Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2162: Difficult to fill, stunned

Li Yao is deeply impressed by Li Linghai.

Even the expression of fanaticism and idealism on Li Linghai’s face, he has seen it on the faces of countless military soldiers.

In a country that has been fighting for years, or facing serious military pressures and threats to war, the military military has easily become a huge monster, an indestructible interest group.

This is true at least in the Starry Federation.

The federal military has great powers, including its own mines, smelters, magical refineries, and various military composites. Even in the federal parliament, it has one-third of the seats, which can completely compete with the self-cultivators. .

One-third of the military seats, one-third of the sects, and one-third of the ordinary people. This is the general balance of power in the federal parliament.

Not to mention that the Xingyao federal people are arrogant and respected by the military. The military's social status is extremely high. The tentacles of the "Disability Veterans Association" reach out to every corner of the people, maximally safeguarding the interests of the soldiers, and of course forming A virtuous circle promotes the active registration of young people to join the army and defend the federal and self-cultivation civilization.

At least, from the birth of Li Yao to the birth of the new federation, and over the centuries of defeating the Black Wind Fleet, the huge army of the Federal Army has made great contributions to the stability and unity of the Federation and the happy life of the people. The tragic sacrifice is of positive value.

But if this behemoth is out of control, it may still cause unimaginable consequences. In the early days of the Xingyao Federation, there were military personnel, subversion of the regime, and the formation of the "military government", forcing all the comprehensions in the world to join the army, known as the "Red Dragon Army." "The painful lesson."

Just a hundred years ago, there was the Federal Intelligence Director Lu Zai collusion with the important figure of the military, "Tie Shuai" Zhou Hengdao, in an attempt to hijack the entire country.

There is a saying in the old saying, "There is a weapon, killing the heart," the soldiers hold the chain saw sword and the squirt gun, wearing the crystal scorpion, the foot starship, all around are fighting together, the life and death of the common robes, between the breath , can be gathered into a steel torrent of the sea of ​​stars.

For the soldiers in this torrent of steel, the ambitions of the surging, arrogant, have a major responsibility to the country, the nation and the entire civilization, and are extremely eager to save the country while establishing Wu Xun to realize personal value. It is a natural thing.

Therefore, the imperial soldiers are eager to end the current situation of being ruled by the nobility and the door, and to establish a unified, powerful, "glory" Imperial Army, which is normal!

Perhaps now the Imperial Army's various sea fleets and elite crystal warfare regiments, high-level commanders are served by nobles and gatekeepers, in order to achieve a high degree of control over the military.

But those middle and low-ranking officers, especially the grassroots officers who are going to be on the front line, are not necessarily aristocrats and gatekeepers?

Just now, Li Linghai also said that the high-ranking immortals of the Empire are now living longer and longer.

If a fleet of aristocratic commanders really does not move their positions for two hundred years, it seems that they can still be red-faced and live for a hundred or two years, and Li Yao is the grassroots officer who has fought his blood on the front line and died in his life. That Li Yao must be rebellious!

"Now the people of insight inside the empire, whether they can not see the hope of the bottom of the cultivator, the outer world of the empire, those who have been sucked up by the workers and the shears of the workers and agricultural shears, the landlords and mine owners, wandering between the Xinghai Looking for business opportunities, but they have never been able to enter the merchants of the aristocratic monopoly industry, or as I said earlier, the imperial army has ideals, ambitions, eager to make contributions, save the country, and the young academies led by the four major electoral families. The door valve is abhorrent!"

Li Linghai carried his hands and shoulders, the crystal clear eyes deep in the eyes, shot the light through the stars, and faintly said, "From top to bottom, everyone can see the sharp contradictions, everyone is enduring in the claws, everyone is eager An earth-shaking, reborn transformation, completely ruining the old system of ruining the golden and the ruin, building a glorious and great new empire!

"You should know that in the last decade, the empire launched against the Holy Alliance, the grandiose and devastating strategic counterattack. This is the largest offensive launched by the empire over the past five hundred years. It is the power of the entire empire. ”

Li Yaozhong focused on the head.

It is this earth-shocking strategic counterattack that makes the Empire unable to detect the real situation of the Black Wind Fleet, and there is no way to send a new expeditionary force to the Federation, indirectly saving the federal life, how can Li Yao not know?

"In fact, at the beginning, the aristocrats and gatekeepers, led by the four major electors, did not agree with such a fierce strategic counterattack. They have been like this for the past five hundred years. They have been more defensive and even more aggressive in their strategic choices. No, passive beating."

