Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2174: The refiner furnace... is singing!

When Ye Qingyun extracted a batch of the highest purity spar fuel from the Longyuan, it was now Li Yao has started the operation interface of this "Liangyang-7" refiner furnace, which is being initialized.

Surrounded by silence, all the refiners looked at Li Yao’s performance with a stunned look.

When Ye Qingyun saw a series of initialization parameters set by Li Yao, he couldn't help but breathe a cold air and went into a completely dumb situation.

He knows what it means to "squeeze the ultimate potential of this refining furnace."

This "vulture Li Yao" really sets the parameters of the refining furnace too exaggerated!

In the performance index of the refining furnace, "power" and "stability" are often a pair of contradictory values. If the refining furnace is too stable, the maximum power cannot be reached, and the extreme high temperature or extreme low temperature cannot be stimulated. Refining certain special materials.

However, if you want to pursue extreme high temperature or close to absolute zero, it is conceivable that the refiner furnace will become extremely unstable, not only the defective rate will be greatly improved, but also the spiritual spillover, anti-sluker, Seriously, even the refiner furnace will explode!

Ye Qingyun used this "Lingyang-7", of course, knowing its most appropriate performance parameter setting, and has achieved the perfect balance between "power" and "stability".

But now, this "vulture Li Yao" is through a series of dazzling, intricate settings, to increase the power to the limit, but also the furnace is in a very unstable, extremely sensitive, minute-by-minute anti-sluker In the state.

“Where is this refining furnace?”

Ye Qingyun frowned deeply, and saw that a series of initial data that he had carefully set up had been messed up, and his heart was inexplicably ignited, and he could not help but blurt out. "It is a spar bomb!"

"It doesn't matter, even if it is a spar bomb, I am very familiar."

Li Yaoxing's flow of water completed a series of exaggerated settings, and smiled back and said, "Can I have a look at the spar fuel first?"

Ye Qingyun's eyes twitched, and he said nothing. He ordered several low-level refiners to push the spar fuel stored in the wafers.

The spar fuel used in the refining furnace is of course not a strange shape, a raw ore rich in various impurities, but is pre-refined and compressed and solidified by the spar fuel factory, and becomes a piece of crystal clear and radiant crystal brick. Water, fire, wind and thunder four series of spar, if you really seal four different forces in it, stacking your fingers and gently knocking, as if you can hear the raging flames, the blast, the lightning and thunder.

Li Yao squatted down and took a piece of crystal brick. He tapped and sniffed on the surface. From time to time, he also entered a psionic spirit to enter, carefully observing his own psionic ripples on the surface of the crystal brick. Distinguish the colorful luster.

It took a long time for him to choose a piece of crystal brick, put it aside seriously, and then pick the second one.

Ye Qingyun couldn't help but say: "These crystal bricks have been refined through dozens of processes to ensure a purity of over 99%. It is the most advanced spar fuel. Even if it drives the crystal smash and even the giant soldiers, it is more than enough, but I don't know Li Daoyou. What are you choosing?"

“Even if it is 99% pure, the ‘characteristic’ of the brick is different.”

Li Yao rubbed his crystal bricks and squinted his eyes to appreciate the radiance of the smashing edge. "In the words of the ancient world, the spar is the crystallization of the heavens and the earth. It is the creation of the heavens and the earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and the death of all things." The soul is condensed; it is explained by the theory of modern cultivation...the civilization is a fossil of various ordinary ores or huge animals and plants in the wild age. It is condensed by high temperature and high pressure, and is also radiated by various universes. Particle flow and psionic infiltration, over time, are constantly changing.

"Although we have divided it into different categories such as 'water fire and thunder' according to the general characteristics of spar, this division is too simple and too rough.

"Every planet has a different environment, different history, and different relative positions of stars. Even the spar of the same attribute will have subtle differences.

"For example, from a star that is very close to the star, from time to time volcanic explosion, full of sulfur and magma, the intense system of spar crystals collected from the very unstable planet, and a surface more than 9o% covered by the ocean, extremely humid Can the fire crystal spar collected from the planet be the same?

"The former, certainly full of violent, impetuous, extremely unstable characteristics, is more suitable for refining into a spar bomb; the latter is rigid and soft, compatible with water and fire, both masculine and softness of water. The top grade of special fuel for refining.

"Look at the two fire bricks, the same 99% purity, it looks the same, but when I enter a faint psionic input, the surface of the cockroaches is completely different.

