Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2155: Deep sea fleet

Outside the thunderstorm storm zone, under the same darkness of the sky, in the whistling wind, two or thirty all-terrain small assault ships are moored with special magic weapon units, in the gravity-free vacuum environment and the high-gravity planet surface. A small monster that can exert a fierce attack. .

These little monsters have brought the spirits of the wind, the bulky but clumsy, and the large starships that are in the high-gravity environment on the planet's surface are torn into pieces.

At this moment, the Queen's people are cleaning the battlefield, carrying the valuable magic weapon units and materials and fuels on the large starships to their assault ships, and naming the corpses of the land to ensure that there are no fish missing.

When they demolish a large starship, they will install a spar bomb inside and outside the starship, and thoroughly fry it into a smashed scrap of scrap metal, leaving no trace of clues.

The heart is hot, the killing is determined, and the training is excellent. It is definitely an elite who has experienced many battles. This is Li Yao’s first impression of the Queen’s secret armed “deep sea fleet”.

The unique shape and slightly retro-style style of the small assault ship also made Li Yao, a refiner, a little strange.

With the help of the deputy commander of the Black Wind Fleet, Di Feiwen, Li Yao has a deep understanding of the data, configuration, shape and other aspects of the active starship of the Emperor.

The real human empire is different from the Xingyao Federation. The federal government got the treasures of the Kunlun ruins a hundred years ago, and opened the era of the big bang technology leap. The federal warships a hundred years ago and a hundred years later are completely two concepts.

However, the empire has developed for a thousand years and gradually fell into a technical bottleneck. Although the Black Wind Fleet has left the empire for a hundred years, the progress of the empire in the refining of the Starship has not been great for more than a hundred years.

Therefore, after Li Yao came to the Wuying world, he found that there was no essential difference between the starships and the Blackwind Fleet of the Empire and the Starships brought out a hundred years ago. At most, some details were upgraded and optimized.

However, the Queen’s “deep sea fleet” is not the same as the imperial starship that Li Yao saw in Wu Yingjie.

After stripping off the messy components used to disguise themselves as "repairers," they revealed the main part of the empire's active "Flying Leopard" all-terrain assault ship.

However, the anti-gravity unit and the power unit that are attached to it are faintly characterized by the era of the Xinghai Empire.

For example, the engraving of the array and the construction of the layered armor have a feeling of being sinuous, gorgeous, complicated and even cumbersome.

This is completely different from the empire's refining style of stalwart, which is now simple and smooth, dark and gloomy, and the best surface does not see any artificial carvings.

While Li Yao observed the deep-sea fleet, the practitioners of the Deep Sea Fleet also discovered them.

"His Royal Highness!"

A team of fully armed sergeants flew over, kneeling on one knee and praying deeply to Li Linghai.

They opened their helmets one after another. The head was a ugly and brave man with a scar on his face and a "well" shape.

Because the scars involved the five senses, his eyes were exceptionally violent, like some fish in the deep sea, giving people a feeling of ridiculous and chilling.

Li Yao’s heart was moved, and he perceived the tyranny of this ugly and strong man, at least the terrible master of the Yuan Ying period.

However, he did not quite understand why the brawny had to leave four scars of scars on his face and upgraded to the Yuan Ying series, stimulating the cells, repairing simple wounds is not difficult, it is not good, the medical and plastic series of the empire are also Not even a few scars can't be dealt with?

The ugly and strong man saw two strangers behind Li Linghai, and it was a slight glimpse.

However, he knows that the secrets of the Queen are endless, and there are countless odd-skilled singers, but they are observing their subordinates and have not taken the liberty to ask questions.

Li Linghai was very satisfied with the performance of the ugly and brave man. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at the battlefield. He smiled and said: "One does not stay, has it been solved, done very well, Tu General."

He turned his head and explained to Li Yao and Li Jialing. "This is the deputy commander of the Deep Marine Corps under the Deep Sea Fleet. It is also the captain of the first commando. The general of Tu Zhengdao was the emperor. One of the young major generals, who is best at sneaking and attacking the enemy, you have the opportunity, but you can get close and close."

The ugly and strong-blooded Tu Zhengdao slightly frowned, and said: "The rank of the fake emperor, not to mention it, but now it will only be loyal to the next Queen's Hall, but the sub-combat of the Deep Sea Battle Corps under the Deep Sea Fleet. Long, the captain of the first commando!"

"Tuen general, rest assured."

Li Linghai smiled. "One day, the real emperor will kill the emperor's ‘very heaven, celestial star,’ and you will once again become the real empire of the real human empire, the real emperor, the real general!”

Li Yao thought to turn the electricity, and said that it seems that the contradiction between Li Linghai and the imperial powers has intensified, and they do not even think that the other party is qualified to represent "orthodox".

