Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2217: a machine that has been wound up

Li Yao found himself in the prison uniform is definitely a mistake.

In the face of the tsunami and madness of the prisoners, he is wearing a prisoner's uniform. It is like a beacon in the squally showers and stormy waves. It is more eye-catching to be more eye-catching.

Even if these heavy criminals have been in the prison of God for several decades, the combat power is not as good as before, and they can't stand many people, and Li Yao will be inundated in an instant.

Even if Li Yao can blast a few prisoners in a circle, and then sweep out a space of more than ten meters, it will not stop the heavy criminals from going to the rushing and smouldering environment. The latter heavy criminals are very likely to not at all. Knowing what happened in front of you, just sulking your head and rushing forward.

Continuously repelling a few waves of heavy criminals, Li Yao has become a target of public criticism. All the prisoners in all directions are coming to him. Hundreds of muscular and arrogant brawny men are crushing him and stacking them into ten. A few meters high human minaret.

"It’s the most failed infiltration in this life!"

Li Yao’s heart screams, he can only change his tactics, and he is not in a hurry to use the psionic power to smash the big man, but to squirm under the crowds.

When he finally climbed out of the meat mountain, the prisoner's uniform on his body had disappeared. Instead, he was replaced by a set of orange-colored prison uniforms stained with bloodstains. His body shape became the same as that of the prisoners around him, and his muscles were arrogant and muscular. The blue veins are covered with whole body, and one face is red eyes, lips valgus, fangs and mouths.

"Freedom! Freedom!"

Li Yaoqian moved the casserole's big fist, confusing, ghosts crying and screaming, "killing, killing, killing, killing, brothers killing a happy!"

Numerous murderers rushed past him like a tidal wave, colliding with the jailer in front.

It seems that the jailer activated the self-detonation of the crystal scorpion in desperation, and involved himself and the surrounding prisoners in the fireball of destruction. The swells throw countless people and broken limbs into the air. Under the torrential rain, everyone in the ground was splashed with a skull and turned into a blood man!

Li Yao in the depths of his brain outlines the structure of the gods and prisons and the shortest path he wants to break through. While under the cover of the heavy criminals, he rushes toward the ventilation duct leading to the third prison, but has not waited for him to climb. At the nearest entrance to the ventilation duct, the gates connecting several warehouses all emit explosion sounds and "beep" fault sounds.


Together with the gates of all the warehouses, they all turned on!

Now, all the warehouses in which the entire gods and prisons are independent of each other are connected together.

The degree of chaos, multiply ten times in an instant!

At the same time, the domes of the people's heads, the three circular gates also slowly opened, flying out of countless round battles, "dropping" and flew to the top of everyone's head.

"咔咔咔咔", from the rounded metal figure, split four pairs of stable wings and six-rotating Vulcan guns, after locking the prisoners, immediately madly sprayed fierce firepower!

The super prison, which has not been broken and escaped for hundreds of years, has finally gradually waking up from the unpredictable blow and began to exert its due strength.

Looking at the row of prisoners who were shot in the row, there were hundreds of fighters who locked themselves at the same time, and immediately shot a barrage composed of thousands of bursting warheads. Li Yao suddenly missed the jailer who had just fallen. uniform!

"How good are you coming early!"

Li Yao clenched his teeth and hugged his head. He pushed the agile figure to the limit in the rain of bullets. It was a beam of light, long and flexible, which caused hundreds of attacks to fall through, even with lightness. Lightly interfere with the warheads that are still whistling in the air, so that they do not explode, but can change direction slightly, collide with other warheads, deviate from the ballistics or directly explode.

Even so, he couldn't easily breathe for the first half of the minute.

The battle system of the gods and prisons, the automation system, seems to have a special set of algorithms. If a target is not attacked for a long time, it will increase the threat and importance of the target, and automatically mobilize more battles to deal with.

That is to say, if two battles can't cope with Li Yao, then four, then eight, sixteen, thirty-two, and sixty-four... so multiply, even if Li Yao has some The burnt head is exhausted and tired.

Finally, before thousands of battles and tactics aimed at the Vulcan guns, Li Yao fled some of the first squatting area, and broke into a ventilated pipe that was legendary and spacious enough to be able to walk.

God knows how much he misses the tradition, thin and long, twists and turns, and is filled with ventilation ducts of various sophisticated defense systems!

