Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2173: The principle of the refining furnace

Li Yao shouldered his hands and walked slowly from the side of each refining furnace. However, he pointed out the problems in the refining furnace. When he talked about the rise, he even activated his own crystal light curtain. If the speed of lightning is drawn, the internal structure of the refiner furnace is drawn. The reason for the presence of defects and the reasons why the flaws occur are explained in detail. .

Ye Qingyun and other deep-sea fleet refiners began to squint at the nose, thinking that he was just talking about it.

However, two or three sentences were heard. These people’s foreheads ooze the sweat of the size of the soybeans. The occlusal muscles are gradually weak, and the mouth is involuntarily enlarged, and Li Yao is incredibly stunned.


Everyone is extremely shocked!

This mysterious refiner, "Vulture Li Yao", has never seen the situation in the refining room, but can score the characteristics of their refiners according to the most subtle gaps or scratches inside and outside the refining furnace. Not bad, even some of their habitual little moves, or the merits of some kind of unique approach, are just like a ghost, hanging behind them, watching them like a refiner!

This, what exactly does this guy come to, this subtle perception and understanding of the refining furnace is really shocking!

Even Master Jin Tianzhong was full of surprises. After a long time, he asked Li Linghai: "His Royal Highness, but once saw the video of our refining room inside the ‘vulture Li Yao’?”

"Nature is not."

Li Linghai’s mouth couldn’t help but smack a smile. “Mr. Jin, you want a miracle, it seems... the miracle is already on the road.”

"Li Daoyou!"

In the refining room, Ye Qingyun couldn't hold his breath, pointing to the refining furnace that Li Yao finally selected. "So, this refining furnace is the best maintenance in the nine refining furnaces here. ?"

The refining furnace that Li Yao chose last time is the one that Ye Qingyun usually used.

Ye Qingyun's strength is naturally outstanding among many deep-sea fleet refiners, but how can he compare with Jin Tianzong master?

Therefore, if Li Yao said that this refining furnace is the best, it means that his vision is no different.

Unexpectedly, Li Yao smiled slightly and shook his head. "No, this refining furnace has such problems, but it can barely make up for it compared to the refining furnace."


Ye Qingyun angered: "This refining furnace, what is the problem!"

"The main point is that the combination of the various components of the refining furnace is not tight enough, and there are various gaps that are invisible to the naked eye. Some gaps may only have a thickness of zero or less, which generally does not affect the refiner. But it will interfere with my perception and operation."

Li Yaomo took advantage of the refining furnace on the outer shell engraved with a large number of radial runes. He said, "There is definitely a master who often uses this refining furnace. No matter the control of the flame or the shaping skills, it is extremely high. High standards, even the independent design and refining of a set of crystals are not a problem."

Ye Qingyun had a good face and snorted.

Li Yao, however, turned his head and continued: "But this refiner's fault is too irritating, too simple. The simplest example he likes is to use the temperature of the heart from four to five thousand degrees. The above high temperature suddenly drops below zero and the conversion time does not exceed three or five seconds.

"This rapid conversion of heat and cold helps to eliminate the internal stress of the components, and greatly enhances the ductility and anti-interference ability of the components, so that the refining crystals are more viable in the intricate battlefield.

"Original, it's a very good skill, and it can be done in just a few seconds. This refiner's skill is very deep!


"Mastering a powerful skill, it is not necessary to use it in refining every component, right? In addition to very few key components, most of the most common alternative components do not completely eliminate internal stress. 'The need.

"And the technology of this refiner has not reached the level of perfection, or that every time such exaggerated adjustment of the core temperature, it will inevitably consume a lot of psionic energy and energy, then it will inevitably lead to negligence when refining the last few furnaces. Even out of control, it has caused an increase in the rate of defective products, even in the genuine, buried hidden dangers and embarrassment that are difficult to detect.

"The connection between the various units of the refining furnace is also due to too frequent hot and cold switching and thermal expansion and contraction. Under the interference of the spilled psionic energy, the consequences of metal fatigue appear, some loose, this is 'Hyun The price of technology.

"In fact, the road to refining is very simple. Many mass-produced components are refining for centuries, thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. They have already figured out the most reasonable and standard. The refining procedures are written into the relevant operating manuals.

