Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2157: Different classes of cultivators

The conclusion of the Queen’s stone-shattering shock caused Li Yao to shake his head for a while: “I’m afraid it’s not so simple analogy, even though the strength of an ordinary person is very weak, it’s...’s skinny monkey’, but after all, the average number of ordinary people is the most Is it not the biggest crush value?"

"There is nothing wrong with theory, but you have overlooked that the so-called 'squeezing' also has costs."

Li Linghaidao, "When the cost of management is much higher than the value that can be squeezed out, this kind of crush is not worthwhile. It seems that humans can use many secret methods to make the skinny monkey into a fierce and strong biochemical beast. But in fact, no mine or an army will do this, and the cost is too uneconomical."

Li Yaodao: "Humans are not monkeys after all. The gap between the so-called 'original people' and 'real people' is smaller than imagined. I know that there are countless cruel and secret laws in the empire, turning human beings into various ugly appearances, even To remove the human organs and replace them with spiritual weapons, it is to make ordinary people more suitable for crushing. Does the Queen’s Highness want to deny this?”

Li Linghai said faintly: "Do you think this is the so-called 'squeezing'?"

Li Yaodao: "Is it not?"

Li Linghai said: "Even if it is for these original people, you must know that the empire's psionic energy industry is highly developed, and it can be used in large quantities to produce various kinds of defects that are not too expensive. Catch up and not turn yourself into all kinds of deformed and ugly but efficient work. They only lose in the brutal competition. They will not only starve to death but also their families. .

"In the history of the empire, there are many examples. Some mine owners are kind and soft. They did not timely strengthen the original miners in the mine, which made the mining cost remain high. They could not adapt to the fierce commercial competition and eventually went bankrupt and closed down. Swallow.

"While others have annexed such a mine, they often transport large quantities of psionics to replace human miners. You guess these human miners who have been replaced by machinery, what is the final result?

"So, it is for the survival of these bottom-level original people that the experts and scholars of the empire have racked their brains to develop various techniques of human strengthening and mechanical transformation, so that the original people have the ability to compete with the psionics, and even have The special abilities that psionics don't have, to this day, have saved most of the original people's jobs, so that they can live well.

"Many times, relying on moral principles and benevolent philanthropy, it is impossible to solve any practical problems. In spite of the actual situation, rashly raising the minimum wage standard and working environment will actually lead to the deterioration of the living conditions of the lowest-level people. I don't believe that you are a god, you will not understand."

"Of course I understand."

Li Yao gnawed his teeth. "But this is not the reason why you can transform a living person into a steel spider. Everything has a 'degree'. You, the imperial authority, are totally irresponsible and push the people at the bottom. The practice of cruel competition is too much!"

The queen’s eyes flashed abruptly and even stepped back: “Maybe you are right, the empire does have a major responsibility to the bottom of the population, but the premise is that there must first be a strong central government with the ability to directly control each big one. The world, every resource planet, every family and sectarian policy can only be done. If the 'political order does not come out of the celestial star', it is useless to talk about the spirit and concept.

"All in all, this is not the focus of our discussion today. The point is that compared to the bottom cultivators, the original people are skinny monkeys, those high-level cultivators, that is, the gates and the dignitaries, are not too interested in direct oppression. The lowest level of the original person.

"On the other hand, the real human empire has ruled the stars on the sea for thousands of years. In the past millennium, Xiuxian Avenue was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even if the original people deeply believed in the theory of 'weak meat and strong food', the Xiuxian Avenue was regarded as the natural reason.

"Under this state of existence, the original people will not complain too much about their own destiny. Who told them that they are too weak? If they are used to their own weaknesses, they will not have too much extravagance. Most of them are original people. All of them have accepted their lives.

"Human happiness, many times does not depend on matter, but on the state of mind, believe it or not, in the highly developed world of the empire, there are very mature and stable rules of social operation, and a sample survey of the original people there. Their happiness index is not low.

"Most of the original people think that life is like this, and they should be content with it. Compared to the war years, the era of ancient times, the 30,000-year-old dark age under the rule of the Yaozu, or the covenant of the Covenant League, the tragic life of violent, precarious, precarious, Their current destiny has been much better. Therefore, the Starlight organization has tossed for hundreds of years and has not set off too much storms.

"Of course you can think that this is the result of the long-term brainwashing of the empire. I don't want to argue with you, just tell you a fact.

