Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2176: Really true!

Li Yao squatted in the corner of Jingjing Warehouse. He crossed his fingers and looked at a pile of scrap copper and iron in the corner.

"Li Daoyou."

This time, no matter how he made a strange move, Ye Qingyun did not dare to make it, but he was careful. "These crystals are badly damaged. Most of them will be scrapped. Just wait for the base to be available. The magic weapon unit is dismantled, and other components must be rebuilt..."

Indeed, what is presented in front of Li Yao is a smoke-smelling fire, twisted and distorted, like the battle of a deformed monster.

If the damage is not serious, the maintenance shop of Longyuan can handle it completely. Since it is chosen to be scrapped, it means that there is no rescue value.

However, Li Yao grew up in the tomb of Fabao, and he is best at turning waste into treasure. This kind of scarred and mottled magic weapon is the most inspiring idea.

Li Yaomu stared at these battle shuttle crystals, split the five fingers, and waved freely. With the magical power of the air-defining object, a huge body, heavy armor, heavy firepower, "King crab" was sucked over.

Subsequently, activate the professional drawing function of your own crystal brain.


Hundreds of blank virtual drawing boards immediately emerged, lingering in Li Yao's body, emitting a milky white light, interlaced with light and shadow, and Li Yao was reflected in the shadows and fluttering.

"He is going to be"

Many deep-sea fleet refiners face each other and don't understand what Li Yao wants to do. If you want to draw a crystal structure diagram, fine-tuning and transforming, it seems that you don't have to pick up hundreds of drawing boards so much. Isn't it a piece of paper? Draw, draw one and then draw the next one?

Li Yao took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. The depths of his brain were filled with a pair of crystal-clear, crystal-clear crystal structures. He just turned the gods into a filament and explored these battles. Damage the inside of the crystal crucible and scan it carefully.

The thoughts of the movements, the plane perspectives of the various sections of the war damage crystals, and the combined three-dimensional structure diagrams, including the detailed structure diagrams of the precision magic elements such as the wafer reactor, the knee joint and the elbow joint, all of which are as follows. The tide appears on the drawing board!

A golden thread ten times thinner than the hair, like a demon with life, constantly extending and interlacing, from thin to full, from fullness to heavy, from heavy to mysterious, eventually becoming a maze and castle!

Many deep-sea fleet refiners have widened their eyes and used their minds to draw hundreds of crystal structures at the same time. It’s just amazing!

Li Yao’s performance is not over yet.

What he did just now is simply “copying”, which scans the structure of these crystals onto the drawing board.

But in the next second, hundreds of structural drawings are simultaneously smashed like “blowing wrinkles in a pool of spring water.” In the rippling ripples, the intricate and fine structures begin to decompose, twist and deform, and the speed of change gradually Speed ​​up, like spinning a kaleidoscope to the extreme.

All the deep-sea fleet refiners are dazzled and stunned.

"He, is he designing the transformation plan for these crystals, and he wants to transform all the battle-loss crystals in one breath?"

"This design is too exaggerated, at least to achieve a precision of 0.1 wire refining magic, in order to cut out the profiled surface components he needs!"

"He just stayed there for a while, and thought of so many, such crazy transformation plans?"

A lot of deep-sea fleet refiners, they were so shocked that they could not breathe.

They are all experts, and naturally they can see the value of these reforms.

Although most of the renovation schemes are too whimsical and mad, but the ideas contained in the schemes have made them feel like they are turning around, suddenly becoming "changed".

And Li Yao's speed of overthrowing his own plan is also very fast, often before the deep-sea fleet refiner has not seen whether a plan is feasible, he will veto himself without mercy.

"Bave! Wave! Wave! Wave!"

Constantly, the drawing board is shattered like a blisters, leaving only a spot of fireflies like fireflies, but a new drawing board is created, and a castle with lines and curved surfaces emerges.

In the end, there are only a dozen or twenty drawing boards floating in midair, but the structure above is already complicated and complicated to the point that most refiners can't understand.

Even if Ye Qingyun is just a shadow, Li Yao seems to have extracted a part of the magic weapon unit from these battle-loss crystals, and has retained the main frame of the "Tiger Crab".

Until now, Li Yao finally opened his eyes.

There are thousands of gold wires left in the fundus, just like the tens of thousands of crystal structures exploded in the depths of his pupils.

There is no sadness and no joy on his face, and there is an inviolable momentum in his body. It seems that even the most powerful crystal scorpion is just a toy of his palm.

Li Yao's hands are printed, and the fingers are like petals, like the waves, like the squally winds, and they gather together into a group of burning flames.

