Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2134: Business is business (fourth!)

Li Jialing hesitated.

No matter how many armor and fangs are hidden in the boy's heart, and how much is far above the darkness of his peers, he can't get rid of the limitations of age and experience.

Even if he is a dark sword that blows hair and breaks hair, it will take years to wash, in order to stir up the edge of the cracked star.

Li Lingfeng’s words sounded too real. Li Jialing couldn’t tell the difference. The chaos made him look at Li Yao again. It’s like the infamous “Yao Ge” that he was the most dependent on at the moment.

As everyone knows, Li Yao is also a headache, and his brain is in a mess.

After practicing to the realm of the gods, Li Yao has raised a series of other people's micro-expressions, heartbeat, breath and even the shock of the soul.

In other words, it is more instantly able to distinguish the true and false of others' speeches, and to the extent that "the eyes are like a torch, and the eyes are clear."

Li Lingfeng is certainly stronger than him in a small realm, but at this moment he is seriously injured, the atmosphere is messy, and the soul is faint and swaying. It is difficult to completely fool him.

However, Li Yao clearly perceives that when Li Lingfeng said this, no matter whether the facial muscles or the heart and nerve endings, or even his three souls and seven souls, there is no one-and-a-half-point abnormality.

At least, judging by Li Yao’s experience, this should be true.

"Is there a mistake, ‘Li Linghai’ is so ruthless that it is so hot that even his son is willing to kill?”

Li Yao secretly screams and feels like a big fight.

When the secret of the last words of the righteous father was revealed more than 100 years ago, Li Yao had an inexplicable affection for the words "Li Linghai".

The reason is very simple - Li Yaojian believes that the righteous father is a good and honest good man, and the righteous father is arrogant in his last words, saying that one day Li Yao and the Xingyao Federation have encountered difficulties, they can go to the real human empire to find Li Linghai, Li Linghai Will certainly shelter them.

Since the righteous father is a good person and deeply convinced of Li Linghai, it is very likely that he has had feelings with Li Linghai. Li Linghai should also be a good person, at least one of the many immortals, "not too bad."

The original logic of Li Yao is like this.

His abacus is to find Li Linghai through Li Jialing and see if there is any possibility of compromise or even cooperation between himself and this "most bad" cultivator.

It can even be said that Li Yao dared to sneak into the hinterland of the real human empire, the main purpose is to find Li Linghai!

Unexpectedly, listening to Li Lingfeng said that the queen of the real human empire is simply a cultivator among the cultivators. The standard heart is hot, cold and ruthless, killing people without blinking, for the sake of power, what kind of flesh and blood can be abandoned!

Since even the pro-son can brow up and wrinkle, what is his "dry son of the old lover more than a hundred years ago"?

Li Yao’s ideal is full, but the cruel reality is too much of his mother’s bones!

"There is nothing to hesitate. The few starships that I brought to the Shaman community will be dismantled by Li Linghai. Let's make a decision!"

Li Lingfeng opened his arms, his voice was low and firm, and his expression was frank to the extreme. "Yes, Jialing, I admit that I have been cheating you all the time. In fact, I should tell you the truth earlier, so that I will not have such misunderstandings, leading you to leave. !

"However, you have to stand on your side and think about it. In the past, your nature has not fully awakened. You can't completely grasp your psychological state. If you tell the truth, your mind will be upset and shocked. What should I do if I go into flames?

"And, after you know the truth, your manners will inevitably be different from the past. If you reveal any flaws, you will be blamed for killing in minutes. You must know that the tentacles of the family have been extended to the palace for hundreds of years. In the middle, but since the wings of Li Linghai have gradually become full, it has in turn penetrated the tentacles of the Imperial Palace into the interior of Li, and even the shackles are not guaranteed, she must not know your existence!

"This is not, how can you be careful and arrogant, or find out your existence, and personally lead a secret squad to come and destroy you!"

"Good boy, you know that you are a smart person, and you are a true immortal. You and me should not talk about the flesh and blood of your head. Let's talk about the benefits!

"Yes, I admit that when I first saved you, I thought I could live in a strange place. I just wanted to make you a secret weapon, or a valuable chip, to play an extremely dangerous game with Li Linghai.

"But in the process of modulating you, I gradually discovered the infinite potential hidden under your weak appearance. It is the power that has been passed down from the sea of ​​spirits, even to me!

"Oh, my own children, no matter the son or the grandson, there is no one, even the most outstanding one, qualifications and ambitions can only be said to be ordinary, future achievements are extremely limited, can control the family A resource planet is the limit, far less than one tenth of yours!

"Since you have such incredible potential, and it is my relatives, I can still pass on the genes of my veins. What reason do I have to cultivate you, and do not hesitate to modulate you locally?