For the federal government, this is not a good thing.

"Li Lingfeng is a clever stupid pig. It is not enough to make a mistake. If he cooperates with him, he may not be able to advance our plan, but if he does not cooperate with him, he will absolutely have the ability to ruin the ideals and hopes of all of us."

Li Linghai said faintly, "So, I have secretly arranged to eradicate him ten years ago. These two Taoist friends are specially cultivated for killing Li Lingfeng. Today, I am finally done and killing this. They can also Surfaced, officially joined the deep sea fleet."

"Li Lingfeng is dead?"

Tu Zhengdao’s face was bright, and he glanced at Li Yao and Li Jialing with a very vigilant look. “Is it done by these two friends?”

"Yes, he is called 'vulture Li Yao', he is called Huang Feng."

Li Ling Haidun’s meal, said, “I will stay with me for a while, join my guard room, act as my secretary and personal bodyguard. Their faces are relatively raw, unlike you and the 'old emperor’. The relationship between Swan and Wan, the freedom of the imperial capital is more free, and may be able to perform some tasks that you are not suitable for."

"Secretary and personal bodyguard?"

All the cultivators of the First Commando of the Deep Sea Warfare, including Tu Zhengdao, were shocked.

As a secret private soldier of Li Linghai, they naturally know the seemingly weak Queen's Highness, how many horrible secrets are hidden, and how big ambitions there are.

Becoming a Queen's personal secretary and bodyguard will definitely know the secrets of the Queen. If their "big plan" is really successful, the future will not be limited.

What are these two people, and what qualifications are there for the Queen to trust and value?

The first commando team of the Deep Sea Warfare is an elite in the elite. In the past, the guards and bodyguards in the Queen’s Guard House were many of the veterans of the first commando team. It can be said that the Queen is closest. The confidant.

Otherwise, the task of "killing Li Lingfeng" will not be handed over to them.

Among the cultivators, there are many brave fights and unruly people. There are dozens of unscrupulous eyes in the moment, sweeping between Li Yao and Li Jialing.

Li Linghai smiled and said: "The two of them can kill Li Ling with me. Naturally, there are different things. If you are interested, you may wish to be close to each other. You don't know each other, you have a deep understanding of each other, and you will fight side by side in the future. When I am in my heart, I can count more."

The implication is that there is obviously no objection. Even the first commando fighters are encouraged to come out and try the two.

At the moment, there are several tiger-backed, waist-faced warriors who stand up. One of them is taller than two meters and five, and the sturdy and sturdy like a tower is staring at Li Jialing with yellow hair. : "Are you a warrior, or... have a demon bloodline?"

This is a bad question.

The real human empire is based on the absolute orthodoxy of human civilization, and naturally has no good feelings for the "demon".

After tens of thousands of years of chasing and killing, there are almost no large-scale demons in the empire. A few of them are also slaves, which are lower than the "original people."

At least, the original theory still has awakening the roots, becoming a cultivator, and the possibility of going to the sky in one step, but the demon people are more powerful in cultivation, and the probability of the salted fish turning over is extremely embarrassing.

In the empire, it is more serious to smear a person than a demon.

Of course, many times the body is cultivated into a magic weapon, and the original warriors who have awakened all kinds of wilderness cells will also have the characteristics of various ancient beasts. It is not easy to distinguish them from the Yaozu. They are the same kind of things. The Yaozu is the war of the wild. At the time, the ancient progenitors who were nurtured by the Nuwa civilization.

This point has become a recognized fact in the Xingyao Federation.

However, under the politically correct environment of the "human supremacy" of the real human empire, it is obviously impossible to be recognized.

This towering bear's waist tower is so questionable, naturally it is full of provocative taste.

Li Yao took a look at Li Jialing.

Li Jialing smiled and suddenly turned into a dark golden streamer and rushed straight out.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The sharp claws popped out of the fleshy palms, igniting hundreds of golden arcs, and the strong man was wrapped in it, and he was caught in the flesh and blood.

The warrior of the first commando did not expect that Li Jialing’s shot was so agile and hot, and he accidentally lost his first hand, but he did not get back.

After all, Li Jialing accepted the dual modulation of Wu Yingjun and Li Lingfeng, and tempered a fierce animal body that was more perfect than Wu Yingying. Today, he sighed with a belly anger and nowhere to vent, and he was already depressed to the explosion.

In front of Li Yao and Li Linghai, he has no power to fight back, but it is easy to deal with an ordinary commando fighter.

When it was said that it was too late, Li Jialing suddenly caught the head of the commando brawny under a series of dazzling attacks. His legs were like a python and wrapped around his neck, so that the helmet would not have a chance to get from the armor. Spread out in the depths to protect your head, if the two claws are eight gold short blades, smash into the other's temples!

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