Li Linghai blinked his eyes and was cold and cold. "Many times, this is not a military issue, but a political issue. A radical military strategy is very likely to lead to a total loss, seriously damaging the interests of the nobility and the gate.

"But in the border areas, the walls are clear and the turtles can't shrink, but they can keep their own territory and interests safe.

"As for the border star field being smashed into the devastated world? Anyway, it is not their territory. They are indifferent. Instead, they can use the hands of the sacred people to weaken the strength of the rising star and prevent the emergence of new 'cake makers'. What about music?

"One hundred years ago, in the empire's border star field, there was a new armed force called the "Black Wind Fleet", which survived hard and hard in the arduous war, and it grew stronger and stronger.

"The black wind people are shocked by the unruly, fierce means, dare to fight and shocked the entire empire, and are very likely to become 'people who divide the cake', but in the end, they are still lost, even their own mother world falls into Of course, the hands of the sacred alliance have now been restored.

"The collapse of the Black Wind Fleet, although the attack of the Holy League is too embarrassing, and the command of his own misconduct, but there are four major electorate families to see the death and not save, or even use the knife to kill people?

"In any case, I have come from a strong family. I have seen too much of the various means of dealing with competitors in the past millennium.

"Only, today, after the imperial calendar has turned over a thousand years ago, the internal contradictions are so sharp that even the four major electoral families have no way to pretend to be dumb and turn a blind eye.

"A foreign war is always the best means of transferring internal contradictions.

"No longer launch a large-scale foreign war, transfer the resources, population, anger and ambition of all parties to the conflict. The empire is really going to volcano eruption, and it has turned upside down!"

"This is the uncharacteristic of the aristocrats and the gatekeepers. Together with the new warlords in the peripheral world, the young and middle-aged officers in the fleet and the regiment, and the low-level cultivators who are eager to make contributions, they have launched the '500-year-old strategic counterattack'. The deepest reason!"

The emperor took the opportunity to smash and smash, and Li Yao suddenly realized that he had a deeper understanding of the political ecology and balance of power in the real human empire.

"The original idea is very good."

Li Linghai observed Li Yao’s expression and said quietly, “The dozens of thousands of worlds, hundreds of fragmented worlds and resource planets that have recovered in the strategic counterattack can be given to the small and medium-sized ones that have risen in recent centuries. Aristocrats, rulers of the remote world, young grassroots officers and all other strong men who have not gained enough benefits in the first five hundred years, even the royal family can be divided into one or two big worlds, expanding the scope of the direct territory.

"In this way, resolve the contradictions between each other and reach a new consensus of interests.


"It should be said that the four major electoral families are afraid that these emerging interest groups will continue to inflate after they have acquired new territories, and ultimately threaten their dominance. Therefore, it is necessary to plan ahead, to start with a strong one, or simply to say that they are changing dogs. Can't you eat it?

"In short, the first four electorate families were under the banner of 'shared interests', encouraged their young officers and small and medium-sized sects, as well as warlords and strongmen from the remote world to participate in this strategic counterattack.

"The sacred alliance is not a good persimmon. In the arduous wars, these young grassroots officers, small and medium-sized sects, and the new warlords of the remote world have paid the most sacrifices and suffered heavy losses before they have recovered one world after another.

"However, until now the empire has recovered all the territories lost in the millennium, once again drove the sacred people back to their barren nests thousands of years ago, and initially stabilized the line of defense, they can start the 'cakes', those big nobles And the door valve, actually both...repent.

"Oh, when these dozens of worlds are still under the heavy defense of the squadrons, it seems very difficult to overcome, it is very easy to make the decision to let them go."

"And when these big worlds have returned to the embrace of the empire, like the washed cherries and lychees, they will be sent to other people, and these dead aristocrats and gates, how are they willing to What?

"They are not only reluctant to be on the wall, watching others like a wolf like a tiger to divide these dozens of thousands of worlds, but also think that they have cleverly discovered an ‘opportunity’.

"We must know that in this fierce and unsatisfactory strategic counterattack, countless small and medium-sized sects, relatively independent Xinghai Fleet and the remote world's landlords have all been severely hit, losing their troops, being trapped, and dying, leaving far away. I have my own base camp, and I have penetrated into the forefront of the environment and I am not familiar with it. Many war materials have to be supplied by the four major electors. In other words, they have been caught by the big aristocrats.

"At this time, is it the best time to annex them?

"Not only the dozens of new worlds that are new to the hand, but also the sites of these small and medium-sized aristocrats and emerging warlords can be swallowed up. Once again, to ensure that their dominance in the empire is not for the four electorate families, is it not? One arrow double-carved, one Wanli's sale?

"These pigs, that's what they think."

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