"In the refining team of the Deep Sea Fleet, I was very excited. Because I saw it, our team is quite young, and everyone has an idea. There are quite a few "whimsical and mad" in the refining. The taste, this is actually very appetizing to me, my own style of refining, the more exaggerated the better, the more crazy the better.

"But the exaggeration and radicalism of the refiner style does not represent the exaggeration of the refining technique, or because we are pursuing more creative new ideas in the overall design, then we should be more honest when refining the basic components. Real and meticulous.

"The idea is exaggerated, and the technique is exaggerated. Then the magic weapon that is finally refining can completely get rid of the word "floating".

"Our after all, this is the actual combat refining team following the fleet, not the cutting-edge experimental refining team of a university or a research institute. The creativity is very important, but it guarantees a stable, effective and continuous output on the battlefield. It is the most important thing, Ye Daoyou, are you right?"

Li Yao’s eyes are as clear as water, and he looks at Ye Qingyun with great sincerity.

Ye Qingyun was really squandered by Li Yao. It was obviously a provocative taste, but it was said by Li Yao in such a way of "mutually discussing and discussing each other", so that he had no place to fire. After a long time, pointing to the refining furnace that Jin Tianzong used to use, he said: "Why, why not choose this one?"

"This refining furnace is perfect."

Li Yao sighed a sigh. "From the internal wear traces of this refining furnace, as well as the various fuels and metallic luster remaining on the inner wall, it can be seen that the refiner who used it often, I just said The kind of basic skills are solid to the extreme, never show off skills, honest and honest, and every program is meticulous.

"I don't mean that the level of the refiner who uses this refining furnace must be much higher than that of other refiners, but he knows very well where his limits are. Every time he refines, it is not bad, just Your own limits are played out.

"Oh, the hardest part of life is self-knowledge. Without the skill of hundreds of years, I can't practice this ‘self-knowledge.'

"Over time, even the fireworks of this refining furnace itself have been completely wiped out by you. You see, look at your head and look carefully, you can see that there is a layer on the surface of this refining furnace. Nothing shines, it seems to have a layer of pulp, which is described by a word, it is 'run'.

“The refiner furnace that has been used by masters for a long time is like a teapot that has been played by a big collector for hundreds of years. It is simply integrated and impeccable!”

Many deep-sea fleet refiners were fascinated, and Ye Qingyun could not help but ask: "that"

"Then why don't I choose this one, right?"

Li Yaoxiao said, "Every master of refining has unique refining techniques and customary movements. When refining the ware, it will be deeply 'branded' into the refining furnace, and the people and the refining furnace will continue to run together to achieve perfection. It is a refiner who is often only used to using a refiner furnace. Once it is worn, it will not change easily.

“The more powerful the refiner, the more distinctive the personal characteristics, the stronger the ability to “brand”.

"This is the best refining furnace, which has been smashed by the refiner master I have said for at least a year or two. Every magic weapon unit deeply infiltrates the personal characteristics of this refining master, which is equivalent to being His **** is branded.

"If I want to use this refining furnace, I will first conflict with the personal characteristics of this master, and be disturbed by his gods."

"And if I do not care about all the forced debugging, completely erase the brand of the master, it is not ruining the hard work of the master for several years, how can he refine the next time?

"The gentleman does not win people's love. Since it is the refining furnace used by the masters, I still have to change one, so I will retreat and choose the nine refining furnaces. The second best maintenance." .

"Of course, in the process of refining, I will erase all the personal characteristics left on this refining furnace, and even use some more extreme methods to stimulate the potential of this refining furnace. If the refiner is to use it again, it will inevitably feel that it is not easy. Ye Daoyou, and the friends of the deep sea fleet, don’t you mind?”

Everyone listened at a glance.

Ye Qingyun stuttered: "No, don't mind."

"Thank you."

Li Yao smiled and said, "That would help me to take the water, fire, wind, and thunder four crystals. The higher the purity, the better. For each five kilograms, I will test the furnace."

The so-called test furnace, when a refiner is in contact with a refiner furnace that has never been used, performs some of the simplest refining operations to test the performance of the refiner furnace.

Of course, if it is a general refiner, you can understand the performance parameters through the operation manual. Only the master who is nitpicking and perfecting every detail will have the need of “testing furnace”.

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