Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2181: Deep sea dragon palace

Under the cooperation of the two men, the maintenance work of the giant **** "storm god" progressed very quickly, and the preliminary maintenance flow chart was drawn in just half a day.

The repair and adjustment work of various crystal shovel is more advanced as the flow of water.

Li Linghai opened the maintenance authority for almost all the crystals of the deep sea fleet to Li Yao.

Such a strong person as Tu Zhengdao is more respectful and begged Li Yao to help them adjust the crystal.

After all, Jing Hao is the life of Yan Shi, on the battlefield, even if the performance of the crystal is only increased by 1%, it can greatly enhance the ultimate life-saving probability.

In just one day, Li Yao was exposed to thirty of the most advanced high-order crystal enamels.

Through these crystals, I also met the various strong, commandos and commanders in the Deep Sea Fleet, and through their tiny scratches and their self-reports, they are well aware of their fighting style and general realm.

Master Jin Tianzhong carefully observed the method of Li Yao’s adjustment of Jingjing. After seeing Li Yao’s adjustment of 30 crystals and models with different styles, he was also completely impressed by Li Yao’s hands, ghosts and precision. After the end of the day, I took the initiative to take out a large number of "hybrid crystal" structural drawings and Li Yao research.

This is the middle of Li Yao’s heart.

However, after a careful study of one night, Li Yao also saw why Jin Tianzong’s research would stop.

The concept of "hybrid crystal enamel" is too much before, there are too many complex arrays and structures, and it is impossible to mass-produce it under the current technical conditions.

Even the processing precision requirements of many details have reached the horrific 5 wire, not only the tools of various magical water lines can not be reached, but even the experienced senior refiners are very difficult to do by hand.

The wafer reactor is the most important unit on the wafer. Even if there is a slight error, it may lead to the loss of control, enthalpy and even explosion of the wafer.

It is no wonder that Imperial University of Technology will sneer at the design of Master Jin Tianzong, and even make him ruined in the circle of imperial refiners. He is regarded as a liar by reputation.

It is no wonder that Master Jin Tianzong will come up with the design of the treasure on the first day of seeing Li Yao. It is only the amazing hand and perception of Li Yao that it is possible to grind out the special-shaped components required by Jin Tianzong. Thin wafer.

"Li Daoyou, I have tried all the methods and all have failed."

The eyes of Master Jin Tianzhong spewed a magma-like radiance. The back of the hand, the neck and the forehead were full of thick blue veins. They almost smashed out. "Now, only you can help me with this hand! I believe it is God." You are here, so this test will be successful! Let us join forces and shock the circle of refiners in the entire empire!"


Twelve hours later.

Longyuan, repair workshop, Jingjing test site.

Three crystal enamels, turned into three streams, one red, one yellow and one black, are being fiercely smashed, and from time to time, they hit a circle of psionic sensation, and if the tide surges, it spreads to the defense around the crystal test field. On the array, there was a deafening roar.

Among them, the two crystal enamels around the yellow and black ray are two enemies, and the red crystal plaques are attacked from the left and right.

However, the red crystal scorpion was not shocked by the murderous and endless attack of the opponent, but it was more than enough to shuttle between the two opponents.

Although this red crystal yak is tall and large, the armor is thick, and there is even a high bulge behind it, which is the standard heavy-duty crystal enamel.

However, under the dazzling burst of red-red tail flames, its position is erratic, like a ghost, and like a butterfly moving through the flowers.

Instead of being entangled by two opponents, instead of using two opponents to cooperate with unskilled questions, they repeatedly circumvented their opponents and used their opponents as their shields.


The opponents in the yellow crystal enamel can't stand this kind of "teaching". In the screams of madness, the figure is constantly skyrocketing, and even more magical units and reinforcing members are spewed out in the shackles of the crystal shackles. Adhered to by the force of electromagnetic vibration, the crystal scorpion becomes more bulky, fierce and sturdy. A sharp fighting thorn appears on the shoulders, breastplates, elbows and knees. It is like a The big crab with the armor and the arrogant!

Behind the black crystal cymbal, a tsunami-like flame broke out. The degree instantly increased by one level, and hundreds of afterimages were illusioned, trapping the red crystal scorpion.

Seeing the golden "big crab", you will use its "iron clamp" to clamp the arms of the red crystal.

The high-frequency oscillatory blade of the alloy in the hands of the black crystal enamel is also very sinisterly from the bottom up, swaying to the psionic energy pipeline behind the red crystal enamel.

Two crystal scorpions, as long as any wave of attacks, as long as they hit, are enough to make the red crystal scorpion completely lose its combat power.

But the red crystal enamel was in an instant, and the tail flame that was rushing out of the whole body was wrapped into a glare of spherical lightning.

The spherical lightning screamed out loud and loud, and even the two crystals that were attacking were smashed.

