Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2131: Thunderstorms!

Thundercloud storm is too chaotic and too urgent, just like 10,000 whirlpools roaring in the depths of Li Yao’s Yuanshen, seriously disturbing his perception of God.

However, this also provided excellent protection for his divine ripples, so that both sides of the real fierce battle could not find his existence.

Through the chaos of wind and rain and the roaring thunder, Li Yao's brain gradually outlines a vague, stunned three-dimensional picture.

The eight sacred starships brought by Li Lingfeng are like the tyrannosaurs with huge bodies like hills.

However, in the oblique thorns, hundreds of smaller "raptors" were killed. They should be assault ships, hunting swords, and all-terrain armed warfare that are specially used for combat within the atmosphere. The formation of Tyrannosaurus rex to the key to the "Tyrgyzstan Dragon"!

Li Lingfeng did not expect that in the deserted world of Shamanxing, he would encounter a second enemy other than Li Yao. It would be too late to command the starship to float outside the atmosphere!

The main battleship star with a length of three feet and a length of three or five kilometers is indeed powerful in the cosmic vacuum, but within the atmosphere of high gravity, high resistance and extremely turbulent spirits, its own weight is too large. Defects such as weak gravity units, clumsy bodies, and poor steering are exposed.

The other small starships are like the latest design of the cutting-edge ships. They are small in size, firepower is not inferior, and they are prepared. In the first round of fire attack, the armor of the Lixing Starship will be torn apart. A burst of dazzling fireballs broke out.

"This is a premeditated attack!"

Li Yao secretly said, "It is not happening by chance, but the latest mysterious forces are monitoring and trailing all the way, until Li Lingfeng and his large forces are separated, and they are rushing to command the main battleship to cut into the atmosphere. A fatal blow!"

Li Yao’s thoughts disguised as the thunder ripples that thundered in the thunderstorm storm area, and continued to explore the battlefield, and soon locked the coordinates of Li Lingfeng.

His giant **** "the **** of the storm" has stirred up the earth-shattering spirit, which is more lively than the volcanic eruption, and naturally will never be missed.

However, Li Lingfeng did not have the opportunity to cause heavy damage to the enemy starship.

His opponent is another giant soldier!

"What happened, there was another giant soldier, and it was stronger than Li Ling's ‘the **** of the storm?’

Li Yao's heart beats faster and his breathing is short. He only feels that 36,000 pores in his body are as painful as needle sticks.

If Li Lingfeng's flames at this moment are like volcanic eruptions, there is an inexhaustible magma.

The giant soldier who is fighting with him is the vast sea, and the sea is filled with horror whirlpools.

No matter how much magma erupted by Li Lingfeng’s “volcano”, it will be swallowed up by the whirlpool, and there will be no more!

Of course, Li Lingfeng has just fought a fierce battle with Li Yao. His decades of hard work and destruction have been ruined. The unstable heart and the shock of the soul are inevitable.

Moreover, his giant **** "the **** of the storm" was also destroyed by Li Yao to destroy the power unit, and the speed was greatly reduced. These are his disadvantages.

However, from the analysis of the flames of the two giant gods, Li Yao estimates that even if Li Lingfeng is at its peak, and the giant soldiers have just been maintained, intact, psionics and ammunition are sufficient, It will not be an opponent of a mysterious enemy.

"Is there any mistakes? My current combat power is barely stronger than the mid-level of the gods. When I am facing each other, there is no chance to overcome the spirit of Li Ling. At least he is a high-level god.

"Now this mysterious enemy can lift the wind and wind up, that is to say, at least reach the peak of the gods, even"

Li Yao swallowed hard and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Although the current goal of the mysterious enemy is Li Lingfeng, but here is the real human empire of the enemy, Li Yao does not think that this mysterious enemy will come to save him.

Since the other party is monitoring and trailing all the way, he naturally sees everything he has done in Wuying. He also knows that Li Ling’s eagerness to jump to Shaman’s world is to hunt him and Li Jialing. Then the problem comes after the other party kills or grabs Li Lingfeng. Will you let him and Li Jialing?

"This is bad!"

Li Yao’s face became very ugly.

He is absolutely confident that he will escape from Li Erfeng, the ancestors of the great ancestors who are talented and talented, and whose strength is only higher than him.

However, the newly emerged mysterious enemy gives him the feeling of being a snake like a viper and a snake. It will change into a dragon and a poisonous snake that devours the world at any time. It is a higher level than Li Lingfeng!

When I was thinking about the electricity and thinking about the countermeasures, Li Lingfeng had already lost!

Li Yao perceives his giant **** "the **** of the storm", first spewing out a group of incomparably dazzling psionic power, as if a supernova rose from the ground and suddenly reached its limit.

Then it collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it had collapsed from a supernova into a black hole, empty, nothing, completely undetectable!