"The former is radial, like the radiance of a star, and it is like a splatter of magma, which quickly scatters; the latter is an extremely uniform ring that has been rippling to the edge of the brick without spreading. It is also a faint glimpse of the green awns, which is the taste of 'water and fire'.

"In order to stimulate the ultimate potential of this refining furnace, I have taken a more radical approach in the initial data setting. When choosing fuel and combustion improver, I have to be more moderate and calm. The latter spar is the most It's better."

Li Yao said as he picked and picked the crystal bricks into two piles.

Ye Qingyun’s face became extraordinarily ugly.

Although he did not quite believe in Li Yao’s explanation of the mystery and the sloppy, he knew that the spar fuel on the ship was indeed from two different supply channels, and two different sources of goods were mixed together.

The real human empire has a very mature and strict standard in the standard spar fuel, that is, the refining of “crystal bricks”. No matter which big world of the empire, the characteristics of the ore are no different, and finally refined. The crystal bricks are exactly the same, and any starship, crystal shovel and even giant soldiers can be used universally.

But how can the rigorous refining standards involve the mining of the ore's planet?

Li Yao pointed to a variety of different spar, and explained and explained it. What kind of water-based spar is best from Qifeng, which is spread over the mountainous areas of the waterfall. Such spar is more like “wind bone”, while the wind system spar and thunder The spar is best from the same mining area of ​​the same planet, in order to achieve the effect of "wind and thunder", and so on, it took a full ten minutes to select a few from a large number of crystal bricks. Piece.

Even the imperial emperor Li Linghai was stunned by his statement, and he was suspicious: "Mr. Jin, the original standardized bricks, have so much attention?"

"This one……"

Master Jin Tianzong’s look is more and more cautious, and the light in his eyes is getting more and more embarrassing. “Modern Xiu Xian civilization has a very mature system for the standard refining of spar. In fact, it is not very particular about these, but I know the ancient Many refinery sects of civilization have been very concerned about the source of spar, and there are some famous classics. For example, the well-known refining sect of the ancient era, the '100 refining sect', has a "stone article", specializing in crystal The selection of the stone, but unfortunately has long been lost."

"Is it lost?"

Li Linghaidao, "That is to say, the empire of the major refineries, do not use this set?"


Master Jin Tianzhong smiled bitterly. "This ‘transvaginal Li Yao’ friend is really unpredictable. He said these, there are even a few of them that I even heard for the first time. It’s not simple, it’s not easy.

"Just let this Li Daoyou really ‘test the stove’!”

Master Jin Tianzhong stared at each of Li Yao’s operations.

In the laboratory, all the deep-sea fleet refiners, including Ye Qingyun, also held their breath, widened their eyes, and spared every detail.

But then, Li Yao's series of actions to open, fire, ignite, feed, and test the furnace made them slightly disappointed.

It’s not that Li Yao’s special move, but his operation is too neutral, meticulous, unremarkable, and his inscrutable remarks, in sharp contrast.

The kind of warfare, like the appearance of thin ice, even makes people wonder if he set the initial parameters of the refining furnace too "sensitive", and now he is worried that the refining furnace will fight back!

Just as everyone whispered, and there was a confusing and questioning on his face, Li Yao took a deep breath and looked at the running refiner furnace, raised his arms and crossed his fingers, and his palms faintly glowed.


As the light of his palm burst, he gradually rose to the heart of the refiner of more than a thousand degrees, and there was a roar, as if a big bell was ringing!

"this is"

The pupils of everyone shrank to the extreme, and the ears trembled involuntarily.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Li Yao's left hand was behind him, his right hand was always flat, and a psionic ripple was blasted toward the refining furnace, stirring the resonance of the refining furnace, and the waves roaring higher than a wave!

"It is actually using psionic energy to bombard the refiner furnace to produce sound waves. Through the changes of sound waves, we can sense the condition of the refiner furnace and further fine-tune it to reach the realm of 'people and furnaces together'?"

Master Jin Tianzong is incredible. "How can it be such a magical means?"

"When the refiner furnace is knocked, do you want to be so exaggerated?"

Many refiners in the deep sea fleet are going crazy.

"Even if you can knock the refiner furnace as a bell, how can you exaggerate it, can you still let the refining furnace sing?"

Ye Qingyun's face is blue and green, biting his teeth.

The voice did not fall, Li Yao’s gesture changed, and the monotonous roar of the refining furnace changed with it. It turned out to be really high and low, swaying, full of rhythm and rhythm. It was like a passionate, thrilling and exciting person. The **** march!

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