Under the loud noise, in the lightning, countless streams of light smashed out, and the blade flew over all the attacks of the two crystal scorpions, but it re-agglomerated behind the yellow crystal.

A powerful whip leg, throwing out the momentum of the main battle of the spar battleship, squatting in the waist of the yellow crystal scorpion, directly bursting the armor, and the tens of tons of crystal smashed like a broken piece. The kite of the line hits the defensive array; the moment the bursting debris disturbs the sight of the black crystal and the magic weapon, the sprint of the homeopathic spurs, the edge of the psionic condensate, like a **** saber directly stabbed in black The chest of the crystal scorpion, the flames are like a deep red venom-like black crystal scorpion, completely smashing every figure on the surface of the black crystal enamel!

The yellow crystal shovel fell to the ground, and a puff of sparks rushed out of the water, and the ground was full of lubricating fluid and the blood of the driver.

The black crystal scorpion maintains the attacking posture unchanged, like a statue of a cockroach, and after three seconds, it is slowly planted on the ground.


The red crystal scorpion instantly killed two strong enemies, and there were also serious faults. The magic weapon unit behind the high bulge blew out, and there was an unpleasant black smoke.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The yellow crystal enamel and the black crystal enamel decomposed, Li Jialing and Tu Zhengdao drilled out, gasping hard, and looked at the red crystal enamel with unbelievable eyes.

The red crystal enamel also decomposed like a flower bud, and Li Yao walked out thoughtfully.

"The master of Jin Tianzong said that the hybrid structure is a more advanced next-generation power output mode than the linkage structure, which represents the future direction of the crystal, but the technical difficulty of polishing is indeed very high. This prototype is very high. After several years of hard work by Master Jin Tianzong, I was carefully polished, and it was still not stable enough. If there was any activity, it would be a problem... What do you think?"

Li Yao turned his gaze to Tu Zhengdao and Li Jialing, who were sweating and sweating.

"I think you are a monster."

Tu Zhengdao gasped while he was on the side.

Li Jialing swayed her furry head and nodded hard.

At this moment, the starship swayed gently and there was an instant slowdown.

The deep sea fleet's lair is also the base camp of the imperial queen Li Linghai, and the "Deep Sea Dragon Palace" is here!


Above the bridge of the Longyuan.

Li Yao and Li Jialing were divided into Li Linghai, and they observed that the front was almost completely transformed into a machine, but it was a fragmented and broken planet.

This planet is somewhat like the "Ice Star Plan" that Li Yao has seen in the meteor field. It hollows out the entire planet and installs a giant power matrix to transform it into a huge star-studded battlefield.

The Ice Star program of the Flying Stars originated from a magnificent project in the Age of Stars and Empires. The highly-reformed planet war castle was also left over from the Xinghai Empire era.

Otherwise, with the technical power of the meteorological comprehension at that time, it is impossible to carry out such a complicated and grand transformation of a planet.

Since it is a magnificent project in the era of the Xinghai Empire, it is naturally impossible to transform only a small planet in the starry sea.

The planet, which was used as a nest by Li Linghai, has undergone a similar transformation, and the transformation has been more thorough. More than 8o% of the surface of the planet has been mechanized and militarized, and it can be put into actual combat.

But it was also severely damaged in the **** battle of 10,000 years ago, like a skull with a lot of holes and empty inside.

This planet and the surrounding vast expanse of the planet are not recorded in any of the empire's voyages, and almost no one knows its existence.

In the past 10,000 years, it has been spent alone in the darkness of the dark sea.

But in the last hundred years, especially in the last three or fifty years, there have been countless dissatisfied, ambitious, and rebellious people who have been cherished by the imperial powers and who have not revenged, and have re-excavated the Xinghai Empire Stars, arsenals and relics of the era have recruited extremely dangerous ambitious and desperate people from all sides to jointly build this place into the Longtan Tiger Cave, or the Deep Sea Dragon Palace!

Long Yuan slowly entered the planet war castle known as the "Dragon Palace". Li Yao will look at the limit and see hundreds of starships neatly parked in the stars, the command of the high uplift. Taiwan, like the dorsal fin of a cannibal shark.

There are also a large number of starships and crystal scorpion attack clusters, and they are working in the near-Earth orbit to coordinate the cooperation between the crystal scorpion and the starship. The training is excellent and the tactics are skillful. It is not inferior to the first-class deep-sea fleet of the Federal Republic.

"The deep-sea fleet is not an ordinary rabble. Even in the most difficult times, I have never thought of recruiting those notorious star thieves to enrich their power. Just like the attitude of Li Lingfeng, the soldiers are not expensive, and Recruiting these 'pig teammates' to pull back, I even prefer to fight alone!"

In the face of his own army, the voice of the imperial queen Li Linghai brought a hint of boasting. "The commanders of all levels in the deep sea fleet are from the elite fleet of the emperor. It can be said that the number of empires is The best talents in the world, all gathered together!"

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