Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2132: a bolt from the blue!

Taking the world by big, in the hinterland of the real human empire, all the way trailing and chasing Li Lingfeng, turned out to be his sister, the imperial queen Li Linghai!

This is a stone-shattering, unexpected, but natural and logical answer. ????

In addition to the imperial emperor, who else can have such strength, and in a flash, he will fight hard and run away?

In Li Yao’s heart, he was full of curiosity about the imperial queen, Li Linghai, who was suspected of being the “old lover” of the righteous father.

He knows that since the generation of Wu Xiongqi, a generation of heroes, has risen steadily more than a thousand years ago, the Empire has never seen such a powerful emperor as the "Black Star Emperor".

After the emperor was a generation less than a generation, coupled with the innate limitations of the vast expanse of the sea, the imperial power continued to collapse and contract.

Up to now, the demise of the emperor has been formed, the rise of the princes, the anti-customer, and the division of the empire.

The emperor must be elected by the "four major electors" and naturally controlled by these powerful princes. It is their embarrassment.

Li Linghai, the empress queen, is naturally the tool used by the four electorate families to monitor and control the emperor.

However, from the words of Li Lingfeng, it can be heard that the imperial queen in his mouth seems to be reluctant to become the "monitoring tool" of his own destiny and has his own ambitions!

Also, since the emperor is only the prince of the princes, how can he command the army to make a hearty victory on the front line and achieve a strategic victory against the sacred alliance?

Even if Li Yao and the vice commander of the Black Wind Fleet, Di Feiwen, have speculated that there is a conspiracy of the sacred alliance to "retreat into the future, and to succumb to the ruin", but the emperor's command of the imperial army is undoubtedly before and after this. In the "Imperial Counterattack" of the magnificent and large-scale "Imperial Counterattack" that lasted for several years, what kind of role did the Queen Li Linghai play? What kind of abacus is playing?

This "empire counterattack" is only for the sacred alliance, or is it...

Li Yao thought about electricity, but on the surface, he was quiet, and smiled lightly: "Understood, your conspiracy is broken by the Queen, you are finished!"

"Yes, I am finished."

Li Lingfeng did not refute it. Instead, he stared at Li Yao and Li Jialing with desperate eyes. He laughed and said, "But you have to bury me, one can't escape!"

"Li Daren, I remember that we had already passed the sincerity in the past."

Li Yao’s eyes turned a few laps and he was not worried. “You will not be naive to think that in this case, you can hide the relationship between yourself, Li Linghai and Li Jialing? You are naturally in jeopardy, but how do we Is there something going on?"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Li Lingfeng laughed. In the storm, lightning and thunder, his chaos spread and danced wildly. "So, you idiots, know nothing about the truth! Especially you, Li Jialing! I am kindly cultivated. You, the best resources have been given to you, not so good to your own children, and finally made you the first master of the younger generation! You actually repay me like this? It is a good heart to be a liver and lung, I don’t know how to live to the extreme!"

"You don't need to say so well!"

Li Yao slanted step by step, blocking in front of Li Jialing, cold and cold, "Your conspiracy, we all know, how about, the real identity of Li Jialing, what do you say, or I said?"

"I... there is nothing that can be concealed. I originally planned to find a suitable opportunity to tell Li Jialing, even if it is plainly said now, how?"

Li Lingfeng came to the extreme, I don’t know if it was forced out, or I really planned it in my heart. I paused and said again. "But before you can clearly understand the whole thing, you must know that you think that my heart is hot. The sister of Li Linghai is doing something, who is it to kill?"

Li Yaodao: "Nature is to kill you. Is this still asking?"

Li Lingfeng sneered: "Well, she may have known everything I did, and gave me a strong killing, but if she wants to kill me, there are naturally countless opportunities to start, no need to choose such an adventurous way. ""

Li Yao blinked and said: "Is it coming to kill me?"

"It's wrong!"

Li Lingfeng gasped in a hurry, staring at Li Yao with a grudge, and his throat was hoarse. "I admit that you are very strong. Maybe there is a mysterious and deliberate force behind you. You can't treat you as an ordinary unknown soldier. Even if your strength is strong, it is impossible to provoke the imperial queen to personally shoot!"

Li Yaoyi also thinks that unless Li Linghai has the magical power of the unpredictable prophet, it is absolutely impossible for him to appear in the Wuying world and jump to the Shamanjie.

However, the Shaman Boundary is an abandoned world that is inaccessible to the people. Only when they come from outside the country for three days, the goal of Li Linghai is neither Li Lingfeng nor Li Yao’s words, then only

"Li Jialing?"

Li Yao’s eyes widened and he did not dare to meet each other. “Have she come to kill Li Jialing?”

