Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2127: Panic


Under the attack of shock waves and rock fragments, the shell and internal support structure of the bells are distorted and broken, and gaps and depressions visible to the naked eye appear.

This kind of damage starship is originally not suitable for the gap between the Xinghai and even the finger thickness. In the process of crossing the four-dimensional space, it may cause the whole starship to be fragmented and completely "broken void".

This is common sense in common sense.

But Li Yao has no choice.

Even in the icy universe separated by tens of thousands of kilometers, he can perceive the raging anger of Li Lingfeng.

He would rather be buried in the frenzied storm of the four-dimensional space, and he is not willing to fall into the hands of Li Lingfeng!

"No way, only desperate!"

Li Yao's eyes are red, almost dripping blood, and the spirit can rush out from every pore. It is like a shadowless invisible air mass that covers the entire bell, which is equivalent to a psionic defense for the bell. The layer strengthens the cohesion between the internal components.

On the one hand, Li Yao is now a strong god, and the strength and stability of the psionic output are sufficient.

On the other hand, the "bell number" is an ultra-miniature featherweight starship. The length from head to toe is no more than twenty or thirty meters, so that he can be supported by himself.

If this is not the case, under such a fierce gunfire, Li Yaozhen has no chance at all.

"Chong! Chong! Chong!"

The blood of Mang’s eyes bursts, and the bells grow like two crystal scorpions like the scorpion and the giant scorpion. Every feather on the wings is squirting backwards and squirting, making the bells speed.飙 to the limit, rushing toward Li Lingfeng and Xiuxian Starship!

The sacred light and the magnetic munitions of the singularity of the singularity of the singer’s star smashed over the head and blew it around the bells. It was like a sneak peek out of one of the genius claws. Come over, but it was once again resisted and bounced by Li Yao’s spirit.

Even so, the bell was shocked by the sound, as if it would fall apart in the next second.

Li Jialing was so scared that his face was stunned. In the Li family and the hive prison, the teenagers who used to be horrible monsters did not expect that there would be such a crazy person as Li Yao in the world!

The spirit of the storm wind is also turned into a deep blue streamer, and the bell whistling toward it, if it is hit by him, it is that Da Luo Jinxian can not save this stealth exploration ship!

In Li Yao’s chest, a mad laughter like a madman, a tear in the eyelids and the corners of his mouth, and a split of the skin, as if the body of flesh and blood could not stop the boiling of his body, the speed of the bell smashed. Nothing to add, face the giant spirit of the spirit, the **** of storm!

"Come on me, idiot!"

Li Yao condensed the laughter into a bundle of thoughts, sent it to the opposite side, and slammed the console at the same time, "Xinghai jump, start!"


The tens of thousands of secluded blue knives spurred by the "spirit of the storm" by Li Lingfeng, the **** of the storm, smashed into the bells and smashed the stars.

Seven or eight ship repairing starships also spewed out thousands of devastating streamers, blocking all the escape directions of the bells up and down.

However, in the moment before Knife Mang, Xuanguang, Cosmic Torpedo, and Magnetic Explosive Projectiles, the front of the bell is prone to a circle of ambiguous ripples, tearing the three-dimensional universe and forming a mysterious circular gate. Or, like a hole drilled by a worm.

The bell plunged into the hole, like a swamp that disappeared into the invisible swamp!

All the attacks by the cultivators were emptied, and it was only possible to tear up the afterimages left by the bells.

When a series of fireballs annihilated, even the door of the scorpion disappeared without a trace.

Li Yao and Li Jialing successfully jumped out of the encirclement of the immortal and fled the Wuying world!


Looking at the empty Xinghai in front, the sound of Li Lingfeng was completely distorted, and gnashed his teeth. "Even if you chase the edge of the Xinghai Sea, you must catch these two people. I want to take them, I want to take them."




"Beep toot!"

All the magic weapons that can alarm or make a sound on the bell are screaming.

All the magical units that can't make sounds are also screaming at the most harsh frequency, screaming, and the ghosts are crying.

However, the screams of these magic weapons units can not cover up the strange screams issued by Li Yao and Li Jialing.

This is the most dangerous and dangerous Xinghai jump in Li Yao’s life. It is more than ten times more dangerous than hitting the Skull Dragon Devil in the first place.

At least that time, the outer shell of the spark was not too much damaged and the structure was relatively stable.

He felt like a fly that was thrown into the toilet and was being used as an abyss of the universe with the rushing water.

Every second, he has to endure a hundred thousand sorrows, and every second is as long as a hundred years.

His muscles, bones, neural networks and even every cell are falling apart. Even the mitochondria and the nucleus are torn apart by hard, and again and again, they are pieced together, squeezed and twisted together, and pressed him into a big one. cell.

