Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2156: Skinny monkey


The surrounding commando fighters exclaimed, but it was too late to stop Li Jialing’s speed, and the murderousness was too horrible. It was like a bloodthirsty lion, giving them a kind of daring to stop, he would Whoever feels the same.

These "deep sea cultivators" who have been victorious and murderous in the blood of the corpse, have been suppressed by the juvenile for more than a decade. The anger that broke out in the past was deeply shocked and the reaction was slow for half a second.

Only the head of the deputy warfare of the Deep Sea Warfare, Tu Zhengdao, the captain of the first commando team, flashed a glimpse of the singularity of the eye, coldly screaming, and the two feet were forced to jump and separate the two.


He is fast, some people are faster than him, just when he just wants to jump up, he feels his shoulders are lightly pressed and pressed.

With just one press, all the power in the body seemed to be sucked away by the black hole. The limbs suddenly became empty and the two knees were sore, but they could not jump.


Tu Zhengdao’s heart is stunned, and the bones are cold and cracked!

Everyone saw a flower in front of him, and he saw the murderous, yellow-haired boy like a mad lion. He was carried by his "vulture Li Yao" with his hand on his neck and squatting in his hand, as if he was holding a big cat that would bite.

The mad lion became a big cat, still arrogantly chaotic, snarling and snarling, but how can't escape the palm of the "vulture Li Yao".


Li Yaodan was carrying Li Jialing, and he was very sorrowful to the man who was caught in the head and broke his blood, lost his soul, and still had deep marks on his neck. He was almost fainted and stunned. "My little brother's temper." It’s a bit embarrassing, it’s best for all of your friends to provoke him.”

Many of the cultivators looked at the **** sitting on the ground, and they never returned to the brave man of the gods. Then they looked at Li Jialing and the Li Wen of the Scottish language. Finally, they looked at the captain of the pale and sweaty captain Tu Zhengdao. They swallowed.

In the heart, once again raised the infinite worship of Li Linghai.

The Queen's Highness is really unfathomable. There are so many strangers in the world. I don't know where to come from here. These two terrible monks are more fierce than the elite veterans of the first commando of these deep-sea battle groups!

Li Yao took the neck of Li Jialing and brought the boy back to Li Linghai.


Li Yao used a voice to enter the secret supernatural powers and whispered to the queen.

Li Linghai smiled slightly and waved his hand: "Go, go back to the 'Deep Sea Dragon Palace'!"


Shamanjie, the outer star field, the seventh planet is surrounded by the magnificent aura.

More than 20 small assault ships, slowly heading for a ship of more than ten kilometers long, the huge warship carrier is a super star sea base integrating communication, command, maintenance and replenishment!

The magnetic force fields of both sides are attracted to each other until the small assault ships are firmly attached to the outer shell of the warship. The material transmission channels, short-distance transmission nodes and the Lingnet system are connected together, just like barnacles. Attached to whales and big ships.

Li Yao and Li Jialing followed Li Linghai and entered the bridge of the warship "Longyuan", which is like integrating into the entire Xinghai.

The radiance of the super crystal brain, if the stars shine, the crew's engrossing operation also allows their psionic power to spread and sway, gathering into a deep and unpredictable psionic ocean, revealing the chilling taste.

Li Yao was deeply shocked by the huge scale of the Qinglong Bridge and the professionalism of the command layer.

He once boarded the bridge of the most advanced main battleship of the Federation, the "Yuyuan" bridge, which seems to be a bit worse than here.

As the so-called "Hundred Years Fleet", it is very easy to build a full-crystal battle group. It can be formed in up to ten years, but the Star Warship, especially the command center of this series, is equivalent to the "main brain" of a fleet. It’s not that there are people who can make it, and it’s a must-have for hundreds of years.

Even if Li Linghai really got the emperor's treasure, it is incredible to create such a "deep sea fleet" in just a few decades.

And Li Yao noticed that in the middle of the bridge, the huge light curtain released by the master crystal brain showed not only the intelligence of this small fleet, but also a large amount of information from all parts of the empire, even the empire. Some of the world's intelligence in the frontier.

Li Linghai certainly has an overwhelming and pervasive intelligence network. What exactly is she plotting, pure power?

Li Yao’s eyes fell on the uniforms of the crew.

Through Li Feiwen, Li Yao has also conducted in-depth research on the military uniforms of the emperors in different environments, regardless of the extremely hot environment of hundreds of degrees of high temperature, the ultra-low temperature environment covered by snow and ice, or the stormy planet environment of flying sand and stone. Battle suits, overalls, uniforms and dresses are all worthy of praise.

It is very strange that these crew members are wearing empire-style military uniforms, but they are not the latest ones, but the first generation of real human warships.

Under the radiance of the crystal brain, they are like a group of ghosts from the millennium.

A big question mark appeared on Li Yao’s head.

Li Linghai was acutely aware of his confusion.

