Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2128: Sha Manxing!

Li Yaolian crawled and climbed. When he found Li Jialing in a large wreckage, the young man was struggling to separate the scrap iron that was pressed against him.


Li Yao's five fingers crossed, and the broken debris suddenly splashed around and saved the boy.


Li Jialing looked at the harsh environment around him, and he was a bit stunned. He thought for a moment and his voice was a little trembling. "We jumped to the Shaman world?"

"Yes, I just found the master crystal brain from the wreck, and looked at the automatic navigation and landing system again. We did jump and land on the only inhabitable planet in Shaman, the main star of this world, sand. On the star."

Li Yaodao, "How much do you know about Shaman?"

Wu Yingjie and Shamanjie are two big worlds of grievances and entanglements, and the relationship between Tianyuan and Xuexue is somewhat similar.

Of course, there is no such thing as a "double world" of Tian Yuan and Xue Yao, but the distance between the two big worlds is still much closer.

Otherwise, the first expedition fleet sent by Wu Yingjie would not be the first to discover the Shaman Boundary, but also introduced the Shaman, which eventually led to the destruction of Wu Mingming and the birth of the immortal.

Therefore, it is a matter of course that Li Yao ordered the bell to follow the star map and automatically search for and lock the nearest world to the Wuying world.

Li Yao’s intelligence on the Shaman Boundary comes from Su Changfa and Di Feiwen. It is an ancient piece of information more than a hundred years ago, and the description of the Shaman community is somewhat ambiguous.

Li Jialing knows more. After thinking for a while, he said: "Li Lingfeng once told me some information about the Shaman world. When the Black Star Emperor returned to his hometown with anger, the Wuying and Shaman circles were highly condensed together. Even forming the same coalition government is a civilization.

"So, while the Wuying world was attacked by the Imperial Fleet, the Shaman community was also attacked by the Thunder of the Empire. The civilization was completely destroyed and turned into a devastated barren land.

"No, it should be said that Shamanjie is originally a barren land. It is a desert with extremely harsh environment and very difficult survival. Otherwise, those shamans will not rack their brains and spare no effort to emigrate to Wuyingjie!"

"The Shaman community is not very suitable for human survival. According to the Empire's rating of the inhabitable planet, it is considered to be the worst and reluctant level. The Human Survival Development Index is close to zero.

"After being hit by the Imperial Fleet, it is even worse, becoming a deadly place."

"Later, the empire seems to have turned the Shaman Boundary into a huge magical laboratory, but unlike the '孽土-武英界', it was used to carry out various devastating large-scale destruction tests without considering it at all. The problem of human survival.

"After hundreds of years of experimentation, the Shamans were completely extinct, and after that, they were completely abandoned.

"After all, to carry out a devastating large-scale destruction test, you can choose a wild and uninhabited planet. There is no reason why you have to rush here to test it, isn't it?

"The current Shaman world is the abandoned world that has drained all the oil and water and has no use for development and utilization.

"In the millennial war of the real human empire and the covenant alliance, or earlier in the cosmic war between the Xinghai empire and the blood **** rebel army plus the demon and the demon scorpion, this vibrant and fertile world was completely blasted and became The situation in the ridiculous world is everywhere, and there is nothing surprising about the Shaman world."

Li Yao nodded thoughtfully, and he was a little strange: "Since there is nothing surprising, why did you seem to be scared?"

Although the environment in Shamanjie is bad, it is for ordinary people.

Li Yao has the body of the **** demons that have been transformed by the **** demons. The wild and dead cells are all motivated, and the strengthening of various organs of the body is by no means comparable to those of ordinary comprehensions.

Li Jialing is also heavily modulated, and can be transformed into a horrible beast like Wu Yingying.

Both of them are monsters that are uncompromising. Even if there is a lot of highly toxic substances in the air of this planet, they will not hurt them.

Moreover, Li Yao’s Qiankun Ring also carries a lot of water, food and spar, and there is no problem here.

Li Jialing has a bitter face and bitterness: "However, there is still a little difference between Shaman and other abandoned worlds. I heard that there are many ‘konjac’ here.”


Li Yao blinked his eyes. "What is that?"

"It's something like the lowest level extraterrestrial demon, the 'devil', but it's still more ferocious than the devil."

Li Jialing explained, "Shamanxing was originally the site of the Shaman, and the unique cultivation system of the Shaman people is different from the mainstream refining, building foundation, knotting, condensing infants, and turning the gods. When practicing to the extreme, you can summon the 'Chiyou Great God' possession, so that ordinary people can inspire unparalleled combat power.

