Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2180: Happy cooperation!

Li Yao is very satisfied with the answer of Master Jin Tianzong.

Of course, he is not a good person who has no reason to be generous.

What's more, Jin Tianzong and the owners of the deep-sea fleet, even the "rebels" in the eyes of the imperial powers, are also cultivators.

The war between the low-order cultivators and the high-order cultivators is only a dog biting the dog with uneven distribution of interests.

Every secret of the ancient law in Li Yao’s mind is a treasure of value and city. He naturally does not pose in front of a group of cultivators, and he is unreasonably dressed up as a prosperous boy.

However, Li Yao is very aware of the weight of a sacred refiner in power.

In particular, the newly rising rebel forces of the Deep Sea Fleet are unlikely to attract too many masters of refining, and Master Jin Tianzong can be said to be unique.

Li Yao estimates that the deep sea fleet and even the entire "innovative" super-class masters are all repaired, adjusted and maintained by Master Jin Tianzong. Many secret military operations require targeted modification of Jingjing, and they are absolutely not worthy of Master Jin Tianzong. s eyes.

Therefore, in good relations with Master Jin Tianzong, he is more able to penetrate the core of the "innovation school".

Besides, the flower sedan chair lifts people. Many of Li Yao’s refining techniques are too deep and mysterious. The general refiner can’t see the exquisiteness. He even thinks that he is deliberately stunned, and he is too tired to sweat. Looking at the blind man, it’s quite awkward.

Is it necessary for him to squint and personally say to Li Linghai, "His Royal Highness, in fact, this refining technique is so powerful, I have such a supernatural power, so you must attach great importance to me and pull me into every secret operation. The core of it?

Only the master of this series of Jin Tianzhi can understand the true value of Li Yao.

With Jin Tianlong insured, he has greater use value in the heart of the imperial queen Li Linghai.

Thinking of this, Li Yao smiled and continued: "The secret method of warming your hands is no better, but it is impossible to completely restore Jin Daoyou's hands to the peak of the peak. All kinds of auxiliary spiritual limbs and strengthened exoskeleton are indispensable. The reinforced exoskeleton used by Jin Daoyou is very refined, but it can't restore your 100% strength?"

Master Jin Tianzhong nodded: "This set of fortified exoskeleton is called 'Tiansi Yuxi'. If it is not supported by it, I am completely paralyzed. Now I can restore about 80% of my body function. This is already the most advanced enhanced exoskeleton. It is."

Li Yao said in a moment: "The enhanced exoskeleton made of rigid metal can achieve the degree of 'Tianshi Yuxi', which is very perfect; but Jin Daoyou has not thought about using flexible metal, that is, liquid alloy. Refining and strengthening the exoskeleton, at least refining a pair of 'reinforcing gloves', covering your hands with your broken hands, and then manipulating with your psionic energy and mind, I think, should be stronger than the current exoskeleton It’s much better!”

"Liquid metal?"

Jin Tian vertical was the first light, then he shook his head. "Do you mean the kind of flexible metal material used to repair the outer shell of the starship? The sympathetic conductivity and shaping ability of the alloy is really bad. How to input psionic energy, It’s all a slimy, muddy thing, or it’s turned into a steel, even if it’s covered with hands, how can you do extremely fine refining operations?”

Li Yao squinted and said: "Since I suggested that Jin Daoyou use liquid metal to repair his hands, it is natural not to be honest. I have a special liquid alloy matching scheme, which is top secret in top secret and cannot be easily provided to Jin Daoyou. However, I can supply the finished liquid alloy to Jin Daoyou. I believe that the auxiliary effect of this new enhanced exoskeleton is definitely better than the traditional rigid-reinforced exoskeleton!"

Li Yaoke did not exaggerate.

This new liquid alloy material is not the one he invented. He is mainly good at the design and modification of crystal crucibles. He is not deeply involved in the basic fields of materials science, metal smelting and so on.

This ratiometric modulation scheme for liquid metal was conceived by Professor Mo Xuan.

Professor Mo Xuan lost his flesh and blood in the lab explosion more than 100 years ago. Together with the four disciples, he became a strange "virtual body". Later, he was subjected to the radiation variation of the Xinghai storm, awakening self-awareness. And the memory of the past has evolved into a "magical spirit."

In the process of evolution into the Protoss, their souls are coincidental, and the inexplicable and liquid metal repair materials on the Starship merge into one another, which is equivalent to having a very unique "liquid metal prosthesis".

Although the body became a liquid metal, Professor Mo Xuan and four disciples have always implemented the ideal of refining. In the past hundred years, they have repeatedly modulated and tested liquid metals, striving to refine their sensibility and condense. And melt faster, more agile, and more suitable for body materials used in refining.