Since Li Yao and Li Jialing were brought around, Li Linghai was not prepared to conceal them on many issues.

One thing, Li Yao guessed it right.

Not to mention the gods, even a Yuan Ying is a very important strategic asset. It is not a last resort. Any ambitious hero will not easily destroy a Yuan Ying or a god, but will spare no effort to recruit. Own by yourself.

In particular, Li Yao is so proficient in fighting and refining dual-system magical powers, and he has a giant **** soldier. He is also inextricably linked with Li Linghai. For Li Linghai’s ambition, it is simply falling from the sky. gift.

This kind of person with a strong level of God can not even be regarded as an ordinary "subordinate", but to some extent an ally, a partner.

Therefore, regardless of how the two sides were initially arrogant and vocal, when Li Linghai decided to accept Li Yao, his attitude would naturally change and he would be transformed into a "real cultivator."

"Seeing my warships and soldiers, you seem to have a lot of questions?"

Li Linghai quickly operated on the crystal light curtain, dealing with the information transmitted by the imperial parties, and asked faintly.

"Indeed, I didn't think that the power of His Royal Highness was so powerful. The professional qualities of these warships are more than the elite veterans of the Firefly."

Li Yao said frankly, "However, I am even more curious about why the Queen's Highness has to risk the eternal danger. Is it really just for Li Lingfeng to set up such a secret fleet? Is it just for power?

"To be honest, despite the tragedy of the Firefly, my heart has been shaken, but after going through the martial arts and martial arts, I still insisted on the idea of ​​the self-cultivator, even breaking the big, almost The broken heart re-aggregates and breaks through the realm of the gods!

"So, if the purpose of His Royal Highness is only to fight for power, it is inevitably disappointing."

Li Linghai smiled and said: "What you mean is that no matter if I am evil, you want me to be a bit of a lofty idea. Is that true?"

Li Yao thought for a moment: "It can be said, or I don't believe that it is just the temptation of power. Without the encouragement of the lofty concept, the Queen's Highness can gather such a huge force, so that so many elites can follow. you.

"To tell the truth, although they have different positions, I have entered the "Long Yuan" of His Royal Highness, and I feel the spirit of vigor and enterprising, and the feeling I feel in many of the most determined comprehensions. ,it's the same.

"It has been... I haven't seen such a young army for a long time!"

"If you are a cliché of the comprehension, don't come up with it."

Li Linghai is not moving. "The so-called 'completion of the truth' is just a new human being that is different from the ordinary people. When it was just born, it was born out of the ethics of the old times. The thoughts that are both childish and pale are the principles of rhetoric. There is no point in guiding the value of practice and the ability to solve problems.

"Yes, the truth of the comprehension is very correct. It is very correct. It is very pleasant. When there are no serious practical problems, everyone can boast that they are self-cultivators, but they really can’t solve it and have to make a tragic sacrifice. In the difficult time, the set of comprehension is completely ineffective. It can only hope for the emergence of certain 'heroes' and 'miracles', but heroes and miracles are not common. Human civilization must be the harshest. Under the environment, you will survive, even without heroes and miracles, you must survive!

"Forget it, you have been poisoned. I have never thought about convincing you in a few words. At least one of you is right. We are indeed different from the cultivators you saw in the martial arts, or those It is a fake cultivator, we are the real cultivators, and the hope of human civilization!"

Li Yao blinked: "What is a 'counterfeit cultivator', what is a 'real cultivator'? Is it true that the ‘real cultivator’ does not oppress ordinary people?”

Li Linghai smiled somewhat disdainfully: "Why, in your opinion, the most insecure class of the real human empire is the original person. The most fundamental contradiction is the contradiction between the real person and the original person?"

Li Yaoyi said: "Is it not?"

"Let's say that."

Li Linghai indulged for a moment: "We simplified and simplified the social operation model of the entire empire, simplifying it to only one mine, a mine owner holding a leather whip and a sword, a strong miner, and a skinny, intelligent low, A monkey that barely mines.

"Do you think that among the three, who is the most oppressed?

"Or, if you are the owner of a hand-held whip and a sword, you have to collect the most ore out of it, who will be the main miner, who is a strong miner, or a skinny monkey?"

Li Yao lived and thought for a long time, muttering: "I am afraid that it is a strong miner, but..."

"now it's right."

The imperial queen is cold and cold. "In the eyes of the high-level cultivators, there is no original person who wakes up the roots. It is like a skinny monkey. In fact, there is nothing to be crushed. The real value that can be squeezed out is that it is strong. The miners', that is, the middle and lower level of the immortals, are the most abundant refining period and the base period.

"Yes, the most important contradiction of the current empire is not what you imagined, the contradiction between the real person and the original person, but the upper real person and the lower real person, that is, the powerful but rare high of Yuan Ying and Hua Shen. The contradictions between the cultivators and the high-level cultivators in the refining period and the base period are crushed, persecuted, and the most detrimental. The most painful ones are the bottom-level cultivators!”

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