Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2189: Set it to death and then live!

The original Wanshang Business Alliance is only a small and medium-sized merchant and transport fleet in the vast expanse of the outer world of the real human empire. It is a purely commercial organization that exchanges news and warms up.

But business and politics have never been separated.

Only by mastering political power or even the most fundamental force can we plunder and defend commercial interests to the greatest extent possible.

Money naturally possesses the highest magic and supreme power. The Wanmeng Business League, which was just born, instantly realized this truth. At any cost, it extended the weak tentacles to the power vortex of the outer world of the empire and cultivated "Die Feiwen." "This excellent representative.

However, at that time, the Wanshang Business Alliance was still very weak and immature, and it was completely incompatible with the monopoly business groups under the four electorate families, the oligarchs and the chaebols.

It is different today.

The encounter between the imperial queen Li Linghai and the Wanjie Business Alliance is simply a **, a hit.

The two sides supported each other in just a few decades, and they rose rapidly and expanded silently.

In particular, the "empire counterattack" in the last decade has given the best opportunity for the explosive development of the Wanshang Business Alliance.

"The cannon is ringing, the gold is two thousand", which means that the daily consumption in the war is astronomical, and that the benefits of the war money are not measurable.

Today's empire is a situation in which the princes rise and the place is chaotic. The so-called "emperor **" is composed of a fleet of hundreds of thousands of worlds, and their independence is very strong.

The only expeditionary base camp that can effectively check and balance the various warlords and miscellaneous military forces is the logistics supply.

Grain ammunition and heavenly treasures are the throats. As long as they hold their throats, they will have to obey the command of the expeditionary army base camp, and they will not act rashly.

Of course, the warlords and miscellaneous soldiers of various roads are certainly not willing to sit still and wait for the knives in the hands of the four electorate families to go to the hardest sacred bones.

In order to achieve greater independence, it is necessary to open up a new source of logistics supply outside the expeditionary base camp.

At least 95% of the time, warlords are willing to obey the orders of the expeditionary base camp.

But in a very small number of times, when these warlords want to do what they want, "for the glory of the empire", regardless of the orders of the expeditionary base camp, when they start a "active attack," they must be able to make up enough ordnance, ammunition and supplies.

Of course, the warlords "actively attack", not to come to the white to do good deeds, but to "recover" a planet, after knocking on the bones, searched out, completely looted clean.

Then, the vast amount of resources squeezed out, naturally, did not pass the expeditionary army base camp back to their own nest, that is not the sheep into the tiger's mouth, since the investment network?

This requires a large-scale transport fleet. The people in the fleet must be daring and desperate, and they must be **** with the local warlords and miscellaneous forces to form the same interests as a whole, so as to bypass the expeditionary base camp and help them. The secret transportation of war preparations came up behind, and then they were allowed to smuggle the spoils back to their hometown.

In addition to the Wanshang Business Alliance, who else can play such a role?

Therefore, in the empire counterattacks of more than a decade, the warlords, the local snakes, and the miscellaneous soldiers of the Wanshang Commercial League and the outer worlds of the empire were arrogant, arrogant, and fierce.

To put it simply, the Wanshang Business Alliance gathers the money and resources of the emerging commercial class in the outer world of the Empire in the form of secret war bonds, etc., secretly supporting the small and medium warlords to conduct adventures and looting on the front line, and looting. The benefits, then everyone else.

After more than a decade, the degree of enthusiasm between the two sides can be imagined.

The Wanshang Business Alliance, which is deeply trusted by local warlords and miscellaneous soldiers, even opened up such a business. They can help the frontline warlord units to steal the most powerful, most powerful and most armored main battleships to their homes to hide. When he got up, he reported to the expeditionary base camp that "the star ship of the certain name was seriously damaged in the fierce battle, and it has completely disintegrated and annihilated in a fierce explosion."

In this way, local warlords can preserve their strength and ask for more benefits from the Expeditionary Forces.

Wanjie Shangmeng has helped the local warlords and miscellaneous army to do so many unspeakable activities, and naturally has a large amount of confidentiality, which has become an effective source of intelligence for Li Linghai.

Also, in many cases, the warlord forces from the distant world are not effectively replenished, and they do not want to see the face of the expeditionary base camp. They often exchange with other warlord forces. Everyone trades the loot that they just got.

This business is also the overall arrangement of the Wanshang Business Alliance.

At the beginning, it was only a temporary emergency. However, with the increasing number of worlds and resource planets of the Imperial Expeditionary Forces, the spoils that fell into the pockets of warlords and miscellaneous soldiers became more and more abundant. The scale of this transaction is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, there is even a taste of “fighting and self-sufficiency”.

