Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2165: Stupid all the way! (fourth more!)

Li Yao did not speak.

He knew that the imperial queen, Li Linghai, might be a mad, insane, and gambler.

But it must not be an idiot who deceives himself.

Since Li Linghai has the confidence to deal with the four electorate families, 'renovating the empire', and defeating the covenant alliance, she is bound to hold some kind of power that Li Yao still does not know, at least twenty-three percent. The chance of success.

Perhaps this is Li Linghai's greatest secret to her mysterious heritage, from the huge legacy of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago!

The secret truth, Li Linghai will never tell him easily, not even tell anyone in the Deep Sea Fleet.

The two sides exchanged here, even if it was communicated at the speed of the high-ranking monk's light and stone fire, it took a lot of time. Li Linghai said that while dealing with intelligence, in the blink of an eye, hundreds of complicated information has been processed.

Li Yao pretended to be indecisive. After a moment of contemplation, he tried to test: "The Queen's Highness is justified. Since the Xinghai Republic no longer exists, the Firefly is completely destroyed. The vast expanse of the sea seems to have no place for me. .

"If I say that, without prejudice to the morality of the self-cultivator, I am willing to assist the Queen's Highness with all my heart, but after the event, I hope to get a small world and ask the imperial authorities to list it as a 'special zone'. In this big world, the system of comprehension is implemented. I wonder if it is possible?"

"of course!"

Li Linghai’s look, “I have already expected you to make such a request,” smiled. “With your combat power of the gods, you can make some contributions to the great cause of the reverence of the emperor and the innovation of the gods. What are the problems with the martial arts and the landlord of the great world?

"How do you want to govern your big world? As long as you don't violate the laws of the Empire, it is your freedom. I can even look at the special part of your identity and help you fight for policies that are beyond the scope of imperial law. You call the 'SAR'."

Li Yao was "overjoyed" and thought about it. He said: "I still believe in the superiority of the road to comprehension. If at that time, in my big world, a certain policy is considered to be effective, can it be in the whole empire What is the promotion within the scope?"

Li Linghai indulged for a moment, smiled slightly: "It is all right, in any case, our ultimate goal is the same, that is the rise of human civilization, the real cultivation of immortals is not a natural sadism, if there is a policy can not be damaged Under the premise of the overall interests of the empire and human civilization, let the original people live more comfortable, and for any reason, not to promote it within the scope of the whole empire?

"After all, no matter the real person or the original person, they are the people of the emperor!"

Li Yao also wants to say something, Li Linghai has waved and interrupted: "These are all after-sales, waiting for us to really sweep away the four major electoral families and not to be rewarded, if you can really build up in this battle." Honor, don't say that a big world, that is, three or five, even if you are a great person, is not impossible. At that time, you naturally can exert your influence and make valuable suggestions for the overall political policy of the whole empire. Why are you rushing for a while?

"In the end, if we lose, I will finish with you, and everything that is promised now is a dream bubble, right?"

Li Yao said: "The Queen's Highness is justified, but... you seem to have made a mistake."


Li Linghai gave a slight glimpse, "Which point?"

Li Yao smashed his hand, and the eyeball group turned around in a chaotic manner: "You just said that the repairing person who has reached the realm of my realm in this realm will never put the heavenly treasures, the glory and the rich in the eyes. It may not be.

"Actually, when you have been in contact for a long time, you will know that this person is actually very easy-going and very grounded. There is no shelf for the gods and peers. When discussing ideas and avenues, What gold and silver treasures, fame and fortune, fortified pharmacy, singularity, powerful magic, and so on, are all comeback.

"Moreover, when I escaped from my hometown, I didn't bring much furniture. The Qiankun ring was empty, and the only baby giant soldier was beaten and ruined, and it was in urgent need of repair and upgrade.

"So, I really want to cooperate with His Royal Highness and build a supreme martial arts for the ‘new empire,’ but this one...”

Li Yaochong Li Linghai squinted and smiled very greedy.

Li Linghai slightly stunned and laughed.

"This is not a problem at all. The 'Long Yuan' is my secret flagship outside. What resources, what cultivation and maintenance facilities are available on board? Since you are my bodyguard, you can naturally use it as you wish!"

The empress reconciled a general of the gods, and did not hide the smile on his face. "If this is not enough, wait until I return to my secret base 'Deep Sea Dragon Palace', and there are a lot of magic weapons for you. Pick.

"We will park in the deep sea dragon palace for five days, and then return to the emperor's "extreme heaven, celestial star", you can take advantage of this time to change your own crystal and giant soldiers, of course, insurance, I suggest you change one Tai Jing, don't be so blind.

