Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2179: Thank you Li Daoyou!

Li Yao indulged for a moment, and said quickly: "I am going to solve this problem with a special refining valve, plus my own combustion improver."

Master Jin Tianzong asked: "What kind of special technique?"

"like this."

Li Yao extracted a baby-sized metal cube from the Qiankun ring. The surface is even and smooth, and it is lead gray.

He held the metal cube in the palm of his hand and entered a psionic energy. The metal cube suddenly floated into the air and slowly rotated.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Li Yao’s expression has never been so serious. Even a drop of soy-sized sweat has penetrated into the temple, and the fingertips have jumped out of dozens of arcs. The arcs are condensed together and become five bright blue beams, missing into the cube. In the middle, as his five fingers bounced, he quickly changed, cut and engraved.

The white smoke rises, and the surface of the metal cube is engraved with the mysterious and delicate patterns of Li Yaozhen, which are like six labyrinths.

A minute later, Li Yao Chang took a sigh of relief, completed the engraving, and carried the beautiful metal cubes to the front of Master Jin Tianzong.

Ye Qingyun and many deep-sea fleet refiners are puzzled. Li Yao’s hand condenses the psionic power into a light blade to engrave the metal surface. Although it is beautiful, it is not too rare. He is more proficient in playing.

On the face of Master Jin Tianzhong, there was unprecedented caution, holding his breath and carefully taking over the metal cube in Li Yao’s hand.

He first wrapped a thin layer of psionic shield around the cube, and then went into the cube, belonging to a psionic power.

An incredible scene, once again!

The metal cube, which looks like a piece of metal, turned into a piece of thin, flap-like, almost transparent sheet of metal, fluttering and dancing!

Each piece of metal foil is like a crystal clear snow, engraved with dense lines.

Or a variety of arrays involving combustion and power output, or intricate circulatory circuit diagrams, more than a hundred times more complex than the surface of the metal cube!

A small and exquisite metal cube was cut by Li Yao as the edge of the psionic power, and hundreds of sheets of metal foil were cut silently. Each layer of metal foil was engraved with a distinct array of characters!

Ye Qingyun and other deep-sea fleet refiners, once again convinced by Li Yao's skill, but shocked to the extent that even the exclamation could not be made.


Li Yao has already seen that Master Jin Tianzong is a pure idiot, and such a purely technical expert, there is no need to be polite, but it is necessary to come up with the true ability to communicate with him in order to get his recognition and trust, "If I can In the same way, in the furnace of the wafer reactor Ding, engraving more than twenty or thirty layers of protection and stability array, and then using a special drain valve to control the change of output power, is it possible, use one The crystal cell reactor Ding provides three output powers for the three different forms of the crystal crucible?"

Master Jin Tianzhong stared at the dancing metal sheet and watched it for a while. His intoxicated eyes lingered in the ripples carved by Li Yaozhen. After a long time, he reluctantly regained his gaze, but he once again cast his gaze on Li. The glory is not on the hands of the mountains and dew.

Master Jin Tianzong sighed in confusion, wondering if Li Yao had such a pair of lightning-fast and inspiring hands, or lamenting that his hands were comminuted and could not play half of the refining techniques of the peak period. But it is never possible, what Li Yao has just done.

"Don't ask Li Daoyou's teacher to inherit the genre?"

Master Jin Tianzhong remembered that Li Yao had just prayed to him and returned to him. He really said, "Your refining technique, even if you break into the refinery circle of the emperor's extreme heaven and celestial star, will definitely set off an uproar. !"

Li Yaodao: "If I said, I inadvertently got the inheritance of the refining of the ancient era, and I cultivated it alone. I don't know if Jin Dao believes or believes?"

Master Jin Tianzhong gave a slight glimpse and said: "I was still talking to the Queen's Highness just now. I don't believe that someone can practice the refining technique to the peak of the peak, but now, after seeing Li Daoyou's skill, I have to say that if Li Daoyou is, then I seem to have some doubts!"

Li Yao looked at the hands of Master Jin Tianzhong and shifted the topic. He was very abrupt: "Jin Daoyou’s hands have just been seriously injured in the last two years?"

As soon as this statement came out, Ye Qingyun and other deep-sea fleet refiners' expressions once again picked up as a refiner, and his hands were life. Li Yao was so living and tearing the scars of Master Jin Tianzhong, it was too much.