The so-called military control is nothing more than the personnel and financial power.

Under the infiltration and operation of the Wanjie Commercial League for more than ten years, it was faintly helping the local warlord forces to get rid of the containment of the expeditionary army base on the financial power and gain greater independence.

Moreover, in frequent trades, the warlords who were originally scattered around the Xinghai and are not familiar with each other know the existence of each other, establish a strong bond of interest, and more vaguely realize that... after uniting with each other, Don't be underestimated!

Therefore, Jin Yuyan, the chairman of the Wanjie Business Alliance, is definitely a major player in the "innovationist" camp.

If Li Linghai's ambition to "respect the emperor rebellious, Shenwu innovation" can be realized, Jin Yuyan is even more likely to be the "Chief Minister of the Real Human Empire."

And the black mist of the whole body, the head of the spy who did not say a word, the "moon magic" month is different, the future imperial finance minister Jin Yuyan, but smiled and bowed to everyone.

Even in the face of the first meeting, Li Yao, who looks very young, does not have a bit of unnaturalness. It seems that he and Li Yao are the same colleagues who have been in the same hall for many years. It is just right to raise their hands and give them a good chance. A sense of relaxation.

Jin Yuyan has just finished paying tribute to the people, and there have been a few vague and faint figures in the surrounding areas. They are all core members of the reformists who are crouching in the imperial, political, economic, and various fields.

Li Yao’s heart secretly said that it seems that the “Blood League event” really had a great influence on the reformists, and Li Linghai and others were forced to a dead end, so that the reformists would have to jump over the wall. If not, so many reformists would It’s impossible to show up and get together.

"Well, all of your friends will be together and you can start."

Li Linghai drove the floating disc to the virtual and real people. He couldn't see a slight panic and anxious color on his face. His eyes glanced around in a circle, but it seemed to reignite the belief of everyone.

She did not use the "Imperial Queen" to live on her own, but it was called "Dao Friends" to call these reformists, apparently treating everyone as like-minded comrades.

"I have sent the detailed information of the 'Blood League Incident' to the virtual light curtain in front of you. For us, this incident is indeed unpredictable, and the consequences are quite serious, pushing our cause to the abyss. the edge of."

Li Linghai seems to hate the name of "The Palace". It has always been straightforward. She does not cover the impact of the "Blood League event", but it is a turn of the word. "However, the strength of our reformists is far beyond the enemy. The imagination is never going to be abandoned halfway, sitting still!

"There are countless benevolent people who hold the heart of the "innovation empire" and continue to join our camp. Every day, our strength is bigger than yesterday.

"Before you officially start the discussion, let me introduce you to Li Yaodao.

"Li Daoyou has been fighting with me for decades, and has been carrying out the most secretive and arduous tasks. He not only possesses the cultivation of the realm of the realm of the gods, but also has a very rare battle and the creation of dual talents. He is outstanding. Master of refining.

"In the past, he has been secretly escorting our cause, and even paid a great sacrifice for it, so that as a god, it is unknown in the entire empire.

"But today, our business is at the most critical juncture. I have to let Li Daoyou surface, and temporarily serve as my personal guard and magic advisor. I will work together to overcome difficulties and let our enemies, Pay the most painful price!"

Li Yao no expression, slowly flew to the side of Li Linghai, nodded slightly toward the crowd.


Many of the last-generation reformists still heard the name Li Yao for the first time.

However, it is still very clear that a person who is proficient in combat and refining has much value.

Seeing that Li Yao and Li Linghai stand so close, the heart is even more brilliant, knowing that this is the Queen's confidant.

Casually, I took out a singularity from my pocket. The strength of the Queen is really unfathomable. Who knows if she has more unknown unknowns and ambush in the most deadly key of the empire?

Many of the reformist scorpions were originally made by the "Blood League event", some people are heart-wrenching, and the six gods have no ownership. This time they have calmed down.

Li Linghai wants this effect, and smiles slightly: "Despite the reassurance of the princes, such as Li Daoyou, who loves the empire infinitely, and loyal to the emperor, there are many purest cultivators. If the time is ripe, they will all rise up!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and forced himself not to laugh. He found that the imperial queen, Li Linghai, sometimes had a bit of a weird sense of humor.

"So, let's start the discussion."

Li Linghai took a smile and closed his eyes. He suddenly spurted a strong murderous murder from the almost transparent pupil. "How can we put a dead end in a precarious situation and kill a **** road?"

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