Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2167: Federal eye

The **** heart said: "What should I do? The question you said is simply unsolvable!"

Li Yao smiled and said: "Yes, the upper and lower revisions are 100,000 years old. So many ancient kings and black star emperors can't solve the problem. I am a guy who is only good at refining and fighting, and even more helpless. F!

"So, I thought about it. Since I don't have the brain to solve this problem, I will be honest and do a pair of 'federal eyes'."

Scarlet fox suspicion: "Federal eyes?"

"Yeah, the real human empire is in the midst of a devastating period of millennial contradictions. In the upheavals of the turbulent and changing world, I don’t know how to change the Union, and it is difficult to completely change the empire by one's own power. The eyes of the Federation', observe how the real human empire should solve these problems.

"I don't think the Queen and other 'innovationists' can achieve complete success, but even the experience of failure is very valuable. I have to look at it all at the nearest distance and record all the dramas of the empire. One day, I will see it. Everything that comes, hears, and experiences personally brings back to the Union. I hope that the politicians, educators, economists, and sociologists who are even smarter than me, even every federal person in the future, can come from the empire. Lessons learned to learn something, everyone brainstorming and working together to avoid the saga of the ancient dynasty, the Xinghai Republic and the real human empire, can really escape the whirlpool of repeated cycles of 100,000 years to create a better future. !

"I can really do this, I am conscience, I can easily find the earth, and other things are handed over to the future federal people to handle it, haha, I believe there will always be more than me and Ding Ling, Jin The generation of the stronger, smarter, and better human beings of the heart of the month, this messy and troublesome thing, let them deal with it!"

The **** mind said: "I feel that your heart is slowly condensing and sturdy, as if there is a small improvement in the realm."

"That is required."

Li Yao laughed in the bottom of his heart. "I understand what I want to do. I feel completely relaxed, no longer confused by confusion and confusion. The heart is certainly concise and strong!"

He strode forward, and this time he remembered that there was a Li Jialing under the armpit, and he glanced at the golden-haired boy who was guilty of grievances. He couldn’t help but grin and use the voice to enter the secret channel: "How, still In the birth of the Queen?"

Li Jinling's dark golden eyes huddled and sullenly said: "I have the qualification to live under the power of His Royal Highness. She is willing to leave my life. It is already a great affection."

Li Yao blinked and put Li Jialing down. He continued to pass the voice into the secret road: "Don't say that the Queen's Highness is obviously a knife and a tofu. If you don't care about your safety, why should I let her go to her exclusive? Jingjing warehouse to help you pick a set of high-order crystal enamel, but also I personally help you fine-tune and training, just get the mass-produced road goods to you, is it not?

"And, if you don't care about you, why do you think she has to talk to me for a long time, and to analyze the current situation of the empire?"

Li Jialing's eyes wide open: "Hey?"

Li Yao smiled and said: "If you just want to draw me, many details don't need to be so clear now, especially the sinister situation of the current situation of the empire, and the original intention of many of her practices. The surface is what I said, actually it is What you said to you is a kind of preaching and teaching of your mother to your son!"

The teenager was excited, and some stuttered: "Really, really?"

"I know, I just said it."

Li Yao rolled his eyes. "I want to know the truth is very simple. Just ask the Queen's Highness directly?"

Li Jialing gas knot.

"However, there is one thing that no matter whether the queen or Li Lingfeng has definitely not deceived, the current empire is really a mess of hot porridge."

Li Yao took a picture of the teenager's shoulder and said seriously, "In such an empire, the kind of calm, carefree, absolutely free life you have thought of is absolutely impossible to find. Today's empire has only one kind. Freedom, that is the freedom of battle!

"I will help you choose a good crystal shovel later, and will teach you some practical tactics. I hope that you can get up and running. I can't save you all the time, no matter what." You are still the Queen's Highness or the biological father you have never met, it is best not to die..."

Li Jialing glimpsed a little, thoughtfully, dark gold eyes deep in the mouth, surging with a weak war.

During the talk, Tu Zhengdao stopped at the end of the ramp: "Two friends, we are here."


The metal door of the Samsung Lightning Warfare, engraved with the real human empire, slowly opens, and the scent of slowly burning the heavens and earth treasures is mixed with the atmosphere of metal cutting and rolling.

The sounds of various refining magic weapons "rumbling" also wrap them like tides.

The huge repair shop presented in front of Li Yao, such as the palace-like and deep, made him think that he was not in the Star Warship, but in the magic weapon factory of a huge planet.