"Yes, that's it!"

Li Lingfeng laughed, like a madman with a claw and a claw. "I counted thousands of plans, and I still underestimated my ambitious, ruthless, cold and ruthless sister! I thought that even if the news leaked, what was heard by her? She could never save Li Jialing from my hands! But I didn't expect it, but I didn't think she didn't even think about saving people. She just came to kill and kill her own flesh!"


A fierce lightning flashed over the top of the three men.

It’s like slashing a knife on Li Jialing’s face.

"You, what are you talking about?"

The teenager was pale and his lips trembled and whispered.

Li Yao took a step and gently took the teenager's shoulder and entered a psionic power in his body to help him consolidate the spirit and stabilize his mood.

"I said, you are the spiritual flesh of Li Linghai, that is, my relatives and sorrows. Now your mother-in-law wants to kill people, killing both of you and me, and never suffer!"

Li Lingfeng laughed incomparably crazy, very incomprehensible, and very incomprehensible, "How is it enough?"

Rao was Li Yao’s pre-emptive shot for Li Jialing, and he had a vague understanding of his relationship with Li Lingfeng’s brother and sister, but the darkest answer to the extreme still made the boy deeply shocked, and suddenly he couldn’t tell. Half a sentence.

Li Yao’s expression was faint and uncertain, and he quickly thought about the flaws in Li Lingfeng’s words.

"How, suspect that I am lying?"

Li Lingfeng immediately perceives the subtle changes of Li Yao's soul. He sneer and laughed. "Now it's your turn to think about the computing power of the **** series. In fact, the whole thing is very simple. Li Jialing is our imperial queen. The flesh and blood, but very, very, very pity, my father is a good nephew, but we are not the invincible, the invincible, the supreme, the merits of the emperor’s majesty, oh, such a big scandal Once the poke, who is the worst?

"Yes, of course, we will suffer heavy losses. Even I will be affected by this earth-shattering scandal, but it is not the Queen himself?

"My sister's ambition is even above me. For more than a hundred years, she has ostensibly sought out the family, faithfully fulfilling all the tasks the family has given her, as if she is really loyal to the family and to the princes. Willing to be a tool to control the emperor.

"But in the dark, she has raised the dead, cultivated the wings, and formed the young and middle-aged princes in the outer world of the empire and the grassroots youth officers in the Xinghai Fleet. They gradually formed their own forces. When the family loomed her ambitions, The formation of the tail can not afford to lose!

"Although my sister is unfathomable, even I don't know what she is pursuing, but I am very sure that no matter what it is, it needs to be based on supreme power!

"If this time, she was smashed with the scandal of the emperor having an illegitimate child, her willingness to operate for a hundred years will be destroyed, and her power, status, strength and ambition will all fall apart!"

"So, the clever mysterious man, you tell me, our Royal Highness, what reason is there to keep such a big trouble in the world, instead of completely annihilating him, leaving no traces?"

Li Yao’s eyes jumped and bite his teeth: “What is the use of killing Li Jialing? I didn’t even kill you. Isn’t such a big thing left behind with a little bit of evidence? Let’s say you’re not going to Leaving all kinds of experimental data, blood samples and the like, threatening her to say that once you die, will all of these evidences be made public?"

"These are indirect evidence, it is impossible to defeat the Queen of the Emperor."

Li Lingfeng sneered and laughed. "The high-level empire, those high-sounding sergeants, privately seeing people's activities as much as a slap in the face, but as long as there is no direct evidence, there is naturally a way to cover up or even completely erase them.

"And now, there is only one direct evidence, Li Jialing himself!

"As long as you kill Li Jialing and destroy the corpse, even if others take out more indirect evidence, it can be said to be forged. It is the status and power of the queen to pour dirty water to the queen today. This weakness is weak. The attack did not hurt her roots.

"So, she can even let me go today, let me run like a funeral dog. Anyway, I have lost everything. It is impossible to pose too much threat to her. No one will, or no one will dare to believe me. if.

"But she will never let go of Li Jialing, because Li Jialing is the only person who might threaten her status, power and ambition!"

When Li Jialing heard this, she finally couldn’t help but scream and spit out a bleak blood, which was soft and fell on Li Yao.

"Are you OK?"

Li Yao hurriedly helped the boy, and he didn't know how to comfort him for a long time. "Don't, don't worry too much. In fact, this kind of thing... very common, many people have encountered it!"

"Sorry, my ‘good nephew’ originally wanted to find a more suitable opportunity and tell you everything slowly.”

Li Lingfeng cold and cold, "However, this is what you forced me, and it is easy to let you know everything, perhaps it will help you to see your destiny, and the cold stars above your head!" 8

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