Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2135: Huagan Ge... is it jade?

"I am not angry, but I appreciate your frankness and frankness is a good start for cooperation."

Li Lingfeng faintly said, "At least you are willing to be honest, it is better than insisting on the ridiculous ‘cultivator’ status.”

Li Yao couldn't help but gently tap the helmet of the mysterious warfare. He took the mask back to the helmet and revealed the face of "deep feelings of the same feeling". He narrowed his eyes and said: "Do you think that the identity of the 'self-cultivator' is ridiculous? You also feel ridiculous. Is it right? Too **** right, when the **** gave me this identity, I think so too!

"I was yelling at them at the time. Are you **** wrong? Are you all in the water, are you completely ignorant of rationality and logic? I am sure to reveal the strength of the realm of the gods in this mission. The giant warrior, but the comprehension is a group of mourning dogs and gangs that were beaten and killed a thousand years ago! Whoever is stupid to what extent will believe that the comprehensible can send a **** who controls the giant soldiers. Old monsters to perform tasks?

"This, this **** is impossible at all. Even the pig's brain will not believe it. Even the novels will be exaggerated, too outrageous, and too much to the comprehension of the big villains, not to mention 瞒You and the Li family are treacherous and resourceful!

"To be honest, I have pretended to have countless identities in my life. Even the 16-year-old nephew can pretend to be vivid, but this time it is really a very difficult challenge to pretend to be a comprehension of the gods. I am completely I can't imagine what kind of concept, what kind of mentality, what kind of mentality?

Li Lingfeng slowly nodded: "I understand very well that those high-ranking family amnesty and joint fleet commanders will never care about the actual situation of the front line, but expose the most specific performers to various kinds of The necessary risks."

Li Yao’s eyes turned and smiled and said: “How, Li Daoyou, are you trying to find out if I am born in a certain family, or is it a certain Xinghai joint fleet? It doesn’t seem to matter.

"In short, guess how the **** answered me? The winners don't need to explain and are not punished. As long as I can destroy your plan simply and destroy the city of Sky, Manzhushahua, then No one cares whether this 'realist who has fallen from the sky' is true or false.

"Even, even if all the forces and everyone knows well, knowing that I am a fake self-cultivator, is just an obvious scorpion, how is it? Your live broadcast platform has been destroyed, and the Tianyan Group is also likely to be acquired and annexed by others. This 'realist who has fallen from the sky' will never appear again, clean and neat, without any sequelae, right?"

"No, there are sequelae."

Li Lingfeng cold and cold, "The legend of the comprehension will sway between the stars and the sea, and countless original people will be motivated by this non-existent shards, which will cause big troubles and seriously damage the overall interests of the empire."

Li Yao haha ​​smiled: "I don't know, Li Daoyou is still such a noble patriot. Rest assured that the empire is so powerful, and the comprehensible people are not even awkward. One and a half true and false legends, a few paragraphs of crystal The video that can be virtualized by the brain can not hurt the empire.

"Moreover, all the deep-sea fleets with strong family and independence are doing this. Family interests and fleet interests are always higher than the interests of the Empire, aren't they?"

"Yes, you succeeded and did a very good job."

Li Lingfeng narrowed his eyes and said one word at a time. "Even if you stand on the opposite side of me, I have to admit that this is a simple and negligent, textbook-like latent destructive action. Others will only appreciate your heart and soul, killing and decisive, Cruel and ruthless, will never care about this ridiculous 'realist' false identity."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows and whispered softly. He smiled and said: "Why, don't you hate me? You are calm and a little bit guilty, and you are a friend!"

"Of course I hate you, I can't wait to cramp your skin, smash your bones, and smash your body."

When I thought about the damage caused by Li Yao in the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", the fierceness of Li Lingfeng could not help but surrender. "To tell the truth, if I was still in yesterday's situation, even just half an hour ago, There are eight Xinghai battleships and hundreds of elite warriors who are chasing together. I will never let you go. You must be able to survive and die. You can live and concoct you for ten or eight years. Come out and smash it, so that you can never live forever!

"But now, is it still meaningful to say that, even if I hate you?" The biggest threat to me at this moment is not you, but Li Linghai; likewise, the one who threatens you the most is not me, but also Li Linghai!