"According to the study of the empire, this is a kind of madness that activates the deep power of the brain from the psychological suggestion and self-hypnosis. The savage man who cultivates this magical power will have a very strange change. After death, there will be There may be a lot of 'shade' remaining."

Li Yao once had exchanges in the ancient holy world and the ghost master "White Lotus Mother Wan Mingzhu", and also had a certain understanding of the ghost repair, knowing the difference between "ghost" and "shadow".

In the world of comprehension for 40,000 years, there are souls in the life of wisdom. After the death of a person, the will of the soul is immortal, and it is turned into a "ghost", that is, "ghost repair."

The ghost has the memory, the will and the character of most of the life. Apart from the loss of flesh and blood, it is not much different from the living. Therefore, the Star Alliance will give all the ghosts basic human rights and treat them as special. Human beings look at it.

But not all ghosts are so lucky, they can maintain a stable shape and structure for a long time.

In other words, this kind of ghost that can maintain a stable form for a long time is very rare, and most of the ghosts will soon be disturbed by external radiation and magnetic fields after the loss of the protection of flesh and blood, broken and broken. Losing most of the memory, character and memory.

This fragmentation, loss of self, leaving only a little bit of life instinct, is called "shadow."

The haze is a transition between life and pure energy. Without too much interference, after a period of time, it naturally transforms into pure energy and is included in the endless cycle of the universe.

But if you are disturbed by evil, or if the owner of this haze is so violent and fierce, then the haze may not be scattered for a long time, or even absorb the evil spirits and negative energy in all directions. Extremely aggressive and destructive.

Some research theories believe that the haze is the devil's head, which is the initial form of the "out of the world."

There are also some theories that although the haze is not a demon or an extraterrestrial demon, it is the soil in which the devil and the extraterrestrial demon are born. Thousands of hazes converge together, and it is entirely possible to create a powerful extraterrestrial demon. !

Li Jialing said: "The Shamans who practiced Youyou Road are all people who are not afraid of death and unruly. After they die, they will not be scattered, turning into countless haze, and continue to wander and roar in this devastated barren land. Even the destructive tests of the Empire for hundreds of years have failed to completely eliminate all haze.

"I listened to Li Lingfeng, and later the imperial authorities seemed to have changed their minds. They wanted to close the Shaman star for a hundred or two years, just like 'closing the mountains and raising forests'. Looking at whether the haze of Shamanxing could evolve into an extraterritorial area within two hundred years. The existence of the demon - if it is possible, then the empire can make a big step forward in the study of the source and evolution of the extraterrestrial demon, and Shaman Star has regained the value of use, which can be used to test various anti-domain The magic weapon and magical power of the demon."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "Is it?"

"Yes, I listened to Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingwei."

Li Jialing said with great certainty, "They once said in a chat, it has not been many years since the opening of Shamanxing. If several projects of '孽土-武英界' are successful, they will have capital to go. Competing for the contracting rights of Shaman Star, once the Shaman Star is contracted out, and some secrets against the extraterrestrial demon, and even the use of extraterrestrial demon to enhance combat effectiveness, it is really developed.

"There was still a dozen or twenty years of this incident. The eight characters were still missing. Besides, it was an open bid. It was not a sneaky thing. They said it, and there should be no reason to deliberately act. I read.

"So, I am very worried that there are some powerful haze on the Shaman star, even something like the demon outside the domain, it is awful."

Li Jialing said as he glanced at the distant winds, the ghosts, the black fog, the claws, and the strange teeth.

In the criss-crossing tornado, the lightning condenses into a sly smile, which is like the extraterrestrial demon in the two people licking their mouths.

"Out of the world?"

Li Yao grinned, his hands were carrying, his eyes narrowed and stared at the front, and he said casually. "Relax, I guess that there are some unspoken haze or small devils on the sand star. It should not be too much. A powerful extraterrestrial demon - otherwise the imperial authorities have long opened the Shaman star to carry out 'harvesting'.

"Even if there is an extraterrestrial demon, hehehehe, I am the ancestor of the extraterrestrial demon, just take them to eat!"

Li Yao and the blood-colored demons licked their tongues in unison.

Last time in the Xingyao Federation, the two teamed up and shredded the "Internet Demon", swallowed a large amount of solitude, digested and absorbed, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent upgrade.

That kind of sweet and sweet taste is still spinning on their tongues!

Li Jialing began to think that Li Yao was blowing in the air.

However, looking at Li Yao's careless appearance, he thought that he was like a madman, and in the "city of the sky, Manzhushahua" inside the murderous, unstoppable picture, could not help but cold and a nap.

"Well, this monster is not bragging."

The youngster’s heart is secretly embarrassed. “Looking at his fierce and violent appearance, even if he really swallowed the extraterrestrial demon, it’s not strange!”

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