Master Jin Tianzhong frowned slightly, and there was a deep pain in the depths of his eyes. However, he did not think of the pain of his hands when he was injured. He thought that he could no longer use his hands in the future, and he could not use the refining technique to the extreme helplessness. Hoaring in the throat: "Yes, the muscles burst, the bones are broken, the blood vessels and the nerves are unified. Even with the most advanced flesh and blood regeneration technology, plus the Queen's Highness, I look for the heavens to nourish, daily life and even ordinary. The refiner is no problem, but when refining some complicated components, or performing ultra-high precision engraving and finishing, after all, as you said, 'a bad breath'.

"It’s very clear that you have reached the level of you and me. The hands become like this. If you say it hard, it will be scrapped!

"After coming to the Deep Sea Fleet, I summed up all the crystallization that I had condensed on the road of refining the first half of my life, or I firmly believe that my theory is correct.

"I still have countless new power arrays to create, and there are hundreds of original crystals that I want to refine. I even developed an auxiliary power unit specifically for the giant soldiers. The speed and agility of the soldiers have increased by more than 5%!

"But it is because of this pair... the hand of scrapping, all the trials, all failures, all ideas, still can only lie in my mind!

"I have said to the Queen's Highness many times that in the Deep Sea Fleet's refining team and the entire magical system, I can only act as a 'brain' to provide theoretical guidance; but if the Deep Sea Fleet really wants to have the most powerful crystal Even the giant soldiers, and other super-class fleets of the real human empire, must find a hand for the refining team and the entire magic weapon system, a pair of miracles and myths!

"I, I didn't think that the Queen's Highness had a supernatural power to this point. So quickly, I found Li Daoyou like this... This way... This..."

Master Jin Tianzhong was excited to the extreme, repeated three times, and could not think of how to describe the shock that Li Yao brought to him.

Li Yaodao: "I heard that Jin Daoyou has made breakthroughs in the research of 'hybrid crystal sputum'. I originally had some doubts, but after scanning the power system of this jingle, I began to believe it. I can't wait to join Jin Daoyou to explore the 'hybrid crystal scorpion'."

Master Jin Tianzhong’s eyes are shining, saying: “With Li Daoyou joining, the deep-sea fleet’s magic research and development team is simply a tiger. In time, there is a chance to go beyond the refinery teams of Imperial University, Imperial University of Technology and Imperial High School of Metallurgy!”

Until now, Master Jin Tianzong still thought that Li Yao was a pure refiner, at least the main business is a refiner, and he still used the logic of the refiner to inspire Li Yao.

Li Yao smiled and retracted the topic to the hands of Master Jin Tianzong: "Jin Daoyou, I suddenly asked you about the injuries of your hands. I was a little presumptuous, but I was really anxious to know if you were a new injury or an old one. The injury is due to the fact that in the inheritance of the ancient world of refining instruments I got, there are several secret recipes for quenching and cultivating the hands.

"Although the era of ancient studies is far behind the modern cultivation of immortal civilization in the systematic development of various disciplines, but tens of thousands of years of experience have accumulated, there are also some effective means.

"My hands, when I practiced madness on weekdays, I also suffered a lot of serious trauma. Some cultivation methods even need to ruin the flesh and blood of both hands, and then continue to regenerate and repair, in order to cultivate the most sensitive perception.

"If it is not the secret support of warm hands, my hands have long since been abolished!

"So, if Jin Daoyou believes in me, I might as well try to use my secret recipe. Anyway, I think the situation is worse than bad, right?"

Master Jin Tianzhong instantly caught it.

The exchanges between the immortals have always been relatively indifferent and alienated, often paying attention to "clear price, fair trade", but very few people will show no reason.

In the past, he was in the refinery department of Imperial College of Technology, and he was a unique and self-contained group. He did not know how many engineers were offended on the road of “hybrid crystal” research and development.

Everyone is waiting to see his jokes, and no one will help him.

He even instinctively reacted. Is there any plot of this "vulture Li Yao"? It is a speculation and what do you want from him?

But thinking of this is the deep sea fleet, this Li Daoyou is the Queen's Highness himself to find, a heart was put down a little.

What's more, he has fallen from the professors of Imperial University of Technology and the hot masters in the circle of refiners, to the point of today. What else is worth remembering?

The only valuable thing in him is the series of theories, ideas and designs of the "mixed crystal enamel".

These things, if the "vulture Li Yao" wants, all taken away, perhaps in the hands of this person, will have a day to carry forward!

Master Jin Tianzhong flashed hundreds of thoughts in his mind, but it was a sigh of sorrow. He once again prayed to Li Yao: "Thank you for Li Daoyou. I believe that you and I are on the road of refining. There must be many things that can be deeply exchanged. !"

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