Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2166: Forecourt

The **** demons said: "It seems to be the same. In any case, with the size of the eighty-nine worlds in the Xinghai area, even if there are blessings of the women's warships and the Kunlun relics, the Xingyao Federation will never take over the central Xinghai in a short time. .

"Hundreds and thousands of rich worlds in the central Xinghai will inevitably have one or even several regimes, not the old empire, the new empire, not the real human empire, or any other messy country, no matter what country, Xiuxian Avenue It has been circulating in this starry sea for thousands of years, and it has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I am afraid that it will be completely eliminated in just a few hundred and a hundred years.

"Since the Xingyao Federation is not ready to enter the Xinghai Central, we can only retreat to the next level, hoping to create an empire that is more in line with our appetite."

Li Yao nodded: "This is the meaning, the contradiction of the real human empire is so sharp, even if there is no 'white queen' of Li Linghai, there will be another 'Red Queen, Green Queen, Purple Queen', come up with another version' Respecting the Emperor and renovating the gods.

"A storm sweeping through the entire center of the Xinghai is inevitable.

"For me, on the one hand, I hope that after this storm, there will be a new empire that is more in line with the interests of the Xingyao Federation. On the other hand, I also hope that ordinary people in this storm will not suffer too much loss and suffering. Even in the downfall of the four electorate families, it is a bit of a benefit!"

The **** demons "嘿嘿" smiled and said: "Of course, if we can really establish a supreme martial arts in this storm of "respecting the emperor and reversing the martial arts," and become an important member of the new imperial government, hahahaha, think about it. It is also very powerful!

"What do we say are all evil gods, and it is the pro-brain of the Queen's Highness. If her crazy plan is really successful, it seems that it is not necessary to conceal her past. Don't say, we are really Maybe, 'Postal people'!

"Otherwise, Ding Lingwei is the Speaker of the Stars Federation, then we will help the Queen to establish a 'New Empire Council' and get an Imperial Speaker?"


Li Yao thought for a moment and said, "You know that I have always been indifferent to fame and fortune, and I have no interest in what is "the extreme person". It is best to stay away from it.

"However, then again, I really want to see at a recent distance how the storm that swept the empire happened.

"Do you know, after listening to the Queen's words, I have been pondering the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

"What kind of person is Wu Yingqi?

"One hundred years ago, the first time in the Kunlun ruins to listen to Su Changfa when they talked about the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, he seems to be a sultry, cruel, and powerless people.

"Some of the information I got from the Firefly later deepened the impression that it was a purely evil villain!

"But the deputy commander of the Black Wind Fleet, Di Feiwen, has another different view. It is not blind worship, but I have carefully analyzed some of the policies of the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi era, at least not for them. For the big background traders, the era of the Black Star Emperor is full of opportunities and changes. It is possible that the golden years of the next step are much better than the sullen environment in which the Empire is monopolized by the nobility and the chaebol.

"Until today, the Queen said so, although there must be an exaggerated element, it does not necessarily have a certain reason.

"There are many different opinions and different opinions. I really don't know what the history of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi looks like."

The **** demons yawned: "History is a scorpion, and there is no truth in the mouth. What do you think of her, what she looks like, but no matter how you feel guilty about her, or I thought that she had pulled out her heart and lungs, and I couldn’t figure out what she was most like to think about these problems. Isn’t it mediocrity?”

Li Yao smiled slightly: "Maybe you are right. I want to understand. It doesn't matter what the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi looks like. Maybe he is a big devil, but this moral evaluation is for a founding emperor. In terms of it, it does not make any sense.

"What is the difference between the black star emperor Wu Yingqi and the founding emperor of so many powerful dynasties in history? For example, what is the difference between the founding emperor of the Dagan Dynasty and the ancient sacred dynasty?

"Maybe when they first established their own hegemony, they all had some ambitions. They all wanted to sweep away the evils of the past, create an unprecedented great cause, and lead their people and civilization to break through one peak.

"I don't believe that the original intention of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is to build an evil empire that cruelly crushes ordinary people. It is too classy, ​​right?

"But manpower is sometimes poor, no matter their life or career, they are no match for the passage of time and erosion. The splendid palaces have a day of decay and collapse. The great ambitions and ideas are inevitably subject to the deepest lusts of human nature. Devouring!"

Bloody Devil said: "Hey, you suddenly played so deep, as if you were doing the same poetry, my goose bumps are up, what do you want to say?"

Li Yao has been silent for a long time, saying: "I want to say that in fact, I see the real human empire now, I am a little scared."

