Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2133: Juvenile armor and... fangs!

"Are you really okay?"

Li Yao feels that Li Jialing’s state of mind at this moment is like a building that is crumbling and about to collapse. There are countless spar bombs piled up in the building. His cold sweat is down, and he continues to understand and comfort. “I If you know the family ethical conflict of such a dog's blood, you will definitely have a hard time accepting it, or else I will hold you down first, and you will yell and yell at hysterical crying?"

"……No need to."

Li Jialing took a deep, deep and deep breath.

Li Yao seems to be able to hear that every muscle and nerve in the juvenile is first tightened, and then the bones are smashed, and then another bunch of gradual relaxation sounds.

The teenager calmed down.

It was a very strange and even horrible feeling.

It seems that in just a few seconds, the boy has completely become another very different person. In addition to the deepest self, he wrapped a thick layer of cold armor with fangs.


It was he who disguised himself as a "normal boy", and finally revealed a cold, ruthless, deep self!

"I'm fine, really."

Li Jialing whispered, "Yao Ge said that it is right. As a cultivator, he is born in the whirlpool of power. What kind of flesh and blood is a joke, this kind of thing happens, it is very common!"

"well said!"

Li Lingfeng laughed. "Of course you should be fine. This will not cost me the indoctrination I have been doing for you for the past ten years. In those years, I taught you so many conspiracy and betrayal, killing and trading, two sides and three incisions and intrigues, iron heart and heart. Mercy is the picture, that is, I hope that you will be so calm and rational at this moment!

"Even the ancients know that when they are born in the home of the emperor, they will never want to enjoy the family fun and blood relationship between ordinary people. This is the price of power! Under the pressure of absolute power, what kind of flesh and blood will be loved? Nothing is gone!

"We are in control of so many big worlds, the power is far more than a hundred times more than those of the ancient kings, and your mother is full of justice, the emperor of the world, has this identity, but also look forward to what mother and child Family? Isn't it too stupid!"

"Is it right."

Li Jialing responded in a quiet manner. The cold voice like an iceberg made the singer Li Yao shudder. The boy entered the role more and more in just ten seconds. He sneered. "It’s just Why do we want to believe in you 100%? Even if Li Linghai is really the gene provider on my blood, should she come to kill me? Will it be that you have no way to go, the dog jumps on the wall, deliberately crap?"

Li Yao swallowed his mouth and whispered: "Hey, are you really okay?"

Li Jialing said indifferently: "I am fine, but I feel that the feeling at this moment is better than ever. At least I finally know who I am and where I am from?"

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse of how to respond to this calm and terrible teenager.

Li Lingfeng sighed: "So far, I still have something to lie to you. If you think about it, you will know. If you have a premeditated plan, how can Li Linghai come so fast?

"The mysterious man near you has destroyed my 'destroyed star mission", and the "sky city, Manzhushahua" has not been more than 24 hours. Even our reinforcements have not been so quickly pulled back from the front line. And reorganized and jumped to the Wuying world. Why did Li Linghai come so fast?

"And, this matter has nothing to do with her. As an empress queen, naturally there are more important things to deal with. How can I qualify for free and intervene in my affairs?

"There is only one answer, she has already come!

"She didn't come to the mysterious person around you, not even knowing the existence of this mysterious person. From the beginning, her goal is very clear, that is you!

"I guess she already knew the secret that I secretly hid you, but I have been forbearing, pretending to be ignorant, and secretly planning how to completely destroy you."

"I left the direct territory of Lijia this time and came to Wuying to promote the 'destroy star mission', which is her best chance. Her secret assault fleet should have been crouching in the depths of the vast sea of ​​stars on the edge of Wuying. The action on my side.

"Perhaps, without this mysterious person intervening, she will suddenly smash out when the ‘destroy star mission’ is going to the most intense and chaotic, and the sword is sealed!”

Li Jialing said: "Since it is a secret fleet, the number is impossible. How can it break through the "city of the sky, Manzhushahua"?"

"I don't understand yet?"

Li Lingfeng raised his voice. "If she wants to save people, it is necessary to break through the "city of the sky, Manzhushahua", but if her purpose from the beginning is just to kill you, then I don't need to move my main fleet and starry sky. Battle Castle, as long as you determine your coordinates, suddenly smash out from the slash, completely annihilate your area, and then silently walk away, you can even count this bad account on the head of 'Starlight Organization'.

