Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2175: Not in the show


All the deep sea fleet refiners are crazy.

The music bombarded by the refining furnace is of course not as exquisite as the real instrumental ensemble, but full of Jin Ge iron horse, wearing a cloud, feeling passionate, and even the splash of steel flowers, the cross-flow of molten iron, the smell of smoke and smoke. Described in three words, it is "heavy metal"!

Under the circumstance of this heavy metal music, the five internal organs of the refiners have turned into the sea, as if they were in the turbulent waves of the magma, and they danced like 10,000 volcanoes, more like their own blood vessels and tendons. They all become a glimpse of metal!

Their throats are full of smoke, coughing up sparks, and squirting orange-red iron!

Li Yao squinted his eyes, shook his head, and immersed himself in the resonance of the heart and heart. The rhythm of music became stronger and stronger, and it seemed to be more powerful, as if the entire Longyuan was accompanied by him. Heavy metal together!

On the bridge, Li Linghai originally observed Li Yao's every move by monitoring the light curtain, and the sudden metal roar also lingered the entire bridge.

All the crew members above the bridge and the wisdom layer of the Xinghai battleship all involuntarily hit the beat with their toes and their fingers were ready to move.

"This, what is this refining technique?"

Li Linghai asked incredulously, "is also the secret law of the era of ancient times?"


Master Jin Tianzong is also a bit worried, "Should not be."

"Hurry, look!"

Some refiners pointed to the light curtain screaming to monitor the internal conditions of the refining furnace.

This is a crystal eye made from a crystal material that is extremely resistant to high temperatures, and is directly photographed near the heart of the furnace.

However, seeing the metal material that has just been put into the refining furnace, it has been turned into a group of molten iron under the pressure of Li Yao’s carefully selected fuel and combustion improver, but it is like a brilliant orange. Pearl, even a star that cannot be seen directly.

As the music of Gaochun continued to stir up, the surface of a group of hot metal was also smashed with beautiful and gorgeous, and could not be described by pen and ink.

When this cockroach spreads to the extreme, a group of molten iron is like a flower bud that is full of dewdrops, and blooms layer by layer, revealing the mysterious and complicated structure to the extreme!

Each group of finger-sized molten iron blooms, and at least there are thousands of regular folds inside, like the blending of countless runes, emitting a colorful light.

A total of nine groups of hot metal "wandering", the pattern of blooming flowers is different.

The bloom of these "flowers" and the solidification of their final form are naturally controlled by Li Yao's psionic and sacred minds.

In such a subtle form, there are also nine kinds of nine kinds of flowers, which are slowly rotating in the flames of the heart. Each one contains at least a thousand runes and resonates with each other, but never interferes. Li Yao has a powerful three-dimensional shaping ability and control.

You know, this is just a "test furnace", just test the performance of the refiner furnace!

When the nine metal flowers bloomed to the limit, the golden music of the golden horse, the cloud-breaking, and the **** heavy metal music also surged to the extreme.

The entire Xinghai battleship "Long Yuan" was dancing and dancing.


Li Yao's eyes are round and round. For the first time, the open right hand is attached to the hearth of the refining furnace. With a single press, it seems that his entire life and soul are printed in the refining furnace!


In the depths of all the refining divisions, there is a big bell that is ringing and screaming.

The retina was also interfered by the psionic resonance of Li Yao and the refining furnace. There was an illusion when Li Yao pressed the fingerprint. The original black furnace furnace seemed to be crystal clear, and the internal structure was unobstructed. All magic units and small The components are disintegrated, and the refiner furnace has turned into a huge metal flower bloom.

However, in the next second, all the components that were disintegrated and bloomed, all contracted back, like the pulp-cutting and reborn, becoming more compact, concise and round.

Heavy metal music came to an abrupt end.

Li Yao slowly spit out a sigh of gas, surrounded by arms, and looked at the refining furnace that had been commissioned by himself.

After the nine metal flowers were scoured by the coolant, they were sent out from the discharge port.

The high fusion of metal and spar makes these "flowers" full of aura. It can't be regarded as a single component. It is simply a flawless magic weapon. Under the control of Li Yaoyi's thoughts, they flew into the air. Slowly rotating, like the Qibao glazed lamp, it blooms like a kaleidoscope of light, like a waterfall, pouring into the ground.

Including Ye Qingyun, all the deep-sea fleet refiners have lost their souls, stupidly watching the nine metal flowers around Li Yao. Look at the refiner furnace, the eyes are fixed.