"So, am I using you? Yes! Am I using you as a chip and a weapon? Yes! I hope that you will one day be able to kill Li Linghai? Also!

"But am I really cultivating you? Yes! Did I pour more than ten times more effort and resources into my son and my grandson? Yes! I hope that you can be my true heir, inheritance. My genes, power and clothes? Yes!

"Think about what I have done to you, and I know that I have not lied in half a word.

"Between people and people, it is the relationship of mutual use. I use you. You use me. What is wrong with it? The value that is used by people is more reliable than any blood relationship!"

"After repeating, the interests of our two are the same. We can work together to fight the world. We will control the whole family one day, and let the future family of the next century be the era of both you and me.

"But the interests of you and Li Linghai are not so consistent. It is called "I don't do it, I don't stop." When you are in the embryonic state, she has already killed you once. You think she will let go this time. You?"

Li Jialing’s breathing is rushing, clenching his fists and biting his teeth: “Whether you are still Li Linghai, I have no interest in your power struggle, regardless of whether it’s the blood of 'mother’ or '舅舅', and there is no point in my eyes. Meaning, I only want to live freely and freely!"

"Absolute freedom?"

Li Lingfeng gave a slight glimpse, and then he laughed. "Stupid boy, the universe is vast, the stars are vast, but there are struggles everywhere, there are killings everywhere, where there are rules and rules that you have to obey, you can want to marry you, Control, threaten you, hurt you, interfere with your peerless power! Where are you going to find an 'absolutely free' life?

"Tell you, I really thought about the life of ‘absolute freedom’. It’s very simple. Let’s do everything possible and take the ‘absolute power’!

"With absolute power, there is absolute freedom!

"When you become the master of a planet and have the absolute power of this planet, you have ‘absolute freedom’ on this planet!

"Similarly, when you become the lord of the world, you have the power to kill and kill, and supreme power. In this world, you are absolutely free. If you want to kill anyone, you will kill them. If you want to do anything, you will do whatever you want, even if you are upset, you will be ruined. No one dares to interfere with you!

"Oh, if you can become my successor, and one day will dominate the whole family, then many thousand worlds will obey your command, and countless starships will obey your will. In the territory of Lijia, you can naturally do whatever you want. , lawless, absolutely free!"

The teenager's breathing has become heavy and heavy.

He sneaked at Li Yao and hesitated. He whispered: "Tell so much, what do you want?"

"I have a small plan, but whether it succeeds depends on the mysterious person next to you."

Li Lingfeng once again condensed his eyes on Li Yao, but the fierceness of the eyes disappeared without a trace. Instead, it was a ripple of derogatory and deceitful. "If I didn't guess wrong, you are not a real comprehension?"

Li Yao was silent for a moment and chuckled: "The nonsense, the idiot of the dreamer who dreams of daydreaming, how can he cultivate a singularity, and extravagant to use him as a surprise attacker, and have a repair and maintenance. Sophisticated giant soldiers - how much pressure on the logistics department, Li Daoyou should be clearer than me, must have a complete set of well-equipped, well-trained and well-trained large industrial system support, comprehension, is there such a condition? ? The pot sells iron, they can't get a big thigh of the giant soldier!"

Li Yao began to call Li Lingfeng "Li Daren", but now he is called "Li Daoyou", apparently suggesting that everyone is "the same person."

"I guess too, the idiots of ‘the self-cultivation from the sky’ can only deceive three-year-old children and ignorant people.”

Li Lingfeng cold and cold, "So, what is your sacredness, what is the purpose of being alone and in danger? In any case, a giant soldier with better combat performance than the 'God of the Storm', plus a strong **** The gorgeous combination of the people is by no means available to those outside the empire."

"Do you know that in the last 100 years, your Tianyan Group and the ‘killing live broadcast’ platform have more limelight and more glare?”

Li Yaodao, "The so-called 'gun shooting the bird", killing live broadcast is a new thing that has not been seen for thousands of years. It is a very interesting and terrible idea to control the empire through the media. There will always be some old and insecure old-fashioned forces. I don't like your 'killing live broadcast', and I don't want to let you control the new and unknown power.

"You just want me to like these 'killing live broadcasts', and don't want you to control the old forces of this new power, send them to deliberately disrupt and dismantle your platform, they can take the opportunity to launch your live platform thoroughly. Destroyed, the Tianyan Group is fully annexed.

"Don't be angry, this is not a personal grudge. In fact, I personally appreciate your thoughts and ideas. The empire is too old and old. It is time to inject some fresh air, just... the command is the order, the business is the business, you got it."


Open the gun in May, the fourth is sent!

New battles, new beginnings, hey, brothers and sisters have no new monthly passes and recommendations, and the old bulls are brazen to ask, hahahaha

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