for more than 20 years. He is also a mining group. He has a deep understanding of the big industrial system. He reacted instantly and excitedly: "Predecessors, where are you from, in the depths of the Xinghai, Is there another 'starlight organization', an older, more powerful, true star organization?"

Li Yao smiled and said: "I know that you are not the star organization originally originated from the Wuying world. It is only in recent decades that some rebellious people who are unwilling to be oppressed and intolerant are united, but you have already done it. Very good, completely worthy of the name of 'real star organization'.

"No, the Xinghai is vast, the number of comprehensions is more than you think. I am not from the Starlight organization, but from a force that is 100 times more powerful than the Starlight organization. In my power, the combat power is comparable to me or At least hundreds of comprehensible comprehensions!

"Is this kind of news more inspiring your morale than the ‘the lost millennium self-cultivator’?”

Here, Li Yao blew a little leather for the Stars Federation.

However, if the "slightly inferior" is defined as the second level of the god, that is, the Yuan Ying series, then the eight worlds of the whole federation plus the two "special areas" of the firefly and the sacral dragon, Thousands of Yuan Ying are still more than enough.

In addition, with the giant warriors who have captured the Black Wind Fleet, the number of giant soldiers in the whole federation is now approaching one hundred. Almost every fighting Yuan Ying has the opportunity to accept the cultivation of the giant soldiers.

If you do not regard the real human empire as a monolithic piece of view, the Xingyao Federation is not inferior to any force in the empire, including any of the "four major electorate families."

Therefore, even if Li Yao brags, there is also the cost of bragging!

"Like you are so strong, there are hundreds!"

Gao Dakang and Zuo Jingyun and others were shocked and stuttered. "Is this true?"

"I don't have to lie to you. If you want to lie to you, I will push the boat directly to admit that I am a lover of the lost millennium."

Li Yaozheng said, "In short, I hope that all of you can understand two things.

"First, your resistance is by no means meaningless. Your resistance is the blazing flame that glows in the night. Even if it is weak and swaying, there is a chance to illuminate the entire empire! So, I am very happy to see the 'Starlight Organization.' 'Really exists, and hope to fight side by side with your friends. Together, **** battles, know the flames we ignite, can illuminate every star!

"Second, hope is there. I believe that it will take a long time for the real human empire to undergo earth-shaking changes. As long as you can persist in the depths of the Xinghai for a while, you will be able to wait until the upheaval. At that time, everything will be Now different, the star organization can certainly create a larger living space!

"So, don't be depressed, don't desperate, survive stubbornly, spread everything that was born in the 'Buddhist martial arts world', tell everyone that you have one day, that is, you win a victory. !"

Gao Dakang and Zuo Jingyun looked at each other and said: "You mean, your power will eventually surface, creating more... like this miracle?"

Li Yao said with a smile: "Since you have said that it is a 'miracle', nature can't be created in three days, but... yes, we will definitely surface, and in the central hall of Xinghai, we are playing the banner of 'realist'. !"

Gao Dakang nodded thoughtfully.

He and Zuo Jingyun, like all the crew members, want to thoroughly understand everything.

However, as a member of the Starlight organization, I have seen countless betrayals and betrayal. I know the cruel means of torture and torture. He is naturally very clear. It is best not to know.

"I understand."

Gao Dakang said, "My armed mining ship 'Dashanhao' has no problem in its main structure. Now the brothers are scrambling to repair the shell. It is expected that the ability to sail in the Xinghai will be restored up to one night. I will put all the friends in peace. Take it out!"


Li Yao Chang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If you can break through, do you have a destination?"

"This one……"

Gao Dakang’s face is hard to say. “We originally had a few secret strongholds. However, since the inside of this operation, it has been infiltrated and leaked into a sieve. Presumably, those 'secret bases' are not insured. In the past, it was self-investment.

"No, we can only wander in the Xinghai for a while, and live by the frigate of the empire."

“The looting of the empire’s transport ship is like... ‘star thief’?”

Li Yao’s heart moved and said, “High Captain, you come from the stars, when you are in the midst of the Empire, the news should be well-informed? How much do you know about the big and small Star Thieves in the Empire?”

Gao Dakang glimpsed a little, saying: "We organize in the most difficult time, occasionally we will do the work of stealing chickens and dogs, and robbing the rich and the poor. But after all, we are different from those without bottom line. Our goal is to have The background of the major families of the empire, the starships that transport goods for the nobility and the warlords, never invade the civilians, so we and the traditional star thieves do not commit river water, knowing their names and activities."


Li Yaodao, "Have you ever heard of a star thief called ‘Bai Bo’, or a force called ‘Big White Star Theft?’”

"White boss..."

Gao Dakang pondered for a moment, even the channel, "I have heard, heard, this is the last one or two years before debut, but on the debut, I have done a few votes for the big deal, the Jiangyang thief in the Star Treasure circle! Our organization is not He has dealt with him, but he has heard his news occasionally, knowing that this is a sinister, sinister and fierce guy, regardless of the transport fleet of the 'four major electorates', the armoury of the Imperial Fleet or other star thieves. Gang, no he dare not grab, can not grab!

"The empire is too big. The big white star gang of Bai’s boss seems to have been active among several big worlds in the fourth quadrant of the empire. It’s nothing to do with us. How did the seniors suddenly mention this person?”

"Nothing, I want to suggest you, if you really have no way to go, it is better to jump to the active area of ​​White Boss to try your luck."

Li Yao smiled. "I believe that there is a place where the white boss is. The emperor must be overwhelmed and careless. Even if he has no spare power to scruple your little fish and shrimp, your activity space will be bigger.

"And if you have the chance to meet the white boss, describe to him what I have done in the 'Tulou Wuying world'. He naturally knows who I am, and then there is a 5% chance to give you selfless help. Provide a lot of support to help you through the storm!"

"Is that the old man of the predecessor? Great!"

Gao Da Kangdao, "However, only 5o% of the possibilities? What is the remaining 5o%?"

Li Yaoyi is serious: "Hey, the remaining 5o% is possible, he will think that you and I are all big troubles. I heard that I told you to go to him, I will kill you all the time!"

Gao Dakang: "..."

Li Yao: "In any case, you all have nowhere to go. In the Xinghai, there is no intention to drift. The risk is not higher. The mortality rate is over 9o%. It is better to go to the white boss to try your luck! You may wish to take more shots. Shooting his flattering, let's say, 'Let's the one who came to you to admire you. I think that the whole Xinghai is only the white boss. You can resist the wrath of the empire and protect us.' In this case, I think, he should not be too unremarkable... right?"

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