As far as the line of sight is concerned, the forefront is the pipeline that continuously circulates the components of the magic weapon. Numerous multifunctional robotic arms controlled by the crystal brain extend from both sides of the assembly line to complete a series of dazzling manipulations.

Or engrave the mysterious runes, or put the thin wafers and substrates together, or assemble hundreds of small components in an instant. The light shines like a silver light. Shiny, vibrant metal forest.

At the rear of the assembly line, at least thousands of refiners are concentrating on manual grinding and maintenance upgrades that cannot be done mechanically.

Li Yao’s eyes fell on every refiner’s body and found that their eyes were concise and fascinating. Their hands were both dexterous and stable. The movements were as pleasing as the mercury and the earth. The whole body was filled with powerful and stable spiritual ripples. Federal standards are absolutely expert.

I can't help but admire in the bottom of my heart that the real human empire is really rich in profound knowledge. Even the private soldiers who secretly established by the four elites of the Electoral Family have such technical talent reserves!

However, his gaze was soon at the end of the repair shop, and the giant gods who leaned on the fixed maintenance frame, the "God of Storm" was deeply attracted.

The giant soldier is a giant soldier. No matter how many times he has seen it, how many have been touched. Even the numerous wounds on this body are personally torn apart. They are still full of deadly attraction, so that he can’t pull out his eyes when he sees it. .

"Li brother."

Tu Zhengdao said that Li Yao was lightly fluttering on his shoulder and he was very worried. He was an experienced combat-type Yuan Ying. Naturally, Li Yao could know that Li Yao could hold his shoulders and he could not blind his eyes. Cut his throat.

With this amazing strength, even in the empire of the strong like Lin, it should be a big man of the famous side.

Tu Zhengdao has been mixing in the military for many years. He has heard a lot about the hundreds of great worlds of the Empire and the masters of the deep-sea fleet. The genius models and killing methods of the major schools are also like a few treasures, but they want to break their heads and want to wear them. The origin of Li Yao.

However, being able to become the personal bodyguard of His Royal Highness, and also participating in the key task of "killing Li Lingfeng" must be the Queen's confidant or the level of the body and mind.

Therefore, Tu Zhengdao respected Li Yao and respected it. "The Queen's Highness wants me to give Li Xiong all the convenience. What is the need, whether it is Tiancaibao, fortified pharmacy or various battle magic weapons, here is a response. All of them, including the giant soldier, if you are interested in Li, you can also visit it at close range.

"However, let me first remind Li Xiong that the general manager of this repair shop is the master of the law of the deep sea fleet, 'Golden Tian', the master of gold. He is just accompanying the ship, it seems to be the Queen's Highness and Li Lingfeng. The war provided technical support for the giant **** of the 'God of Storms'.

"He is a well-known and highly respected master of the refining of the gods in the magical circle of the Empire. It is the Queen's Highness who has made great efforts to invite the deep sea fleet. The status is quite detached and cannot be treated simply as a subordinate.

"So, since he came to his old man's repair shop and refining room, what is the need of Li Xiong, may wish to ask him that the old man is better and natural, there is a queen's order here, he will never refuse!

"And, if you can have a good relationship with Master Kim, you will have great advantages in the future cultivation and battle of Li Xiong. The old man’s hands-on training will increase your extreme combat power by 3% to 5%. under!"

The refining division of the **** series!

Li Yao's heartbeat accelerated, and he couldn't help but lick his lips, and his eyes gave off the brilliance of interest.

No matter what profession or talent, as long as you can cultivate to the "realization of the realm of the gods", it is definitely a master of the high hands, even if the home of the four electorate families must give considerable respect, it is indeed not ordinary men.

Just as the Queen wants to recruit Li Yao, he must make clear his ambitions and ideas, draw a big pie, and strive for "like-mindedness" with each other, instead of simply asking for the price and talking about conditions.

Li Linghai, a private soldier hidden in the darkness, was able to **** a master of the refining class of the gods, which made Li Yao evaluate the strength of the queen and raise a series.

Of course, more importantly, his ten fingers are a little itchy, it seems to start burning!

After thinking about it, Li Yao squinted and asked the Li Jinling with a voice that was secretly confided: "Who is this ‘Golden Master?’, have you heard it, is it very powerful?”

Li Jialing is a super-warrior carefully prepared by Li Lingfeng. It is also a semi-truth and a false successor. It is instilled in the information of countless empire in various fields. It is no stranger to such a famous person in Jin Tianlong, but it is again Big eyes, showing an incredible expression: "It turned out to be him, is he still alive?"

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