Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2136: IQ is online!

"Light ‘thought' is useless!”

Li Lingfeng suddenly raised his voice, released his momentum, and blinked. "This friend who doesn't know his name but who is sick with me, even though you have been covering up the water, I have guessed your identity and situation from the clues. **Not far from ten!"

Li Yaoyi said: "Is it?"

"First, you can secretly conceal everyone, secretly cultivate a assassin, attacker and destroyer of a **** series, and have a giant empire that can not be found in any database of the empire, look at the entire empire, The forces with this ability, that is, our 'four major electorate families', and the newly emerged one or two warlords, the command of the several combined fleets, your origins, can not escape these forces!"

Li Ling is so arrogant that it is indisputable. "But you are born with outstanding strength and strength, but you are used by the forces behind it as 'sniper squad soldiers'. You are not pity to let you perform this task of suicide. It seems that you are The days in the power are not so good, maybe they are also resentful, jealous, jealous, crowded, and even some people want to kill people by knife, use my hand to kill you?

"Otherwise, I really can't figure out why a god-in-law is arrogant. I have to risk such a high risk to ruin the 'city of the sky, Manzhushahua'. For you personally, there is no such thing as a benefit. There are ninety-nine percent of the possibilities, causing the murder!

"Just like now, if there is no sudden arrival of Li Linghai, you have already died in my hands!

"As a strong god, you can calculate the life and death benefits in a blink of an eye. How can you be impulsive and do this kind of thing? It is totally unreasonable!"

Li Yao's pupils continue to enlarge and contract, and the blue veins on his face are also hidden, and slowly said: "Liang Daoyou, I should say that your IQ is finally on the line, and began to reveal the computing power and deductive power of the **** series. ?"

Li Lingfeng sneered aloud: "Excluding all unreasonable and logically chaotic choices, my speculation is the only possible truth. If not, your appearance and actions will not be explained!"

Li Yao was silent for a long time, and finally sighed softly: "Is the truth, how is it? People are in the Xinghai, involuntarily, even if they are as strong as the devil, they can't do whatever they want, they can't be arrogant! The gods that the gods devour every day Dibao and various resources are astronomical figures. The seemingly powerful giants need a huge industrial system for repair and maintenance, as well as the problem of fuel, ammunition and weapon replacement... no family behind the support, relying on me alone. What about a person and a giant soldier?

"So, even though I know that single-handedly rushing to your site in Wuyingjie to destroy it, it is definitely a task of hanging a line and a life of nine deaths; even though I know that the identity of the 'self-cultivator' can never deceive all the empire; even though I know myself It is very likely that you will be killed alive. Even if you are not killed by you, you will be resentful by your high-level resentment over the top of my life. Even though I know that once this matter is blown up, the whole family will Treating me as a prey, I am very likely to become a victim of private transactions; even if I know that this is a conspiracy of some people in my own power to 'kill the knife,' all this, I know everything, but what? so what!

"You are right. I am just a tool. It is a sharp sword. The sword is sharp. There is no way to control who is in the hand and what to cut!"

At the end of the day, Li Yao’s eyes are flickering with blood, and the voice is full of resentment and hate!

Li Lingfeng calmly looked at him, and suddenly smiled lightly: "It seems that I did not say anything wrong at the moment, we are the same people who fall into the world. I don't seem to hate you, but should hate the forces behind you." Deliberately want to ruin my efforts, my killing live broadcast platform and Tianyan Group, but also want to double-destroy your guy!"

The blood of Li Yao’s eyes is in the light, and faintly said: “Yes, maybe those guys want us to burn both jade and stone, to the same end, and to double-edged!”

Li Lingfeng blinked and smiled more brilliantly. "I have been killed for so long, and I have been talking for so long. I don't seem to know the name of Dao."

Li Yao indulged for a moment and said: "Call me ‘vulture Li Yao’.”

Li Lingfeng swept Li Jialing and the light in his eyes was more certain.

Li Yao squinted and once again showed a hostility: "Why, your perception has been firmly locked in Li Jialing. Is it because of his indirect reaction to judge whether I gave you a fake name?"

"Of course you give me a fake name."

Li Lingfeng chuckled. "However, from the reaction of my little nephew, at least you gave me and gave him the same pseudonym. This can prove a little bit of your sincerity."