Generally speaking, this is the performance of the giant soldiers being completely blown up.

However, Li Yao immediately captured the intent of Li Lingfeng and he wanted to escape!

The sacred starships brought by Li Lingfeng hit the past with the giant gods of mysterious enemies. Naturally, they were not opponents of mysterious enemies, but they also blocked for a few minutes.

Li Lingfeng took advantage of the precious gap. Like Li Yao just now, he immediately incorporated the giant **** soldiers into the Qiankun ring, replaced it with a set of invisible crystals that were hidden by the hidden form, and plunged into the thunderstorm storm area and disappeared into the disorder. Psychic fluctuations!


Li Yao indulged for a moment, Huo Ran got up, "Go to Li Lingfeng!"


Li Jialing stunned and couldn't believe his ears. "Looking for Li Lingfeng, isn't it a self-investment? And it looks like a mess outside. How do we find Li Lingfeng?"

"It’s not a self-investment, but there is no choice."

Li Yao sighed and smiled bitterly. "As for how to find Li Lingfeng, this is not a problem, because he has secretly sent a wave of psionic ripples in all directions, that is, greeting us in the past!"

Li Yao and Li Jialing converge the psionics and breath to the limit, like two muddy ghosts, walking quietly in the squally showers.

Soon, I discovered the spirit of the hurricane in the thunder and the hurricane.

A few days ago, Li Lingfeng, there is a bit of imposing manner, not angry, and the feeling of holding everything in his hands. It is like a peerless strong man who has covered the clouds and the world.

At the moment, Li Lingfeng, although there are not many scars on his body, but the feeling of being stunned and fearless is overflowing from every gap of Jingjing, causing him to smash to the extreme, just like being pulled out of the tail. Wild dog.

In just a few days, such earth-shaking changes have occurred, even if Li Yao is his enemy, he must scream for him.

"He seems to have suffered a serious internal injury."

Li Jialing said with great certainty, "I have a joint attack and I have a chance to kill him!"

"Wait, I think Li Lingfeng is no longer our number one problem."

Li Yao indulged in a moment and made a decision. "Talk to him first and say that there are a lot of secrets about you. You have to get out of his mouth, isn't it?"

Li Yao and Li Jialing appeared one after the other, from the violent storm, like two shadows without physical shadows, cold condensation condensed into the sharp winds not far away.

Li Lingfeng instantly perceives the existence of the two people, his body trembled slightly, and wiped a helmet full of ice and rain.

The three were in a triangle position, silently facing each other between the thunder and lightning, the hurricane and the torrential rain.

Immediately afterwards, Li Lingfeng actually made an unexpected movement. He gently touched a circle on the left side of the helmet, and even took the helmet back into the crystal!

As a result, his entire head was exposed unprotected to Li Yao and Li Jialing.

This is some kind of weakness, or a good gesture.

Li Yao smiled lowly: "Li Daren is injured and hurts very badly? Needs no need for therapeutic agents. I have just one point here."

Lightning illuminates the bleak world, and Li Ling’s face is really ugly to the extreme, ignoring Li Yao’s temptation and sarcasm. “I don’t really want to burn all the jade and the same thing? Now the opportunity is coming, if we do it to each other at the moment, then I really want to be dead together, come on, choose your right, fight, fight!"

"Oh! Oh!"

A flash of lightning fell on the side of Li Lingfeng, but the face of this second ancestor reflected the perseverance and determination that had never been seen before.

Li Yao squinted his eyes, and God read firmly to protect every muscle and every pore of Li Lingfeng. He did not let him have the opportunity to take the opportunity. He asked very cautiously: "Who is killing you, this is really '螳螂螳螂螳螂, the oriole is behind!!”

Li Lingfeng said coldly: "It seems that you also perceive the strength and ferocity of the other party. In an instant, the eight starships that I brought are completely annihilated. You are scared and daring, will respond to my call and take the initiative to show up. That's right? 'Hunting, the oriole is behind', yes, it's such an old but deadly trick, just, are you really '蝉'? Tell me who you are!

"And you"

He turned his eyes to Li Jialing, staring at the boy, screaming and gnashing his teeth. "Why betray me?"

Li Jialing’s pupil suddenly shrank to the limit, and his body shape shook slightly and quickly stabilized. He spread his hand and faintly said: “I am a cultivator, betray what, very common, must I have a reason?”


Li Lingfeng almost smashed his eyes and muttered. "You don't know who you are, and what you have to face. It's really stupid. It's really a dead end!"

"Then you will tell him about it!"

When Li Yao’s heart moved, he suddenly thought of something. “Tell Li Jialing, who is he, who his parents are, who are chasing you, who is it!”

Li Lingfeng was silent for a moment, letting the raindrops containing lightning ripples hit him on his face, and the whole face was beaten and pitted, then gently spit out three words: "Spirit! Spirit! Sea!"

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