Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2188: Innovative people

After receiving the information of the "Blood League Event", the entire reform-inspired base camp "Deep Sea Dragon Palace" is like a foot-up, and suddenly runs high.

In the next three days, Li Linghai has been dealing with intricate intelligence and did not appear in front of Li Yao and Li Jialing.

Li Yao and Li Jialing are not idle, but they are remodeling and testing with Jingtian Jin, and they are trying to improve the hidden and stealth functions of a group of high-order crystal scorpions. It seems that in the so-called "decisive" action, They are very likely to perform secret infiltration tasks.

Three days later, the “Deep Sea Dragon Palace” was the deepest.

Under the leadership of Li Linghai, Li Yao slowly entered a spherical chamber comparable to the size of a palace.

The diameter of the entire chamber is more than 100 meters. Li Yao and Li Linghai rely on floating discs to float in the center of the chamber, like two ants that have been drilled into a large iron ball.

The faint glow of the surrounding black walls shimmers from time to time into colorful whirlpools, such as a kaleidoscope.

Li Linghai told Li Yao that this secret room is a legacy of the Xinghai Empire era, the core of the entire planet war castle, and a very powerful communication room.

Through this communication room, you can communicate with the party feathers all over the Xinghai, but don't worry that the Lingwang will be monitored and infiltrated.

That is, if someone wants to intercept the content of their communication, the only thing that is extracted will be a garbled distortion of the group. Even the coordinates of both sides cannot be locked, and the safety factor is raised to the extreme.

It is precisely because of such a powerful communication room that Li Linghai has gradually built the deep sea dragon palace into his own nest.

When Li Yao and Li Linghai slowly drifted into the communication room, there were already seven or eight officers in the old empire, who were full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, wearing the old emperor’s suit when the real human empire was first established a thousand years ago. Waiting silently.

When I saw the arrival of Li Linghai, I was arrogant and steadfast, and I went to the Imperial Queen to do the most standard unity, and said: "Long live the Empire!"

Li Linghai and Li Yao also raised their right arms and returned to the other party.

This is the first time that Li Yao was in the unity of the real human empire. He also thought that Li Linghai also promised to make him an "imperial elder", and he could not help but be ridiculous and ridiculous.

He did not deliberately conceal his uncomfortableness. Anyway, Li Linghai knew his details and changed too quickly, but he was irritated.


After uniting and reconciliation, many people shot their cold eyes to Li Yao.

These old-fashioned emperors are naturally high-level fleets who are eager to restore the glory of the Empire.

Some of them, Li Yao has seen in the past few days, including the regular assault captain Tu Zhengdao, who is often with him to test the crystal scorpion.

These people are very aware of Li Yao’s accomplishments in refining.

Even the master of the deep sea fleet, Master Jin Tianzong, said that he left the theory aside. In the real hands-on maintenance and adjustment, Li Yao’s technology is above him.

What's more, this "vulture" was heard to be the secret brood of the Queen's Royal Highness. It can serve as the Queen's personal bodyguard and private magic advisor, and it shows the future.

Therefore, after many people swept away, they regained their gaze and nodded to Li Yao.

There are also several officers, Li Yao has not seen them, but they have heard their names many times.

The most important of these is the Supreme Commander of the Deep Sea Fleet, Oriental St.

Oriental St., listening to the name, knows that it is from the Oriental family of the four electorate families, and the newly degraded imperial elder Dongfang Tuo is the same.

However, it seems that the royal family Wu Yingshi will have the same tributary that Wu Yingying does not hurt the dog. It also lasts for thousands of years. The total population of the huge family is more than ten million. Naturally, there are many dust and grass mustards. The ants are usually next to the children.

The fate of these subordinate children is even more tragic than the outsiders.

Because they are the main veins of the family, the arrogant sons of countless resources, people who can be bullied at their fingertips.

And as a member of the Eastern family, it is a matter of course to shed the last drop of blood and smash the bones for family loyalty. If you are not able to do so, you can serve it with a family law that is more cruel than the law.

There are still ways for outsiders to flee. These "family members" are born to be destined to be horses for the family, and they will die afterwards.

In theory, if the collateral veins in these families reveal a strong cultivation talent, they can also be favored by the family, and they will go out to the top of the family.

But this is only "theoretical".

The weaker the weaker, the stronger and stronger, the younger brothers who lack resources at first, and it is easy to make a fuss in the family’s brutal competition. Moreover, if you want to make a comeback, it is necessary to put others in some competitions and tests. Step on it.

If you accidentally step on a big beloved, or the head of a noble child in the main vein, you will inevitably be hated. There are 10,000 ways to kill these ambitious side. Children.