The **** heart is magical: "I am afraid of what, because the empire is so smoky and chaotic, it is not a time to draw a hand to fight the Federation. If the empire is a piece of iron, the empire of the same desire has long been flattened by the Federation!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and said quietly: "I am afraid, I will become another black star emperor Wu Yingqi."

The blood-colored demons snorted and sighed for a while: "This, I think you are worried, and there is a limit to the stinking face, no matter whether the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is the evil, even if it is the sinful world." The fierce devil is good, and everyone has unified the most prosperous hundreds of thousands of worlds in the central Xinghai. It is the second person of human civilization except for the 'emperor' in the past 10,000 years!

"You are the top of the sky, that is, the "Three Realms" of the Stars and Seas. This is what your apprentice Jin Xinyue has tried to help you boast. It is placed in the official history of the Empire. It is estimated to be the "Ban Wang, Wolf Lord" of the Yelang Kingdom. Class role, don't be afraid, really, you will play hard, and you will not become a black star in a thousand years. You can rest assured!"

"Understand the spirit!"

Li Yaodao, "I am not talking about merit and volume, but about... the problems that everyone faces together.

“Aside from the idea of ​​the Avenue of Comprehension and the Avenue of Xiuxian, what is the difference between today’s Xingyao Federation and the real human empire of the millennium, or the Xinghai Republic thousands of years ago? It’s just born, it’s alive and full of Enterprising and prosperous, not carrying too much burdens of the past, not too strong interest groups, and even all kinds of dividends, can accelerate the development of the country, enhance the well-being of the people, and alleviate contradictions in all aspects.

"But, after a few hundred years?

"When the bonuses such as the Kunlun ruins and the Nuwa warships are exhausted, and the interest groups are so large that they have awakened their greed and ambitions, what will happen?

"It can be seen from the example of the destruction of the Xinghai Republic.

"No matter whether Su Changfa, Di Feiwen, Li Linghai, such as the immortals, or the self-cultivators on the fireflies, such as Cui Lingfeng and Tang Zhengdong, they all agree that the end of the Xinghai Republic is indeed ill and incurable.

"In other words, the ‘cultivator’ is not a panacea for all diseases. It is not that the words “cultivator” are engraved on the head of the mind, and they can be poisoned and invariably guaranteed to be pure, bright and just.

"The self-cultivators will also decay and fall, just like the self-cultivators at the end of the Xinghai Republic, and even fall to the extent that ordinary people would rather choose to support the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi than to support them.

"Perhaps, regardless of comprehension or cultivation, they are facing each other's hostility, and they face a common enemy, that is, something deepest in human nature.

"Who can guarantee that the comprehens of the Xingyao Federation will never change? The Starry Federation after a few hundred years will not become the real human empire of the end of the Xinghai Republic and today, this devil looks like it will not be enough to engulf the country. The power and the gates?"

The Scarlet Mind said: "This is going to ask you. Really speaking, your ‘Lee Yao Group’ is now the largest authority and gatekeeper in the Federation!”

"Yes, so I said, I am afraid that I will become the next ‘Black Star Emperor’!”

Li Yaodao, "You think about it. I have only left the Federation for a hundred years. Jin Xinyue has a way to boast me to what is the 'Three Realms, the Father of the Commonwealth.' Of course, I also enjoy the filial piety of my disciples, but everything goes. Well, after all, I am so indifferent to fame and fortune, idle clouds and wild cranes, low-key and steady people, the 'Three Realms' hat is almost the same, big, really can't help.

"Assuming hundreds of years, the Stars Federation has a chance to enter the center of Xinghai and build a more brilliant hegemony than today's empire. At that time, I was dead or looking for the earth, and this 'Lee Yao Group' still exists, and The deformed expansion has turned into another form of the 'elected family of the emperor', which has been touted as far above the Black Star Emperor... 'The Lord of the Stars, the King of Kings' and so on, and then the tiger skin Pulling the banner, using my banner as a slap in the face, I put the black pot on my head, got the last anger, and brought a new hero to overthrow the federation, and wrote me as a devilish devil in the new history textbook. Am I not very embarrassed?"

The blood-colored demon stunned for a long time: "Also, by you, I have some sympathy for the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi!"

"The three kingdoms of the federation, the empire and the sacred alliance will last for at least a few hundred years and a thousand years? I can't wait for so long. As long as the three parties' balance of power is fully formed, I am sure to find the earth, my original origin. ""

Li Yao swept frivolously and was very serious. "But I don't want to look for the earth, leaving a federation full of hidden diseases, ready to step into the customs of the Xinghai Republic and the real human empire; I don't want me to complete the earth. The mission, when there is a chance to return to the Xinghai, see the empire of today's empire is divided, smouldering, corrupt and degenerate Stars Federation!"

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