"When the emperor is up, it is time for you to be fascinated by the fascination of Li Yao.

"If you have no problem, you can go to the resource warehouse and the repair shop right now. Yes, Li Lingfeng's giant **** soldier 'the **** of the storm' is still waiting for treatment in the maintenance workshop, but the damage of the power unit is too serious and too strange. The refiners on the 'Long Yuan' have felt a little tricky. It was destroyed by your own hands. If you want to check it out, I will give you the highest authority for casual operation."

As soon as he mentioned the giant soldiers, Li Yao’s eyes shimmered, like a weasel smelling chicken soup, muttering: "I can’t wait."

"Let's go, right, take him there."

Li Jialing, next to Huang Chong, curled up his chin and was indifferent. "Go to my dedicated crystal warehouse and help him choose a matching crystal, and then fine-tune it according to your meaning. By the way, teach him how to use it. I don't want to. Seeing his ugly, stupid look."

The eyes of the young lion have come out again.

Li Yao hurriedly grabbed the back of Li Jialing's neck and lifted him up under his armpit: "Understood, Your Royal Highness!"


Go to the ramp of the repair shop.

Li Yao still clasped his hands and struggled with Li Linghai, and followed the deputy commander of the Deep Sea Warfare, Tu Zhengdao, all the way forward.

In the brain, there was a slightly sharp voice in the **** demons: "You really want to cooperate with the imperial queen, Li Linghai, and what kind of ‘the emperor rebellious, the martial arts innovation’?”

Li Yaodao: "Otherwise, we originally came to the Queen to spy on the illusion of the empire. Now, without any effort, we sneak into the heart of the empire and become the Queen's personal bodyguard. It is very successful!"

"But, don't you think that a divided empire is more in the interests of the Federation than a highly centralized empire with a strong army and a national enthusiasm?"

The **** demons seriously said, "By the way, I don't really care. After all, I am strong in sucking negative emotions and dark energy. The Queen's suit is quite in line with my appetite. I am just curious. Why do you agree?"

“First of all, a ‘weak empire’ is not necessarily more in line with the federal national interest than a ‘strong empire’.”

Li Yaodao, "Don't forget, our initial goal is to achieve a certain balance of power between the Empire and the Holy Alliance, so that the ‘new player’ of the Federation can get the biggest advantage.

"Whether the empire is too strong or too weak, it is not in the federal interest.

"If the empire is always in the current chaos, even in order to compete for a new territory, a chaotic and brainless civil war will occur, and eventually the sacred alliance will sneak in and defeat the victory. If the empire is completely ruined, then it is better to come to a new empire. 'Well!'

Scarlet Mind: "But..."

Li Yao smiled slightly, and the light in his eyes was not so vague as he had just talked with Li Linghai. However, he had a well-thought-out attitude: "Not to mention, I don't think that the words "respecting the emperor and reversing the gods" will be done. It’s so easy to say.

"Don't you listen to it? The Queen sprinkled a large set and sounded like a high-end atmosphere, but in the end, it did not touch the old system and the most fundamental contradiction.

"She just wants to copy the homes of the four electorate families, and use the **** capital copied from the house to temporarily ease the various contradictions currently existing in the empire.

"Perhaps within a hundred or two years, her 'prescription' is a bit of a effect, but it is not a cure for the symptoms. After one or two hundred years, the Jinshan Yinshan, which was copied by the four major electorate families, has been dug up. And the empire can't open up a new living space and resources beyond the 3,000 worlds. What should we do? Isn't it going back to the old road and falling into an infinite loop? Then the 'just and honest' parliament will be transformed into today's 'emperor's home 'of.

"Because I firmly believe that the road to comprehension is correct, I believe that the Queen's set will never succeed. The ‘new empire’ in her dreams will always be a mirror, and now it is so simple to say that my upper lip is touching my lips.

"Not to mention, did you feel that the Queen is not as calm and arrogant as her appearance? She is actually an extremely crazy gambler, and she must be desperate in any case.

"With or without me, even if I stand completely across her, she will ignore the stupidity and go all the way."

"In this case, we only have to promise her first, participate in this 'renovation', figure out what her biggest chip is, and then have the way to pull the chaotic empire situation in the direction that is most conducive to the Starry Federation. ." -

Hey, the fourth one is sent, the last four are really commonplace, hahahaha!

At this point, the background and the camp are all confessed, brothers and sisters don't worry, the thrilling battle begins right away!

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