The story of the Eastern St. does not need to be elaborated. Anyway, the subordinates are eager to climb up, but they accidentally kicked the iron plate. As a result, they were framed and even attempted to kill, but they were not willing to sit still and finally fight back, killing the encirclement, and the family. Completely break, not inconsistent... roughly the same.

Li Yaoyi began to hear the name "Oriental Saint", and he was a little embarrassed. He said that Li Linghai was really a suspect. He did not doubt that he would dare to let an officer from the Eastern family to control the entire deep-sea fleet.

However, when he knew that the Eastern Saint was killing hundreds of children of the Eastern family, blasting the spar warehouse of an oriental family, and even killing an elder of an oriental family, he finally escaped, until now, dozens When the year passed, and it was still the highest "rebel" in the Eastern family, Li Yao completely closed his mouth.

Let me talk about it.

The price that Dongfang Sheng currently offers inside the oriental home is twice as high as that of Li Yao after the destruction of "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" by the imperial authorities.

The tyranny of this person, as well as his determination to be incompatible with the family, can be seen.

Li Yao and Dongfang Sheng looked at each other and felt the unfathomable strength of the other side. At the same time, they lowered their eyelids and silently.

“Helping you...”

On the curved walls around, the colorful vortex swelled fiercely and quickly condensed into a vague human figure, projecting into the middle of the crowd, forming a three-dimensional light and shadow nearly two meters high.

However, he was wearing a black cloak, and the cloak was embroidered with dark golden silk threads with various twists and ugliness runes. The whole face was hidden under the hood, and the figure was slightly awkward and the woman was very different.

Li Yao’s heart knows that this woman, who is far from the emperor’s “extreme heavens and celestial stars”, has been exposed through the remote communication of Lingwang. It is the leader of Li Linghai’s assassination, destruction and intelligence agency’s “Tianmu Trial Chamber”, called “ Unparalleled in the month."

There is a saying that when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.

The witches of the Devil's Trial Court, in the thousands of years of killing of the demon outside the field, have also been continually drawing new magical powers from the demon, and even infiltrated and eroded by the demon, and repeatedly treated and purified. In the end, they have eliminated countless At the same time as the demon, he is also filled with a lingering magic.

Among the many special combat troops of the real human empire, the Devil's Court is the most secretive, darkest, coldest and most mysterious.

Many of their supernatural powers are even exerted by the power of the demon, and when the soul is burned to the limit, it is exactly the same as the demon possession.

This is also why many imperial elders want to abolish the Heavenly Trial Court and even kill all the Hunting Witches. They are still people or demons!

The only one who can control these hunting witches or "witches", let them defend the empire in the dark, and continue to send hunting knives to the demon, only their infinite loyalty to the emperor.

Therefore, the princes of the Emperor's Temple, and occasionally in the scornful tone of the sacred court, often call the month another name.

"Moon Devil."

Li Linghai repeatedly warned Li Yao that this "moon magic" month is unparalleled, is an extremely dangerous figure, although "only" high-level cultivation of the gods, but in the seemingly weak body, there are countless origins The terrible magical power of the demon outside the world can easily kill the same level of ecstasy, especially good at hiding and tracking assassination.

In other words, if Li Yaoru and the "Moon Devil" are unmatched, it is very likely that there is nowhere to escape.

In order to achieve the realm of the realm of the gods, it is sure to have its own ideas and propositions. It is easy to become the minions of others. Li Linghai is also committed to expanding the court of the demon and letting the demon court become the "first institution" of the empire. The "Moon Devil" month is unparalleled.

No matter whether the month is unparalleled, the Eastern Saint or even Jin Tianzhong and Li Yao, they are all outstanding figures of the **** series, and can not be regarded as a subordinate of Li Linghai.

Everyone is a like-minded friend. It is for the same idea to come together and form a small group of “innovationists”.

Therefore, even Li Linghai had to express a considerable degree of respect to them.

“Helping you...”

"Month of the Moon" is unparalleled in the opposite month. In the colorful vortex, a second three-dimensional light curtain is projected, which is condensed into a tall, thin, man with a smile on his face, giving Li Yao the feeling and the deep sea fleet. The deputy commander Di Feiwen is very like.

Sure enough, looking at the badge of the nine crystal coins worn on the chest of the person, Li Yao guessed his identity as the chairman of the Supreme Council of the Wanshang Commercial Union, Jin Yuyan.

It can also be said that it is the general representative of the interests of countless small and medium-sized commercial groups and dealer fleets in the outer world of the empire.

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