What is finally obtained is a new type of material named “Water Soft Crystal”, which can make the liquid metal soft and flexible, and change its characteristics to the fullest extent.

The experimental data of liquid metal materials for hundreds of years, all sealed in a huge inheritance, gave Li Yao and the **** demons.

Therefore, Li Yaocai dare to pack the ticket and can solve the problem of Master Jin Tianzong.

Of course, whether it is the ancient method of treating the hands of the ancient liquid, or the refining of the "water soft crystal" of various rare metals and heavenly treasures, all are precious materials that can not be met.

Li Yao estimates that even if the Imperial Queen Li Linghai wants to collect all the materials in full, it will take three to five months or even a year and a half.

But by throwing such tempting conditions, he can now gain the trust of Master Jin Tianzong.

If he and Jin Tianzong master form a "dual-core" and can monopolize the magic maintenance of all the super-premium masters of the entire "innovation", is there a lot of room for them?

“Nature, it’s not free.”

Li Yao did not want to be too generous, lest Jin Tianzong and other refiners should be suspicious, but they smiled. "However, I respect Jin Daoyou as a person. I believe that you will be able to open the price that makes me tempted, including me. On the crystal enamel, I used Jin Daoyou’s 'hybrid' concept, and helped me when I made a large magic weapon, right?"

Master Jin Tianzhong’s throat is rolling up and down.

In addition to "Yes", a man who integrates the refining technique into his own blood and spirit, and sends the whole life as a sacrifice into the refining furnace, and who is ambitious to challenge the entire circle of refiners Is there a second answer?

The next developments were all expected by Li Yao.

His shocking performance in the repair shop completely disrupted the arrangement of Li Linghai.

Originally, Li Linghai was still calculating how to place Li Yao.

It is of course good to be a strong fighter of a god-level series, but when there is no combat mission, it is also necessary to consider whether to let Li Yao contact the most core personnel and secrets.

However, Li Yao is not only a fighting god, but also a realm and a master of Jin Tianzong. In the field of practical operation, it is still far above the golden sky, and the master of the refining of the group is the case. completely different.

What's more, Li Yao has proved that he is not from the empire with his skillful refining technique, and indirectly proves that everything he said is true.

Of course, Li Linghai did not think about it for thirty seconds. Is Li Yao a spy of the Holy League?

However, Li Linghai has never heard of it. He has just fought the empire for more than ten years. He has lost his helmet and abandoned the sacred squad, and there is such a superb figure that the "vulture Li Yao" is the first battle and refiner.

Such a guy, wherever he is placed, is a big man and a strong man. How can he be a spy when he is alone in the enemy? Still in such a way... very outrageous way!

Even though Li Linghai has not completely reassured Li Yao, he has come to a conclusion after a quick calculation. Li Yao can provide far more value than his trivial little doubts.

Being able to become the leader of the "innovationist", trying to overthrow the four major electorate families to rule the empire, Li Linghai was originally a gambler who was willing to go his own way. On the question of how to use Li Yao, she once again made a desperate attempt.

The identity of Li Yao’s “bodyguard” has not changed, but there is also a private magic consultant who is a non-negative new identity queen.

This is equivalent to the "Deputy Director of the Deep Sea Fleet", allowing Li Yao to reach out to the deep-sea fleet's most secret magic project, as well as most of the high-level commander's crystal, almost equal to Jin Tianzong master.

In any of the forces, two masters of refining weapons with similar strengths will make some contradictions more or less.

In particular, Li Yao took up a high position when he first arrived, which really gave people the feeling of airborne down to seize power.

At this time, the two "gifts" he threw played a very crucial role.

Master Jin Tianzhong was not very keen on power and reputation, but was fascinated by his "hybrid crystal" project.

Originally, looking at his own scarred, broken hands, the hope of Jin Tianzhong’s heart is already lingering and dying.

The arrival of Li Yao, pouring a scoop of hot oil on the flames of his heart, made him see the clear light of hope again.

Master Jin Tianzong also counts on Li Yao to help him repair his hands. How can he compete with Li Yao for power at this time?

Therefore, the cooperation between the two people has been quite smooth since the first day, and it is said to be full of water and tacit understanding.

Even if his body is incomplete, Jin Tianzhi is the leading expert in refining the empire of the real human empire. He is also a graduate of the Imperial University of Technology. His brain is simply an encyclopedia of the imperial magical refining, giving Li Yao a deep view of Baoshan. Open, how to wash the feeling of not finishing.

From time to time, Li Yaoshi throws out a kind of insights, ideas, or scanned magical structure maps obtained from the ancient times or the Kunlun ruins. It also makes Jin Tian’s secret dark and scared, and more and more feels that the Queen’s Highness does not know where to hire him. The mysterious master "vulture Li Yao" is really unfathomable. r

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