Fortunately, because of the chaos inside the gods and prisons, and the ventilation ducts are the focus of the enemy's invasion, the sacred people poured a lot of poisonous fog and smoke through these well-connected channels, so at this moment, there is no one in the ventilation duct. The jailer stationed here is not inhaling excessive poisonous fog and corrosive gas, and his face is very ugly to fall to the ground, that is, to escape from the wilderness or to reinforce the riots of various riots.

But this does not mean that Li Yao’s ventilation route will be easy and enjoyable.

There is a seemingly absent, faintly phosphorous gas in front of the eyes, and there is a sweet smell in the nose. It is like there are countless pairs of small claws that have to go all the way through his nose. At the office.

Deep in the brain, alarm bells, deadly poisonous fog and corrosive gases may even damage the central nervous system of a powerful god!

"The biochemical technology of the sacred alliance is so advanced to this extent!"

Li Yao was shocked.

"Crap, don't forget, the source of the sacred alliance is the Pangu civilization, and the Pangu civilization and the Nuwa civilization are in the same rank. The Nuwa civilization can create the ‘devil'. How can biochemical technology not be advanced?”

The blood-colored sorcerer flies quickly. "Think about the Pangu Lab in the depths of the ancient sacred world." There is not a strange underground crab that can inject some kind of mysterious liquid into the human body. Is it not a terrible biochemical technology?

Li Yao is silent, think about it too.

Compared with the most prosperous world that occupies the central part of the Xinghai Sea, the army is rich in resources, rich in resources, and the human race with a large population, the Covenant Alliance is a magnificent and magnificent millennium with a star-studded land. .

The reason why the fierce battle of the millennium can still prevail is that on the one hand, it is naturally relying on fanatics and determined people, on the other hand, it is the magic weapon, inheritance and technology that are excavated from various ruins.

Therefore, in terms of technology alone, in the three sacred, empire and federal, it is still the highest in the sacred league.

On the large-scale Xinghai battlefield, the technological gap of one or two hundred years may be negligible.

However, this small-scale raid battle, the one with high-tech technology, will undoubtedly take advantage of it.


When Li Yao held his breath, locked his pores, and even covered a weak layer of psionic energy on the retina as a protective layer, he continued to crawl forward in the toxic mist and corrosive gas, and heard the darkness in front of him. A burst of noise, a large group of "metal poison bees" appeared.

These small beasts apparently replaced the guards of the gods and prisoners and became the new owners of the ventilation ducts.


Perceived by the faint heat emitted by Li Yao, the "metal bee bees" popped up with a cold spike, and shot in a spiral gesture toward Li Yaozhen!

Li Yao snorted and thought that the flood of the **** would flood forward, trying to destroy the internal structure of all the "metal bee".

I didn't expect that the materials for refining these metal poison bees were awkward. It was a special alloy that Li Yao had never seen before. It had a strong spiritual reflex. Li Yao’s **** slammed into the outer shell of the metal poison bee. Up, 90% of them are reflected back.

"Booming and banging!"

Li Yao had no time to switch to the second mode of interference. The metal poison bees exploded around him. Although they could not hurt him, they blew a huge hole in the ventilation duct.

The slaughter and explosion below, immediately slammed into his eardrum.

Here is the third prison for the detention of the sacred prisoners of war.

All the sacred prisoners of war wearing the dark red prison uniforms were released and were desperately fleeing.

This is the first time that Li Yao has seen such a large-scale sacred warrior and has not injected emotional simulation systems, the most authentic sacred people.

His first feeling was that he saw thousands of zombies and couldn't tell the creeps.

Although so many sacred prisoners of war are as violent as the beasts in all directions, everyone is indifferent, calm, and does not see the hatred of the jailer, the desire for freedom, or the suppression for too long. And even the mutated emotions are not even a little!

Such a large-scale riot, Li Yao did not hear a ghost crying, even the sacred people who were seriously injured, just squatting to the side of the wound and waiting for death, occasionally some people face a trace of painful expression However, it is also very hard to suppress, as if it is a "painful expression", something more terrible than "the pain itself."

Li Yao just thought that the first and most serious criminals in the first prison were already the devils and ghosts in Shura's hell.

However, these sacred people like the flesh-and-blood machinery really let Li Yao understand, what is "one hundred times more evil than the real human empire"!

From their empty eyes, numb lips, cold faces, and the strong grave atmosphere, they can see that they are not fighting for their own survival and freedom. They are being held in the depths of God’s prison for one hundred years. For a thousand years, it doesn't matter to them. They are just executing an order. They are tools that have been wound up and reactivated!

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