This kind of life is not as good as death. I don’t know how long it lasted. Suddenly, the body is light. They are like a piece of waste paper that has been smashed into pieces. It has been lost in the four-dimensional space and returned to the three-dimensional universe.

It is like a sudden rise from the bottom of the sea 20,000 meters to the surface of the sea. Although it can breathe fresh air, the incompatibility of the instantaneous transformation still causes his internal organs to spew out from his throat.

Li Yao is still good.

He heard the voice of Li Jialing vomiting, and the teenager seemed to spit out the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

However, Li Yao has not taken care of Li Jialing.

Because he heard the automatic navigation and landing system of the master crystal brain, he made a screaming scream and saw the huge planet that was close at hand.

The good news is that the automatic navigation and landing system of the Bell is very powerful, and before the departure, the deputy commander of the Black Wind Fleet, Di Feiwen, gave him the set of imperial stars more than a hundred years ago. They jumped to the nearest world in Wuying.

The bad news is that the auto-navigation and landing systems are too damn, they don't jump to the gravity-free cosmic vacuum, but jump directly into the gravitational circle of a huge planet!

The huge gravitational force immediately caught the little bell.

Moreover, because the bell is suddenly drilled out of the void, and there is no relatively stable inertia between the planet and the gravitational force of the planet, the tidal force instantly tears the bell to the ground, and even the outer shell is removed by a piece!

boom! Booming!

A huge fireball emerged behind the bell's ass, all power units were reimbursed, and the lost bell was like a heavy iron shovel, planted directly from the height of tens of thousands of meters!

In exchange for normal times, Li Yao and Li Jialing can easily summon the crystal scorpion, flying freely in the sky, flying like feathers.

But they have just experienced an extremely dangerous Xinghai jump, and they are still in the sequelae caused by the turbulence of space. The limbs are all over the river. How many psionics are there?

When Li Yao reluctantly condenses a three-pointed mind and a psionic power, they are already like a meteor in the wind, only a few hundred meters away from the ground!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Li Yao madly bombarded the psionic power, condensed a nine-fold buffer layer in front of the cracked bell, and told Li Jialing to wear the same crystal as himself.


Just as the two men put on the crystal, the bell finally landed on the ground, and with the deafening explosion, it turned into a shocking fireball. A lot of wreckage and components burned like a smattering of flowers. Within a few tens of kilometers, it was swept away by the wind and disappeared without a trace.

The bell was completely reimbursed.

Even with the magic weapon unit that can form a super-long-range Xinghai information transmission base station to connect with the home.

Li Yao woke up after half a minute.

After realizing this fact, I read another half a minute of "fucking."

He struggled to breathe the tingling of the air and lungs, which was mixed with stench. He reminded him of how bad the air on the planet was.

Looking far and wide, watching around, Li Yao could not help but **** a cold air.

What a sinister "residible planet"!

The atmosphere here is not known to contain strange things. The sky seems to be covered with dark clouds and dark fog forever. The clouds are the golden snakes dancing and the wind and the waves of lightning. From time to time, there will be a hanging lightning swooping down from the sky and throwing a large arc on the ground. Huge waves.

It was like a very strange lightning forest, one after another, for a long time.

Under the gloomy sky, Li Yao can't see half of the plains or signs of human development. There are towering pleats everywhere. The terrain here is somewhat similar to the sacral dragon star, but it is even worse than the sacral dragon star, at least the humerus. The folds of the Dragon Star are very regular in a circle, but the folds or ridges here are sparsely pulled, the dogs are staggered, and the twists and turns are like the fangs of the ground.

Between the heavens and the earth, there are lightning roars and flying sands everywhere. Li Yao used the detection magic weapon attached to the crystal to measure the wind speed, and found that even if he is in a relatively stable area, the wind speed exceeds the federally defined "three-level strong wind". In the distant areas, the huge mountain rocks are constantly rolling, and certainly reach the level of "hurricane" or even "super hurricane", not to mention the tornado standing on the horizon, like a giant in the sky, swallowing thunder and Lightning, moving slowly.

"What a ghost place, is it really a 'habitable planet'?"

Li Yao saw with his own eyes that a huge stone with a diameter of several hundred meters was sucked into the abdomen by a tornado that was swayed by lightning. It was torn and shattered, and it became a gravel of numerous arcs, and it was shocked and stunned.

In a moment, he will retrieve the most recent world data from the Wuying community in the poisonous star cluster, and compare it with the sight of hell.

Then his brow wrinkled closer.

"It turned out to be Shaman Star!"

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