"The fact is that the original person is not the most dissatisfied with the status quo in the empire. The one who wants to change his destiny is truly under the most oppressive and the most aware of the fact that he is 'oppressed'. There is enough wisdom, courage and even The combat strength to change the status quo is the refining period, the foundation period and even part of the knot period, the middle and low-level cultivation of immortals!

"This reason is not difficult to understand?

"If you are a former miner, the most serious 'squeezing' you encounter is nothing more than a lifetime in the dark days of the mine. Unless there is an accident such as a mine explosion, the life can always be saved. Not to be a last resort, there will be no one who wants you to go to the battlefield. These "skinny monkeys" are on the battlefield.

"And, you don't have the opportunity to receive enough education to make you aware of your own destiny and pain. Many times, if you don't know the pain, there is no pain, isn't it?

"But the bottom cultivators are different.

"The 'squeezing' they have to endure is most likely to be in a fragmented world somewhere, and monsters that don't appear in nightmares. It can be swallowed by monsters in minutes, for a year and a half. During the time, the acid in the digestive tract of the monster melted slowly until the last month.

"Yes, many small mining sites in the empire that are not formal in the remote world, work safety is very problematic, mine accidents continue, but the death rate of miners is higher, and will not exceed the mortality rate of the bottom cultivators on the battlefield.

"On the other hand, even if you just wake up to the roots, the lowest level of the immortals in the first realm of the refining period has enough wisdom to think about the society in which they live, to think about their future and future, to think about the whole world. !

"You know that in the traditional education of the empire, the 'cultivating the immortals' is regarded as the supreme rule of the country and civilization. All the low- and medium-level cultivators have high expectations for themselves. They are full of blood, full of ambition and fullness. Belly ambition, such a cultivator, when you realize that you are just a tool that is being squeezed, can you expect them to be as light as the original?"

Li Yao was deeply attracted by what Li Linghai said.

He used to treat the immortals as a piece of iron and the same interest group. He never tried to consider the problem from such a perspective.

Thinking carefully for a moment, or slowly shaking his head: "No, the original miners worked hard in the dark days of the mine, completely unable to see a little hope, but the Empire does not have a very advanced 'contribution point' system, known as 'do not ask the origin And the strong is respected, to ensure the smooth passage of the rising channel?

"Every cultivator in the world of debris and the murder of the starry beast has a chance to get a lot of 'contribution points'. After the contribution points are exchanged, they will gradually upgrade gradually, and there will always be a chance to become a peerless power. As for those who died in People on the way, according to your theory, have to admit that they are unlucky, but they can’t blame others."

Li Linghai smiled and laughed: "The system of the contribution point that is absolutely fair and fair, the unimpeded rising channel? This kind of propaganda slogan, even I don't believe, you believe?"

Li Yaofei blinked his eyes quickly: "I don't believe much, but... I still ask the Queen's Highness to explain in detail."

"In the final analysis, it is still the problem of making cakes and dividing cakes. When it is in the ascendant period, the bigger the cake is, the more natural it can be, but once the cake reaches the limit, or even shrinks slowly, how can it be uneven?"

Li Linghai sighed. "The history of the millennium development of the real human empire can actually be divided into two hundred and five years.

"In the first five hundred years, the Empire occupied the central part of the Xinghai Sea and quickly developed in all directions. Almost every year, a new world of thousands of people will be discovered. Every year, it will win the battle. Every year, new territories, new populations and various resources will be added, and resources will be continuously formed. The new Crystal Wars and the Xinghai Fleet, naturally, these territories, battle groups and fleets are accompanied by a large number of official positions and opportunities.

"At that time, the rising pipeline of the middle and low-order cultivators was indeed unimpeded. As long as you dare to fight and dare to fight, and a little bit of luck, yesterday’s unknown people have the opportunity to make a good start and become a famous big man. The accumulation of resources, the cultivation of the strong man

"That is the golden age of the empire's vigorous, enterprising and prosperous, the interest groups have not yet solidified, and the class mobility is extremely strong. Indeed, as you said, the middle and low-order cultivators are very keen to participate in various wars and earn contributions, even if In the most painful way of slaying, you can only blame yourself for not being good at learning. You will never blame others, and you will not blame those high-level cultivators for 'oppressing them'.


"Almost five hundred years ago, the map of the real human empire has expanded to more than 90% today, reaching its limit. The expansion of the 'cake' is almost stopped, and the situation in the next five hundred years is completely different."

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