Li Yao glanced at Li Jialing and muttered: "I feel more and more that I have underestimated you yesterday. I thought that you are an ambitious but ambitious child. I didn't expect a critical moment in life and death. Your wisdom will be Like a volcano explosion, '蹭蹭蹭蹭' is going up and rushing, even the 'vulture Li Yao' is a secret name so secret, it was all seen by you, it is amazing!

"Do not talk nonsense, since everyone has more or less explored each other's cards, Li Daoyou, what do you want?"

"Vulture Li Yao, Li Daoyou, right? Don't be so wary, although this is hard to believe, but at the moment, I am really not malicious to you and are not qualified to be malicious to you. I just want to warm up with you. Help only."

Li Lingfeng spread his hands and said honestly, "You know better than anyone. The 'Broken Starlight mission' is completely ruined. 'The City of Sky, Manzhushahua' is destroyed again. The Tianyan Group is completely unsuccessful. I am working hard. Decades of small forces are likely to fall apart, and the family’s trust and support for me cannot be as old as ever.

"In short, I am at the moment, more embarrassed than at any time in the past 100 years. With my own strength, it is really difficult to turn over."

"How can I refuse the friendship of another strong god?" or a powerful **** with such a powerful giant soldier!"


Li Yao sneered a few times. "What can I get?"

"Similarly, get the friendship of a strong god!"

Li Lingfeng smiled. "Although I have nothing at the moment, but the core strength has not suffered losses, I still clean up the mess in the Wuying world. I just don’t know what happened here and the **** Shaman world has been devastated by the past hundreds of years. It’s a mess, and our signal is hard to spread.

"In short, as long as you can help me through the difficulties in front of me, I am absolutely confident that I can make a comeback. When you want to change your own destiny, I don't think you will mind, get the real master of Li. ', some selfless help!

"The two powerful gods can form an alliance, and the whole piece of the sea of ​​stars will tremble. How do you want the light to appear on the most magnificent stage of the empire to capture the power and glory that belonged to you?"

Li Yao’s eyes twitched violently, his teeth rubbed like a sickle, and the sound became hoarse: “Just like this? Do you want to use these light nonsense to lie to me to sell your life?”

"Of course not. These are all words. The most important thing at the moment is my good sister, our Queen's Highness."

Li Lingfeng swayed and sniffed the air. "She has entered the Thunderstorm area. It is only between the storm and the lightning and thunder. The magnetic field here is too disordered. She can't lock our coordinates for a while. But It doesn't last long... How about, I don't believe you are not interested in the Queen."

Li Yao is somewhat unnatural: "Why should I be interested in the Queen?"

Li Lingfeng's expression "You can't lie to me" said: "Don't pretend, Li Daoyou, we have been sincerely communicating very well, why should the enemy be concealed? If you and the forces behind you are not interested in the Queen How can you know so many secrets?"

Li Yao lingered for a while, his face was loosened and said: "Well, I admit, now the major forces of the empire have a strong interest in the Queen. After all, as you said, her ambition is gradually revealed. It has already threatened all aspects, right?"

"Who said no, my sister has become more and more elusive, unfathomable, and even terrible in just a hundred years."

Li Lingfeng sighed. "Put her on the throne of the 'Imperial Queen'. Perhaps it is the biggest mistake we have made in the past 100 years, but who can think of it at that time... will she become like this?

"In short, she is now full-fledged, and she will show the most embarrassing fangs. At this critical moment, she will never allow any unexpected factors to disturb her plan. We must kill three of us here!

"If we continue to fight and kill each other, we will only be killed one by one, and there is no chance of winning."

"But if we can join hands, the two gods plus the "perfect test body" Li Jialing me and Wu Yingxi carefully crafted, may not be able to fight with her!

"You know, Li Jialing's existence is always her biggest secret. Even if she secretly supports the secret force 'deep sea fleet', she can't be known by the people.

"Plus she couldn't guess that we would join forces. I thought that you two had long since fled and ran to the deepest part of the Thunderstorm area, so she must be alone and never help."

"This is our best chance!"

Li Jialing has been listening to it silently, and can't help but say, "You want us to kill her together?"

Li Lingfeng chuckled: "I haven't said that I want to kill her. I know that you may not have the hand, but just control her, talk to her, do some trading, and even tell the truth about your birth, you Accept it?"

"Reassured, you can't bear to kill your mother."

Li Yao is cold and cold to the young man. "He still wants to control the strength of the palace through his living mother, or to understand something more. He wants to annex the forces that your mother has accumulated in the dark for a hundred years to realize himself. Ambition, do you understand?"8

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