I don't know if it is illusory. They think that this refining furnace and a moment ago, there have been earth-shaking changes.

How to say it, it is like the difference between the original ore that has just been excavated in the depths of the earth and the finely polished spar. This refining furnace has become more delicate, elegant, deeper and more perfect, or In the words of Li Yao, it is more "running".

Even the most insignificant fire and smoke gas was taken away by the commissioning of Li Yao. The current refining furnace is not like a productivity tool. It is like a finely crafted piece of art. It is full of confidence in its inexplicable, and believes that it must be refining from it, it must be an extraordinary peerless soldier!

"You just..."

Ye Qingyun’s heart is so proud and unruly, he can see that this refiner furnace is different in his own hands and in Li Yao’s hands. He suddenly reddened his ears and stabbed him. He also used honorific words. .

"This is my own test method."

Li Yaodao, "The so-called 'test furnace' is not simply a simple understanding of the performance parameters of the refining furnace. On the one hand, it is necessary to grasp the basic performance parameters and understand the 'spirit' and 'feeling' of the refining furnace. One point, we must pass our ideas, emotions and even the heart to the refining furnace in some way.

'For a refiner, the refiner furnace is his best partner. It must not be regarded as a cold and dead object. The refining furnace is also alive, has feelings, has personality, and the real test furnace is refining. The furnace communicates in depth and confides to the 'avenue' of the refining furnace to obtain the approval of the refining furnace.

"I like music more, my boulevard has a certain relationship with music, so I will communicate with the refining furnace in a way that music resonates, so that my heart and the heart of the refining furnace are completely integrated. In this way, you can get the most perfect refining furnace and refine the perfect magic weapon."

Many deep-sea fleet refiners sighed.

Ye Qingyun couldn't help but ask: "The song was just now"

""General Order"."

Li Yaodao, "It is a heavy metal version of the "General Order", which is more suitable for the temperament of this refining furnace, and my heart at the moment.

"Today's time is limited. The number of grades in this refining furnace is not the highest. If there is an opportunity in the future, I would like to have a lot of discussions with your friends. When will there be "Men's self-improvement" and "Liaohai laugh" Such classic songs can be played to the friends through the refiner furnace, which is an academic exchange with everyone."

Li Yao did not hide his strength.

Even a bit arrogant.

Because this is a real human empire, a world of cultivators.

The concept of weak meat and strong food, the winner is king, not only limited to the circle of combat-type cultivators, but also in the circle of creative cultivators.

Here, modesty and Tibetan mastiff are meaningless.

Since he still has to stay with the imperial queen Li Linghai for a long time, Li Yao certainly has to find a suitable position for himself, so that no one will come to him for trouble.

From a certain point of view, a refining division of a **** series is even more valuable than a warrior of a **** series. Because the former can provide technical support for countless yuan infants and gods, help the whole force. The cutting-edge power has improved a lot.

On the other hand, if the imperial queen Li Linghai or even the entire "innovative" technical support, that is, the repair and maintenance of the most sophisticated crystal and giant soldiers, all in the hands of Li Yao, is not "嘿嘿嘿嘿", What is he doing for him?

"Ye Daoyou, we can now pick the crystals."

Li Yao gently touched the metal flowers in the air, and nine metal flowers trembled and turned into thousands of crystal clear, thin, flap-like petals, such as cherry blossoms and catkins.

Li Yao, under the setting of metal petals, smiled and said to many deep-sea fleet refiners.


Long Yuan, the senior crystal warehouse.

The Longyuan is the flagship of Li Linghai. She quietly left the emperor's "extreme heaven, celestial star" and sneaked into the nest between Xinghai.

Here, it naturally stores the collections of the Li Linghai for decades. It comes from various genres of the empire, and even the high-order crystal urns in the ancient ruins. It is not inferior to the secret database of the four electors.

At this moment, Li Yao became the center of the stars, and was surrounded by a large group of refiners, and between the hundreds of silent metal statues.

The real human empire has a profound foundation. On the basis of inheriting and absorbing the mass inheritance of the Xinghai Empire and the Xinghai Republic, and after thousands of years of hard work, the crystal refining technology has developed to the peak.

Every high-level crystal scorpion is like a magical work of art. Li Yao’s gods glimpse into the gap of the crystal enamel, and taste the subtle and incomprehensible feeling that can’t be described by pen and ink. Read out.

However, to everyone’s surprise, he finally chose for Li Jialing, not the most valuable pieces of the best, but

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