"As you just said, ‘business is business’, there is no personal grievance between you and me. Even if there is a hatred of killing the father, you can temporarily compromise at the juncture of life and death, isn’t it?”

Li Yao’s eyes turned round and round, and the smile on his face became more and more intense: “Yes, ‘business is business, interest is interest’, and everything can be compromised and traded in order to survive.”

"Not to mention, you are just a tool."

Li Ling Fengdao, "I am clear about all the above-mentioned elites of the imperial Yuan Ying period. Whether it is their magical power, attack mode or giant warrior, all the data is in my mind, but there is no you. Such a mysterious existence.

"The answer is ready. You are the secret weapon of a family secretly raised, just like I cultivated Li Jialing, and Li Linghai cultivated her secret armed ‘deep sea fleet.'

"You just said that you can disguise countless identities, and even the 16-year-old nephew is not a testament to my guess.

"You are the kind of ‘pretender’, ‘ghost martial’, and so on. They are dedicated to helping the family to do unspeakable activities and perform the most **** and extremely dangerous tasks, right?”

Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank, as if it was stabbed by a transparent needle tip that did not exist, and the sound suddenly cooled down: “Ghost Warrior? I don’t like this name very much.”

"I know you don't like it."

Li Lingfeng smiled. "Every deep-rooted ancient family has a tragic character like you. There is no tyrannical power, but you can never show your true face and enjoy the dignity, power and glory you deserve. Instead, It is necessary to perform the most dangerous, evil and ugly tasks again and again. It is not a carelessness. It is not the tragic death at the forefront. When the conspiracy is exposed, it is necessary to be thrown out of the family and take up the black pot!

"Just take your mission, single-handedly sneak into the "city of the sky, Manzhushahua" and destroy it, but also face my thunder anger, the degree of danger need not be said, it may be killed by me in minutes.

"Even if we can retreat for the time being, if we leak something, we are so angry that we have found the behind-the-scenes planners that you belong to. Maybe you have to be traded and sacrificed, hey, think so." I am very miserable, but you are not much better than me!"

In the confrontation between the two, Li Yao seems to be unable to hold his breath for the first time. He said: "Liang Daoyou, what do you want to say, we don't seem to have much time!"

"I want to say that we are all the same people, I understand you!"

Li Lingfeng is more sincere than when he faced Li Jialing. "Although you are in the dark, I am clear, but in fact we are all the same, they are all family tools."

"Haha, everyone knows that I am the leader of the Li family and the generation of the next generation, but how many people know that, in fact, I am just being pushed by the family to the cusp of the crowd. And it’s already? 'Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will destroy it', such a simple truth, do not my elders know? If they really want me to be the master and elected emperor, there is no reason to publicize this matter. Hone me in secret, support me, give me more troops and power, isn't it?

"Now that I am so arrogant, telling everyone in the whole world that I am very hopeful to become the next homeowner and the next electorate of Li, what do you mean? It is clear that I am pushing on the stage to help them resist the ups and downs from the family and the outside world. Guns and arrows to cover their favorite, true future successors!

"Oh, they thought that I was really stunned by my ambitions. In fact, I have a clear understanding of their calculations!

"I am not willing to be a tool, no matter the 'city of the sky, Manzhu Shahua', the Tianyan Group or the killing live broadcast platform, including Li Jialing, I want to get rid of this sad fate. try!

"My life is not for me. The real big sisters all regard me as a fool. When I become a fool, I will be a tool, but I will let them know that whoever can laugh at the end, who is the most qualified, control The whole family!"

At the end of the day, Li Lingfeng is already very strong.

Li Jialing, who was raised and raised by Li Lingfeng, did not expect that she had always regarded such a side as a demon, and she stayed for a while.

Perceived his subtle emotional changes, Li Lingfeng smiled slightly, and rushed to the young boy: "How, Jialing, did you think that you are such a person? In fact, you should be able to think of it, otherwise you think that you are deep in the spirit Where does the character of rebellion and struggle with the sky come from?

After a meal, he reached out to Li Yao and said in a word, "And I believe that any strong person who can cultivate to the level of the gods will never be willing to be completely controlled by any family, fleet or sect. Your own destiny, you can see the mouse in the gutter!

"Your giant soldier is so strong, don't you think that one day, let it appear in the sky above the emperor's ‘very heaven, celestial star'?”

Li Yao: "...hey, don't you say, actually I really thought about this."

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