Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2161: Fight for the Emperor!

"I have heard a little story from the era of the ancient era, saying that the prince of a certain planetary empire was rebellious and attempted to kill his father. The reason used was that ‘the world has sixty years of princes’?”

Li Linghai is not moving. "Oh, in today's real human empire, resources are malformed, and all kinds of supernatural powers are prosperous, let alone the '60-year-old Prince', even the '360-year-old Prince' is also It may happen.

"Think about it, you are a talented, powerful, ambitious, and ambitious young cultivator, but you are in the world, including the landlord, the sovereign, the presidents of the major groups, the local garrison commander, the fleet. The chief commander... almost all the high-rises have not changed people for a hundred or two years, and they are entrenched in the top of your head. The sacred bones and cranes are not dead. It seems that you can comfortably live for two hundred years without any problem. What are you? Feeling? Do you feel that your eyes are black, your future is bleak, and you are desperate?

"Not to mention, people's longevity, the concept is inevitably stale, the mind is definitely rigid, resisting accepting new things and new cultivation ideas, sticking to the past, and ultimately, the corpse meal is so simple, even to stick to its power and The interests have greatly hindered the progress of the entire society.

"There are tens of thousands of ways to kill those young cultivators who threaten them and are unwilling to be smothered and corrupted by them to ensure their absolute rule.

"And once the young cultivators are eroded by them, they will inevitably fall into the dead loop of arrogance and suffering. They will be enslaved and crushed by them, and they will become dusty and sharp, and eventually become a small group of these interest groups. The components are."

Li Yao is silent.

If you think about it carefully, if a society always abides by the concept of "weak meat, win-win, and eat", and does not form a relatively stable rule of old and new, then the situation that Li Linghai said will definitely appear.

"However, these old people do not die, but there is a fatal weakness."

Li Linghai squinted, and a corner of his mouth evoked a cruel smile. "They can waste countless precious resources and barely keep their lives, but they will never be able to maintain their fighting power forever."

"The fist is afraid of being young and strong, it is a famous saying. The fighting power of the immortal will grow with the improvement of the realm, but it will also decline with the extension of life. The real world is not a novel story, and there is no such thing as 'the older the more you can fight' Things, when life and realm have climbed to the golden cross, it is the peak stage of a cultivator, but once this stage has passed, it can't be recovered.

"So, now the empire is a lot of people who are very scary, 'four hundred years old, five hundred years old,' and so on. They are all empty shelves. Perhaps the vision, experience and realm are still there, but it’s really starting. It is not me, not necessarily your opponent.

"One day, these long-lost souls will be tasted by the younger generation, the powerful and unstoppable force I firmly believe in this!"

Li Yao said with a smile: "If I give me the opportunity to beat dozens of empire high-level cultivators into pigs, I will not object."

Li Linghai smiled a little: "Reassured, we talked so happily, and it is very tacit understanding to cooperate with each other. There is definitely a chance.

"The above contradiction between the high-order immortals and the low-order immortals is the fundamental contradiction facing the current empire.

"Beyond the fundamental contradiction, there are naturally other contradictions between big and small.

"For example, in the dozens of the most developed industrial worlds in the central Xinghai, do you need to explain in detail the crushing and bloodsucking of hundreds of resource worlds outside the empire?"

Li Yao shook his head.

The squeezing and blood-sucking of the backward industrial world by the developed industrial world is almost impossible to solve. Even the Starry Federation faces the same problem, that is, the so-called "old three circles" and "new four worlds".

The three core worlds of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Meteor, with relatively advanced technology and perfect large industrial magic treasure refining system, can be divided into minutes in the same country and without tariffs and trade barriers. The world of resources such as crystal, phantom, and sea of ​​trees has been dumped, completely destroying the backward industrial system of crystal, gloom, and sea of ​​trees, which are lacking in nature and primitive and rough. Finally, the boundaries of crystal, phantom and tree sea will always become industrial products. Dumping ground, and the source of primary resources.

Because of such core contradictions, before Li Yao and the ancient saints did not return to the Confederacy, there was great disagreement between the Old Three Realms and the New Fourth World. They even formed the two camps led by Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue. Do not give each other.

Of course, the Xingyao Federation is a very young country, just like the real human empire of the millennium, as energetic, enterprising and prosperous.

On the one hand, there are less than ten large worlds in the federation. In just a hundred years of history, it is too late to form a fortified fortress of interests. "The ship is a good turn," and any contradictions are easy to negotiate.

On the other hand, at that time, the Confederate faced a huge threat from the Black Wind Fleet. At the juncture of life and death, this industrial world dumped the blood of the resource world and increased the long-term contradiction of the scissors. It can only be considered in the second place.