The gods were dragged by the fingers, and they all projected onto the drawing board. Ten or twenty drawing boards overlapped instantly, and all the virtual structural drawings were seamlessly fitted together to form a three-dimensional crystal structure, a translucent gold. giant.

Li Yao waved his hands and magnified the "Golden Giant" ten times, carefully fine-tuning the structure of key parts.

But in the eyes of the general deep-sea fleet refiner, it was just that he was in a mess, and he was free to outline the twisted gold thread.

"He, what is he doing?"

"With such a complicated structure, what kind of crystal is this?"

The refiners are whispering.

The face of Master Jin Tianzong is changing again and again.

Picking up his eyes, his eyes twitched violently, constantly zooming in on the picture, carefully studying the structural drawings drawn by Li Yao, pondering for a long time, first of all, suddenly realized, and then could not believe this seemingly young mysterious refiner, really confident Strengthening such a crystal? This is no longer a "tuning", not even a simple "reconstruction", but a complete re-creation!

Master Jin Tianzhong stared at the light curtain, Li Yao gradually radiated his hands, eager eyes deep, full of longing and envy.

Ten minutes later, Li Yao completed his refit structure diagram and psionic operation diagram "finally" or "so fast."

In fact, this can't be completely new creation, but a new crystal structure that he has been pondering while he was still in the Stars Federation.

Since the modern civilization of self-cultivation has just been born, the Xinghai Empire has also begun to flourish. When the modern refiner is refining the magic weapon, he embarked on a different path from the ancient refiners, paying more attention to standardization and stylization, focusing on mass production and The replaceability of standard components.

In the terminology of modern magical refining, modular design, no matter the federal or empire or even sacred, the same level, the same use of magic, often more than 90% of the components can be used.

This approach has greatly reduced the logistical pressure in a long-term war in a cosmic country across countless stars.

It also offers endless possibilities for the refiner to release his creativity.

Even after Li Yao carefully examined every component of the Imperial Crystals brought by the Black Wind Fleet, he had a deep understanding of the vast majority of the Imperial Crystal's common components, and he could perform such an amazing show.

The golden translucent giant is like a phosphorus fire that has been torn into a star by the light wind, falling on Li Yao's hair and shoulders.

Li Yao’s hands are changing faster and faster.

There is an arc in the fingertips, lavender, deep red, faint blue, indigo... The colorful arcs are constantly splitting, one-two, two-four, four-eighth, and finally become the grid that covers the sky. All the battle-loss crystals and the Cancer Wars are covered.

"Oh! Hey! Hey!"

As soon as the arc rushed into the gap of the crystal smash, such as the sardines, all the scorpions were disassembled into the most basic components, even the giant crabs like the cows and black towers. The trenches were also dismantled by Li Yao into a solitary metal skeleton.

All the deep-sea fleet refiners have seen the scalp numb.

If you want to repair and refit and even refine the crystal, you must first learn to dismantle the crystal crucible and disassemble the crystal crucible into the most basic state that it is impossible to continue dismantling.

This is the basic skill of every refiner. All the rookies have to spend several years to repair the dismantling of the crystal.

This aspect is to train their ingenuity and keen perception, and more importantly to cultivate their familiarity with the structure of the crystal, which is "feel".

But no matter in schools, training camps or magical refining centers, they have never seen Li Yao's speed of lightning and lightning.

Li Yao did not do anything at all. He only released an arc of electric arc, and used the magical power of “empty imperial objects” to deal with the severely damaged and distorted crystals!

Many refiners have turned their eyes to Ye Qingyun.

Ye Qingyun swallowed hard and sullen, and there was some faint fear. Fortunately, he did not rush to take his own humiliation.

More refining divisions used their gaze to stick to Li Yao’s hands and try to see Li Yao even if he had a good movement. He could not bear to look away.

Dismantling the crystal is only the first step.

After all the battle-loss crystals are reduced to the most basic components, countless unneeded components fly out in a fluttering manner, sorting them into categories, and accurately falling into the spare component storage box next to them.

The remaining components, as well as the metal skeleton of the Cancer Crab, are shrouded by increasingly dense arcs.

The arc is shrunk, one breath and one suck, and if it has the magnetic field of life, it gradually condenses into a giant blood vessel and neural network.

Immediately after

Li Yao’s ten fingers bounced and changed to the limit, and even used the ten fingers to make a storm and thunderous bang.

The arc that lingers between the wafer member and the metal skeleton is ten times brighter, and if a ball lightning strikes, it blasts in the "heart" of the metal skeleton!

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