"If everything goes well, she can return to the emperor's ‘very heaven and celestial star' within three days. What happens if I hold a lot of circumstantial evidence in my hand?

"She should be playing such an abacus. The starship and the crystal scorpion that she brought this time have no war badges and coats of arms. It should be the secret force that she has made, but these starships have been ruined. The transformation, plus a lot of scrap copper rotten iron, and the style of the starlight organization of the gang of people is very similar, is not enough to explain the problem?

"Of course, no one thought that this mysterious friend of the **** would suddenly kill and disrupt everything that ruined my hard work for decades, and completely disrupted the rhythm of Li Linghai, forcing her to risk catching up. Here!"

Li Yao licked his nose: "Oh, you are welcome, this is what I should do.

Li Ling swept Li Yao's eyes, and the fierceness in the depths of his eyes was even brighter than the lightning in the sky.

Li Jialing thought about it for a while and slowly said: "Even if you say it is true, it can't prove that she has no intention of saving people. Maybe her secret fleet is crouching on the edge of Wuyingjie, that is, preparing for the most critical When did you kill and rob people?"

"Haha, hahahaha, do you still have some expectation for your own gene provider or 'natural mother', and advise you to give up such naive and ridiculous thoughts, otherwise it will only get more and more painful!"

Li Lingfeng smiled and said, "Do you think that I am both cruel and mean? Then I tell you, and you are superficially crazy, seemingly incompetent, bright and open, but in fact the heart is deep and sea, almost deceived the entire family and even the mother of the whole empire. Compared to your relatives, I am a pure and innocent comprehension!

"One thing, don't you feel very strange? Since you are the spirit of Li Linghai, why is it falling into my hands, and I will raise your secret?

"And, I know your relationship with Li Linghai clearly, why do you invest so much resources, and lie on you at no cost, and you will become a secret weapon to deal with Li Linghai? Generally speaking, mother and child are not taken for granted. Do you have anything to do, I am not afraid that after you know the truth, you will go to Li Linghai, so that I can steal the chicken and not eclipse the rice?"

Li Jialing gave a slight glimpse: "Maybe, you are too arrogant, never thought I would know the truth?"

"Hey, if you think so, it’s too small to look at you, too small to see your biological mother."

Li Ling Fengdao, "You are a strong god, your mother's cultivation is higher than me. As long as the two sides are in close contact, how can she not recognize that you are her own flesh?"

"At that time, your mother and son will join hands and stand in the same camp to deal with me. It is a high probability that I will do this. Isn't it self-destruction? Let's cultivate a grave-digger for yourself?"

Li Yao and Li Jialing frowned at the same time.

There is indeed some inconsistency in this matter. No matter how fierce and arrogant Li Lingfeng is, there is no reason to leave such a big flaw!

"The reason why I dare to do this, even if you know the whole truth, I am confident that you will stand on my side for the simple reason."

Li Lingfeng smiled slightly and shook the answer without hesitation. "Because this is not the first time Li Linghai wants to kill you, but the second time!"

“A few decades ago, she once killed you once, more accurately, it was 'destroying' the embryonic state. At that time, she thought that she completely 'destroyed' your extra embryo, but did not expect you to be big. It’s hard to die, and I was saved by me.

"At that time, Li Linghai, there is no such power and horrible power today, I can still find ways to cover your existence for decades, and finally find someone to breed you and secretly raise and grow up!

"Now, you understand, Li Linghai is your biological mother, but it is a trouble to dislike you from beginning to end, desperate to kill you, and has killed you once!

"I, just your embarrassment, is not because of the flesh and blood factor to save you, but to treat you as a bargain, want to make you a secret weapon.

"But objectively, it is indeed that I saved you, raised you up, sheltered you at the most critical moments, and even used all the resources within my authority, and spared no effort to cultivate you!"

Li Jialing's figure was swaying, and the voice became colder and colder: "Then I have to say "thank you" to you, eh?"

"Oh, I never thought that you would thank me, I know that you hate me, and I don't care about your gratitude or hatred!"

Li Lingfeng said coldly, "I just tell you the truth, and then I will use your calmness and reason that I have instilled in you these years to seriously think about where you should stand and save and raise you. Side, still wanting to kill your mother over and over again?"

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