In the third aspect, under the leadership of Li Yao, the Federation has continuously discovered the rich world of the ancient sacred world, the Kunlun ruins, the sacral dragon star and other advanced technologies, which is equivalent to obtaining a large amount of start-up funds out of thin air. , played a great role in lubrication and relaxation.

Coupled with the leaders of the respective interest groups such as Ding Lingwei and Jin Xinyue, with great patience and wisdom, they temporarily put aside disputes and resolved contradictions, including Jin Tuyi and others who took the overall situation behind the scenes, and finally the old three circles and the new four. The world can unite and successfully defeat the Black Wind Fleet.

Rao is so, Li Yao is hard to imagine, how to solve the imbalance of regional economic development after several hundred years of expanding Xingyao Federation, the "siphon effect" of the industrial world is becoming more and more serious, and the problem of scissors is getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, many experts in the Xingyao Federation even assert that the best state for the federation is that there is no more than ten worlds.

This is the limit of scale effect and comprehensive national strength. If we blindly expand, it is really indigestion and even killing ourselves.

The real human empire with hundreds of thousands of worlds, even if they have not yet killed themselves, have at least broken themselves.

The empire is almost all unavailable under the favorable conditions of the Federation.

Li Yao did not think that the developed industrial world under the rule of the four electors of the emperor would be merciless to the world of frontier resources that the empire would later open up.

Certainly, how can we **** blood, how to dump blood, how to dump it, how to dump it, it is best to use the large-scale cheap magic weapon produced by the assembly line, completely overwhelm these remote worlds, to ensure that they will never develop any magic weapon refining industrial system, always only The primary resource provider who can serve as the four major electorate families is not allowed to fall into the trap of “five hundred tons of raw ore for one crystal”.

Then, the rulers of these remote worlds, as well as the ambitious landlords, warlords and fleet commanders, will be willing to let their own world, forever being the backcountry of mines without a half-seat magic factory, always being four Is the election of the imperial family, crushing, dumping and sucking blood?

This is the "old three worlds, new four worlds" dispute that has intensified and expanded tenfold!

In the battle between the federal, industrial, and resource worlds, Li Yao, Ding Ling, and Jin Xinyue, and others, used the method of thin mud to temporarily fool past.

Today's empire, I am afraid that it is not so simple, even if a civil war broke out, it seems not strange.

Li Linghai quietly observed Li Yao’s expression. When he saw that he really thought about it, he evaluated his rating and raised a series. He nodded: “It’s very good. It’s not a person who has been a special envoy of the Speaker. It’s not just a martial arts."

"The contradiction between the industrial world and the resource world caused by the imbalance of regional economic development, you can understand, then the conflict between the 'military' and the 'family, sects, interest groups' as a combat-type powerhouse, I want to understand more?"

Li Yao said a little: "What is that?"

"It is very simple. Now all the troops in the real human empire are nominally called 'Imperial Army', but in fact there is no unified command and operation system. Even the financial power and the control of the military industrial group are not in the military. Hands.

"In fact, it has been eroded by the nobility and the warlords for hundreds of years. Except for the imperial heavens and the celestial stars, the martial arts of the martial arts, there is no real sense of what can be called the 'empire army'.

"The vast majority of the elite Xinghai Fleet and Jingjing Battle Corps, whose command, financial power and control of the military industry group are all in the hands of the nobility, warlords, and landlords.

"In other words, the Imperial Army is only a private soldier of the nobility, and it is the dog leg that is not dead.

"The simplest example, the army brought by Li Lingfeng that we destroyed earlier, can those people be called 'Imperial Army'? No, they are just 'Li Jiajun', and even just the private soldiers of Li Lingfeng, the term is called '家丁' And already."

Li Yao nodded slowly.

In the dynasty of the dynasty, where the imperial power declined and the warlords rose, this kind of thing was taken for granted.

It should belong to the country in name, at least belong to the emperor's army. In fact, it is a private soldier of the aristocracy and warlords. It is the aristocrats and warlords who pay, go out, die, and starships to support them. They naturally need to maintain, and only Can protect the interests of the nobility and warlords.

"But not every imperial soldier is willing to be a private soldier, a family member and a dog leg for the rest of his life. He will die worthless for the sake of the struggle between the nobles and the land, especially for those who are vigorous, ambitious and have Great ideals and ambitions, and even... keep in mind that in the days of the Black Star Emperor, the grassroots youth officers of the Imperial Army’s glorious history are even more so!"

Li Linghai’s eyes were red, and murderously said, “The private soldiers in the hands of the nobility and the gates will be scattered together, and they will be condensed into a powerful and truly imperial army, so that the 'military’ can send out its own Sound, thunderous roar!

"Since then, only fight for the interests of the empire, only fight for human civilization, only fight for the emperor!"

"This is the ideal of countless young military officers, they are willing to make this ideal, crushed bones, **** to death!"

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